// source --> https://www.teknobend.com/wp-content/plugins/download-manager/assets/js/front.js?ver=5.3.6 var allps; var WPDM = { beep: function() { if(WPDM.audio == undefined) var snd = new Audio("data:audio/wav;base64,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"); else var snd = new Audio(WPDM.audio); snd.play(); }, popupWindow: function(url, title, w, h) { /* Fixes dual-screen position Most browsers Firefox */ var dualScreenLeft = window.screenLeft != undefined ? window.screenLeft : screen.left; var dualScreenTop = window.screenTop != undefined ? window.screenTop : screen.top; var width = window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : screen.width; var height = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : screen.height; var left = ((width / 2) - (w / 2)) + dualScreenLeft; var top = ((height / 2) - (h / 2)) + dualScreenTop; var newWindow = window.open(url, title, 'scrollbars=yes, width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', top=' + top + ', left=' + left); /* Puts focus on the newWindow */ if (window.focus) { newWindow.focus(); } return false; }, bootAlert: function(heading, content, width) { var html; if(!width) width = 400; jQuery("#w3eden__bootModal").remove(); html = '
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'; jQuery('body').append(html); jQuery("#__bootModal").modal('show'); } function wpdm_boot_popup(heading, content, buttons) { var html, $ = jQuery; $("#w3eden__boot_popup").remove(); var _buttons = '\n'; html = '
'; $('body').append(html); $("#__boot_popup").modal('show'); $.each(buttons, function (i, button) { var id = 'btx_'+i; $('#'+id).unbind('click'); $( '#'+id).bind('click' , function () { button.callback.call($("#__boot_popup")); return false; }); }); return $("#__boot_popup"); }; // source --> https://www.teknobend.com/wp-content/plugins/download-manager/assets/js/chosen.jquery.min.js?ver=5.3.6 /*! Chosen, a Select Box Enhancer for jQuery and Prototype by Patrick Filler for Harvest, http://getharvest.com Version 1.4.2 Full source at https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Harvest http://getharvest.com MIT License, https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/blob/master/LICENSE.md This file is generated by `grunt build`, do not edit it by hand. */ (function() { var $, AbstractChosen, Chosen, SelectParser, _ref, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }; SelectParser = (function() { function SelectParser() { this.options_index = 0; this.parsed = []; } SelectParser.prototype.add_node = function(child) { if (child.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "OPTGROUP") { return this.add_group(child); } else { return this.add_option(child); } }; SelectParser.prototype.add_group = function(group) { var group_position, option, _i, _len, _ref, _results; group_position = this.parsed.length; this.parsed.push({ array_index: group_position, group: true, label: this.escapeExpression(group.label), title: group.title ? group.title : void 0, children: 0, disabled: group.disabled, classes: group.className }); _ref = group.childNodes; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { option = _ref[_i]; _results.push(this.add_option(option, group_position, group.disabled)); } return _results; }; SelectParser.prototype.add_option = function(option, group_position, group_disabled) { if (option.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "OPTION") { if (option.text !== "") { if (group_position != null) { this.parsed[group_position].children += 1; } this.parsed.push({ array_index: this.parsed.length, options_index: this.options_index, value: option.value, text: option.text, html: option.innerHTML, title: option.title ? option.title : void 0, selected: option.selected, disabled: group_disabled === true ? group_disabled : option.disabled, group_array_index: group_position, group_label: group_position != null ? this.parsed[group_position].label : null, classes: option.className, style: option.style.cssText }); } else { this.parsed.push({ array_index: this.parsed.length, options_index: this.options_index, empty: true }); } return this.options_index += 1; } }; SelectParser.prototype.escapeExpression = function(text) { var map, unsafe_chars; if ((text == null) || text === false) { return ""; } if (!/[\&\<\>\"\'\`]/.test(text)) { return text; } map = { "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': """, "'": "'", "`": "`" }; unsafe_chars = /&(?!\w+;)|[\<\>\"\'\`]/g; return text.replace(unsafe_chars, function(chr) { return map[chr] || "&"; }); }; return SelectParser; })(); SelectParser.select_to_array = function(select) { var child, parser, _i, _len, _ref; parser = new SelectParser(); _ref = select.childNodes; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { child = _ref[_i]; parser.add_node(child); } return parser.parsed; }; AbstractChosen = (function() { function AbstractChosen(form_field, options) { this.form_field = form_field; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; if (!AbstractChosen.browser_is_supported()) { return; } this.is_multiple = this.form_field.multiple; this.set_default_text(); this.set_default_values(); this.setup(); this.set_up_html(); this.register_observers(); this.on_ready(); } AbstractChosen.prototype.set_default_values = function() { var _this = this; this.click_test_action = function(evt) { return _this.test_active_click(evt); }; this.activate_action = function(evt) { return _this.activate_field(evt); }; this.active_field = false; this.mouse_on_container = false; this.results_showing = false; this.result_highlighted = null; this.allow_single_deselect = (this.options.allow_single_deselect != null) && (this.form_field.options[0] != null) && this.form_field.options[0].text === "" ? this.options.allow_single_deselect : false; this.disable_search_threshold = this.options.disable_search_threshold || 0; this.disable_search = this.options.disable_search || false; this.enable_split_word_search = this.options.enable_split_word_search != null ? this.options.enable_split_word_search : true; this.group_search = this.options.group_search != null ? this.options.group_search : true; this.search_contains = this.options.search_contains || false; this.single_backstroke_delete = this.options.single_backstroke_delete != null ? this.options.single_backstroke_delete : true; this.max_selected_options = this.options.max_selected_options || Infinity; this.inherit_select_classes = this.options.inherit_select_classes || false; this.display_selected_options = this.options.display_selected_options != null ? this.options.display_selected_options : true; this.display_disabled_options = this.options.display_disabled_options != null ? this.options.display_disabled_options : true; return this.include_group_label_in_selected = this.options.include_group_label_in_selected || false; }; AbstractChosen.prototype.set_default_text = function() { if (this.form_field.getAttribute("data-placeholder")) { this.default_text = this.form_field.getAttribute("data-placeholder"); } else if (this.is_multiple) { this.default_text = this.options.placeholder_text_multiple || this.options.placeholder_text || AbstractChosen.default_multiple_text; } else { this.default_text = this.options.placeholder_text_single || this.options.placeholder_text || AbstractChosen.default_single_text; } return this.results_none_found = this.form_field.getAttribute("data-no_results_text") || this.options.no_results_text || AbstractChosen.default_no_result_text; }; AbstractChosen.prototype.choice_label = function(item) { if (this.include_group_label_in_selected && (item.group_label != null)) { return "" + item.group_label + "" + item.html; } else { return item.html; } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.mouse_enter = function() { return this.mouse_on_container = true; }; AbstractChosen.prototype.mouse_leave = function() { return this.mouse_on_container = false; }; AbstractChosen.prototype.input_focus = function(evt) { var _this = this; if (this.is_multiple) { if (!this.active_field) { return setTimeout((function() { return _this.container_mousedown(); }), 50); } } else { if (!this.active_field) { return this.activate_field(); } } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.input_blur = function(evt) { var _this = this; if (!this.mouse_on_container) { this.active_field = false; return setTimeout((function() { return _this.blur_test(); }), 100); } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.results_option_build = function(options) { var content, data, _i, _len, _ref; content = ''; _ref = this.results_data; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { data = _ref[_i]; if (data.group) { content += this.result_add_group(data); } else { content += this.result_add_option(data); } if (options != null ? options.first : void 0) { if (data.selected && this.is_multiple) { this.choice_build(data); } else if (data.selected && !this.is_multiple) { this.single_set_selected_text(this.choice_label(data)); } } } return content; }; AbstractChosen.prototype.result_add_option = function(option) { var classes, option_el; if (!option.search_match) { return ''; } if (!this.include_option_in_results(option)) { return ''; } classes = []; if (!option.disabled && !(option.selected && this.is_multiple)) { classes.push("active-result"); } if (option.disabled && !(option.selected && this.is_multiple)) { classes.push("disabled-result"); } if (option.selected) { classes.push("result-selected"); } if (option.group_array_index != null) { classes.push("group-option"); } if (option.classes !== "") { classes.push(option.classes); } option_el = document.createElement("li"); option_el.className = classes.join(" "); option_el.style.cssText = option.style; option_el.setAttribute("data-option-array-index", option.array_index); option_el.innerHTML = option.search_text; if (option.title) { option_el.title = option.title; } return this.outerHTML(option_el); }; AbstractChosen.prototype.result_add_group = function(group) { var classes, group_el; if (!(group.search_match || group.group_match)) { return ''; } if (!(group.active_options > 0)) { return ''; } classes = []; classes.push("group-result"); if (group.classes) { classes.push(group.classes); } group_el = document.createElement("li"); group_el.className = classes.join(" "); group_el.innerHTML = group.search_text; if (group.title) { group_el.title = group.title; } return this.outerHTML(group_el); }; AbstractChosen.prototype.results_update_field = function() { this.set_default_text(); if (!this.is_multiple) { this.results_reset_cleanup(); } this.result_clear_highlight(); this.results_build(); if (this.results_showing) { return this.winnow_results(); } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.reset_single_select_options = function() { var result, _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = this.results_data; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { result = _ref[_i]; if (result.selected) { _results.push(result.selected = false); } else { _results.push(void 0); } } return _results; }; AbstractChosen.prototype.results_toggle = function() { if (this.results_showing) { return this.results_hide(); } else { return this.results_show(); } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.results_search = function(evt) { if (this.results_showing) { return this.winnow_results(); } else { return this.results_show(); } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.winnow_results = function() { var escapedSearchText, option, regex, results, results_group, searchText, startpos, text, zregex, _i, _len, _ref; this.no_results_clear(); results = 0; searchText = this.get_search_text(); escapedSearchText = searchText.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"); zregex = new RegExp(escapedSearchText, 'i'); regex = this.get_search_regex(escapedSearchText); _ref = this.results_data; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { option = _ref[_i]; option.search_match = false; results_group = null; if (this.include_option_in_results(option)) { if (option.group) { option.group_match = false; option.active_options = 0; } if ((option.group_array_index != null) && this.results_data[option.group_array_index]) { results_group = this.results_data[option.group_array_index]; if (results_group.active_options === 0 && results_group.search_match) { results += 1; } results_group.active_options += 1; } option.search_text = option.group ? option.label : option.html; if (!(option.group && !this.group_search)) { option.search_match = this.search_string_match(option.search_text, regex); if (option.search_match && !option.group) { results += 1; } if (option.search_match) { if (searchText.length) { startpos = option.search_text.search(zregex); text = option.search_text.substr(0, startpos + searchText.length) + '' + option.search_text.substr(startpos + searchText.length); option.search_text = text.substr(0, startpos) + '' + text.substr(startpos); } if (results_group != null) { results_group.group_match = true; } } else if ((option.group_array_index != null) && this.results_data[option.group_array_index].search_match) { option.search_match = true; } } } } this.result_clear_highlight(); if (results < 1 && searchText.length) { this.update_results_content(""); return this.no_results(searchText); } else { this.update_results_content(this.results_option_build()); return this.winnow_results_set_highlight(); } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.get_search_regex = function(escaped_search_string) { var regex_anchor; regex_anchor = this.search_contains ? "" : "^"; return new RegExp(regex_anchor + escaped_search_string, 'i'); }; AbstractChosen.prototype.search_string_match = function(search_string, regex) { var part, parts, _i, _len; if (regex.test(search_string)) { return true; } else if (this.enable_split_word_search && (search_string.indexOf(" ") >= 0 || search_string.indexOf("[") === 0)) { parts = search_string.replace(/\[|\]/g, "").split(" "); if (parts.length) { for (_i = 0, _len = parts.length; _i < _len; _i++) { part = parts[_i]; if (regex.test(part)) { return true; } } } } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.choices_count = function() { var option, _i, _len, _ref; if (this.selected_option_count != null) { return this.selected_option_count; } this.selected_option_count = 0; _ref = this.form_field.options; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { option = _ref[_i]; if (option.selected) { this.selected_option_count += 1; } } return this.selected_option_count; }; AbstractChosen.prototype.choices_click = function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if (!(this.results_showing || this.is_disabled)) { return this.results_show(); } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.keyup_checker = function(evt) { var stroke, _ref; stroke = (_ref = evt.which) != null ? _ref : evt.keyCode; this.search_field_scale(); switch (stroke) { case 8: if (this.is_multiple && this.backstroke_length < 1 && this.choices_count() > 0) { return this.keydown_backstroke(); } else if (!this.pending_backstroke) { this.result_clear_highlight(); return this.results_search(); } break; case 13: evt.preventDefault(); if (this.results_showing) { return this.result_select(evt); } break; case 27: if (this.results_showing) { this.results_hide(); } return true; case 9: case 38: case 40: case 16: case 91: case 17: break; default: return this.results_search(); } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.clipboard_event_checker = function(evt) { var _this = this; return setTimeout((function() { return _this.results_search(); }), 50); }; AbstractChosen.prototype.container_width = function() { if (this.options.width != null) { return this.options.width; } else { return "" + this.form_field.offsetWidth + "px"; } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.include_option_in_results = function(option) { if (this.is_multiple && (!this.display_selected_options && option.selected)) { return false; } if (!this.display_disabled_options && option.disabled) { return false; } if (option.empty) { return false; } return true; }; AbstractChosen.prototype.search_results_touchstart = function(evt) { this.touch_started = true; return this.search_results_mouseover(evt); }; AbstractChosen.prototype.search_results_touchmove = function(evt) { this.touch_started = false; return this.search_results_mouseout(evt); }; AbstractChosen.prototype.search_results_touchend = function(evt) { if (this.touch_started) { return this.search_results_mouseup(evt); } }; AbstractChosen.prototype.outerHTML = function(element) { var tmp; if (element.outerHTML) { return element.outerHTML; } tmp = document.createElement("div"); tmp.appendChild(element); return tmp.innerHTML; }; AbstractChosen.browser_is_supported = function() { if (window.navigator.appName === "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { return document.documentMode >= 8; } if (/iP(od|hone)/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) { return false; } if (/Android/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) { if (/Mobile/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) { return false; } } return true; }; AbstractChosen.default_multiple_text = "Select Some Options"; AbstractChosen.default_single_text = "Select an Option"; AbstractChosen.default_no_result_text = "No results match"; return AbstractChosen; })(); $ = jQuery; $.fn.extend({ chosen: function(options) { if (!AbstractChosen.browser_is_supported()) { return this; } return this.each(function(input_field) { var $this, chosen; $this = $(this); chosen = $this.data('chosen'); if (options === 'destroy' && chosen instanceof Chosen) { chosen.destroy(); } else if (!(chosen instanceof Chosen)) { $this.data('chosen', new Chosen(this, options)); } }); } }); Chosen = (function(_super) { __extends(Chosen, _super); function Chosen() { _ref = Chosen.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); return _ref; } Chosen.prototype.setup = function() { this.form_field_jq = $(this.form_field); this.current_selectedIndex = this.form_field.selectedIndex; return this.is_rtl = this.form_field_jq.hasClass("chosen-rtl"); }; Chosen.prototype.set_up_html = function() { var container_classes, container_props; container_classes = ["chosen-container"]; container_classes.push("chosen-container-" + (this.is_multiple ? "multi" : "single")); if (this.inherit_select_classes && this.form_field.className) { container_classes.push(this.form_field.className); } if (this.is_rtl) { container_classes.push("chosen-rtl"); } container_props = { 'class': container_classes.join(' '), 'style': "width: " + (this.container_width()) + ";", 'title': this.form_field.title }; if (this.form_field.id.length) { container_props.id = this.form_field.id.replace(/[^\w]/g, '_') + "_chosen"; } this.container = $("
", container_props); if (this.is_multiple) { this.container.html('
    '); } else { this.container.html('' + this.default_text + '
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return evt.preventDefault(); }); this.container.bind('touchend.chosen', function(evt) { _this.container_mouseup(evt); return evt.preventDefault(); }); this.container.bind('mousedown.chosen', function(evt) { _this.container_mousedown(evt); }); this.container.bind('mouseup.chosen', function(evt) { _this.container_mouseup(evt); }); this.container.bind('mouseenter.chosen', function(evt) { _this.mouse_enter(evt); }); this.container.bind('mouseleave.chosen', function(evt) { _this.mouse_leave(evt); }); this.search_results.bind('mouseup.chosen', function(evt) { _this.search_results_mouseup(evt); }); this.search_results.bind('mouseover.chosen', function(evt) { _this.search_results_mouseover(evt); }); this.search_results.bind('mouseout.chosen', function(evt) { _this.search_results_mouseout(evt); }); this.search_results.bind('mousewheel.chosen DOMMouseScroll.chosen', function(evt) { _this.search_results_mousewheel(evt); }); this.search_results.bind('touchstart.chosen', function(evt) { _this.search_results_touchstart(evt); 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}); this.search_field.bind('paste.chosen', function(evt) { _this.clipboard_event_checker(evt); }); if (this.is_multiple) { return this.search_choices.bind('click.chosen', function(evt) { _this.choices_click(evt); }); } else { return this.container.bind('click.chosen', function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); }); } }; Chosen.prototype.destroy = function() { $(this.container[0].ownerDocument).unbind("click.chosen", this.click_test_action); if (this.search_field[0].tabIndex) { this.form_field_jq[0].tabIndex = this.search_field[0].tabIndex; } this.container.remove(); this.form_field_jq.removeData('chosen'); return this.form_field_jq.show(); }; Chosen.prototype.search_field_disabled = function() { this.is_disabled = this.form_field_jq[0].disabled; if (this.is_disabled) { this.container.addClass('chosen-disabled'); this.search_field[0].disabled = true; if (!this.is_multiple) { this.selected_item.unbind("focus.chosen", this.activate_action); } return this.close_field(); } else { this.container.removeClass('chosen-disabled'); this.search_field[0].disabled = false; if (!this.is_multiple) { return this.selected_item.bind("focus.chosen", this.activate_action); } } }; Chosen.prototype.container_mousedown = function(evt) { if (!this.is_disabled) { if (evt && evt.type === "mousedown" && !this.results_showing) { evt.preventDefault(); } if (!((evt != null) && ($(evt.target)).hasClass("search-choice-close"))) { if (!this.active_field) { if (this.is_multiple) { this.search_field.val(""); } $(this.container[0].ownerDocument).bind('click.chosen', this.click_test_action); this.results_show(); } else if (!this.is_multiple && evt && (($(evt.target)[0] === this.selected_item[0]) || $(evt.target).parents("a.chosen-single").length)) { evt.preventDefault(); this.results_toggle(); } return this.activate_field(); } } }; Chosen.prototype.container_mouseup = function(evt) { if (evt.target.nodeName === "ABBR" && !this.is_disabled) { return this.results_reset(evt); } }; Chosen.prototype.search_results_mousewheel = function(evt) { var delta; if (evt.originalEvent) { delta = evt.originalEvent.deltaY || -evt.originalEvent.wheelDelta || evt.originalEvent.detail; } if (delta != null) { evt.preventDefault(); if (evt.type === 'DOMMouseScroll') { delta = delta * 40; } return this.search_results.scrollTop(delta + this.search_results.scrollTop()); } }; Chosen.prototype.blur_test = function(evt) { if (!this.active_field && this.container.hasClass("chosen-container-active")) { return this.close_field(); } }; Chosen.prototype.close_field = function() { $(this.container[0].ownerDocument).unbind("click.chosen", this.click_test_action); this.active_field = false; this.results_hide(); this.container.removeClass("chosen-container-active"); this.clear_backstroke(); this.show_search_field_default(); return this.search_field_scale(); }; Chosen.prototype.activate_field = function() { this.container.addClass("chosen-container-active"); this.active_field = true; this.search_field.val(this.search_field.val()); return this.search_field.focus(); }; Chosen.prototype.test_active_click = function(evt) { var active_container; active_container = $(evt.target).closest('.chosen-container'); if (active_container.length && this.container[0] === active_container[0]) { return this.active_field = true; } else { return this.close_field(); } }; Chosen.prototype.results_build = function() { this.parsing = true; this.selected_option_count = null; this.results_data = SelectParser.select_to_array(this.form_field); if (this.is_multiple) { this.search_choices.find("li.search-choice").remove(); } else if (!this.is_multiple) { this.single_set_selected_text(); if (this.disable_search || this.form_field.options.length <= this.disable_search_threshold) { this.search_field[0].readOnly = true; this.container.addClass("chosen-container-single-nosearch"); } else { this.search_field[0].readOnly = false; this.container.removeClass("chosen-container-single-nosearch"); } } this.update_results_content(this.results_option_build({ first: true })); this.search_field_disabled(); this.show_search_field_default(); this.search_field_scale(); return this.parsing = false; }; Chosen.prototype.result_do_highlight = function(el) { var high_bottom, high_top, maxHeight, visible_bottom, visible_top; if (el.length) { this.result_clear_highlight(); this.result_highlight = el; this.result_highlight.addClass("highlighted"); maxHeight = parseInt(this.search_results.css("maxHeight"), 10); visible_top = this.search_results.scrollTop(); visible_bottom = maxHeight + visible_top; high_top = this.result_highlight.position().top + this.search_results.scrollTop(); high_bottom = high_top + this.result_highlight.outerHeight(); if (high_bottom >= visible_bottom) { return this.search_results.scrollTop((high_bottom - maxHeight) > 0 ? high_bottom - maxHeight : 0); } else if (high_top < visible_top) { return this.search_results.scrollTop(high_top); } } }; Chosen.prototype.result_clear_highlight = function() { if (this.result_highlight) { this.result_highlight.removeClass("highlighted"); } return this.result_highlight = null; }; Chosen.prototype.results_show = function() { if (this.is_multiple && this.max_selected_options <= this.choices_count()) { this.form_field_jq.trigger("chosen:maxselected", { chosen: this }); return false; } this.container.addClass("chosen-with-drop"); this.results_showing = true; this.search_field.focus(); this.search_field.val(this.search_field.val()); this.winnow_results(); return this.form_field_jq.trigger("chosen:showing_dropdown", { chosen: this }); }; Chosen.prototype.update_results_content = function(content) { return this.search_results.html(content); }; Chosen.prototype.results_hide = function() { if (this.results_showing) { this.result_clear_highlight(); this.container.removeClass("chosen-with-drop"); this.form_field_jq.trigger("chosen:hiding_dropdown", { chosen: this }); } return this.results_showing = false; }; Chosen.prototype.set_tab_index = function(el) { var ti; if (this.form_field.tabIndex) { ti = this.form_field.tabIndex; this.form_field.tabIndex = -1; return this.search_field[0].tabIndex = ti; } }; Chosen.prototype.set_label_behavior = function() { var _this = this; this.form_field_label = this.form_field_jq.parents("label"); if (!this.form_field_label.length && this.form_field.id.length) { this.form_field_label = $("label[for='" + this.form_field.id + "']"); } if (this.form_field_label.length > 0) { return this.form_field_label.bind('click.chosen', function(evt) { if (_this.is_multiple) { return _this.container_mousedown(evt); } else { return _this.activate_field(); } }); } }; Chosen.prototype.show_search_field_default = function() { if (this.is_multiple && this.choices_count() < 1 && !this.active_field) { this.search_field.val(this.default_text); return this.search_field.addClass("default"); } else { this.search_field.val(""); return this.search_field.removeClass("default"); } }; Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseup = function(evt) { var target; target = $(evt.target).hasClass("active-result") ? $(evt.target) : $(evt.target).parents(".active-result").first(); if (target.length) { this.result_highlight = target; this.result_select(evt); return this.search_field.focus(); } }; Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseover = function(evt) { var target; target = $(evt.target).hasClass("active-result") ? $(evt.target) : $(evt.target).parents(".active-result").first(); if (target) { return this.result_do_highlight(target); } }; Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseout = function(evt) { if ($(evt.target).hasClass("active-result" || $(evt.target).parents('.active-result').first())) { return this.result_clear_highlight(); } }; Chosen.prototype.choice_build = function(item) { var choice, close_link, _this = this; choice = $('
    • ', { "class": "search-choice" }).html("" + (this.choice_label(item)) + ""); if (item.disabled) { choice.addClass('search-choice-disabled'); } else { close_link = $('', { "class": 'search-choice-close', 'data-option-array-index': item.array_index }); close_link.bind('click.chosen', function(evt) { return _this.choice_destroy_link_click(evt); }); choice.append(close_link); } return this.search_container.before(choice); }; Chosen.prototype.choice_destroy_link_click = function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); evt.stopPropagation(); if (!this.is_disabled) { return this.choice_destroy($(evt.target)); } }; Chosen.prototype.choice_destroy = function(link) { if (this.result_deselect(link[0].getAttribute("data-option-array-index"))) { this.show_search_field_default(); if (this.is_multiple && this.choices_count() > 0 && this.search_field.val().length < 1) { this.results_hide(); } link.parents('li').first().remove(); return this.search_field_scale(); } }; Chosen.prototype.results_reset = function() { this.reset_single_select_options(); this.form_field.options[0].selected = true; this.single_set_selected_text(); this.show_search_field_default(); this.results_reset_cleanup(); this.form_field_jq.trigger("change"); if (this.active_field) { return this.results_hide(); } }; Chosen.prototype.results_reset_cleanup = function() { this.current_selectedIndex = this.form_field.selectedIndex; return this.selected_item.find("abbr").remove(); }; Chosen.prototype.result_select = function(evt) { var high, item; if (this.result_highlight) { high = this.result_highlight; this.result_clear_highlight(); if (this.is_multiple && this.max_selected_options <= this.choices_count()) { this.form_field_jq.trigger("chosen:maxselected", { chosen: this }); return false; } if (this.is_multiple) { high.removeClass("active-result"); } else { this.reset_single_select_options(); } high.addClass("result-selected"); item = this.results_data[high[0].getAttribute("data-option-array-index")]; item.selected = true; this.form_field.options[item.options_index].selected = true; this.selected_option_count = null; if (this.is_multiple) { this.choice_build(item); } else { this.single_set_selected_text(this.choice_label(item)); } if (!((evt.metaKey || evt.ctrlKey) && this.is_multiple)) { this.results_hide(); } this.search_field.val(""); if (this.is_multiple || this.form_field.selectedIndex !== this.current_selectedIndex) { this.form_field_jq.trigger("change", { 'selected': this.form_field.options[item.options_index].value }); } this.current_selectedIndex = this.form_field.selectedIndex; evt.preventDefault(); return this.search_field_scale(); } }; Chosen.prototype.single_set_selected_text = function(text) { if (text == null) { text = this.default_text; } if (text === this.default_text) { this.selected_item.addClass("chosen-default"); } else { this.single_deselect_control_build(); this.selected_item.removeClass("chosen-default"); } return this.selected_item.find("span").html(text); }; Chosen.prototype.result_deselect = function(pos) { var result_data; result_data = this.results_data[pos]; if (!this.form_field.options[result_data.options_index].disabled) { result_data.selected = false; this.form_field.options[result_data.options_index].selected = false; this.selected_option_count = null; this.result_clear_highlight(); if (this.results_showing) { this.winnow_results(); } this.form_field_jq.trigger("change", { deselected: this.form_field.options[result_data.options_index].value }); this.search_field_scale(); return true; } else { return false; } }; Chosen.prototype.single_deselect_control_build = function() { if (!this.allow_single_deselect) { return; } if (!this.selected_item.find("abbr").length) { this.selected_item.find("span").first().after(""); } return this.selected_item.addClass("chosen-single-with-deselect"); }; Chosen.prototype.get_search_text = function() { return $('
      ').text($.trim(this.search_field.val())).html(); }; Chosen.prototype.winnow_results_set_highlight = function() { var do_high, selected_results; selected_results = !this.is_multiple ? this.search_results.find(".result-selected.active-result") : []; do_high = selected_results.length ? selected_results.first() : this.search_results.find(".active-result").first(); if (do_high != null) { return this.result_do_highlight(do_high); } }; Chosen.prototype.no_results = function(terms) { var no_results_html; no_results_html = $('
    • ' + this.results_none_found + ' ""
    • '); no_results_html.find("span").first().html(terms); this.search_results.append(no_results_html); return this.form_field_jq.trigger("chosen:no_results", { chosen: this }); }; Chosen.prototype.no_results_clear = function() { return this.search_results.find(".no-results").remove(); }; Chosen.prototype.keydown_arrow = function() { var next_sib; if (this.results_showing && this.result_highlight) { next_sib = this.result_highlight.nextAll("li.active-result").first(); if (next_sib) { return this.result_do_highlight(next_sib); } } else { return this.results_show(); } }; Chosen.prototype.keyup_arrow = function() { var prev_sibs; if (!this.results_showing && !this.is_multiple) { return this.results_show(); } else if (this.result_highlight) { prev_sibs = this.result_highlight.prevAll("li.active-result"); if (prev_sibs.length) { return this.result_do_highlight(prev_sibs.first()); } else { if (this.choices_count() > 0) { this.results_hide(); } return this.result_clear_highlight(); } } }; Chosen.prototype.keydown_backstroke = function() { var next_available_destroy; if (this.pending_backstroke) { this.choice_destroy(this.pending_backstroke.find("a").first()); return this.clear_backstroke(); } else { next_available_destroy = this.search_container.siblings("li.search-choice").last(); if (next_available_destroy.length && !next_available_destroy.hasClass("search-choice-disabled")) { this.pending_backstroke = next_available_destroy; if (this.single_backstroke_delete) { return this.keydown_backstroke(); } else { return this.pending_backstroke.addClass("search-choice-focus"); } } } }; Chosen.prototype.clear_backstroke = function() { if (this.pending_backstroke) { this.pending_backstroke.removeClass("search-choice-focus"); } return this.pending_backstroke = null; }; Chosen.prototype.keydown_checker = function(evt) { var stroke, _ref1; stroke = (_ref1 = evt.which) != null ? _ref1 : evt.keyCode; this.search_field_scale(); if (stroke !== 8 && this.pending_backstroke) { this.clear_backstroke(); } switch (stroke) { case 8: this.backstroke_length = this.search_field.val().length; break; case 9: if (this.results_showing && !this.is_multiple) { this.result_select(evt); } this.mouse_on_container = false; break; case 13: if (this.results_showing) { evt.preventDefault(); } break; case 32: if (this.disable_search) { evt.preventDefault(); } break; case 38: evt.preventDefault(); this.keyup_arrow(); break; case 40: evt.preventDefault(); this.keydown_arrow(); break; } }; Chosen.prototype.search_field_scale = function() { var div, f_width, h, style, style_block, styles, w, _i, _len; if (this.is_multiple) { h = 0; w = 0; style_block = "position:absolute; left: -1000px; top: -1000px; display:none;"; styles = ['font-size', 'font-style', 'font-weight', 'font-family', 'line-height', 'text-transform', 'letter-spacing']; for (_i = 0, _len = styles.length; _i < _len; _i++) { style = styles[_i]; style_block += style + ":" + this.search_field.css(style) + ";"; } div = $('
      ', { 'style': style_block }); div.text(this.search_field.val()); $('body').append(div); w = div.width() + 25; div.remove(); f_width = this.container.outerWidth(); if (w > f_width - 10) { w = f_width - 10; } return this.search_field.css({ 'width': w + 'px' }); } }; return Chosen; })(AbstractChosen); }).call(this); // source --> https://www.teknobend.com/wp-content/plugins/pdf-print/js/html2canvas.js?ver=5.3.6 /*! * html2canvas 1.0.0-rc.3 * Copyright (c) 2019 Niklas von Hertzen * Released under MIT License */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = global || self, global.html2canvas = factory()); }(this, function () { 'use strict'; /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************** */ /* global Reflect, Promise */ var extendStatics = function(d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; function __extends(d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); } var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } function __generator(thisArg, body) { var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (_) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t; if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; switch (op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; } op = body.call(thisArg, _); } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; } } var Bounds = /** @class */ (function () { function Bounds(x, y, w, h) { this.left = x; this.top = y; this.width = w; this.height = h; } Bounds.prototype.add = function (x, y, w, h) { return new Bounds(this.left + x, this.top + y, this.width + w, this.height + h); }; Bounds.fromClientRect = function (clientRect) { return new Bounds(clientRect.left, clientRect.top, clientRect.width, clientRect.height); }; return Bounds; }()); var parseBounds = function (node) { return Bounds.fromClientRect(node.getBoundingClientRect()); }; var parseDocumentSize = function (document) { var body = document.body; var documentElement = document.documentElement; if (!body || !documentElement) { throw new Error("Unable to get document size"); } var width = Math.max(Math.max(body.scrollWidth, documentElement.scrollWidth), Math.max(body.offsetWidth, documentElement.offsetWidth), Math.max(body.clientWidth, documentElement.clientWidth)); var height = Math.max(Math.max(body.scrollHeight, documentElement.scrollHeight), Math.max(body.offsetHeight, documentElement.offsetHeight), Math.max(body.clientHeight, documentElement.clientHeight)); return new Bounds(0, 0, width, height); }; /* * css-line-break 1.1.1 * Copyright (c) 2019 Niklas von Hertzen * Released under MIT License */ var toCodePoints = function (str) { var codePoints = []; var i = 0; var length = str.length; while (i < length) { var value = str.charCodeAt(i++); if (value >= 0xd800 && value <= 0xdbff && i < length) { var extra = str.charCodeAt(i++); if ((extra & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) { codePoints.push(((value & 0x3ff) << 10) + (extra & 0x3ff) + 0x10000); } else { codePoints.push(value); i--; } } else { codePoints.push(value); } } return codePoints; }; var fromCodePoint = function () { var codePoints = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { codePoints[_i] = arguments[_i]; } if (String.fromCodePoint) { return String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, codePoints); } var length = codePoints.length; if (!length) { return ''; } var codeUnits = []; var index = -1; var result = ''; while (++index < length) { var codePoint = codePoints[index]; if (codePoint <= 0xffff) { codeUnits.push(codePoint); } else { codePoint -= 0x10000; codeUnits.push((codePoint >> 10) + 0xd800, codePoint % 0x400 + 0xdc00); } if (index + 1 === length || codeUnits.length > 0x4000) { result += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, codeUnits); codeUnits.length = 0; } } return result; }; var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; // Use a lookup table to find the index. var lookup = typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined' ? [] : new Uint8Array(256); for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { lookup[chars.charCodeAt(i)] = i; } var decode = function (base64) { var bufferLength = base64.length * 0.75, len = base64.length, i, p = 0, encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4; if (base64[base64.length - 1] === '=') { bufferLength--; if (base64[base64.length - 2] === '=') { bufferLength--; } } var buffer = typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.slice !== 'undefined' ? new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength) : new Array(bufferLength); var bytes = Array.isArray(buffer) ? buffer : new Uint8Array(buffer); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) { encoded1 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i)]; encoded2 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i + 1)]; encoded3 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i + 2)]; encoded4 = lookup[base64.charCodeAt(i + 3)]; bytes[p++] = (encoded1 << 2) | (encoded2 >> 4); bytes[p++] = ((encoded2 & 15) << 4) | (encoded3 >> 2); bytes[p++] = ((encoded3 & 3) << 6) | (encoded4 & 63); } return buffer; }; var polyUint16Array = function (buffer) { var length = buffer.length; var bytes = []; for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 2) { bytes.push((buffer[i + 1] << 8) | buffer[i]); } return bytes; }; var polyUint32Array = function (buffer) { var length = buffer.length; var bytes = []; for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 4) { bytes.push((buffer[i + 3] << 24) | (buffer[i + 2] << 16) | (buffer[i + 1] << 8) | buffer[i]); } return bytes; }; /** Shift size for getting the index-2 table offset. */ var UTRIE2_SHIFT_2 = 5; /** Shift size for getting the index-1 table offset. */ var UTRIE2_SHIFT_1 = 6 + 5; /** * Shift size for shifting left the index array values. * Increases possible data size with 16-bit index values at the cost * of compactability. * This requires data blocks to be aligned by UTRIE2_DATA_GRANULARITY. */ var UTRIE2_INDEX_SHIFT = 2; /** * Difference between the two shift sizes, * for getting an index-1 offset from an index-2 offset. 6=11-5 */ var UTRIE2_SHIFT_1_2 = UTRIE2_SHIFT_1 - UTRIE2_SHIFT_2; /** * The part of the index-2 table for U+D800..U+DBFF stores values for * lead surrogate code _units_ not code _points_. * Values for lead surrogate code _points_ are indexed with this portion of the table. * Length=32=0x20=0x400>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_2. (There are 1024=0x400 lead surrogates.) */ var UTRIE2_LSCP_INDEX_2_OFFSET = 0x10000 >> UTRIE2_SHIFT_2; /** Number of entries in a data block. 32=0x20 */ var UTRIE2_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH = 1 << UTRIE2_SHIFT_2; /** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-data-block offset. */ var UTRIE2_DATA_MASK = UTRIE2_DATA_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1; var UTRIE2_LSCP_INDEX_2_LENGTH = 0x400 >> UTRIE2_SHIFT_2; /** Count the lengths of both BMP pieces. 2080=0x820 */ var UTRIE2_INDEX_2_BMP_LENGTH = UTRIE2_LSCP_INDEX_2_OFFSET + UTRIE2_LSCP_INDEX_2_LENGTH; /** * The 2-byte UTF-8 version of the index-2 table follows at offset 2080=0x820. * Length 32=0x20 for lead bytes C0..DF, regardless of UTRIE2_SHIFT_2. */ var UTRIE2_UTF8_2B_INDEX_2_OFFSET = UTRIE2_INDEX_2_BMP_LENGTH; var UTRIE2_UTF8_2B_INDEX_2_LENGTH = 0x800 >> 6; /* U+0800 is the first code point after 2-byte UTF-8 */ /** * The index-1 table, only used for supplementary code points, at offset 2112=0x840. * Variable length, for code points up to highStart, where the last single-value range starts. * Maximum length 512=0x200=0x100000>>UTRIE2_SHIFT_1. * (For 0x100000 supplementary code points U+10000..U+10ffff.) * * The part of the index-2 table for supplementary code points starts * after this index-1 table. * * Both the index-1 table and the following part of the index-2 table * are omitted completely if there is only BMP data. */ var UTRIE2_INDEX_1_OFFSET = UTRIE2_UTF8_2B_INDEX_2_OFFSET + UTRIE2_UTF8_2B_INDEX_2_LENGTH; /** * Number of index-1 entries for the BMP. 32=0x20 * This part of the index-1 table is omitted from the serialized form. */ var UTRIE2_OMITTED_BMP_INDEX_1_LENGTH = 0x10000 >> UTRIE2_SHIFT_1; /** Number of entries in an index-2 block. 64=0x40 */ var UTRIE2_INDEX_2_BLOCK_LENGTH = 1 << UTRIE2_SHIFT_1_2; /** Mask for getting the lower bits for the in-index-2-block offset. */ var UTRIE2_INDEX_2_MASK = UTRIE2_INDEX_2_BLOCK_LENGTH - 1; var slice16 = function (view, start, end) { if (view.slice) { return view.slice(start, end); } return new Uint16Array(Array.prototype.slice.call(view, start, end)); }; var slice32 = function (view, start, end) { if (view.slice) { return view.slice(start, end); } return new Uint32Array(Array.prototype.slice.call(view, start, end)); }; var createTrieFromBase64 = function (base64) { var buffer = decode(base64); var view32 = Array.isArray(buffer) ? polyUint32Array(buffer) : new Uint32Array(buffer); var view16 = Array.isArray(buffer) ? polyUint16Array(buffer) : new Uint16Array(buffer); var headerLength = 24; var index = slice16(view16, headerLength / 2, view32[4] / 2); var data = view32[5] === 2 ? slice16(view16, (headerLength + view32[4]) / 2) : slice32(view32, Math.ceil((headerLength + view32[4]) / 4)); return new Trie(view32[0], view32[1], view32[2], view32[3], index, data); }; var Trie = /** @class */ (function () { function Trie(initialValue, errorValue, highStart, highValueIndex, index, data) { this.initialValue = initialValue; this.errorValue = errorValue; this.highStart = highStart; this.highValueIndex = highValueIndex; this.index = index; this.data = data; } /** * Get the value for a code point as stored in the Trie. * * @param codePoint the code point * @return the value */ Trie.prototype.get = function (codePoint) { var ix; if (codePoint >= 0) { if (codePoint < 0x0d800 || (codePoint > 0x0dbff && codePoint <= 0x0ffff)) { // Ordinary BMP code point, excluding leading surrogates. // BMP uses a single level lookup. BMP index starts at offset 0 in the Trie2 index. // 16 bit data is stored in the index array itself. ix = this.index[codePoint >> UTRIE2_SHIFT_2]; ix = (ix << UTRIE2_INDEX_SHIFT) + (codePoint & UTRIE2_DATA_MASK); return this.data[ix]; } if (codePoint <= 0xffff) { // Lead Surrogate Code Point. A Separate index section is stored for // lead surrogate code units and code points. // The main index has the code unit data. // For this function, we need the code point data. // Note: this expression could be refactored for slightly improved efficiency, but // surrogate code points will be so rare in practice that it's not worth it. ix = this.index[UTRIE2_LSCP_INDEX_2_OFFSET + ((codePoint - 0xd800) >> UTRIE2_SHIFT_2)]; ix = (ix << UTRIE2_INDEX_SHIFT) + (codePoint & UTRIE2_DATA_MASK); return this.data[ix]; } if (codePoint < this.highStart) { // Supplemental code point, use two-level lookup. ix = UTRIE2_INDEX_1_OFFSET - UTRIE2_OMITTED_BMP_INDEX_1_LENGTH + (codePoint >> UTRIE2_SHIFT_1); ix = this.index[ix]; ix += (codePoint >> UTRIE2_SHIFT_2) & UTRIE2_INDEX_2_MASK; ix = this.index[ix]; ix = (ix << UTRIE2_INDEX_SHIFT) + (codePoint & UTRIE2_DATA_MASK); return this.data[ix]; } if (codePoint <= 0x10ffff) { return this.data[this.highValueIndex]; } } // Fall through. The code point is outside of the legal range of 0..0x10ffff. return this.errorValue; }; return Trie; }()); var base64 = '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AJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACsAKwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAVwBXAFcAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQAlACUAJQArAAQAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsABAAEAAQABAAEAAQABAAEAAQABAAEAAQABAAEAAQABAArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsAKwArACsA'; /* @flow */ var LETTER_NUMBER_MODIFIER = 50; // Non-tailorable Line Breaking Classes var BK = 1; // Cause a line break (after) var CR = 2; // Cause a line break (after), except between CR and LF var LF = 3; // Cause a line break (after) var CM = 4; // Prohibit a line break between the character and the preceding character var NL = 5; // Cause a line break (after) var WJ = 7; // Prohibit line breaks before and after var ZW = 8; // Provide a break opportunity var GL = 9; // Prohibit line breaks before and after var SP = 10; // Enable indirect line breaks var ZWJ = 11; // Prohibit line breaks within joiner sequences // Break Opportunities var B2 = 12; // Provide a line break opportunity before and after the character var BA = 13; // Generally provide a line break opportunity after the character var BB = 14; // Generally provide a line break opportunity before the character var HY = 15; // Provide a line break opportunity after the character, except in numeric context var CB = 16; // Provide a line break opportunity contingent on additional information // Characters Prohibiting Certain Breaks var CL = 17; // Prohibit line breaks before var CP = 18; // Prohibit line breaks before var EX = 19; // Prohibit line breaks before var IN = 20; // Allow only indirect line breaks between pairs var NS = 21; // Allow only indirect line breaks before var OP = 22; // Prohibit line breaks after var QU = 23; // Act like they are both opening and closing // Numeric Context var IS = 24; // Prevent breaks after any and before numeric var NU = 25; // Form numeric expressions for line breaking purposes var PO = 26; // Do not break following a numeric expression var PR = 27; // Do not break in front of a numeric expression var SY = 28; // Prevent a break before; and allow a break after // Other Characters var AI = 29; // Act like AL when the resolvedEAW is N; otherwise; act as ID var AL = 30; // Are alphabetic characters or symbols that are used with alphabetic characters var CJ = 31; // Treat as NS or ID for strict or normal breaking. var EB = 32; // Do not break from following Emoji Modifier var EM = 33; // Do not break from preceding Emoji Base var H2 = 34; // Form Korean syllable blocks var H3 = 35; // Form Korean syllable blocks var HL = 36; // Do not break around a following hyphen; otherwise act as Alphabetic var ID = 37; // Break before or after; except in some numeric context var JL = 38; // Form Korean syllable blocks var JV = 39; // Form Korean syllable blocks var JT = 40; // Form Korean syllable blocks var RI = 41; // Keep pairs together. For pairs; break before and after other classes var SA = 42; // Provide a line break opportunity contingent on additional, language-specific context analysis var XX = 43; // Have as yet unknown line breaking behavior or unassigned code positions var BREAK_MANDATORY = '!'; var BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED = '×'; var BREAK_ALLOWED = '÷'; var UnicodeTrie = createTrieFromBase64(base64); var ALPHABETICS = [AL, HL]; var HARD_LINE_BREAKS = [BK, CR, LF, NL]; var SPACE = [SP, ZW]; var PREFIX_POSTFIX = [PR, PO]; var LINE_BREAKS = HARD_LINE_BREAKS.concat(SPACE); var KOREAN_SYLLABLE_BLOCK = [JL, JV, JT, H2, H3]; var HYPHEN = [HY, BA]; var codePointsToCharacterClasses = function (codePoints, lineBreak) { if (lineBreak === void 0) { lineBreak = 'strict'; } var types = []; var indicies = []; var categories = []; codePoints.forEach(function (codePoint, index) { var classType = UnicodeTrie.get(codePoint); if (classType > LETTER_NUMBER_MODIFIER) { categories.push(true); classType -= LETTER_NUMBER_MODIFIER; } else { categories.push(false); } if (['normal', 'auto', 'loose'].indexOf(lineBreak) !== -1) { // U+2010, – U+2013, 〜 U+301C, ゠ U+30A0 if ([0x2010, 0x2013, 0x301c, 0x30a0].indexOf(codePoint) !== -1) { indicies.push(index); return types.push(CB); } } if (classType === CM || classType === ZWJ) { // LB10 Treat any remaining combining mark or ZWJ as AL. if (index === 0) { indicies.push(index); return types.push(AL); } // LB9 Do not break a combining character sequence; treat it as if it has the line breaking class of // the base character in all of the following rules. Treat ZWJ as if it were CM. var prev = types[index - 1]; if (LINE_BREAKS.indexOf(prev) === -1) { indicies.push(indicies[index - 1]); return types.push(prev); } indicies.push(index); return types.push(AL); } indicies.push(index); if (classType === CJ) { return types.push(lineBreak === 'strict' ? NS : ID); } if (classType === SA) { return types.push(AL); } if (classType === AI) { return types.push(AL); } // For supplementary characters, a useful default is to treat characters in the range 10000..1FFFD as AL // and characters in the ranges 20000..2FFFD and 30000..3FFFD as ID, until the implementation can be revised // to take into account the actual line breaking properties for these characters. if (classType === XX) { if ((codePoint >= 0x20000 && codePoint <= 0x2fffd) || (codePoint >= 0x30000 && codePoint <= 0x3fffd)) { return types.push(ID); } else { return types.push(AL); } } types.push(classType); }); return [indicies, types, categories]; }; var isAdjacentWithSpaceIgnored = function (a, b, currentIndex, classTypes) { var current = classTypes[currentIndex]; if (Array.isArray(a) ? a.indexOf(current) !== -1 : a === current) { var i = currentIndex; while (i <= classTypes.length) { i++; var next = classTypes[i]; if (next === b) { return true; } if (next !== SP) { break; } } } if (current === SP) { var i = currentIndex; while (i > 0) { i--; var prev = classTypes[i]; if (Array.isArray(a) ? a.indexOf(prev) !== -1 : a === prev) { var n = currentIndex; while (n <= classTypes.length) { n++; var next = classTypes[n]; if (next === b) { return true; } if (next !== SP) { break; } } } if (prev !== SP) { break; } } } return false; }; var previousNonSpaceClassType = function (currentIndex, classTypes) { var i = currentIndex; while (i >= 0) { var type = classTypes[i]; if (type === SP) { i--; } else { return type; } } return 0; }; var _lineBreakAtIndex = function (codePoints, classTypes, indicies, index, forbiddenBreaks) { if (indicies[index] === 0) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } var currentIndex = index - 1; if (Array.isArray(forbiddenBreaks) && forbiddenBreaks[currentIndex] === true) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } var beforeIndex = currentIndex - 1; var afterIndex = currentIndex + 1; var current = classTypes[currentIndex]; // LB4 Always break after hard line breaks. // LB5 Treat CR followed by LF, as well as CR, LF, and NL as hard line breaks. var before = beforeIndex >= 0 ? classTypes[beforeIndex] : 0; var next = classTypes[afterIndex]; if (current === CR && next === LF) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } if (HARD_LINE_BREAKS.indexOf(current) !== -1) { return BREAK_MANDATORY; } // LB6 Do not break before hard line breaks. if (HARD_LINE_BREAKS.indexOf(next) !== -1) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB7 Do not break before spaces or zero width space. if (SPACE.indexOf(next) !== -1) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB8 Break before any character following a zero-width space, even if one or more spaces intervene. if (previousNonSpaceClassType(currentIndex, classTypes) === ZW) { return BREAK_ALLOWED; } // LB8a Do not break between a zero width joiner and an ideograph, emoji base or emoji modifier. if (UnicodeTrie.get(codePoints[currentIndex]) === ZWJ && (next === ID || next === EB || next === EM)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB11 Do not break before or after Word joiner and related characters. if (current === WJ || next === WJ) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB12 Do not break after NBSP and related characters. if (current === GL) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB12a Do not break before NBSP and related characters, except after spaces and hyphens. if ([SP, BA, HY].indexOf(current) === -1 && next === GL) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB13 Do not break before ‘]’ or ‘!’ or ‘;’ or ‘/’, even after spaces. if ([CL, CP, EX, IS, SY].indexOf(next) !== -1) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB14 Do not break after ‘[’, even after spaces. if (previousNonSpaceClassType(currentIndex, classTypes) === OP) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB15 Do not break within ‘”[’, even with intervening spaces. if (isAdjacentWithSpaceIgnored(QU, OP, currentIndex, classTypes)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB16 Do not break between closing punctuation and a nonstarter (lb=NS), even with intervening spaces. if (isAdjacentWithSpaceIgnored([CL, CP], NS, currentIndex, classTypes)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB17 Do not break within ‘——’, even with intervening spaces. if (isAdjacentWithSpaceIgnored(B2, B2, currentIndex, classTypes)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB18 Break after spaces. if (current === SP) { return BREAK_ALLOWED; } // LB19 Do not break before or after quotation marks, such as ‘ ” ’. if (current === QU || next === QU) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB20 Break before and after unresolved CB. if (next === CB || current === CB) { return BREAK_ALLOWED; } // LB21 Do not break before hyphen-minus, other hyphens, fixed-width spaces, small kana, and other non-starters, or after acute accents. if ([BA, HY, NS].indexOf(next) !== -1 || current === BB) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB21a Don't break after Hebrew + Hyphen. if (before === HL && HYPHEN.indexOf(current) !== -1) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB21b Don’t break between Solidus and Hebrew letters. if (current === SY && next === HL) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB22 Do not break between two ellipses, or between letters, numbers or exclamations and ellipsis. if (next === IN && ALPHABETICS.concat(IN, EX, NU, ID, EB, EM).indexOf(current) !== -1) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB23 Do not break between digits and letters. if ((ALPHABETICS.indexOf(next) !== -1 && current === NU) || (ALPHABETICS.indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === NU)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB23a Do not break between numeric prefixes and ideographs, or between ideographs and numeric postfixes. if ((current === PR && [ID, EB, EM].indexOf(next) !== -1) || ([ID, EB, EM].indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === PO)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB24 Do not break between numeric prefix/postfix and letters, or between letters and prefix/postfix. if ((ALPHABETICS.indexOf(current) !== -1 && PREFIX_POSTFIX.indexOf(next) !== -1) || (PREFIX_POSTFIX.indexOf(current) !== -1 && ALPHABETICS.indexOf(next) !== -1)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB25 Do not break between the following pairs of classes relevant to numbers: if ( // (PR | PO) × ( OP | HY )? NU ([PR, PO].indexOf(current) !== -1 && (next === NU || ([OP, HY].indexOf(next) !== -1 && classTypes[afterIndex + 1] === NU))) || // ( OP | HY ) × NU ([OP, HY].indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === NU) || // NU × (NU | SY | IS) (current === NU && [NU, SY, IS].indexOf(next) !== -1)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // NU (NU | SY | IS)* × (NU | SY | IS | CL | CP) if ([NU, SY, IS, CL, CP].indexOf(next) !== -1) { var prevIndex = currentIndex; while (prevIndex >= 0) { var type = classTypes[prevIndex]; if (type === NU) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } else if ([SY, IS].indexOf(type) !== -1) { prevIndex--; } else { break; } } } // NU (NU | SY | IS)* (CL | CP)? × (PO | PR)) if ([PR, PO].indexOf(next) !== -1) { var prevIndex = [CL, CP].indexOf(current) !== -1 ? beforeIndex : currentIndex; while (prevIndex >= 0) { var type = classTypes[prevIndex]; if (type === NU) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } else if ([SY, IS].indexOf(type) !== -1) { prevIndex--; } else { break; } } } // LB26 Do not break a Korean syllable. if ((JL === current && [JL, JV, H2, H3].indexOf(next) !== -1) || ([JV, H2].indexOf(current) !== -1 && [JV, JT].indexOf(next) !== -1) || ([JT, H3].indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === JT)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB27 Treat a Korean Syllable Block the same as ID. if ((KOREAN_SYLLABLE_BLOCK.indexOf(current) !== -1 && [IN, PO].indexOf(next) !== -1) || (KOREAN_SYLLABLE_BLOCK.indexOf(next) !== -1 && current === PR)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB28 Do not break between alphabetics (“at”). if (ALPHABETICS.indexOf(current) !== -1 && ALPHABETICS.indexOf(next) !== -1) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB29 Do not break between numeric punctuation and alphabetics (“e.g.”). if (current === IS && ALPHABETICS.indexOf(next) !== -1) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB30 Do not break between letters, numbers, or ordinary symbols and opening or closing parentheses. if ((ALPHABETICS.concat(NU).indexOf(current) !== -1 && next === OP) || (ALPHABETICS.concat(NU).indexOf(next) !== -1 && current === CP)) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } // LB30a Break between two regional indicator symbols if and only if there are an even number of regional // indicators preceding the position of the break. if (current === RI && next === RI) { var i = indicies[currentIndex]; var count = 1; while (i > 0) { i--; if (classTypes[i] === RI) { count++; } else { break; } } if (count % 2 !== 0) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } } // LB30b Do not break between an emoji base and an emoji modifier. if (current === EB && next === EM) { return BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; } return BREAK_ALLOWED; }; var cssFormattedClasses = function (codePoints, options) { if (!options) { options = { lineBreak: 'normal', wordBreak: 'normal' }; } var _a = codePointsToCharacterClasses(codePoints, options.lineBreak), indicies = _a[0], classTypes = _a[1], isLetterNumber = _a[2]; if (options.wordBreak === 'break-all' || options.wordBreak === 'break-word') { classTypes = classTypes.map(function (type) { return ([NU, AL, SA].indexOf(type) !== -1 ? ID : type); }); } var forbiddenBreakpoints = options.wordBreak === 'keep-all' ? isLetterNumber.map(function (letterNumber, i) { return letterNumber && codePoints[i] >= 0x4e00 && codePoints[i] <= 0x9fff; }) : undefined; return [indicies, classTypes, forbiddenBreakpoints]; }; var Break = /** @class */ (function () { function Break(codePoints, lineBreak, start, end) { this.codePoints = codePoints; this.required = lineBreak === BREAK_MANDATORY; this.start = start; this.end = end; } Break.prototype.slice = function () { return fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, this.codePoints.slice(this.start, this.end)); }; return Break; }()); var LineBreaker = function (str, options) { var codePoints = toCodePoints(str); var _a = cssFormattedClasses(codePoints, options), indicies = _a[0], classTypes = _a[1], forbiddenBreakpoints = _a[2]; var length = codePoints.length; var lastEnd = 0; var nextIndex = 0; return { next: function () { if (nextIndex >= length) { return { done: true, value: null }; } var lineBreak = BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED; while (nextIndex < length && (lineBreak = _lineBreakAtIndex(codePoints, classTypes, indicies, ++nextIndex, forbiddenBreakpoints)) === BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED) { } if (lineBreak !== BREAK_NOT_ALLOWED || nextIndex === length) { var value = new Break(codePoints, lineBreak, lastEnd, nextIndex); lastEnd = nextIndex; return { value: value, done: false }; } return { done: true, value: null }; }, }; }; // https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3 var TokenType; (function (TokenType) { TokenType[TokenType["STRING_TOKEN"] = 0] = "STRING_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["BAD_STRING_TOKEN"] = 1] = "BAD_STRING_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["LEFT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN"] = 2] = "LEFT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["RIGHT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN"] = 3] = "RIGHT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["COMMA_TOKEN"] = 4] = "COMMA_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["HASH_TOKEN"] = 5] = "HASH_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["DELIM_TOKEN"] = 6] = "DELIM_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["AT_KEYWORD_TOKEN"] = 7] = "AT_KEYWORD_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["PREFIX_MATCH_TOKEN"] = 8] = "PREFIX_MATCH_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["DASH_MATCH_TOKEN"] = 9] = "DASH_MATCH_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["INCLUDE_MATCH_TOKEN"] = 10] = "INCLUDE_MATCH_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN"] = 11] = "LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN"] = 12] = "RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["SUFFIX_MATCH_TOKEN"] = 13] = "SUFFIX_MATCH_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["SUBSTRING_MATCH_TOKEN"] = 14] = "SUBSTRING_MATCH_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["DIMENSION_TOKEN"] = 15] = "DIMENSION_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["PERCENTAGE_TOKEN"] = 16] = "PERCENTAGE_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["NUMBER_TOKEN"] = 17] = "NUMBER_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["FUNCTION"] = 18] = "FUNCTION"; TokenType[TokenType["FUNCTION_TOKEN"] = 19] = "FUNCTION_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["IDENT_TOKEN"] = 20] = "IDENT_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["COLUMN_TOKEN"] = 21] = "COLUMN_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["URL_TOKEN"] = 22] = "URL_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["BAD_URL_TOKEN"] = 23] = "BAD_URL_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["CDC_TOKEN"] = 24] = "CDC_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["CDO_TOKEN"] = 25] = "CDO_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["COLON_TOKEN"] = 26] = "COLON_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["SEMICOLON_TOKEN"] = 27] = "SEMICOLON_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN"] = 28] = "LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN"] = 29] = "RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["UNICODE_RANGE_TOKEN"] = 30] = "UNICODE_RANGE_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["WHITESPACE_TOKEN"] = 31] = "WHITESPACE_TOKEN"; TokenType[TokenType["EOF_TOKEN"] = 32] = "EOF_TOKEN"; })(TokenType || (TokenType = {})); var FLAG_UNRESTRICTED = 1 << 0; var FLAG_ID = 1 << 1; var FLAG_INTEGER = 1 << 2; var FLAG_NUMBER = 1 << 3; var LINE_FEED = 0x000a; var SOLIDUS = 0x002f; var REVERSE_SOLIDUS = 0x005c; var CHARACTER_TABULATION = 0x0009; var SPACE$1 = 0x0020; var QUOTATION_MARK = 0x0022; var EQUALS_SIGN = 0x003d; var NUMBER_SIGN = 0x0023; var DOLLAR_SIGN = 0x0024; var PERCENTAGE_SIGN = 0x0025; var APOSTROPHE = 0x0027; var LEFT_PARENTHESIS = 0x0028; var RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = 0x0029; var LOW_LINE = 0x005f; var HYPHEN_MINUS = 0x002d; var EXCLAMATION_MARK = 0x0021; var LESS_THAN_SIGN = 0x003c; var GREATER_THAN_SIGN = 0x003e; var COMMERCIAL_AT = 0x0040; var LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x005b; var RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 0x005d; var CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT = 0x003d; var LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x007b; var QUESTION_MARK = 0x003f; var RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET = 0x007d; var VERTICAL_LINE = 0x007c; var TILDE = 0x007e; var CONTROL = 0x0080; var REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = 0xfffd; var ASTERISK = 0x002a; var PLUS_SIGN = 0x002b; var COMMA = 0x002c; var COLON = 0x003a; var SEMICOLON = 0x003b; var FULL_STOP = 0x002e; var NULL = 0x0000; var BACKSPACE = 0x0008; var LINE_TABULATION = 0x000b; var SHIFT_OUT = 0x000e; var INFORMATION_SEPARATOR_ONE = 0x001f; var DELETE = 0x007f; var EOF = -1; var ZERO = 0x0030; var a = 0x0061; var e = 0x0065; var f = 0x0066; var u = 0x0075; var z = 0x007a; var A = 0x0041; var E = 0x0045; var F = 0x0046; var U = 0x0055; var Z = 0x005a; var isDigit = function (codePoint) { return codePoint >= ZERO && codePoint <= 0x0039; }; var isSurrogateCodePoint = function (codePoint) { return codePoint >= 0xd800 && codePoint <= 0xdfff; }; var isHex = function (codePoint) { return isDigit(codePoint) || (codePoint >= A && codePoint <= F) || (codePoint >= a && codePoint <= f); }; var isLowerCaseLetter = function (codePoint) { return codePoint >= a && codePoint <= z; }; var isUpperCaseLetter = function (codePoint) { return codePoint >= A && codePoint <= Z; }; var isLetter = function (codePoint) { return isLowerCaseLetter(codePoint) || isUpperCaseLetter(codePoint); }; var isNonASCIICodePoint = function (codePoint) { return codePoint >= CONTROL; }; var isWhiteSpace = function (codePoint) { return codePoint === LINE_FEED || codePoint === CHARACTER_TABULATION || codePoint === SPACE$1; }; var isNameStartCodePoint = function (codePoint) { return isLetter(codePoint) || isNonASCIICodePoint(codePoint) || codePoint === LOW_LINE; }; var isNameCodePoint = function (codePoint) { return isNameStartCodePoint(codePoint) || isDigit(codePoint) || codePoint === HYPHEN_MINUS; }; var isNonPrintableCodePoint = function (codePoint) { return ((codePoint >= NULL && codePoint <= BACKSPACE) || codePoint === LINE_TABULATION || (codePoint >= SHIFT_OUT && codePoint <= INFORMATION_SEPARATOR_ONE) || codePoint === DELETE); }; var isValidEscape = function (c1, c2) { if (c1 !== REVERSE_SOLIDUS) { return false; } return c2 !== LINE_FEED; }; var isIdentifierStart = function (c1, c2, c3) { if (c1 === HYPHEN_MINUS) { return isNameStartCodePoint(c2) || isValidEscape(c2, c3); } else if (isNameStartCodePoint(c1)) { return true; } else if (c1 === REVERSE_SOLIDUS && isValidEscape(c1, c2)) { return true; } return false; }; var isNumberStart = function (c1, c2, c3) { if (c1 === PLUS_SIGN || c1 === HYPHEN_MINUS) { if (isDigit(c2)) { return true; } return c2 === FULL_STOP && isDigit(c3); } if (c1 === FULL_STOP) { return isDigit(c2); } return isDigit(c1); }; var stringToNumber = function (codePoints) { var c = 0; var sign = 1; if (codePoints[c] === PLUS_SIGN || codePoints[c] === HYPHEN_MINUS) { if (codePoints[c] === HYPHEN_MINUS) { sign = -1; } c++; } var integers = []; while (isDigit(codePoints[c])) { integers.push(codePoints[c++]); } var int = integers.length ? parseInt(fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, integers), 10) : 0; if (codePoints[c] === FULL_STOP) { c++; } var fraction = []; while (isDigit(codePoints[c])) { fraction.push(codePoints[c++]); } var fracd = fraction.length; var frac = fracd ? parseInt(fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, fraction), 10) : 0; if (codePoints[c] === E || codePoints[c] === e) { c++; } var expsign = 1; if (codePoints[c] === PLUS_SIGN || codePoints[c] === HYPHEN_MINUS) { if (codePoints[c] === HYPHEN_MINUS) { expsign = -1; } c++; } var exponent = []; while (isDigit(codePoints[c])) { exponent.push(codePoints[c++]); } var exp = exponent.length ? parseInt(fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, exponent), 10) : 0; return sign * (int + frac * Math.pow(10, -fracd)) * Math.pow(10, expsign * exp); }; var LEFT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.LEFT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN }; var RIGHT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN }; var COMMA_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.COMMA_TOKEN }; var SUFFIX_MATCH_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.SUFFIX_MATCH_TOKEN }; var PREFIX_MATCH_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.PREFIX_MATCH_TOKEN }; var COLUMN_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.COLUMN_TOKEN }; var DASH_MATCH_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.DASH_MATCH_TOKEN }; var INCLUDE_MATCH_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.INCLUDE_MATCH_TOKEN }; var LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN }; var RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN }; var SUBSTRING_MATCH_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.SUBSTRING_MATCH_TOKEN }; var BAD_URL_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.BAD_URL_TOKEN }; var BAD_STRING_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.BAD_STRING_TOKEN }; var CDO_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.CDO_TOKEN }; var CDC_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.CDC_TOKEN }; var COLON_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.COLON_TOKEN }; var SEMICOLON_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.SEMICOLON_TOKEN }; var LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN }; var RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN }; var WHITESPACE_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.WHITESPACE_TOKEN }; var EOF_TOKEN = { type: TokenType.EOF_TOKEN }; var Tokenizer = /** @class */ (function () { function Tokenizer() { this._value = []; } Tokenizer.prototype.write = function (chunk) { this._value = this._value.concat(toCodePoints(chunk)); }; Tokenizer.prototype.read = function () { var tokens = []; var token = this.consumeToken(); while (token !== EOF_TOKEN) { tokens.push(token); token = this.consumeToken(); } return tokens; }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeToken = function () { var codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); switch (codePoint) { case QUOTATION_MARK: return this.consumeStringToken(QUOTATION_MARK); case NUMBER_SIGN: var c1 = this.peekCodePoint(0); var c2 = this.peekCodePoint(1); var c3 = this.peekCodePoint(2); if (isNameCodePoint(c1) || isValidEscape(c2, c3)) { var flags = isIdentifierStart(c1, c2, c3) ? FLAG_ID : FLAG_UNRESTRICTED; var value = this.consumeName(); return { type: TokenType.HASH_TOKEN, value: value, flags: flags }; } break; case DOLLAR_SIGN: if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === EQUALS_SIGN) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return SUFFIX_MATCH_TOKEN; } break; case APOSTROPHE: return this.consumeStringToken(APOSTROPHE); case LEFT_PARENTHESIS: return LEFT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN; case RIGHT_PARENTHESIS: return RIGHT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN; case ASTERISK: if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === EQUALS_SIGN) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return SUBSTRING_MATCH_TOKEN; } break; case PLUS_SIGN: if (isNumberStart(codePoint, this.peekCodePoint(0), this.peekCodePoint(1))) { this.reconsumeCodePoint(codePoint); return this.consumeNumericToken(); } break; case COMMA: return COMMA_TOKEN; case HYPHEN_MINUS: var e1 = codePoint; var e2 = this.peekCodePoint(0); var e3 = this.peekCodePoint(1); if (isNumberStart(e1, e2, e3)) { this.reconsumeCodePoint(codePoint); return this.consumeNumericToken(); } if (isIdentifierStart(e1, e2, e3)) { this.reconsumeCodePoint(codePoint); return this.consumeIdentLikeToken(); } if (e2 === HYPHEN_MINUS && e3 === GREATER_THAN_SIGN) { this.consumeCodePoint(); this.consumeCodePoint(); return CDC_TOKEN; } break; case FULL_STOP: if (isNumberStart(codePoint, this.peekCodePoint(0), this.peekCodePoint(1))) { this.reconsumeCodePoint(codePoint); return this.consumeNumericToken(); } break; case SOLIDUS: if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === ASTERISK) { this.consumeCodePoint(); while (true) { var c = this.consumeCodePoint(); if (c === ASTERISK) { c = this.consumeCodePoint(); if (c === SOLIDUS) { return this.consumeToken(); } } if (c === EOF) { return this.consumeToken(); } } } break; case COLON: return COLON_TOKEN; case SEMICOLON: return SEMICOLON_TOKEN; case LESS_THAN_SIGN: if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === EXCLAMATION_MARK && this.peekCodePoint(1) === HYPHEN_MINUS && this.peekCodePoint(2) === HYPHEN_MINUS) { this.consumeCodePoint(); this.consumeCodePoint(); return CDO_TOKEN; } break; case COMMERCIAL_AT: var a1 = this.peekCodePoint(0); var a2 = this.peekCodePoint(1); var a3 = this.peekCodePoint(2); if (isIdentifierStart(a1, a2, a3)) { var value = this.consumeName(); return { type: TokenType.AT_KEYWORD_TOKEN, value: value }; } break; case LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET: return LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN; case REVERSE_SOLIDUS: if (isValidEscape(codePoint, this.peekCodePoint(0))) { this.reconsumeCodePoint(codePoint); return this.consumeIdentLikeToken(); } break; case RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET: return RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN; case CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT: if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === EQUALS_SIGN) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return PREFIX_MATCH_TOKEN; } break; case LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET: return LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN; case RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET: return RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN; case u: case U: var u1 = this.peekCodePoint(0); var u2 = this.peekCodePoint(1); if (u1 === PLUS_SIGN && (isHex(u2) || u2 === QUESTION_MARK)) { this.consumeCodePoint(); this.consumeUnicodeRangeToken(); } this.reconsumeCodePoint(codePoint); return this.consumeIdentLikeToken(); case VERTICAL_LINE: if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === EQUALS_SIGN) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return DASH_MATCH_TOKEN; } if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === VERTICAL_LINE) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return COLUMN_TOKEN; } break; case TILDE: if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === EQUALS_SIGN) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return INCLUDE_MATCH_TOKEN; } break; case EOF: return EOF_TOKEN; } if (isWhiteSpace(codePoint)) { this.consumeWhiteSpace(); return WHITESPACE_TOKEN; } if (isDigit(codePoint)) { this.reconsumeCodePoint(codePoint); return this.consumeNumericToken(); } if (isNameStartCodePoint(codePoint)) { this.reconsumeCodePoint(codePoint); return this.consumeIdentLikeToken(); } return { type: TokenType.DELIM_TOKEN, value: fromCodePoint(codePoint) }; }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeCodePoint = function () { var value = this._value.shift(); return typeof value === 'undefined' ? -1 : value; }; Tokenizer.prototype.reconsumeCodePoint = function (codePoint) { this._value.unshift(codePoint); }; Tokenizer.prototype.peekCodePoint = function (delta) { if (delta >= this._value.length) { return -1; } return this._value[delta]; }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeUnicodeRangeToken = function () { var digits = []; var codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); while (isHex(codePoint) && digits.length < 6) { digits.push(codePoint); codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); } var questionMarks = false; while (codePoint === QUESTION_MARK && digits.length < 6) { digits.push(codePoint); codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); questionMarks = true; } if (questionMarks) { var start_1 = parseInt(fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, digits.map(function (digit) { return (digit === QUESTION_MARK ? ZERO : digit); })), 16); var end = parseInt(fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, digits.map(function (digit) { return (digit === QUESTION_MARK ? F : digit); })), 16); return { type: TokenType.UNICODE_RANGE_TOKEN, start: start_1, end: end }; } var start = parseInt(fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, digits), 16); if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === HYPHEN_MINUS && isHex(this.peekCodePoint(1))) { this.consumeCodePoint(); codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); var endDigits = []; while (isHex(codePoint) && endDigits.length < 6) { endDigits.push(codePoint); codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); } var end = parseInt(fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, endDigits), 16); return { type: TokenType.UNICODE_RANGE_TOKEN, start: start, end: end }; } else { return { type: TokenType.UNICODE_RANGE_TOKEN, start: start, end: start }; } }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeIdentLikeToken = function () { var value = this.consumeName(); if (value.toLowerCase() === 'url' && this.peekCodePoint(0) === LEFT_PARENTHESIS) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return this.consumeUrlToken(); } else if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === LEFT_PARENTHESIS) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return { type: TokenType.FUNCTION_TOKEN, value: value }; } return { type: TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN, value: value }; }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeUrlToken = function () { var value = []; this.consumeWhiteSpace(); if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === EOF) { return { type: TokenType.URL_TOKEN, value: '' }; } var next = this.peekCodePoint(0); if (next === APOSTROPHE || next === QUOTATION_MARK) { var stringToken = this.consumeStringToken(this.consumeCodePoint()); if (stringToken.type === TokenType.STRING_TOKEN) { this.consumeWhiteSpace(); if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === EOF || this.peekCodePoint(0) === RIGHT_PARENTHESIS) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return { type: TokenType.URL_TOKEN, value: stringToken.value }; } } this.consumeBadUrlRemnants(); return BAD_URL_TOKEN; } while (true) { var codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); if (codePoint === EOF || codePoint === RIGHT_PARENTHESIS) { return { type: TokenType.URL_TOKEN, value: fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, value) }; } else if (isWhiteSpace(codePoint)) { this.consumeWhiteSpace(); if (this.peekCodePoint(0) === EOF || this.peekCodePoint(0) === RIGHT_PARENTHESIS) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return { type: TokenType.URL_TOKEN, value: fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, value) }; } this.consumeBadUrlRemnants(); return BAD_URL_TOKEN; } else if (codePoint === QUOTATION_MARK || codePoint === APOSTROPHE || codePoint === LEFT_PARENTHESIS || isNonPrintableCodePoint(codePoint)) { this.consumeBadUrlRemnants(); return BAD_URL_TOKEN; } else if (codePoint === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) { if (isValidEscape(codePoint, this.peekCodePoint(0))) { value.push(this.consumeEscapedCodePoint()); } else { this.consumeBadUrlRemnants(); return BAD_URL_TOKEN; } } else { value.push(codePoint); } } }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeWhiteSpace = function () { while (isWhiteSpace(this.peekCodePoint(0))) { this.consumeCodePoint(); } }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeBadUrlRemnants = function () { while (true) { var codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); if (codePoint === RIGHT_PARENTHESIS || codePoint === EOF) { return; } if (isValidEscape(codePoint, this.peekCodePoint(0))) { this.consumeEscapedCodePoint(); } } }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeStringSlice = function (count) { var SLICE_STACK_SIZE = 60000; var value = ''; while (count > 0) { var amount = Math.min(SLICE_STACK_SIZE, count); value += fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, this._value.splice(0, amount)); count -= amount; } this._value.shift(); return value; }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeStringToken = function (endingCodePoint) { var value = ''; var i = 0; do { var codePoint = this._value[i]; if (codePoint === EOF || codePoint === undefined || codePoint === endingCodePoint) { value += this.consumeStringSlice(i); return { type: TokenType.STRING_TOKEN, value: value }; } if (codePoint === LINE_FEED) { this._value.splice(0, i); return BAD_STRING_TOKEN; } if (codePoint === REVERSE_SOLIDUS) { var next = this._value[i + 1]; if (next !== EOF && next !== undefined) { if (next === LINE_FEED) { value += this.consumeStringSlice(i); i = -1; this._value.shift(); } else if (isValidEscape(codePoint, next)) { value += this.consumeStringSlice(i); value += fromCodePoint(this.consumeEscapedCodePoint()); i = -1; } } } i++; } while (true); }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeNumber = function () { var repr = []; var type = FLAG_INTEGER; var c1 = this.peekCodePoint(0); if (c1 === PLUS_SIGN || c1 === HYPHEN_MINUS) { repr.push(this.consumeCodePoint()); } while (isDigit(this.peekCodePoint(0))) { repr.push(this.consumeCodePoint()); } c1 = this.peekCodePoint(0); var c2 = this.peekCodePoint(1); if (c1 === FULL_STOP && isDigit(c2)) { repr.push(this.consumeCodePoint(), this.consumeCodePoint()); type = FLAG_NUMBER; while (isDigit(this.peekCodePoint(0))) { repr.push(this.consumeCodePoint()); } } c1 = this.peekCodePoint(0); c2 = this.peekCodePoint(1); var c3 = this.peekCodePoint(2); if ((c1 === E || c1 === e) && (((c2 === PLUS_SIGN || c2 === HYPHEN_MINUS) && isDigit(c3)) || isDigit(c2))) { repr.push(this.consumeCodePoint(), this.consumeCodePoint()); type = FLAG_NUMBER; while (isDigit(this.peekCodePoint(0))) { repr.push(this.consumeCodePoint()); } } return [stringToNumber(repr), type]; }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeNumericToken = function () { var _a = this.consumeNumber(), number = _a[0], flags = _a[1]; var c1 = this.peekCodePoint(0); var c2 = this.peekCodePoint(1); var c3 = this.peekCodePoint(2); if (isIdentifierStart(c1, c2, c3)) { var unit = this.consumeName(); return { type: TokenType.DIMENSION_TOKEN, number: number, flags: flags, unit: unit }; } if (c1 === PERCENTAGE_SIGN) { this.consumeCodePoint(); return { type: TokenType.PERCENTAGE_TOKEN, number: number, flags: flags }; } return { type: TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN, number: number, flags: flags }; }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeEscapedCodePoint = function () { var codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); if (isHex(codePoint)) { var hex = fromCodePoint(codePoint); while (isHex(this.peekCodePoint(0)) && hex.length < 6) { hex += fromCodePoint(this.consumeCodePoint()); } if (isWhiteSpace(this.peekCodePoint(0))) { this.consumeCodePoint(); } var hexCodePoint = parseInt(hex, 16); if (hexCodePoint === 0 || isSurrogateCodePoint(hexCodePoint) || hexCodePoint > 0x10ffff) { return REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; } return hexCodePoint; } if (codePoint === EOF) { return REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; } return codePoint; }; Tokenizer.prototype.consumeName = function () { var result = ''; while (true) { var codePoint = this.consumeCodePoint(); if (isNameCodePoint(codePoint)) { result += fromCodePoint(codePoint); } else if (isValidEscape(codePoint, this.peekCodePoint(0))) { result += fromCodePoint(this.consumeEscapedCodePoint()); } else { this.reconsumeCodePoint(codePoint); return result; } } }; return Tokenizer; }()); var Parser = /** @class */ (function () { function Parser(tokens) { this._tokens = tokens; } Parser.create = function (value) { var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(); tokenizer.write(value); return new Parser(tokenizer.read()); }; Parser.parseValue = function (value) { return Parser.create(value).parseComponentValue(); }; Parser.parseValues = function (value) { return Parser.create(value).parseComponentValues(); }; Parser.prototype.parseComponentValue = function () { var token = this.consumeToken(); while (token.type === TokenType.WHITESPACE_TOKEN) { token = this.consumeToken(); } if (token.type === TokenType.EOF_TOKEN) { throw new SyntaxError("Error parsing CSS component value, unexpected EOF"); } this.reconsumeToken(token); var value = this.consumeComponentValue(); do { token = this.consumeToken(); } while (token.type === TokenType.WHITESPACE_TOKEN); if (token.type === TokenType.EOF_TOKEN) { return value; } throw new SyntaxError("Error parsing CSS component value, multiple values found when expecting only one"); }; Parser.prototype.parseComponentValues = function () { var values = []; while (true) { var value = this.consumeComponentValue(); if (value.type === TokenType.EOF_TOKEN) { return values; } values.push(value); values.push(); } }; Parser.prototype.consumeComponentValue = function () { var token = this.consumeToken(); switch (token.type) { case TokenType.LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN: case TokenType.LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN: case TokenType.LEFT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN: return this.consumeSimpleBlock(token.type); case TokenType.FUNCTION_TOKEN: return this.consumeFunction(token); } return token; }; Parser.prototype.consumeSimpleBlock = function (type) { var block = { type: type, values: [] }; var token = this.consumeToken(); while (true) { if (token.type === TokenType.EOF_TOKEN || isEndingTokenFor(token, type)) { return block; } this.reconsumeToken(token); block.values.push(this.consumeComponentValue()); token = this.consumeToken(); } }; Parser.prototype.consumeFunction = function (functionToken) { var cssFunction = { name: functionToken.value, values: [], type: TokenType.FUNCTION }; while (true) { var token = this.consumeToken(); if (token.type === TokenType.EOF_TOKEN || token.type === TokenType.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN) { return cssFunction; } this.reconsumeToken(token); cssFunction.values.push(this.consumeComponentValue()); } }; Parser.prototype.consumeToken = function () { var token = this._tokens.shift(); return typeof token === 'undefined' ? EOF_TOKEN : token; }; Parser.prototype.reconsumeToken = function (token) { this._tokens.unshift(token); }; return Parser; }()); var isDimensionToken = function (token) { return token.type === TokenType.DIMENSION_TOKEN; }; var isNumberToken = function (token) { return token.type === TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN; }; var isIdentToken = function (token) { return token.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN; }; var isStringToken = function (token) { return token.type === TokenType.STRING_TOKEN; }; var isIdentWithValue = function (token, value) { return isIdentToken(token) && token.value === value; }; var nonWhiteSpace = function (token) { return token.type !== TokenType.WHITESPACE_TOKEN; }; var nonFunctionArgSeparator = function (token) { return token.type !== TokenType.WHITESPACE_TOKEN && token.type !== TokenType.COMMA_TOKEN; }; var parseFunctionArgs = function (tokens) { var args = []; var arg = []; tokens.forEach(function (token) { if (token.type === TokenType.COMMA_TOKEN) { if (arg.length === 0) { throw new Error("Error parsing function args, zero tokens for arg"); } args.push(arg); arg = []; return; } if (token.type !== TokenType.WHITESPACE_TOKEN) { arg.push(token); } }); if (arg.length) { args.push(arg); } return args; }; var isEndingTokenFor = function (token, type) { if (type === TokenType.LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN && token.type === TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET_TOKEN) { return true; } if (type === TokenType.LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN && token.type === TokenType.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET_TOKEN) { return true; } return type === TokenType.LEFT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN && token.type === TokenType.RIGHT_PARENTHESIS_TOKEN; }; var isLength = function (token) { return token.type === TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN || token.type === TokenType.DIMENSION_TOKEN; }; var isLengthPercentage = function (token) { return token.type === TokenType.PERCENTAGE_TOKEN || isLength(token); }; var parseLengthPercentageTuple = function (tokens) { return tokens.length > 1 ? [tokens[0], tokens[1]] : [tokens[0]]; }; var ZERO_LENGTH = { type: TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN, number: 0, flags: FLAG_INTEGER }; var FIFTY_PERCENT = { type: TokenType.PERCENTAGE_TOKEN, number: 50, flags: FLAG_INTEGER }; var HUNDRED_PERCENT = { type: TokenType.PERCENTAGE_TOKEN, number: 100, flags: FLAG_INTEGER }; var getAbsoluteValueForTuple = function (tuple, width, height) { var x = tuple[0], y = tuple[1]; return [getAbsoluteValue(x, width), getAbsoluteValue(typeof y !== 'undefined' ? y : x, height)]; }; var getAbsoluteValue = function (token, parent) { if (token.type === TokenType.PERCENTAGE_TOKEN) { return (token.number / 100) * parent; } if (isDimensionToken(token)) { switch (token.unit) { case 'rem': case 'em': return 16 * token.number; // TODO use correct font-size case 'px': default: return token.number; } } return token.number; }; var DEG = 'deg'; var GRAD = 'grad'; var RAD = 'rad'; var TURN = 'turn'; var angle = { name: 'angle', parse: function (value) { if (value.type === TokenType.DIMENSION_TOKEN) { switch (value.unit) { case DEG: return (Math.PI * value.number) / 180; case GRAD: return (Math.PI / 200) * value.number; case RAD: return value.number; case TURN: return Math.PI * 2 * value.number; } } throw new Error("Unsupported angle type"); } }; var isAngle = function (value) { if (value.type === TokenType.DIMENSION_TOKEN) { if (value.unit === DEG || value.unit === GRAD || value.unit === RAD || value.unit === TURN) { return true; } } return false; }; var parseNamedSide = function (tokens) { var sideOrCorner = tokens .filter(isIdentToken) .map(function (ident) { return ident.value; }) .join(' '); switch (sideOrCorner) { case 'to bottom right': case 'to right bottom': case 'left top': case 'top left': return [ZERO_LENGTH, ZERO_LENGTH]; case 'to top': case 'bottom': return deg(0); case 'to bottom left': case 'to left bottom': case 'right top': case 'top right': return [ZERO_LENGTH, HUNDRED_PERCENT]; case 'to right': case 'left': return deg(90); case 'to top left': case 'to left top': case 'right bottom': case 'bottom right': return [HUNDRED_PERCENT, HUNDRED_PERCENT]; case 'to bottom': case 'top': return deg(180); case 'to top right': case 'to right top': case 'left bottom': case 'bottom left': return [HUNDRED_PERCENT, ZERO_LENGTH]; case 'to left': case 'right': return deg(270); } return 0; }; var deg = function (deg) { return (Math.PI * deg) / 180; }; var color = { name: 'color', parse: function (value) { if (value.type === TokenType.FUNCTION) { var colorFunction = SUPPORTED_COLOR_FUNCTIONS[value.name]; if (typeof colorFunction === 'undefined') { throw new Error("Attempting to parse an unsupported color function \"" + value.name + "\""); } return colorFunction(value.values); } if (value.type === TokenType.HASH_TOKEN) { if (value.value.length === 3) { var r = value.value.substring(0, 1); var g = value.value.substring(1, 2); var b = value.value.substring(2, 3); return pack(parseInt(r + r, 16), parseInt(g + g, 16), parseInt(b + b, 16), 1); } if (value.value.length === 4) { var r = value.value.substring(0, 1); var g = value.value.substring(1, 2); var b = value.value.substring(2, 3); var a = value.value.substring(3, 4); return pack(parseInt(r + r, 16), parseInt(g + g, 16), parseInt(b + b, 16), parseInt(a + a, 16) / 255); } if (value.value.length === 6) { var r = value.value.substring(0, 2); var g = value.value.substring(2, 4); var b = value.value.substring(4, 6); return pack(parseInt(r, 16), parseInt(g, 16), parseInt(b, 16), 1); } if (value.value.length === 8) { var r = value.value.substring(0, 2); var g = value.value.substring(2, 4); var b = value.value.substring(4, 6); var a = value.value.substring(6, 8); return pack(parseInt(r, 16), parseInt(g, 16), parseInt(b, 16), parseInt(a, 16) / 255); } } if (value.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN) { var namedColor = COLORS[value.value.toUpperCase()]; if (typeof namedColor !== 'undefined') { return namedColor; } } return COLORS.TRANSPARENT; } }; var isTransparent = function (color) { return (0xff & color) === 0; }; var asString = function (color) { var alpha = 0xff & color; var blue = 0xff & (color >> 8); var green = 0xff & (color >> 16); var red = 0xff & (color >> 24); return alpha < 255 ? "rgba(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + "," + alpha / 255 + ")" : "rgb(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + ")"; }; var pack = function (r, g, b, a) { return ((r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | (Math.round(a * 255) << 0)) >>> 0; }; var getTokenColorValue = function (token, i) { if (token.type === TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN) { return token.number; } if (token.type === TokenType.PERCENTAGE_TOKEN) { var max = i === 3 ? 1 : 255; return i === 3 ? (token.number / 100) * max : Math.round((token.number / 100) * max); } return 0; }; var rgb = function (args) { var tokens = args.filter(nonFunctionArgSeparator); if (tokens.length === 3) { var _a = tokens.map(getTokenColorValue), r = _a[0], g = _a[1], b = _a[2]; return pack(r, g, b, 1); } if (tokens.length === 4) { var _b = tokens.map(getTokenColorValue), r = _b[0], g = _b[1], b = _b[2], a = _b[3]; return pack(r, g, b, a); } return 0; }; function hue2rgb(t1, t2, hue) { if (hue < 0) { hue += 1; } if (hue >= 1) { hue -= 1; } if (hue < 1 / 6) { return (t2 - t1) * hue * 6 + t1; } else if (hue < 1 / 2) { return t2; } else if (hue < 2 / 3) { return (t2 - t1) * 6 * (2 / 3 - hue) + t1; } else { return t1; } } var hsl = function (args) { var tokens = args.filter(nonFunctionArgSeparator); var hue = tokens[0], saturation = tokens[1], lightness = tokens[2], alpha = tokens[3]; var h = (hue.type === TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN ? deg(hue.number) : angle.parse(hue)) / (Math.PI * 2); var s = isLengthPercentage(saturation) ? saturation.number / 100 : 0; var l = isLengthPercentage(lightness) ? lightness.number / 100 : 0; var a = typeof alpha !== 'undefined' && isLengthPercentage(alpha) ? getAbsoluteValue(alpha, 1) : 1; if (s === 0) { return pack(l * 255, l * 255, l * 255, 1); } var t2 = l <= 0.5 ? l * (s + 1) : l + s - l * s; var t1 = l * 2 - t2; var r = hue2rgb(t1, t2, h + 1 / 3); var g = hue2rgb(t1, t2, h); var b = hue2rgb(t1, t2, h - 1 / 3); return pack(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a); }; var SUPPORTED_COLOR_FUNCTIONS = { hsl: hsl, hsla: hsl, rgb: rgb, rgba: rgb }; var COLORS = { ALICEBLUE: 0xf0f8ffff, ANTIQUEWHITE: 0xfaebd7ff, AQUA: 0x00ffffff, AQUAMARINE: 0x7fffd4ff, AZURE: 0xf0ffffff, BEIGE: 0xf5f5dcff, BISQUE: 0xffe4c4ff, BLACK: 0x000000ff, BLANCHEDALMOND: 0xffebcdff, BLUE: 0x0000ffff, BLUEVIOLET: 0x8a2be2ff, BROWN: 0xa52a2aff, BURLYWOOD: 0xdeb887ff, CADETBLUE: 0x5f9ea0ff, CHARTREUSE: 0x7fff00ff, CHOCOLATE: 0xd2691eff, CORAL: 0xff7f50ff, CORNFLOWERBLUE: 0x6495edff, CORNSILK: 0xfff8dcff, CRIMSON: 0xdc143cff, CYAN: 0x00ffffff, DARKBLUE: 0x00008bff, DARKCYAN: 0x008b8bff, DARKGOLDENROD: 0xb886bbff, DARKGRAY: 0xa9a9a9ff, DARKGREEN: 0x006400ff, DARKGREY: 0xa9a9a9ff, DARKKHAKI: 0xbdb76bff, DARKMAGENTA: 0x8b008bff, DARKOLIVEGREEN: 0x556b2fff, DARKORANGE: 0xff8c00ff, DARKORCHID: 0x9932ccff, DARKRED: 0x8b0000ff, DARKSALMON: 0xe9967aff, DARKSEAGREEN: 0x8fbc8fff, DARKSLATEBLUE: 0x483d8bff, DARKSLATEGRAY: 0x2f4f4fff, DARKSLATEGREY: 0x2f4f4fff, DARKTURQUOISE: 0x00ced1ff, DARKVIOLET: 0x9400d3ff, DEEPPINK: 0xff1493ff, DEEPSKYBLUE: 0x00bfffff, DIMGRAY: 0x696969ff, DIMGREY: 0x696969ff, DODGERBLUE: 0x1e90ffff, FIREBRICK: 0xb22222ff, FLORALWHITE: 0xfffaf0ff, FORESTGREEN: 0x228b22ff, FUCHSIA: 0xff00ffff, GAINSBORO: 0xdcdcdcff, GHOSTWHITE: 0xf8f8ffff, GOLD: 0xffd700ff, GOLDENROD: 0xdaa520ff, GRAY: 0x808080ff, GREEN: 0x008000ff, GREENYELLOW: 0xadff2fff, GREY: 0x808080ff, HONEYDEW: 0xf0fff0ff, HOTPINK: 0xff69b4ff, INDIANRED: 0xcd5c5cff, INDIGO: 0x4b0082ff, IVORY: 0xfffff0ff, KHAKI: 0xf0e68cff, LAVENDER: 0xe6e6faff, LAVENDERBLUSH: 0xfff0f5ff, LAWNGREEN: 0x7cfc00ff, LEMONCHIFFON: 0xfffacdff, LIGHTBLUE: 0xadd8e6ff, LIGHTCORAL: 0xf08080ff, LIGHTCYAN: 0xe0ffffff, LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW: 0xfafad2ff, LIGHTGRAY: 0xd3d3d3ff, LIGHTGREEN: 0x90ee90ff, LIGHTGREY: 0xd3d3d3ff, LIGHTPINK: 0xffb6c1ff, LIGHTSALMON: 0xffa07aff, LIGHTSEAGREEN: 0x20b2aaff, LIGHTSKYBLUE: 0x87cefaff, LIGHTSLATEGRAY: 0x778899ff, LIGHTSLATEGREY: 0x778899ff, LIGHTSTEELBLUE: 0xb0c4deff, LIGHTYELLOW: 0xffffe0ff, LIME: 0x00ff00ff, LIMEGREEN: 0x32cd32ff, LINEN: 0xfaf0e6ff, MAGENTA: 0xff00ffff, MAROON: 0x800000ff, MEDIUMAQUAMARINE: 0x66cdaaff, MEDIUMBLUE: 0x0000cdff, MEDIUMORCHID: 0xba55d3ff, MEDIUMPURPLE: 0x9370dbff, MEDIUMSEAGREEN: 0x3cb371ff, MEDIUMSLATEBLUE: 0x7b68eeff, MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN: 0x00fa9aff, MEDIUMTURQUOISE: 0x48d1ccff, MEDIUMVIOLETRED: 0xc71585ff, MIDNIGHTBLUE: 0x191970ff, MINTCREAM: 0xf5fffaff, MISTYROSE: 0xffe4e1ff, MOCCASIN: 0xffe4b5ff, NAVAJOWHITE: 0xffdeadff, NAVY: 0x000080ff, OLDLACE: 0xfdf5e6ff, OLIVE: 0x808000ff, OLIVEDRAB: 0x6b8e23ff, ORANGE: 0xffa500ff, ORANGERED: 0xff4500ff, ORCHID: 0xda70d6ff, PALEGOLDENROD: 0xeee8aaff, PALEGREEN: 0x98fb98ff, PALETURQUOISE: 0xafeeeeff, PALEVIOLETRED: 0xdb7093ff, PAPAYAWHIP: 0xffefd5ff, PEACHPUFF: 0xffdab9ff, PERU: 0xcd853fff, PINK: 0xffc0cbff, PLUM: 0xdda0ddff, POWDERBLUE: 0xb0e0e6ff, PURPLE: 0x800080ff, REBECCAPURPLE: 0x663399ff, RED: 0xff0000ff, ROSYBROWN: 0xbc8f8fff, ROYALBLUE: 0x4169e1ff, SADDLEBROWN: 0x8b4513ff, SALMON: 0xfa8072ff, SANDYBROWN: 0xf4a460ff, SEAGREEN: 0x2e8b57ff, SEASHELL: 0xfff5eeff, SIENNA: 0xa0522dff, SILVER: 0xc0c0c0ff, SKYBLUE: 0x87ceebff, SLATEBLUE: 0x6a5acdff, SLATEGRAY: 0x708090ff, SLATEGREY: 0x708090ff, SNOW: 0xfffafaff, SPRINGGREEN: 0x00ff7fff, STEELBLUE: 0x4682b4ff, TAN: 0xd2b48cff, TEAL: 0x008080ff, THISTLE: 0xd8bfd8ff, TOMATO: 0xff6347ff, TRANSPARENT: 0x00000000, TURQUOISE: 0x40e0d0ff, VIOLET: 0xee82eeff, WHEAT: 0xf5deb3ff, WHITE: 0xffffffff, WHITESMOKE: 0xf5f5f5ff, YELLOW: 0xffff00ff, YELLOWGREEN: 0x9acd32ff }; var PropertyDescriptorParsingType; (function (PropertyDescriptorParsingType) { PropertyDescriptorParsingType[PropertyDescriptorParsingType["VALUE"] = 0] = "VALUE"; PropertyDescriptorParsingType[PropertyDescriptorParsingType["LIST"] = 1] = "LIST"; PropertyDescriptorParsingType[PropertyDescriptorParsingType["IDENT_VALUE"] = 2] = "IDENT_VALUE"; PropertyDescriptorParsingType[PropertyDescriptorParsingType["TYPE_VALUE"] = 3] = "TYPE_VALUE"; PropertyDescriptorParsingType[PropertyDescriptorParsingType["TOKEN_VALUE"] = 4] = "TOKEN_VALUE"; })(PropertyDescriptorParsingType || (PropertyDescriptorParsingType = {})); var BACKGROUND_CLIP; (function (BACKGROUND_CLIP) { BACKGROUND_CLIP[BACKGROUND_CLIP["BORDER_BOX"] = 0] = "BORDER_BOX"; BACKGROUND_CLIP[BACKGROUND_CLIP["PADDING_BOX"] = 1] = "PADDING_BOX"; BACKGROUND_CLIP[BACKGROUND_CLIP["CONTENT_BOX"] = 2] = "CONTENT_BOX"; })(BACKGROUND_CLIP || (BACKGROUND_CLIP = {})); var backgroundClip = { name: 'background-clip', initialValue: 'border-box', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { return tokens.map(function (token) { if (isIdentToken(token)) { switch (token.value) { case 'padding-box': return BACKGROUND_CLIP.PADDING_BOX; case 'content-box': return BACKGROUND_CLIP.CONTENT_BOX; } } return BACKGROUND_CLIP.BORDER_BOX; }); } }; var backgroundColor = { name: "background-color", initialValue: 'transparent', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TYPE_VALUE, format: 'color' }; var parseColorStop = function (args) { var color$1 = color.parse(args[0]); var stop = args[1]; return stop && isLengthPercentage(stop) ? { color: color$1, stop: stop } : { color: color$1, stop: null }; }; var processColorStops = function (stops, lineLength) { var first = stops[0]; var last = stops[stops.length - 1]; if (first.stop === null) { first.stop = ZERO_LENGTH; } if (last.stop === null) { last.stop = HUNDRED_PERCENT; } var processStops = []; var previous = 0; for (var i = 0; i < stops.length; i++) { var stop_1 = stops[i].stop; if (stop_1 !== null) { var absoluteValue = getAbsoluteValue(stop_1, lineLength); if (absoluteValue > previous) { processStops.push(absoluteValue); } else { processStops.push(previous); } previous = absoluteValue; } else { processStops.push(null); } } var gapBegin = null; for (var i = 0; i < processStops.length; i++) { var stop_2 = processStops[i]; if (stop_2 === null) { if (gapBegin === null) { gapBegin = i; } } else if (gapBegin !== null) { var gapLength = i - gapBegin; var beforeGap = processStops[gapBegin - 1]; var gapValue = (stop_2 - beforeGap) / (gapLength + 1); for (var g = 1; g <= gapLength; g++) { processStops[gapBegin + g - 1] = gapValue * g; } gapBegin = null; } } return stops.map(function (_a, i) { var color = _a.color; return { color: color, stop: Math.max(Math.min(1, processStops[i] / lineLength), 0) }; }); }; var getAngleFromCorner = function (corner, width, height) { var centerX = width / 2; var centerY = height / 2; var x = getAbsoluteValue(corner[0], width) - centerX; var y = centerY - getAbsoluteValue(corner[1], height); return (Math.atan2(y, x) + Math.PI * 2) % (Math.PI * 2); }; var calculateGradientDirection = function (angle, width, height) { var radian = typeof angle === 'number' ? angle : getAngleFromCorner(angle, width, height); var lineLength = Math.abs(width * Math.sin(radian)) + Math.abs(height * Math.cos(radian)); var halfWidth = width / 2; var halfHeight = height / 2; var halfLineLength = lineLength / 2; var yDiff = Math.sin(radian - Math.PI / 2) * halfLineLength; var xDiff = Math.cos(radian - Math.PI / 2) * halfLineLength; return [lineLength, halfWidth - xDiff, halfWidth + xDiff, halfHeight - yDiff, halfHeight + yDiff]; }; var distance = function (a, b) { return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); }; var findCorner = function (width, height, x, y, closest) { var corners = [[0, 0], [0, height], [width, 0], [width, height]]; return corners.reduce(function (stat, corner) { var cx = corner[0], cy = corner[1]; var d = distance(x - cx, y - cy); if (closest ? d < stat.optimumDistance : d > stat.optimumDistance) { return { optimumCorner: corner, optimumDistance: d }; } return stat; }, { optimumDistance: closest ? Infinity : -Infinity, optimumCorner: null }).optimumCorner; }; var calculateRadius = function (gradient, x, y, width, height) { var rx = 0; var ry = 0; switch (gradient.size) { case CSSRadialExtent.CLOSEST_SIDE: // The ending shape is sized so that that it exactly meets the side of the gradient box closest to the gradient’s center. // If the shape is an ellipse, it exactly meets the closest side in each dimension. if (gradient.shape === CSSRadialShape.CIRCLE) { rx = ry = Math.min(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(x - width), Math.abs(y), Math.abs(y - height)); } else if (gradient.shape === CSSRadialShape.ELLIPSE) { rx = Math.min(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(x - width)); ry = Math.min(Math.abs(y), Math.abs(y - height)); } break; case CSSRadialExtent.CLOSEST_CORNER: // The ending shape is sized so that that it passes through the corner of the gradient box closest to the gradient’s center. // If the shape is an ellipse, the ending shape is given the same aspect-ratio it would have if closest-side were specified. if (gradient.shape === CSSRadialShape.CIRCLE) { rx = ry = Math.min(distance(x, y), distance(x, y - height), distance(x - width, y), distance(x - width, y - height)); } else if (gradient.shape === CSSRadialShape.ELLIPSE) { // Compute the ratio ry/rx (which is to be the same as for "closest-side") var c = Math.min(Math.abs(y), Math.abs(y - height)) / Math.min(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(x - width)); var _a = findCorner(width, height, x, y, true), cx = _a[0], cy = _a[1]; rx = distance(cx - x, (cy - y) / c); ry = c * rx; } break; case CSSRadialExtent.FARTHEST_SIDE: // Same as closest-side, except the ending shape is sized based on the farthest side(s) if (gradient.shape === CSSRadialShape.CIRCLE) { rx = ry = Math.max(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(x - width), Math.abs(y), Math.abs(y - height)); } else if (gradient.shape === CSSRadialShape.ELLIPSE) { rx = Math.max(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(x - width)); ry = Math.max(Math.abs(y), Math.abs(y - height)); } break; case CSSRadialExtent.FARTHEST_CORNER: // Same as closest-corner, except the ending shape is sized based on the farthest corner. // If the shape is an ellipse, the ending shape is given the same aspect ratio it would have if farthest-side were specified. if (gradient.shape === CSSRadialShape.CIRCLE) { rx = ry = Math.max(distance(x, y), distance(x, y - height), distance(x - width, y), distance(x - width, y - height)); } else if (gradient.shape === CSSRadialShape.ELLIPSE) { // Compute the ratio ry/rx (which is to be the same as for "farthest-side") var c = Math.max(Math.abs(y), Math.abs(y - height)) / Math.max(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(x - width)); var _b = findCorner(width, height, x, y, false), cx = _b[0], cy = _b[1]; rx = distance(cx - x, (cy - y) / c); ry = c * rx; } break; } if (Array.isArray(gradient.size)) { rx = getAbsoluteValue(gradient.size[0], width); ry = gradient.size.length === 2 ? getAbsoluteValue(gradient.size[1], height) : rx; } return [rx, ry]; }; var linearGradient = function (tokens) { var angle$1 = deg(180); var stops = []; parseFunctionArgs(tokens).forEach(function (arg, i) { if (i === 0) { var firstToken = arg[0]; if (firstToken.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN && firstToken.value === 'to') { angle$1 = parseNamedSide(arg); return; } else if (isAngle(firstToken)) { angle$1 = angle.parse(firstToken); return; } } var colorStop = parseColorStop(arg); stops.push(colorStop); }); return { angle: angle$1, stops: stops, type: CSSImageType.LINEAR_GRADIENT }; }; var prefixLinearGradient = function (tokens) { var angle$1 = deg(180); var stops = []; parseFunctionArgs(tokens).forEach(function (arg, i) { if (i === 0) { var firstToken = arg[0]; if (firstToken.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN && ['top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom'].indexOf(firstToken.value) !== -1) { angle$1 = parseNamedSide(arg); return; } else if (isAngle(firstToken)) { angle$1 = (angle.parse(firstToken) + deg(270)) % deg(360); return; } } var colorStop = parseColorStop(arg); stops.push(colorStop); }); return { angle: angle$1, stops: stops, type: CSSImageType.LINEAR_GRADIENT }; }; var testRangeBounds = function (document) { var TEST_HEIGHT = 123; if (document.createRange) { var range = document.createRange(); if (range.getBoundingClientRect) { var testElement = document.createElement('boundtest'); testElement.style.height = TEST_HEIGHT + "px"; testElement.style.display = 'block'; document.body.appendChild(testElement); range.selectNode(testElement); var rangeBounds = range.getBoundingClientRect(); var rangeHeight = Math.round(rangeBounds.height); document.body.removeChild(testElement); if (rangeHeight === TEST_HEIGHT) { return true; } } } return false; }; var testCORS = function () { return typeof new Image().crossOrigin !== 'undefined'; }; var testResponseType = function () { return typeof new XMLHttpRequest().responseType === 'string'; }; var testSVG = function (document) { var img = new Image(); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (!ctx) { return false; } img.src = "data:image/svg+xml,"; try { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); canvas.toDataURL(); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }; var isGreenPixel = function (data) { return data[0] === 0 && data[1] === 255 && data[2] === 0 && data[3] === 255; }; var testForeignObject = function (document) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var size = 100; canvas.width = size; canvas.height = size; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (!ctx) { return Promise.reject(false); } ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0, 255, 0)'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, size, size); var img = new Image(); var greenImageSrc = canvas.toDataURL(); img.src = greenImageSrc; var svg = createForeignObjectSVG(size, size, 0, 0, img); ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, size, size); return loadSerializedSVG(svg) .then(function (img) { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, size, size).data; ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, size, size); var node = document.createElement('div'); node.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + greenImageSrc + ")"; node.style.height = size + "px"; // Firefox 55 does not render inline tags return isGreenPixel(data) ? loadSerializedSVG(createForeignObjectSVG(size, size, 0, 0, node)) : Promise.reject(false); }) .then(function (img) { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // Edge does not render background-images return isGreenPixel(ctx.getImageData(0, 0, size, size).data); }) .catch(function () { return false; }); }; var createForeignObjectSVG = function (width, height, x, y, node) { var xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; var svg = document.createElementNS(xmlns, 'svg'); var foreignObject = document.createElementNS(xmlns, 'foreignObject'); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', width.toString()); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', height.toString()); foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '100%'); foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '100%'); foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', x.toString()); foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', y.toString()); foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'externalResourcesRequired', 'true'); svg.appendChild(foreignObject); foreignObject.appendChild(node); return svg; }; var loadSerializedSVG = function (svg) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { return resolve(img); }; img.onerror = reject; img.src = "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg)); }); }; var FEATURES = { get SUPPORT_RANGE_BOUNDS() { var value = testRangeBounds(document); Object.defineProperty(FEATURES, 'SUPPORT_RANGE_BOUNDS', { value: value }); return value; }, get SUPPORT_SVG_DRAWING() { var value = testSVG(document); Object.defineProperty(FEATURES, 'SUPPORT_SVG_DRAWING', { value: value }); return value; }, get SUPPORT_FOREIGNOBJECT_DRAWING() { var value = typeof Array.from === 'function' && typeof window.fetch === 'function' ? testForeignObject(document) : Promise.resolve(false); Object.defineProperty(FEATURES, 'SUPPORT_FOREIGNOBJECT_DRAWING', { value: value }); return value; }, get SUPPORT_CORS_IMAGES() { var value = testCORS(); Object.defineProperty(FEATURES, 'SUPPORT_CORS_IMAGES', { value: value }); return value; }, get SUPPORT_RESPONSE_TYPE() { var value = testResponseType(); Object.defineProperty(FEATURES, 'SUPPORT_RESPONSE_TYPE', { value: value }); return value; }, get SUPPORT_CORS_XHR() { var value = 'withCredentials' in new XMLHttpRequest(); Object.defineProperty(FEATURES, 'SUPPORT_CORS_XHR', { value: value }); return value; } }; var Logger = /** @class */ (function () { function Logger(id) { this.id = id; this.start = Date.now(); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any Logger.prototype.debug = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-console if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.console && typeof console.debug === 'function') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.debug.apply(console, [this.id, this.getTime() + "ms"].concat(args)); } else { this.info.apply(this, args); } }; Logger.prototype.getTime = function () { return Date.now() - this.start; }; Logger.create = function (id) { Logger.instances[id] = new Logger(id); }; Logger.destroy = function (id) { delete Logger.instances[id]; }; Logger.getInstance = function (id) { var instance = Logger.instances[id]; if (typeof instance === 'undefined') { throw new Error("No logger instance found with id " + id); } return instance; }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any Logger.prototype.info = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-console if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.console && typeof console.info === 'function') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.info.apply(console, [this.id, this.getTime() + "ms"].concat(args)); } }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any Logger.prototype.error = function () { var args = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { args[_i] = arguments[_i]; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-console if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.console && typeof console.error === 'function') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error.apply(console, [this.id, this.getTime() + "ms"].concat(args)); } else { this.info.apply(this, args); } }; Logger.instances = {}; return Logger; }()); var CacheStorage = /** @class */ (function () { function CacheStorage() { } CacheStorage.create = function (name, options) { return (CacheStorage._caches[name] = new Cache(name, options)); }; CacheStorage.destroy = function (name) { delete CacheStorage._caches[name]; }; CacheStorage.open = function (name) { var cache = CacheStorage._caches[name]; if (typeof cache !== 'undefined') { return cache; } throw new Error("Cache with key \"" + name + "\" not found"); }; CacheStorage.getOrigin = function (url) { var link = CacheStorage._link; if (!link) { return 'about:blank'; } link.href = url; link.href = link.href; // IE9, LOL! - http://jsfiddle.net/niklasvh/2e48b/ return link.protocol + link.hostname + link.port; }; CacheStorage.isSameOrigin = function (src) { return CacheStorage.getOrigin(src) === CacheStorage._origin; }; CacheStorage.setContext = function (window) { CacheStorage._link = window.document.createElement('a'); CacheStorage._origin = CacheStorage.getOrigin(window.location.href); }; CacheStorage.getInstance = function () { var current = CacheStorage._current; if (current === null) { throw new Error("No cache instance attached"); } return current; }; CacheStorage.attachInstance = function (cache) { CacheStorage._current = cache; }; CacheStorage.detachInstance = function () { CacheStorage._current = null; }; CacheStorage._caches = {}; CacheStorage._origin = 'about:blank'; CacheStorage._current = null; return CacheStorage; }()); var Cache = /** @class */ (function () { function Cache(id, options) { this.id = id; this._options = options; this._cache = {}; } Cache.prototype.addImage = function (src) { var result = Promise.resolve(); if (this.has(src)) { return result; } if (isBlobImage(src) || isRenderable(src)) { this._cache[src] = this.loadImage(src); return result; } return result; }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any Cache.prototype.match = function (src) { return this._cache[src]; }; Cache.prototype.loadImage = function (key) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var isSameOrigin, useCORS, useProxy, src; var _this = this; return __generator(this, function (_a) { switch (_a.label) { case 0: isSameOrigin = CacheStorage.isSameOrigin(key); useCORS = !isInlineImage(key) && this._options.useCORS === true && FEATURES.SUPPORT_CORS_IMAGES && !isSameOrigin; useProxy = !isInlineImage(key) && !isSameOrigin && typeof this._options.proxy === 'string' && FEATURES.SUPPORT_CORS_XHR && !useCORS; if (!isSameOrigin && this._options.allowTaint === false && !isInlineImage(key) && !useProxy && !useCORS) { return [2 /*return*/]; } src = key; if (!useProxy) return [3 /*break*/, 2]; return [4 /*yield*/, this.proxy(src)]; case 1: src = _a.sent(); _a.label = 2; case 2: Logger.getInstance(this.id).debug("Added image " + key.substring(0, 256)); return [4 /*yield*/, new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { return resolve(img); }; img.onerror = reject; //ios safari 10.3 taints canvas with data urls unless crossOrigin is set to anonymous if (isInlineBase64Image(src) || useCORS) { img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; } img.src = src; if (img.complete === true) { // Inline XML images may fail to parse, throwing an Error later on setTimeout(function () { return resolve(img); }, 500); } if (_this._options.imageTimeout > 0) { setTimeout(function () { return reject("Timed out (" + _this._options.imageTimeout + "ms) loading image"); }, _this._options.imageTimeout); } })]; case 3: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()]; } }); }); }; Cache.prototype.has = function (key) { return typeof this._cache[key] !== 'undefined'; }; Cache.prototype.keys = function () { return Promise.resolve(Object.keys(this._cache)); }; Cache.prototype.proxy = function (src) { var _this = this; var proxy = this._options.proxy; if (!proxy) { throw new Error('No proxy defined'); } var key = src.substring(0, 256); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var responseType = FEATURES.SUPPORT_RESPONSE_TYPE ? 'blob' : 'text'; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status === 200) { if (responseType === 'text') { resolve(xhr.response); } else { var reader_1 = new FileReader(); reader_1.addEventListener('load', function () { return resolve(reader_1.result); }, false); reader_1.addEventListener('error', function (e) { return reject(e); }, false); reader_1.readAsDataURL(xhr.response); } } else { reject("Failed to proxy resource " + key + " with status code " + xhr.status); } }; xhr.onerror = reject; xhr.open('GET', proxy + "?url=" + encodeURIComponent(src) + "&responseType=" + responseType); if (responseType !== 'text' && xhr instanceof XMLHttpRequest) { xhr.responseType = responseType; } if (_this._options.imageTimeout) { var timeout_1 = _this._options.imageTimeout; xhr.timeout = timeout_1; xhr.ontimeout = function () { return reject("Timed out (" + timeout_1 + "ms) proxying " + key); }; } xhr.send(); }); }; return Cache; }()); var INLINE_SVG = /^data:image\/svg\+xml/i; var INLINE_BASE64 = /^data:image\/.*;base64,/i; var INLINE_IMG = /^data:image\/.*/i; var isRenderable = function (src) { return FEATURES.SUPPORT_SVG_DRAWING || !isSVG(src); }; var isInlineImage = function (src) { return INLINE_IMG.test(src); }; var isInlineBase64Image = function (src) { return INLINE_BASE64.test(src); }; var isBlobImage = function (src) { return src.substr(0, 4) === 'blob'; }; var isSVG = function (src) { return src.substr(-3).toLowerCase() === 'svg' || INLINE_SVG.test(src); }; var webkitGradient = function (tokens) { var angle = deg(180); var stops = []; var type = CSSImageType.LINEAR_GRADIENT; var shape = CSSRadialShape.CIRCLE; var size = CSSRadialExtent.FARTHEST_CORNER; var position = []; parseFunctionArgs(tokens).forEach(function (arg, i) { var firstToken = arg[0]; if (i === 0) { if (isIdentToken(firstToken) && firstToken.value === 'linear') { type = CSSImageType.LINEAR_GRADIENT; return; } else if (isIdentToken(firstToken) && firstToken.value === 'radial') { type = CSSImageType.RADIAL_GRADIENT; return; } } if (firstToken.type === TokenType.FUNCTION) { if (firstToken.name === 'from') { var color$1 = color.parse(firstToken.values[0]); stops.push({ stop: ZERO_LENGTH, color: color$1 }); } else if (firstToken.name === 'to') { var color$1 = color.parse(firstToken.values[0]); stops.push({ stop: HUNDRED_PERCENT, color: color$1 }); } else if (firstToken.name === 'color-stop') { var values = firstToken.values.filter(nonFunctionArgSeparator); if (values.length === 2) { var color$1 = color.parse(values[1]); var stop_1 = values[0]; if (isNumberToken(stop_1)) { stops.push({ stop: { type: TokenType.PERCENTAGE_TOKEN, number: stop_1.number * 100, flags: stop_1.flags }, color: color$1 }); } } } } }); return type === CSSImageType.LINEAR_GRADIENT ? { angle: (angle + deg(180)) % deg(360), stops: stops, type: type } : { size: size, shape: shape, stops: stops, position: position, type: type }; }; var CLOSEST_SIDE = 'closest-side'; var FARTHEST_SIDE = 'farthest-side'; var CLOSEST_CORNER = 'closest-corner'; var FARTHEST_CORNER = 'farthest-corner'; var CIRCLE = 'circle'; var ELLIPSE = 'ellipse'; var COVER = 'cover'; var CONTAIN = 'contain'; var radialGradient = function (tokens) { var shape = CSSRadialShape.CIRCLE; var size = CSSRadialExtent.FARTHEST_CORNER; var stops = []; var position = []; parseFunctionArgs(tokens).forEach(function (arg, i) { var isColorStop = true; if (i === 0) { var isAtPosition_1 = false; isColorStop = arg.reduce(function (acc, token) { if (isAtPosition_1) { if (isIdentToken(token)) { switch (token.value) { case 'center': position.push(FIFTY_PERCENT); return acc; case 'top': case 'left': position.push(ZERO_LENGTH); return acc; case 'right': case 'bottom': position.push(HUNDRED_PERCENT); return acc; } } else if (isLengthPercentage(token) || isLength(token)) { position.push(token); } } else if (isIdentToken(token)) { switch (token.value) { case CIRCLE: shape = CSSRadialShape.CIRCLE; return false; case ELLIPSE: shape = CSSRadialShape.ELLIPSE; return false; case 'at': isAtPosition_1 = true; return false; case CLOSEST_SIDE: size = CSSRadialExtent.CLOSEST_SIDE; return false; case COVER: case FARTHEST_SIDE: size = CSSRadialExtent.FARTHEST_SIDE; return false; case CONTAIN: case CLOSEST_CORNER: size = CSSRadialExtent.CLOSEST_CORNER; return false; case FARTHEST_CORNER: size = CSSRadialExtent.FARTHEST_CORNER; return false; } } else if (isLength(token) || isLengthPercentage(token)) { if (!Array.isArray(size)) { size = []; } size.push(token); return false; } return acc; }, isColorStop); } if (isColorStop) { var colorStop = parseColorStop(arg); stops.push(colorStop); } }); return { size: size, shape: shape, stops: stops, position: position, type: CSSImageType.RADIAL_GRADIENT }; }; var prefixRadialGradient = function (tokens) { var shape = CSSRadialShape.CIRCLE; var size = CSSRadialExtent.FARTHEST_CORNER; var stops = []; var position = []; parseFunctionArgs(tokens).forEach(function (arg, i) { var isColorStop = true; if (i === 0) { isColorStop = arg.reduce(function (acc, token) { if (isIdentToken(token)) { switch (token.value) { case 'center': position.push(FIFTY_PERCENT); return false; case 'top': case 'left': position.push(ZERO_LENGTH); return false; case 'right': case 'bottom': position.push(HUNDRED_PERCENT); return false; } } else if (isLengthPercentage(token) || isLength(token)) { position.push(token); return false; } return acc; }, isColorStop); } else if (i === 1) { isColorStop = arg.reduce(function (acc, token) { if (isIdentToken(token)) { switch (token.value) { case CIRCLE: shape = CSSRadialShape.CIRCLE; return false; case ELLIPSE: shape = CSSRadialShape.ELLIPSE; return false; case CONTAIN: case CLOSEST_SIDE: size = CSSRadialExtent.CLOSEST_SIDE; return false; case FARTHEST_SIDE: size = CSSRadialExtent.FARTHEST_SIDE; return false; case CLOSEST_CORNER: size = CSSRadialExtent.CLOSEST_CORNER; return false; case COVER: case FARTHEST_CORNER: size = CSSRadialExtent.FARTHEST_CORNER; return false; } } else if (isLength(token) || isLengthPercentage(token)) { if (!Array.isArray(size)) { size = []; } size.push(token); return false; } return acc; }, isColorStop); } if (isColorStop) { var colorStop = parseColorStop(arg); stops.push(colorStop); } }); return { size: size, shape: shape, stops: stops, position: position, type: CSSImageType.RADIAL_GRADIENT }; }; var CSSImageType; (function (CSSImageType) { CSSImageType[CSSImageType["URL"] = 0] = "URL"; CSSImageType[CSSImageType["LINEAR_GRADIENT"] = 1] = "LINEAR_GRADIENT"; CSSImageType[CSSImageType["RADIAL_GRADIENT"] = 2] = "RADIAL_GRADIENT"; })(CSSImageType || (CSSImageType = {})); var isLinearGradient = function (background) { return background.type === CSSImageType.LINEAR_GRADIENT; }; var isRadialGradient = function (background) { return background.type === CSSImageType.RADIAL_GRADIENT; }; var CSSRadialShape; (function (CSSRadialShape) { CSSRadialShape[CSSRadialShape["CIRCLE"] = 0] = "CIRCLE"; CSSRadialShape[CSSRadialShape["ELLIPSE"] = 1] = "ELLIPSE"; })(CSSRadialShape || (CSSRadialShape = {})); var CSSRadialExtent; (function (CSSRadialExtent) { CSSRadialExtent[CSSRadialExtent["CLOSEST_SIDE"] = 0] = "CLOSEST_SIDE"; CSSRadialExtent[CSSRadialExtent["FARTHEST_SIDE"] = 1] = "FARTHEST_SIDE"; CSSRadialExtent[CSSRadialExtent["CLOSEST_CORNER"] = 2] = "CLOSEST_CORNER"; CSSRadialExtent[CSSRadialExtent["FARTHEST_CORNER"] = 3] = "FARTHEST_CORNER"; })(CSSRadialExtent || (CSSRadialExtent = {})); var image = { name: 'image', parse: function (value) { if (value.type === TokenType.URL_TOKEN) { var image_1 = { url: value.value, type: CSSImageType.URL }; CacheStorage.getInstance().addImage(value.value); return image_1; } if (value.type === TokenType.FUNCTION) { var imageFunction = SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FUNCTIONS[value.name]; if (typeof imageFunction === 'undefined') { throw new Error("Attempting to parse an unsupported image function \"" + value.name + "\""); } return imageFunction(value.values); } throw new Error("Unsupported image type"); } }; function isSupportedImage(value) { return value.type !== TokenType.FUNCTION || SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FUNCTIONS[value.name]; } var SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FUNCTIONS = { 'linear-gradient': linearGradient, '-moz-linear-gradient': prefixLinearGradient, '-ms-linear-gradient': prefixLinearGradient, '-o-linear-gradient': prefixLinearGradient, '-webkit-linear-gradient': prefixLinearGradient, 'radial-gradient': radialGradient, '-moz-radial-gradient': prefixRadialGradient, '-ms-radial-gradient': prefixRadialGradient, '-o-radial-gradient': prefixRadialGradient, '-webkit-radial-gradient': prefixRadialGradient, '-webkit-gradient': webkitGradient }; var backgroundImage = { name: 'background-image', initialValue: 'none', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, prefix: false, parse: function (tokens) { if (tokens.length === 0) { return []; } var first = tokens[0]; if (first.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN && first.value === 'none') { return []; } return tokens.filter(function (value) { return nonFunctionArgSeparator(value) && isSupportedImage(value); }).map(image.parse); } }; var backgroundOrigin = { name: 'background-origin', initialValue: 'border-box', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { return tokens.map(function (token) { if (isIdentToken(token)) { switch (token.value) { case 'padding-box': return 1 /* PADDING_BOX */; case 'content-box': return 2 /* CONTENT_BOX */; } } return 0 /* BORDER_BOX */; }); } }; var backgroundPosition = { name: 'background-position', initialValue: '0% 0%', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, prefix: false, parse: function (tokens) { return parseFunctionArgs(tokens) .map(function (values) { return values.filter(isLengthPercentage); }) .map(parseLengthPercentageTuple); } }; var BACKGROUND_REPEAT; (function (BACKGROUND_REPEAT) { BACKGROUND_REPEAT[BACKGROUND_REPEAT["REPEAT"] = 0] = "REPEAT"; BACKGROUND_REPEAT[BACKGROUND_REPEAT["NO_REPEAT"] = 1] = "NO_REPEAT"; BACKGROUND_REPEAT[BACKGROUND_REPEAT["REPEAT_X"] = 2] = "REPEAT_X"; BACKGROUND_REPEAT[BACKGROUND_REPEAT["REPEAT_Y"] = 3] = "REPEAT_Y"; })(BACKGROUND_REPEAT || (BACKGROUND_REPEAT = {})); var backgroundRepeat = { name: 'background-repeat', initialValue: 'repeat', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { return parseFunctionArgs(tokens) .map(function (values) { return values .filter(isIdentToken) .map(function (token) { return token.value; }) .join(' '); }) .map(parseBackgroundRepeat); } }; var parseBackgroundRepeat = function (value) { switch (value) { case 'no-repeat': return BACKGROUND_REPEAT.NO_REPEAT; case 'repeat-x': case 'repeat no-repeat': return BACKGROUND_REPEAT.REPEAT_X; case 'repeat-y': case 'no-repeat repeat': return BACKGROUND_REPEAT.REPEAT_Y; case 'repeat': default: return BACKGROUND_REPEAT.REPEAT; } }; var BACKGROUND_SIZE; (function (BACKGROUND_SIZE) { BACKGROUND_SIZE["AUTO"] = "auto"; BACKGROUND_SIZE["CONTAIN"] = "contain"; BACKGROUND_SIZE["COVER"] = "cover"; })(BACKGROUND_SIZE || (BACKGROUND_SIZE = {})); var backgroundSize = { name: 'background-size', initialValue: '0', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { return parseFunctionArgs(tokens).map(function (values) { return values.filter(isBackgroundSizeInfoToken); }); } }; var isBackgroundSizeInfoToken = function (value) { return isIdentToken(value) || isLengthPercentage(value); }; var borderColorForSide = function (side) { return ({ name: "border-" + side + "-color", initialValue: 'transparent', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TYPE_VALUE, format: 'color' }); }; var borderTopColor = borderColorForSide('top'); var borderRightColor = borderColorForSide('right'); var borderBottomColor = borderColorForSide('bottom'); var borderLeftColor = borderColorForSide('left'); var borderRadiusForSide = function (side) { return ({ name: "border-radius-" + side, initialValue: '0 0', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { return parseLengthPercentageTuple(tokens.filter(isLengthPercentage)); } }); }; var borderTopLeftRadius = borderRadiusForSide('top-left'); var borderTopRightRadius = borderRadiusForSide('top-right'); var borderBottomRightRadius = borderRadiusForSide('bottom-right'); var borderBottomLeftRadius = borderRadiusForSide('bottom-left'); var BORDER_STYLE; (function (BORDER_STYLE) { BORDER_STYLE[BORDER_STYLE["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; BORDER_STYLE[BORDER_STYLE["SOLID"] = 1] = "SOLID"; })(BORDER_STYLE || (BORDER_STYLE = {})); var borderStyleForSide = function (side) { return ({ name: "border-" + side + "-style", initialValue: 'solid', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (style) { switch (style) { case 'none': return BORDER_STYLE.NONE; } return BORDER_STYLE.SOLID; } }); }; var borderTopStyle = borderStyleForSide('top'); var borderRightStyle = borderStyleForSide('right'); var borderBottomStyle = borderStyleForSide('bottom'); var borderLeftStyle = borderStyleForSide('left'); var borderWidthForSide = function (side) { return ({ name: "border-" + side + "-width", initialValue: '0', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.VALUE, prefix: false, parse: function (token) { if (isDimensionToken(token)) { return token.number; } return 0; } }); }; var borderTopWidth = borderWidthForSide('top'); var borderRightWidth = borderWidthForSide('right'); var borderBottomWidth = borderWidthForSide('bottom'); var borderLeftWidth = borderWidthForSide('left'); var color$1 = { name: "color", initialValue: 'transparent', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TYPE_VALUE, format: 'color' }; var display = { name: 'display', initialValue: 'inline-block', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { return tokens.filter(isIdentToken).reduce(function (bit, token) { return bit | parseDisplayValue(token.value); }, 0 /* NONE */); } }; var parseDisplayValue = function (display) { switch (display) { case 'block': return 2 /* BLOCK */; case 'inline': return 4 /* INLINE */; case 'run-in': return 8 /* RUN_IN */; case 'flow': return 16 /* FLOW */; case 'flow-root': return 32 /* FLOW_ROOT */; case 'table': return 64 /* TABLE */; case 'flex': case '-webkit-flex': return 128 /* FLEX */; case 'grid': return 256 /* GRID */; case 'ruby': return 512 /* RUBY */; case 'subgrid': return 1024 /* SUBGRID */; case 'list-item': return 2048 /* LIST_ITEM */; case 'table-row-group': return 4096 /* TABLE_ROW_GROUP */; case 'table-header-group': return 8192 /* TABLE_HEADER_GROUP */; case 'table-footer-group': return 16384 /* TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP */; case 'table-row': return 32768 /* TABLE_ROW */; case 'table-cell': return 65536 /* TABLE_CELL */; case 'table-column-group': return 131072 /* TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP */; case 'table-column': return 262144 /* TABLE_COLUMN */; case 'table-caption': return 524288 /* TABLE_CAPTION */; case 'ruby-base': return 1048576 /* RUBY_BASE */; case 'ruby-text': return 2097152 /* RUBY_TEXT */; case 'ruby-base-container': return 4194304 /* RUBY_BASE_CONTAINER */; case 'ruby-text-container': return 8388608 /* RUBY_TEXT_CONTAINER */; case 'contents': return 16777216 /* CONTENTS */; case 'inline-block': return 33554432 /* INLINE_BLOCK */; case 'inline-list-item': return 67108864 /* INLINE_LIST_ITEM */; case 'inline-table': return 134217728 /* INLINE_TABLE */; case 'inline-flex': return 268435456 /* INLINE_FLEX */; case 'inline-grid': return 536870912 /* INLINE_GRID */; } return 0 /* NONE */; }; var FLOAT; (function (FLOAT) { FLOAT[FLOAT["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; FLOAT[FLOAT["LEFT"] = 1] = "LEFT"; FLOAT[FLOAT["RIGHT"] = 2] = "RIGHT"; FLOAT[FLOAT["INLINE_START"] = 3] = "INLINE_START"; FLOAT[FLOAT["INLINE_END"] = 4] = "INLINE_END"; })(FLOAT || (FLOAT = {})); var float = { name: 'float', initialValue: 'none', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (float) { switch (float) { case 'left': return FLOAT.LEFT; case 'right': return FLOAT.RIGHT; case 'inline-start': return FLOAT.INLINE_START; case 'inline-end': return FLOAT.INLINE_END; } return FLOAT.NONE; } }; var letterSpacing = { name: 'letter-spacing', initialValue: '0', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.VALUE, parse: function (token) { if (token.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN && token.value === 'normal') { return 0; } if (token.type === TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN) { return token.number; } if (token.type === TokenType.DIMENSION_TOKEN) { return token.number; } return 0; } }; var LINE_BREAK; (function (LINE_BREAK) { LINE_BREAK["NORMAL"] = "normal"; LINE_BREAK["STRICT"] = "strict"; })(LINE_BREAK || (LINE_BREAK = {})); var lineBreak = { name: 'line-break', initialValue: 'normal', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (lineBreak) { switch (lineBreak) { case 'strict': return LINE_BREAK.STRICT; case 'normal': default: return LINE_BREAK.NORMAL; } } }; var lineHeight = { name: 'line-height', initialValue: 'normal', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TOKEN_VALUE }; var computeLineHeight = function (token, fontSize) { if (isIdentToken(token) && token.value === 'normal') { return 1.2 * fontSize; } else if (token.type === TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN) { return fontSize * token.number; } else if (isLengthPercentage(token)) { return getAbsoluteValue(token, fontSize); } return fontSize; }; var listStyleImage = { name: 'list-style-image', initialValue: 'none', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.VALUE, prefix: false, parse: function (token) { if (token.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN && token.value === 'none') { return null; } return image.parse(token); } }; var LIST_STYLE_POSITION; (function (LIST_STYLE_POSITION) { LIST_STYLE_POSITION[LIST_STYLE_POSITION["INSIDE"] = 0] = "INSIDE"; LIST_STYLE_POSITION[LIST_STYLE_POSITION["OUTSIDE"] = 1] = "OUTSIDE"; })(LIST_STYLE_POSITION || (LIST_STYLE_POSITION = {})); var listStylePosition = { name: 'list-style-position', initialValue: 'outside', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (position) { switch (position) { case 'inside': return LIST_STYLE_POSITION.INSIDE; case 'outside': default: return LIST_STYLE_POSITION.OUTSIDE; } } }; var LIST_STYLE_TYPE; (function (LIST_STYLE_TYPE) { LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["NONE"] = -1] = "NONE"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["DISC"] = 0] = "DISC"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["CIRCLE"] = 1] = "CIRCLE"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["SQUARE"] = 2] = "SQUARE"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["DECIMAL"] = 3] = "DECIMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["CJK_DECIMAL"] = 4] = "CJK_DECIMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO"] = 5] = "DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["LOWER_ROMAN"] = 6] = "LOWER_ROMAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["UPPER_ROMAN"] = 7] = "UPPER_ROMAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["LOWER_GREEK"] = 8] = "LOWER_GREEK"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["LOWER_ALPHA"] = 9] = "LOWER_ALPHA"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["UPPER_ALPHA"] = 10] = "UPPER_ALPHA"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["ARABIC_INDIC"] = 11] = "ARABIC_INDIC"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["ARMENIAN"] = 12] = "ARMENIAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["BENGALI"] = 13] = "BENGALI"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["CAMBODIAN"] = 14] = "CAMBODIAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH"] = 15] = "CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM"] = 16] = "CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["CJK_IDEOGRAPHIC"] = 17] = "CJK_IDEOGRAPHIC"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["DEVANAGARI"] = 18] = "DEVANAGARI"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["ETHIOPIC_NUMERIC"] = 19] = "ETHIOPIC_NUMERIC"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["GEORGIAN"] = 20] = "GEORGIAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["GUJARATI"] = 21] = "GUJARATI"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["GURMUKHI"] = 22] = "GURMUKHI"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["HEBREW"] = 22] = "HEBREW"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["HIRAGANA"] = 23] = "HIRAGANA"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["HIRAGANA_IROHA"] = 24] = "HIRAGANA_IROHA"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["JAPANESE_FORMAL"] = 25] = "JAPANESE_FORMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["JAPANESE_INFORMAL"] = 26] = "JAPANESE_INFORMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["KANNADA"] = 27] = "KANNADA"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["KATAKANA"] = 28] = "KATAKANA"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["KATAKANA_IROHA"] = 29] = "KATAKANA_IROHA"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["KHMER"] = 30] = "KHMER"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["KOREAN_HANGUL_FORMAL"] = 31] = "KOREAN_HANGUL_FORMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["KOREAN_HANJA_FORMAL"] = 32] = "KOREAN_HANJA_FORMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["KOREAN_HANJA_INFORMAL"] = 33] = "KOREAN_HANJA_INFORMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["LAO"] = 34] = "LAO"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["LOWER_ARMENIAN"] = 35] = "LOWER_ARMENIAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["MALAYALAM"] = 36] = "MALAYALAM"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["MONGOLIAN"] = 37] = "MONGOLIAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["MYANMAR"] = 38] = "MYANMAR"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["ORIYA"] = 39] = "ORIYA"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["PERSIAN"] = 40] = "PERSIAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["SIMP_CHINESE_FORMAL"] = 41] = "SIMP_CHINESE_FORMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["SIMP_CHINESE_INFORMAL"] = 42] = "SIMP_CHINESE_INFORMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["TAMIL"] = 43] = "TAMIL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["TELUGU"] = 44] = "TELUGU"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["THAI"] = 45] = "THAI"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["TIBETAN"] = 46] = "TIBETAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["TRAD_CHINESE_FORMAL"] = 47] = "TRAD_CHINESE_FORMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["TRAD_CHINESE_INFORMAL"] = 48] = "TRAD_CHINESE_INFORMAL"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["UPPER_ARMENIAN"] = 49] = "UPPER_ARMENIAN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["DISCLOSURE_OPEN"] = 50] = "DISCLOSURE_OPEN"; LIST_STYLE_TYPE[LIST_STYLE_TYPE["DISCLOSURE_CLOSED"] = 51] = "DISCLOSURE_CLOSED"; })(LIST_STYLE_TYPE || (LIST_STYLE_TYPE = {})); var listStyleType = { name: 'list-style-type', initialValue: 'none', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (type) { switch (type) { case 'disc': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DISC; case 'circle': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CIRCLE; case 'square': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.SQUARE; case 'decimal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL; case 'cjk-decimal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CJK_DECIMAL; case 'decimal-leading-zero': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO; case 'lower-roman': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LOWER_ROMAN; case 'upper-roman': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.UPPER_ROMAN; case 'lower-greek': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LOWER_GREEK; case 'lower-alpha': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LOWER_ALPHA; case 'upper-alpha': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.UPPER_ALPHA; case 'arabic-indic': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.ARABIC_INDIC; case 'armenian': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.ARMENIAN; case 'bengali': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.BENGALI; case 'cambodian': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CAMBODIAN; case 'cjk-earthly-branch': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH; case 'cjk-heavenly-stem': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM; case 'cjk-ideographic': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CJK_IDEOGRAPHIC; case 'devanagari': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DEVANAGARI; case 'ethiopic-numeric': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.ETHIOPIC_NUMERIC; case 'georgian': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.GEORGIAN; case 'gujarati': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.GUJARATI; case 'gurmukhi': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.GURMUKHI; case 'hebrew': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.HEBREW; case 'hiragana': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.HIRAGANA; case 'hiragana-iroha': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.HIRAGANA_IROHA; case 'japanese-formal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.JAPANESE_FORMAL; case 'japanese-informal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.JAPANESE_INFORMAL; case 'kannada': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KANNADA; case 'katakana': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KATAKANA; case 'katakana-iroha': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KATAKANA_IROHA; case 'khmer': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KHMER; case 'korean-hangul-formal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KOREAN_HANGUL_FORMAL; case 'korean-hanja-formal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KOREAN_HANJA_FORMAL; case 'korean-hanja-informal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KOREAN_HANJA_INFORMAL; case 'lao': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LAO; case 'lower-armenian': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LOWER_ARMENIAN; case 'malayalam': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.MALAYALAM; case 'mongolian': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.MONGOLIAN; case 'myanmar': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.MYANMAR; case 'oriya': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.ORIYA; case 'persian': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.PERSIAN; case 'simp-chinese-formal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.SIMP_CHINESE_FORMAL; case 'simp-chinese-informal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.SIMP_CHINESE_INFORMAL; case 'tamil': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TAMIL; case 'telugu': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TELUGU; case 'thai': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.THAI; case 'tibetan': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TIBETAN; case 'trad-chinese-formal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TRAD_CHINESE_FORMAL; case 'trad-chinese-informal': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TRAD_CHINESE_INFORMAL; case 'upper-armenian': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.UPPER_ARMENIAN; case 'disclosure-open': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DISCLOSURE_OPEN; case 'disclosure-closed': return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DISCLOSURE_CLOSED; case 'none': default: return LIST_STYLE_TYPE.NONE; } } }; var marginForSide = function (side) { return ({ name: "margin-" + side, initialValue: '0', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TOKEN_VALUE }); }; var marginTop = marginForSide('top'); var marginRight = marginForSide('right'); var marginBottom = marginForSide('bottom'); var marginLeft = marginForSide('left'); var OVERFLOW; (function (OVERFLOW) { OVERFLOW[OVERFLOW["VISIBLE"] = 0] = "VISIBLE"; OVERFLOW[OVERFLOW["HIDDEN"] = 1] = "HIDDEN"; OVERFLOW[OVERFLOW["SCROLL"] = 2] = "SCROLL"; OVERFLOW[OVERFLOW["AUTO"] = 3] = "AUTO"; })(OVERFLOW || (OVERFLOW = {})); var overflow = { name: 'overflow', initialValue: 'visible', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { return tokens.filter(isIdentToken).map(function (overflow) { switch (overflow.value) { case 'hidden': return OVERFLOW.HIDDEN; case 'scroll': return OVERFLOW.SCROLL; case 'auto': return OVERFLOW.AUTO; case 'visible': default: return OVERFLOW.VISIBLE; } }); } }; var OVERFLOW_WRAP; (function (OVERFLOW_WRAP) { OVERFLOW_WRAP["NORMAL"] = "normal"; OVERFLOW_WRAP["BREAK_WORD"] = "break-word"; })(OVERFLOW_WRAP || (OVERFLOW_WRAP = {})); var overflowWrap = { name: 'overflow-wrap', initialValue: 'normal', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (overflow) { switch (overflow) { case 'break-word': return OVERFLOW_WRAP.BREAK_WORD; case 'normal': default: return OVERFLOW_WRAP.NORMAL; } } }; var paddingForSide = function (side) { return ({ name: "padding-" + side, initialValue: '0', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TYPE_VALUE, format: 'length-percentage' }); }; var paddingTop = paddingForSide('top'); var paddingRight = paddingForSide('right'); var paddingBottom = paddingForSide('bottom'); var paddingLeft = paddingForSide('left'); var TEXT_ALIGN; (function (TEXT_ALIGN) { TEXT_ALIGN[TEXT_ALIGN["LEFT"] = 0] = "LEFT"; TEXT_ALIGN[TEXT_ALIGN["CENTER"] = 1] = "CENTER"; TEXT_ALIGN[TEXT_ALIGN["RIGHT"] = 2] = "RIGHT"; })(TEXT_ALIGN || (TEXT_ALIGN = {})); var textAlign = { name: 'text-align', initialValue: 'left', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (textAlign) { switch (textAlign) { case 'right': return TEXT_ALIGN.RIGHT; case 'center': case 'justify': return TEXT_ALIGN.CENTER; case 'left': default: return TEXT_ALIGN.LEFT; } } }; var POSITION; (function (POSITION) { POSITION[POSITION["STATIC"] = 0] = "STATIC"; POSITION[POSITION["RELATIVE"] = 1] = "RELATIVE"; POSITION[POSITION["ABSOLUTE"] = 2] = "ABSOLUTE"; POSITION[POSITION["FIXED"] = 3] = "FIXED"; POSITION[POSITION["STICKY"] = 4] = "STICKY"; })(POSITION || (POSITION = {})); var position = { name: 'position', initialValue: 'static', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (position) { switch (position) { case 'relative': return POSITION.RELATIVE; case 'absolute': return POSITION.ABSOLUTE; case 'fixed': return POSITION.FIXED; case 'sticky': return POSITION.STICKY; } return POSITION.STATIC; } }; var textShadow = { name: 'text-shadow', initialValue: 'none', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, prefix: false, parse: function (tokens) { if (tokens.length === 1 && isIdentWithValue(tokens[0], 'none')) { return []; } return parseFunctionArgs(tokens).map(function (values) { var shadow = { color: COLORS.TRANSPARENT, offsetX: ZERO_LENGTH, offsetY: ZERO_LENGTH, blur: ZERO_LENGTH }; var c = 0; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { var token = values[i]; if (isLength(token)) { if (c === 0) { shadow.offsetX = token; } else if (c === 1) { shadow.offsetY = token; } else { shadow.blur = token; } c++; } else { shadow.color = color.parse(token); } } return shadow; }); } }; var TEXT_TRANSFORM; (function (TEXT_TRANSFORM) { TEXT_TRANSFORM[TEXT_TRANSFORM["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; TEXT_TRANSFORM[TEXT_TRANSFORM["LOWERCASE"] = 1] = "LOWERCASE"; TEXT_TRANSFORM[TEXT_TRANSFORM["UPPERCASE"] = 2] = "UPPERCASE"; TEXT_TRANSFORM[TEXT_TRANSFORM["CAPITALIZE"] = 3] = "CAPITALIZE"; })(TEXT_TRANSFORM || (TEXT_TRANSFORM = {})); var textTransform = { name: 'text-transform', initialValue: 'none', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (textTransform) { switch (textTransform) { case 'uppercase': return TEXT_TRANSFORM.UPPERCASE; case 'lowercase': return TEXT_TRANSFORM.LOWERCASE; case 'capitalize': return TEXT_TRANSFORM.CAPITALIZE; } return TEXT_TRANSFORM.NONE; } }; var transform = { name: 'transform', initialValue: 'none', prefix: true, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.VALUE, parse: function (token) { if (token.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN && token.value === 'none') { return null; } if (token.type === TokenType.FUNCTION) { var transformFunction = SUPPORTED_TRANSFORM_FUNCTIONS[token.name]; if (typeof transformFunction === 'undefined') { throw new Error("Attempting to parse an unsupported transform function \"" + token.name + "\""); } return transformFunction(token.values); } return null; } }; var matrix = function (args) { var values = args.filter(function (arg) { return arg.type === TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN; }).map(function (arg) { return arg.number; }); return values.length === 6 ? values : null; }; // doesn't support 3D transforms at the moment var matrix3d = function (args) { var values = args.filter(function (arg) { return arg.type === TokenType.NUMBER_TOKEN; }).map(function (arg) { return arg.number; }); var a1 = values[0], b1 = values[1], _a = values[2], _b = values[3], a2 = values[4], b2 = values[5], _c = values[6], _d = values[7], _e = values[8], _f = values[9], _g = values[10], _h = values[11], a4 = values[12], b4 = values[13], _j = values[14], _k = values[15]; return values.length === 16 ? [a1, b1, a2, b2, a4, b4] : null; }; var SUPPORTED_TRANSFORM_FUNCTIONS = { matrix: matrix, matrix3d: matrix3d }; var DEFAULT_VALUE = { type: TokenType.PERCENTAGE_TOKEN, number: 50, flags: FLAG_INTEGER }; var DEFAULT = [DEFAULT_VALUE, DEFAULT_VALUE]; var transformOrigin = { name: 'transform-origin', initialValue: '50% 50%', prefix: true, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { var origins = tokens.filter(isLengthPercentage); if (origins.length !== 2) { return DEFAULT; } return [origins[0], origins[1]]; } }; var VISIBILITY; (function (VISIBILITY) { VISIBILITY[VISIBILITY["VISIBLE"] = 0] = "VISIBLE"; VISIBILITY[VISIBILITY["HIDDEN"] = 1] = "HIDDEN"; VISIBILITY[VISIBILITY["COLLAPSE"] = 2] = "COLLAPSE"; })(VISIBILITY || (VISIBILITY = {})); var visibility = { name: 'visible', initialValue: 'none', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (visibility) { switch (visibility) { case 'hidden': return VISIBILITY.HIDDEN; case 'collapse': return VISIBILITY.COLLAPSE; case 'visible': default: return VISIBILITY.VISIBLE; } } }; var WORD_BREAK; (function (WORD_BREAK) { WORD_BREAK["NORMAL"] = "normal"; WORD_BREAK["BREAK_ALL"] = "break-all"; WORD_BREAK["KEEP_ALL"] = "keep-all"; })(WORD_BREAK || (WORD_BREAK = {})); var wordBreak = { name: 'word-break', initialValue: 'normal', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (wordBreak) { switch (wordBreak) { case 'break-all': return WORD_BREAK.BREAK_ALL; case 'keep-all': return WORD_BREAK.KEEP_ALL; case 'normal': default: return WORD_BREAK.NORMAL; } } }; var zIndex = { name: 'z-index', initialValue: 'auto', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.VALUE, parse: function (token) { if (token.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN) { return { auto: true, order: 0 }; } if (isNumberToken(token)) { return { auto: false, order: token.number }; } throw new Error("Invalid z-index number parsed"); } }; var opacity = { name: 'opacity', initialValue: '1', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.VALUE, prefix: false, parse: function (token) { if (isNumberToken(token)) { return token.number; } return 1; } }; var textDecorationColor = { name: "text-decoration-color", initialValue: 'transparent', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TYPE_VALUE, format: 'color' }; var textDecorationLine = { name: 'text-decoration-line', initialValue: 'none', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { return tokens .filter(isIdentToken) .map(function (token) { switch (token.value) { case 'underline': return 1 /* UNDERLINE */; case 'overline': return 2 /* OVERLINE */; case 'line-through': return 3 /* LINE_THROUGH */; case 'none': return 4 /* BLINK */; } return 0 /* NONE */; }) .filter(function (line) { return line !== 0 /* NONE */; }); } }; var fontFamily = { name: "font-family", initialValue: '', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { return tokens.filter(isStringToken$1).map(function (token) { return token.value; }); } }; var isStringToken$1 = function (token) { return token.type === TokenType.STRING_TOKEN || token.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN; }; var fontSize = { name: "font-size", initialValue: '0', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TYPE_VALUE, format: 'length' }; var fontWeight = { name: 'font-weight', initialValue: 'normal', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.VALUE, prefix: false, parse: function (token) { if (isNumberToken(token)) { return token.number; } if (isIdentToken(token)) { switch (token.value) { case 'bold': return 700; case 'normal': default: return 400; } } return 400; } }; var fontVariant = { name: 'font-variant', initialValue: 'none', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, prefix: false, parse: function (tokens) { return tokens.filter(isIdentToken).map(function (token) { return token.value; }); } }; var FONT_STYLE; (function (FONT_STYLE) { FONT_STYLE["NORMAL"] = "normal"; FONT_STYLE["ITALIC"] = "italic"; FONT_STYLE["OBLIQUE"] = "oblique"; })(FONT_STYLE || (FONT_STYLE = {})); var fontStyle = { name: 'font-style', initialValue: 'normal', prefix: false, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE, parse: function (overflow) { switch (overflow) { case 'oblique': return FONT_STYLE.OBLIQUE; case 'italic': return FONT_STYLE.ITALIC; case 'normal': default: return FONT_STYLE.NORMAL; } } }; var contains = function (bit, value) { return (bit & value) !== 0; }; var content = { name: 'content', initialValue: 'none', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, prefix: false, parse: function (tokens) { if (tokens.length === 0) { return []; } var first = tokens[0]; if (first.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN && first.value === 'none') { return []; } return tokens; } }; var counterIncrement = { name: 'counter-increment', initialValue: 'none', prefix: true, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { if (tokens.length === 0) { return null; } var first = tokens[0]; if (first.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN && first.value === 'none') { return null; } var increments = []; var filtered = tokens.filter(nonWhiteSpace); for (var i = 0; i < filtered.length; i++) { var counter = filtered[i]; var next = filtered[i + 1]; if (counter.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN) { var increment = next && isNumberToken(next) ? next.number : 1; increments.push({ counter: counter.value, increment: increment }); } } return increments; } }; var counterReset = { name: 'counter-reset', initialValue: 'none', prefix: true, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { if (tokens.length === 0) { return []; } var resets = []; var filtered = tokens.filter(nonWhiteSpace); for (var i = 0; i < filtered.length; i++) { var counter = filtered[i]; var next = filtered[i + 1]; if (isIdentToken(counter) && counter.value !== 'none') { var reset = next && isNumberToken(next) ? next.number : 0; resets.push({ counter: counter.value, reset: reset }); } } return resets; } }; var quotes = { name: 'quotes', initialValue: 'none', prefix: true, type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, parse: function (tokens) { if (tokens.length === 0) { return null; } var first = tokens[0]; if (first.type === TokenType.IDENT_TOKEN && first.value === 'none') { return null; } var quotes = []; var filtered = tokens.filter(isStringToken); if (filtered.length % 2 !== 0) { return null; } for (var i = 0; i < filtered.length; i += 2) { var open_1 = filtered[i].value; var close_1 = filtered[i + 1].value; quotes.push({ open: open_1, close: close_1 }); } return quotes; } }; var getQuote = function (quotes, depth, open) { if (!quotes) { return ''; } var quote = quotes[Math.min(depth, quotes.length - 1)]; if (!quote) { return ''; } return open ? quote.open : quote.close; }; var boxShadow = { name: 'box-shadow', initialValue: 'none', type: PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST, prefix: false, parse: function (tokens) { if (tokens.length === 1 && isIdentWithValue(tokens[0], 'none')) { return []; } return parseFunctionArgs(tokens).map(function (values) { var shadow = { color: 0x000000ff, offsetX: ZERO_LENGTH, offsetY: ZERO_LENGTH, blur: ZERO_LENGTH, spread: ZERO_LENGTH, inset: false }; var c = 0; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { var token = values[i]; if (isIdentWithValue(token, 'inset')) { shadow.inset = true; } else if (isLength(token)) { if (c === 0) { shadow.offsetX = token; } else if (c === 1) { shadow.offsetY = token; } else if (c === 2) { shadow.blur = token; } else { shadow.spread = token; } c++; } else { shadow.color = color.parse(token); } } return shadow; }); } }; var CSSParsedDeclaration = /** @class */ (function () { function CSSParsedDeclaration(declaration) { this.backgroundClip = parse(backgroundClip, declaration.backgroundClip); this.backgroundColor = parse(backgroundColor, declaration.backgroundColor); this.backgroundImage = parse(backgroundImage, declaration.backgroundImage); this.backgroundOrigin = parse(backgroundOrigin, declaration.backgroundOrigin); this.backgroundPosition = parse(backgroundPosition, declaration.backgroundPosition); this.backgroundRepeat = parse(backgroundRepeat, declaration.backgroundRepeat); this.backgroundSize = parse(backgroundSize, declaration.backgroundSize); this.borderTopColor = parse(borderTopColor, declaration.borderTopColor); this.borderRightColor = parse(borderRightColor, declaration.borderRightColor); this.borderBottomColor = parse(borderBottomColor, declaration.borderBottomColor); this.borderLeftColor = parse(borderLeftColor, declaration.borderLeftColor); this.borderTopLeftRadius = parse(borderTopLeftRadius, declaration.borderTopLeftRadius); this.borderTopRightRadius = parse(borderTopRightRadius, declaration.borderTopRightRadius); this.borderBottomRightRadius = parse(borderBottomRightRadius, declaration.borderBottomRightRadius); this.borderBottomLeftRadius = parse(borderBottomLeftRadius, declaration.borderBottomLeftRadius); this.borderTopStyle = parse(borderTopStyle, declaration.borderTopStyle); this.borderRightStyle = parse(borderRightStyle, declaration.borderRightStyle); this.borderBottomStyle = parse(borderBottomStyle, declaration.borderBottomStyle); this.borderLeftStyle = parse(borderLeftStyle, declaration.borderLeftStyle); this.borderTopWidth = parse(borderTopWidth, declaration.borderTopWidth); this.borderRightWidth = parse(borderRightWidth, declaration.borderRightWidth); this.borderBottomWidth = parse(borderBottomWidth, declaration.borderBottomWidth); this.borderLeftWidth = parse(borderLeftWidth, declaration.borderLeftWidth); this.boxShadow = parse(boxShadow, declaration.boxShadow); this.color = parse(color$1, declaration.color); this.display = parse(display, declaration.display); this.float = parse(float, declaration.cssFloat); this.fontFamily = parse(fontFamily, declaration.fontFamily); this.fontSize = parse(fontSize, declaration.fontSize); this.fontStyle = parse(fontStyle, declaration.fontStyle); this.fontVariant = parse(fontVariant, declaration.fontVariant); this.fontWeight = parse(fontWeight, declaration.fontWeight); this.letterSpacing = parse(letterSpacing, declaration.letterSpacing); this.lineBreak = parse(lineBreak, declaration.lineBreak); this.lineHeight = parse(lineHeight, declaration.lineHeight); this.listStyleImage = parse(listStyleImage, declaration.listStyleImage); this.listStylePosition = parse(listStylePosition, declaration.listStylePosition); this.listStyleType = parse(listStyleType, declaration.listStyleType); this.marginTop = parse(marginTop, declaration.marginTop); this.marginRight = parse(marginRight, declaration.marginRight); this.marginBottom = parse(marginBottom, declaration.marginBottom); this.marginLeft = parse(marginLeft, declaration.marginLeft); this.opacity = parse(opacity, declaration.opacity); var overflowTuple = parse(overflow, declaration.overflow); this.overflowX = overflowTuple[0]; this.overflowY = overflowTuple[overflowTuple.length > 1 ? 1 : 0]; this.overflowWrap = parse(overflowWrap, declaration.overflowWrap); this.paddingTop = parse(paddingTop, declaration.paddingTop); this.paddingRight = parse(paddingRight, declaration.paddingRight); this.paddingBottom = parse(paddingBottom, declaration.paddingBottom); this.paddingLeft = parse(paddingLeft, declaration.paddingLeft); this.position = parse(position, declaration.position); this.textAlign = parse(textAlign, declaration.textAlign); this.textDecorationColor = parse(textDecorationColor, declaration.textDecorationColor || declaration.color); this.textDecorationLine = parse(textDecorationLine, declaration.textDecorationLine); this.textShadow = parse(textShadow, declaration.textShadow); this.textTransform = parse(textTransform, declaration.textTransform); this.transform = parse(transform, declaration.transform); this.transformOrigin = parse(transformOrigin, declaration.transformOrigin); this.visibility = parse(visibility, declaration.visibility); this.wordBreak = parse(wordBreak, declaration.wordBreak); this.zIndex = parse(zIndex, declaration.zIndex); } CSSParsedDeclaration.prototype.isVisible = function () { return this.display > 0 && this.opacity > 0 && this.visibility === VISIBILITY.VISIBLE; }; CSSParsedDeclaration.prototype.isTransparent = function () { return isTransparent(this.backgroundColor); }; CSSParsedDeclaration.prototype.isTransformed = function () { return this.transform !== null; }; CSSParsedDeclaration.prototype.isPositioned = function () { return this.position !== POSITION.STATIC; }; CSSParsedDeclaration.prototype.isPositionedWithZIndex = function () { return this.isPositioned() && !this.zIndex.auto; }; CSSParsedDeclaration.prototype.isFloating = function () { return this.float !== FLOAT.NONE; }; CSSParsedDeclaration.prototype.isInlineLevel = function () { return (contains(this.display, 4 /* INLINE */) || contains(this.display, 33554432 /* INLINE_BLOCK */) || contains(this.display, 268435456 /* INLINE_FLEX */) || contains(this.display, 536870912 /* INLINE_GRID */) || contains(this.display, 67108864 /* INLINE_LIST_ITEM */) || contains(this.display, 134217728 /* INLINE_TABLE */)); }; return CSSParsedDeclaration; }()); var CSSParsedPseudoDeclaration = /** @class */ (function () { function CSSParsedPseudoDeclaration(declaration) { this.content = parse(content, declaration.content); this.quotes = parse(quotes, declaration.quotes); } return CSSParsedPseudoDeclaration; }()); var CSSParsedCounterDeclaration = /** @class */ (function () { function CSSParsedCounterDeclaration(declaration) { this.counterIncrement = parse(counterIncrement, declaration.counterIncrement); this.counterReset = parse(counterReset, declaration.counterReset); } return CSSParsedCounterDeclaration; }()); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any var parse = function (descriptor, style) { var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(); var value = style !== null && typeof style !== 'undefined' ? style.toString() : descriptor.initialValue; tokenizer.write(value); var parser = new Parser(tokenizer.read()); switch (descriptor.type) { case PropertyDescriptorParsingType.IDENT_VALUE: var token = parser.parseComponentValue(); return descriptor.parse(isIdentToken(token) ? token.value : descriptor.initialValue); case PropertyDescriptorParsingType.VALUE: return descriptor.parse(parser.parseComponentValue()); case PropertyDescriptorParsingType.LIST: return descriptor.parse(parser.parseComponentValues()); case PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TOKEN_VALUE: return parser.parseComponentValue(); case PropertyDescriptorParsingType.TYPE_VALUE: switch (descriptor.format) { case 'angle': return angle.parse(parser.parseComponentValue()); case 'color': return color.parse(parser.parseComponentValue()); case 'image': return image.parse(parser.parseComponentValue()); case 'length': var length_1 = parser.parseComponentValue(); return isLength(length_1) ? length_1 : ZERO_LENGTH; case 'length-percentage': var value_1 = parser.parseComponentValue(); return isLengthPercentage(value_1) ? value_1 : ZERO_LENGTH; } } throw new Error("Attempting to parse unsupported css format type " + descriptor.format); }; var ElementContainer = /** @class */ (function () { function ElementContainer(element) { this.styles = new CSSParsedDeclaration(window.getComputedStyle(element, null)); this.textNodes = []; this.elements = []; if (this.styles.transform !== null && isHTMLElementNode(element)) { // getBoundingClientRect takes transforms into account element.style.transform = 'none'; } this.bounds = parseBounds(element); this.flags = 0; } return ElementContainer; }()); var TextBounds = /** @class */ (function () { function TextBounds(text, bounds) { this.text = text; this.bounds = bounds; } return TextBounds; }()); var parseTextBounds = function (value, styles, node) { var textList = breakText(value, styles); var textBounds = []; var offset = 0; textList.forEach(function (text) { if (styles.textDecorationLine.length || text.trim().length > 0) { if (FEATURES.SUPPORT_RANGE_BOUNDS) { textBounds.push(new TextBounds(text, getRangeBounds(node, offset, text.length))); } else { var replacementNode = node.splitText(text.length); textBounds.push(new TextBounds(text, getWrapperBounds(node))); node = replacementNode; } } else if (!FEATURES.SUPPORT_RANGE_BOUNDS) { node = node.splitText(text.length); } offset += text.length; }); return textBounds; }; var getWrapperBounds = function (node) { var ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument; if (ownerDocument) { var wrapper = ownerDocument.createElement('html2canvaswrapper'); wrapper.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true)); var parentNode = node.parentNode; if (parentNode) { parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, node); var bounds = parseBounds(wrapper); if (wrapper.firstChild) { parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper.firstChild, wrapper); } return bounds; } } return new Bounds(0, 0, 0, 0); }; var getRangeBounds = function (node, offset, length) { var ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument; if (!ownerDocument) { throw new Error('Node has no owner document'); } var range = ownerDocument.createRange(); range.setStart(node, offset); range.setEnd(node, offset + length); return Bounds.fromClientRect(range.getBoundingClientRect()); }; var breakText = function (value, styles) { return styles.letterSpacing !== 0 ? toCodePoints(value).map(function (i) { return fromCodePoint(i); }) : breakWords(value, styles); }; var breakWords = function (str, styles) { var breaker = LineBreaker(str, { lineBreak: styles.lineBreak, wordBreak: styles.overflowWrap === OVERFLOW_WRAP.BREAK_WORD ? 'break-word' : styles.wordBreak }); var words = []; var bk; while (!(bk = breaker.next()).done) { if (bk.value) { words.push(bk.value.slice()); } } return words; }; var TextContainer = /** @class */ (function () { function TextContainer(node, styles) { this.text = transform$1(node.data, styles.textTransform); this.textBounds = parseTextBounds(this.text, styles, node); } return TextContainer; }()); var transform$1 = function (text, transform) { switch (transform) { case TEXT_TRANSFORM.LOWERCASE: return text.toLowerCase(); case TEXT_TRANSFORM.CAPITALIZE: return text.replace(CAPITALIZE, capitalize); case TEXT_TRANSFORM.UPPERCASE: return text.toUpperCase(); default: return text; } }; var CAPITALIZE = /(^|\s|:|-|\(|\))([a-z])/g; var capitalize = function (m, p1, p2) { if (m.length > 0) { return p1 + p2.toUpperCase(); } return m; }; var ImageElementContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(ImageElementContainer, _super); function ImageElementContainer(img) { var _this = _super.call(this, img) || this; _this.src = img.currentSrc || img.src; _this.intrinsicWidth = img.naturalWidth; _this.intrinsicHeight = img.naturalHeight; CacheStorage.getInstance().addImage(_this.src); return _this; } return ImageElementContainer; }(ElementContainer)); var CanvasElementContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(CanvasElementContainer, _super); function CanvasElementContainer(canvas) { var _this = _super.call(this, canvas) || this; _this.canvas = canvas; _this.intrinsicWidth = canvas.width; _this.intrinsicHeight = canvas.height; return _this; } return CanvasElementContainer; }(ElementContainer)); var SVGElementContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(SVGElementContainer, _super); function SVGElementContainer(img) { var _this = _super.call(this, img) || this; var s = new XMLSerializer(); _this.svg = "data:image/svg+xml," + encodeURIComponent(s.serializeToString(img)); _this.intrinsicWidth = img.width.baseVal.value; _this.intrinsicHeight = img.height.baseVal.value; CacheStorage.getInstance().addImage(_this.svg); return _this; } return SVGElementContainer; }(ElementContainer)); var LIElementContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(LIElementContainer, _super); function LIElementContainer(element) { var _this = _super.call(this, element) || this; _this.value = element.value; return _this; } return LIElementContainer; }(ElementContainer)); var OLElementContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(OLElementContainer, _super); function OLElementContainer(element) { var _this = _super.call(this, element) || this; _this.start = element.start; _this.reversed = typeof element.reversed === 'boolean' && element.reversed === true; return _this; } return OLElementContainer; }(ElementContainer)); var CHECKBOX_BORDER_RADIUS = [ { type: TokenType.DIMENSION_TOKEN, flags: 0, unit: 'px', number: 3 } ]; var RADIO_BORDER_RADIUS = [ { type: TokenType.PERCENTAGE_TOKEN, flags: 0, number: 50 } ]; var reformatInputBounds = function (bounds) { if (bounds.width > bounds.height) { return new Bounds(bounds.left + (bounds.width - bounds.height) / 2, bounds.top, bounds.height, bounds.height); } else if (bounds.width < bounds.height) { return new Bounds(bounds.left, bounds.top + (bounds.height - bounds.width) / 2, bounds.width, bounds.width); } return bounds; }; var getInputValue = function (node) { var value = node.type === PASSWORD ? new Array(node.value.length + 1).join('\u2022') : node.value; return value.length === 0 ? node.placeholder || '' : value; }; var CHECKBOX = 'checkbox'; var RADIO = 'radio'; var PASSWORD = 'password'; var INPUT_COLOR = 0x2a2a2aff; var InputElementContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(InputElementContainer, _super); function InputElementContainer(input) { var _this = _super.call(this, input) || this; _this.type = input.type.toLowerCase(); _this.checked = input.checked; _this.value = getInputValue(input); if (_this.type === CHECKBOX || _this.type === RADIO) { _this.styles.backgroundColor = 0xdededeff; _this.styles.borderTopColor = _this.styles.borderRightColor = _this.styles.borderBottomColor = _this.styles.borderLeftColor = 0xa5a5a5ff; _this.styles.borderTopWidth = _this.styles.borderRightWidth = _this.styles.borderBottomWidth = _this.styles.borderLeftWidth = 1; _this.styles.borderTopStyle = _this.styles.borderRightStyle = _this.styles.borderBottomStyle = _this.styles.borderLeftStyle = BORDER_STYLE.SOLID; _this.styles.backgroundClip = [BACKGROUND_CLIP.BORDER_BOX]; _this.styles.backgroundOrigin = [0 /* BORDER_BOX */]; _this.bounds = reformatInputBounds(_this.bounds); } switch (_this.type) { case CHECKBOX: _this.styles.borderTopRightRadius = _this.styles.borderTopLeftRadius = _this.styles.borderBottomRightRadius = _this.styles.borderBottomLeftRadius = CHECKBOX_BORDER_RADIUS; break; case RADIO: _this.styles.borderTopRightRadius = _this.styles.borderTopLeftRadius = _this.styles.borderBottomRightRadius = _this.styles.borderBottomLeftRadius = RADIO_BORDER_RADIUS; break; } return _this; } return InputElementContainer; }(ElementContainer)); var SelectElementContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(SelectElementContainer, _super); function SelectElementContainer(element) { var _this = _super.call(this, element) || this; var option = element.options[element.selectedIndex || 0]; _this.value = option ? option.text || '' : ''; return _this; } return SelectElementContainer; }(ElementContainer)); var TextareaElementContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(TextareaElementContainer, _super); function TextareaElementContainer(element) { var _this = _super.call(this, element) || this; _this.value = element.value; return _this; } return TextareaElementContainer; }(ElementContainer)); var parseColor = function (value) { return color.parse(Parser.create(value).parseComponentValue()); }; var IFrameElementContainer = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(IFrameElementContainer, _super); function IFrameElementContainer(iframe) { var _this = _super.call(this, iframe) || this; _this.src = iframe.src; _this.width = parseInt(iframe.width, 10) || 0; _this.height = parseInt(iframe.height, 10) || 0; _this.backgroundColor = _this.styles.backgroundColor; try { if (iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document && iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement) { _this.tree = parseTree(iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement); // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#special-backgrounds var documentBackgroundColor = iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement ? parseColor(getComputedStyle(iframe.contentWindow.document.documentElement) .backgroundColor) : COLORS.TRANSPARENT; var bodyBackgroundColor = iframe.contentWindow.document.body ? parseColor(getComputedStyle(iframe.contentWindow.document.body).backgroundColor) : COLORS.TRANSPARENT; _this.backgroundColor = isTransparent(documentBackgroundColor) ? isTransparent(bodyBackgroundColor) ? _this.styles.backgroundColor : bodyBackgroundColor : documentBackgroundColor; } } catch (e) { } return _this; } return IFrameElementContainer; }(ElementContainer)); var LIST_OWNERS = ['OL', 'UL', 'MENU']; var parseNodeTree = function (node, parent, root) { for (var childNode = node.firstChild, nextNode = void 0; childNode; childNode = nextNode) { nextNode = childNode.nextSibling; if (isTextNode(childNode) && childNode.data.trim().length > 0) { parent.textNodes.push(new TextContainer(childNode, parent.styles)); } else if (isElementNode(childNode)) { var container = createContainer(childNode); if (container.styles.isVisible()) { if (createsRealStackingContext(childNode, container, root)) { container.flags |= 4 /* CREATES_REAL_STACKING_CONTEXT */; } else if (createsStackingContext(container.styles)) { container.flags |= 2 /* CREATES_STACKING_CONTEXT */; } if (LIST_OWNERS.indexOf(childNode.tagName) !== -1) { container.flags |= 8 /* IS_LIST_OWNER */; } parent.elements.push(container); if (!isTextareaElement(childNode) && !isSVGElement(childNode) && !isSelectElement(childNode)) { parseNodeTree(childNode, container, root); } } } } }; var createContainer = function (element) { if (isImageElement(element)) { return new ImageElementContainer(element); } if (isCanvasElement(element)) { return new CanvasElementContainer(element); } if (isSVGElement(element)) { return new SVGElementContainer(element); } if (isLIElement(element)) { return new LIElementContainer(element); } if (isOLElement(element)) { return new OLElementContainer(element); } if (isInputElement(element)) { return new InputElementContainer(element); } if (isSelectElement(element)) { return new SelectElementContainer(element); } if (isTextareaElement(element)) { return new TextareaElementContainer(element); } if (isIFrameElement(element)) { return new IFrameElementContainer(element); } return new ElementContainer(element); }; var parseTree = function (element) { var container = createContainer(element); container.flags |= 4 /* CREATES_REAL_STACKING_CONTEXT */; parseNodeTree(element, container, container); return container; }; var createsRealStackingContext = function (node, container, root) { return (container.styles.isPositionedWithZIndex() || container.styles.opacity < 1 || container.styles.isTransformed() || (isBodyElement(node) && root.styles.isTransparent())); }; var createsStackingContext = function (styles) { return styles.isPositioned() || styles.isFloating(); }; var isTextNode = function (node) { return node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE; }; var isElementNode = function (node) { return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE; }; var isHTMLElementNode = function (node) { return typeof node.style !== 'undefined'; }; var isLIElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'LI'; }; var isOLElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'OL'; }; var isInputElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'INPUT'; }; var isHTMLElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'HTML'; }; var isSVGElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'svg'; }; var isBodyElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'BODY'; }; var isCanvasElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'CANVAS'; }; var isImageElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'IMG'; }; var isIFrameElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'IFRAME'; }; var isStyleElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'STYLE'; }; var isScriptElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'SCRIPT'; }; var isTextareaElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'TEXTAREA'; }; var isSelectElement = function (node) { return node.tagName === 'SELECT'; }; var CounterState = /** @class */ (function () { function CounterState() { this.counters = {}; } CounterState.prototype.getCounterValue = function (name) { var counter = this.counters[name]; if (counter && counter.length) { return counter[counter.length - 1]; } return 1; }; CounterState.prototype.getCounterValues = function (name) { var counter = this.counters[name]; return counter ? counter : []; }; CounterState.prototype.pop = function (counters) { var _this = this; counters.forEach(function (counter) { return _this.counters[counter].pop(); }); }; CounterState.prototype.parse = function (style) { var _this = this; var counterIncrement = style.counterIncrement; var counterReset = style.counterReset; if (counterIncrement !== null) { counterIncrement.forEach(function (entry) { var counter = _this.counters[entry.counter]; if (counter) { counter[Math.max(0, counter.length - 1)] += entry.increment; } }); } var counterNames = []; counterReset.forEach(function (entry) { var counter = _this.counters[entry.counter]; counterNames.push(entry.counter); if (!counter) { counter = _this.counters[entry.counter] = []; } counter.push(entry.reset); }); return counterNames; }; return CounterState; }()); var ROMAN_UPPER = { integers: [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1], values: ['M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I'] }; var ARMENIAN = { integers: [ 9000, 8000, 7000, 6000, 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 1000, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ], values: [ 'Ք', 'Փ', 'Ւ', 'Ց', 'Ր', 'Տ', 'Վ', 'Ս', 'Ռ', 'Ջ', 'Պ', 'Չ', 'Ո', 'Շ', 'Ն', 'Յ', 'Մ', 'Ճ', 'Ղ', 'Ձ', 'Հ', 'Կ', 'Ծ', 'Խ', 'Լ', 'Ի', 'Ժ', 'Թ', 'Ը', 'Է', 'Զ', 'Ե', 'Դ', 'Գ', 'Բ', 'Ա' ] }; var HEBREW = { integers: [ 10000, 9000, 8000, 7000, 6000, 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 1000, 400, 300, 200, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ], values: [ 'י׳', 'ט׳', 'ח׳', 'ז׳', 'ו׳', 'ה׳', 'ד׳', 'ג׳', 'ב׳', 'א׳', 'ת', 'ש', 'ר', 'ק', 'צ', 'פ', 'ע', 'ס', 'נ', 'מ', 'ל', 'כ', 'יט', 'יח', 'יז', 'טז', 'טו', 'י', 'ט', 'ח', 'ז', 'ו', 'ה', 'ד', 'ג', 'ב', 'א' ] }; var GEORGIAN = { integers: [ 10000, 9000, 8000, 7000, 6000, 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 1000, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ], values: [ 'ჵ', 'ჰ', 'ჯ', 'ჴ', 'ხ', 'ჭ', 'წ', 'ძ', 'ც', 'ჩ', 'შ', 'ყ', 'ღ', 'ქ', 'ფ', 'ჳ', 'ტ', 'ს', 'რ', 'ჟ', 'პ', 'ო', 'ჲ', 'ნ', 'მ', 'ლ', 'კ', 'ი', 'თ', 'ჱ', 'ზ', 'ვ', 'ე', 'დ', 'გ', 'ბ', 'ა' ] }; var createAdditiveCounter = function (value, min, max, symbols, fallback, suffix) { if (value < min || value > max) { return createCounterText(value, fallback, suffix.length > 0); } return (symbols.integers.reduce(function (string, integer, index) { while (value >= integer) { value -= integer; string += symbols.values[index]; } return string; }, '') + suffix); }; var createCounterStyleWithSymbolResolver = function (value, codePointRangeLength, isNumeric, resolver) { var string = ''; do { if (!isNumeric) { value--; } string = resolver(value) + string; value /= codePointRangeLength; } while (value * codePointRangeLength >= codePointRangeLength); return string; }; var createCounterStyleFromRange = function (value, codePointRangeStart, codePointRangeEnd, isNumeric, suffix) { var codePointRangeLength = codePointRangeEnd - codePointRangeStart + 1; return ((value < 0 ? '-' : '') + (createCounterStyleWithSymbolResolver(Math.abs(value), codePointRangeLength, isNumeric, function (codePoint) { return fromCodePoint(Math.floor(codePoint % codePointRangeLength) + codePointRangeStart); }) + suffix)); }; var createCounterStyleFromSymbols = function (value, symbols, suffix) { if (suffix === void 0) { suffix = '. '; } var codePointRangeLength = symbols.length; return (createCounterStyleWithSymbolResolver(Math.abs(value), codePointRangeLength, false, function (codePoint) { return symbols[Math.floor(codePoint % codePointRangeLength)]; }) + suffix); }; var CJK_ZEROS = 1 << 0; var CJK_TEN_COEFFICIENTS = 1 << 1; var CJK_TEN_HIGH_COEFFICIENTS = 1 << 2; var CJK_HUNDRED_COEFFICIENTS = 1 << 3; var createCJKCounter = function (value, numbers, multipliers, negativeSign, suffix, flags) { if (value < -9999 || value > 9999) { return createCounterText(value, LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CJK_DECIMAL, suffix.length > 0); } var tmp = Math.abs(value); var string = suffix; if (tmp === 0) { return numbers[0] + string; } for (var digit = 0; tmp > 0 && digit <= 4; digit++) { var coefficient = tmp % 10; if (coefficient === 0 && contains(flags, CJK_ZEROS) && string !== '') { string = numbers[coefficient] + string; } else if (coefficient > 1 || (coefficient === 1 && digit === 0) || (coefficient === 1 && digit === 1 && contains(flags, CJK_TEN_COEFFICIENTS)) || (coefficient === 1 && digit === 1 && contains(flags, CJK_TEN_HIGH_COEFFICIENTS) && value > 100) || (coefficient === 1 && digit > 1 && contains(flags, CJK_HUNDRED_COEFFICIENTS))) { string = numbers[coefficient] + (digit > 0 ? multipliers[digit - 1] : '') + string; } else if (coefficient === 1 && digit > 0) { string = multipliers[digit - 1] + string; } tmp = Math.floor(tmp / 10); } return (value < 0 ? negativeSign : '') + string; }; var CHINESE_INFORMAL_MULTIPLIERS = '十百千萬'; var CHINESE_FORMAL_MULTIPLIERS = '拾佰仟萬'; var JAPANESE_NEGATIVE = 'マイナス'; var KOREAN_NEGATIVE = '마이너스'; var createCounterText = function (value, type, appendSuffix) { var defaultSuffix = appendSuffix ? '. ' : ''; var cjkSuffix = appendSuffix ? '、' : ''; var koreanSuffix = appendSuffix ? ', ' : ''; var spaceSuffix = appendSuffix ? ' ' : ''; switch (type) { case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DISC: return '•' + spaceSuffix; case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CIRCLE: return '◦' + spaceSuffix; case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.SQUARE: return '◾' + spaceSuffix; case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO: var string = createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 48, 57, true, defaultSuffix); return string.length < 4 ? "0" + string : string; case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CJK_DECIMAL: return createCounterStyleFromSymbols(value, '〇一二三四五六七八九', cjkSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LOWER_ROMAN: return createAdditiveCounter(value, 1, 3999, ROMAN_UPPER, LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL, defaultSuffix).toLowerCase(); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.UPPER_ROMAN: return createAdditiveCounter(value, 1, 3999, ROMAN_UPPER, LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LOWER_GREEK: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 945, 969, false, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LOWER_ALPHA: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 97, 122, false, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.UPPER_ALPHA: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 65, 90, false, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.ARABIC_INDIC: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 1632, 1641, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.ARMENIAN: case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.UPPER_ARMENIAN: return createAdditiveCounter(value, 1, 9999, ARMENIAN, LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LOWER_ARMENIAN: return createAdditiveCounter(value, 1, 9999, ARMENIAN, LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL, defaultSuffix).toLowerCase(); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.BENGALI: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 2534, 2543, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CAMBODIAN: case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KHMER: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 6112, 6121, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH: return createCounterStyleFromSymbols(value, '子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥', cjkSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM: return createCounterStyleFromSymbols(value, '甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸', cjkSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.CJK_IDEOGRAPHIC: case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TRAD_CHINESE_INFORMAL: return createCJKCounter(value, '零一二三四五六七八九', CHINESE_INFORMAL_MULTIPLIERS, '負', cjkSuffix, CJK_TEN_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_TEN_HIGH_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_HUNDRED_COEFFICIENTS); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TRAD_CHINESE_FORMAL: return createCJKCounter(value, '零壹貳參肆伍陸柒捌玖', CHINESE_FORMAL_MULTIPLIERS, '負', cjkSuffix, CJK_ZEROS | CJK_TEN_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_TEN_HIGH_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_HUNDRED_COEFFICIENTS); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.SIMP_CHINESE_INFORMAL: return createCJKCounter(value, '零一二三四五六七八九', CHINESE_INFORMAL_MULTIPLIERS, '负', cjkSuffix, CJK_TEN_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_TEN_HIGH_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_HUNDRED_COEFFICIENTS); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.SIMP_CHINESE_FORMAL: return createCJKCounter(value, '零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖', CHINESE_FORMAL_MULTIPLIERS, '负', cjkSuffix, CJK_ZEROS | CJK_TEN_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_TEN_HIGH_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_HUNDRED_COEFFICIENTS); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.JAPANESE_INFORMAL: return createCJKCounter(value, '〇一二三四五六七八九', '十百千万', JAPANESE_NEGATIVE, cjkSuffix, 0); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.JAPANESE_FORMAL: return createCJKCounter(value, '零壱弐参四伍六七八九', '拾百千万', JAPANESE_NEGATIVE, cjkSuffix, CJK_ZEROS | CJK_TEN_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_TEN_HIGH_COEFFICIENTS); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KOREAN_HANGUL_FORMAL: return createCJKCounter(value, '영일이삼사오육칠팔구', '십백천만', KOREAN_NEGATIVE, koreanSuffix, CJK_ZEROS | CJK_TEN_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_TEN_HIGH_COEFFICIENTS); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KOREAN_HANJA_INFORMAL: return createCJKCounter(value, '零一二三四五六七八九', '十百千萬', KOREAN_NEGATIVE, koreanSuffix, 0); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KOREAN_HANJA_FORMAL: return createCJKCounter(value, '零壹貳參四五六七八九', '拾百千', KOREAN_NEGATIVE, koreanSuffix, CJK_ZEROS | CJK_TEN_COEFFICIENTS | CJK_TEN_HIGH_COEFFICIENTS); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DEVANAGARI: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0x966, 0x96f, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.GEORGIAN: return createAdditiveCounter(value, 1, 19999, GEORGIAN, LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.GUJARATI: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0xae6, 0xaef, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.GURMUKHI: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0xa66, 0xa6f, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.HEBREW: return createAdditiveCounter(value, 1, 10999, HEBREW, LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.HIRAGANA: return createCounterStyleFromSymbols(value, 'あいうえおかきくけこさしすせそたちつてとなにぬねのはひふへほまみむめもやゆよらりるれろわゐゑをん'); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.HIRAGANA_IROHA: return createCounterStyleFromSymbols(value, 'いろはにほへとちりぬるをわかよたれそつねならむうゐのおくやまけふこえてあさきゆめみしゑひもせす'); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KANNADA: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0xce6, 0xcef, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KATAKANA: return createCounterStyleFromSymbols(value, 'アイウエオカキクケコサシスセソタチツテトナニヌネノハヒフヘホマミムメモヤユヨラリルレロワヰヱヲン', cjkSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.KATAKANA_IROHA: return createCounterStyleFromSymbols(value, 'イロハニホヘトチリヌルヲワカヨタレソツネナラムウヰノオクヤマケフコエテアサキユメミシヱヒモセス', cjkSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.LAO: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0xed0, 0xed9, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.MONGOLIAN: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0x1810, 0x1819, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.MYANMAR: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0x1040, 0x1049, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.ORIYA: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0xb66, 0xb6f, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.PERSIAN: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0x6f0, 0x6f9, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TAMIL: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0xbe6, 0xbef, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TELUGU: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0xc66, 0xc6f, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.THAI: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0xe50, 0xe59, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.TIBETAN: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 0xf20, 0xf29, true, defaultSuffix); case LIST_STYLE_TYPE.DECIMAL: default: return createCounterStyleFromRange(value, 48, 57, true, defaultSuffix); } }; var IGNORE_ATTRIBUTE = 'data-html2canvas-ignore'; var DocumentCloner = /** @class */ (function () { function DocumentCloner(element, options) { this.options = options; this.scrolledElements = []; this.referenceElement = element; this.counters = new CounterState(); this.quoteDepth = 0; if (!element.ownerDocument) { throw new Error('Cloned element does not have an owner document'); } this.documentElement = this.cloneNode(element.ownerDocument.documentElement); } DocumentCloner.prototype.toIFrame = function (ownerDocument, windowSize) { var _this = this; var iframe = createIFrameContainer(ownerDocument, windowSize); if (!iframe.contentWindow) { return Promise.reject("Unable to find iframe window"); } var scrollX = ownerDocument.defaultView.pageXOffset; var scrollY = ownerDocument.defaultView.pageYOffset; var cloneWindow = iframe.contentWindow; var documentClone = cloneWindow.document; /* Chrome doesn't detect relative background-images assigned in inline ' + '' + '' + ''; var nW = global.open(); if (nW !== null) { nW.document.write(htmlForNewWindow); } if (nW || typeof safari === "undefined") return nW; /* pass through */ case 'datauri': case 'dataurl': return global.document.location.href = 'data:application/pdf;filename=' + options.filename + ';base64,' + btoa(pdfDocument); default: return null; } }); /** * Used to see if a supplied hotfix was requested when the pdf instance was created. * @param {string} hotfixName - The name of the hotfix to check. * @returns {boolean} */ var hasHotfix = function hasHotfix(hotfixName) { return Array.isArray(hotfixes) === true && hotfixes.indexOf(hotfixName) > -1; }; switch (unit) { case 'pt': k = 1; break; case 'mm': k = 72 / 25.4; break; case 'cm': k = 72 / 2.54; break; case 'in': k = 72; break; case 'px': if (hasHotfix('px_scaling') == true) { k = 72 / 96; } else { k = 96 / 72; } break; case 'pc': k = 12; break; case 'em': k = 12; break; case 'ex': k = 6; break; default: throw new Error('Invalid unit: ' + unit); } setCreationDate(); setFileId(); //--------------------------------------- // Public API var getPageInfo = API.__private__.getPageInfo = function (pageNumberOneBased) { if (isNaN(pageNumberOneBased) || pageNumberOneBased % 1 !== 0) { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.getPageInfo'); } var objId = pagesContext[pageNumberOneBased].objId; return { objId: objId, pageNumber: pageNumberOneBased, pageContext: pagesContext[pageNumberOneBased] }; }; var getPageInfoByObjId = API.__private__.getPageInfoByObjId = function (objId) { for (var pageNumber in pagesContext) { if (pagesContext[pageNumber].objId === objId) { break; } } if (isNaN(objId) || objId % 1 !== 0) { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.getPageInfoByObjId'); } return getPageInfo(pageNumber); }; var getCurrentPageInfo = API.__private__.getCurrentPageInfo = function () { return { objId: pagesContext[currentPage].objId, pageNumber: currentPage, pageContext: pagesContext[currentPage] }; }; /** * Adds (and transfers the focus to) new page to the PDF document. * @param format {String/Array} The format of the new page. Can be:
      • a0 - a10
      • b0 - b10
      • c0 - c10
      • dl
      • letter
      • government-letter
      • legal
      • junior-legal
      • ledger
      • tabloid
      • credit-card

      * Default is "a4". If you want to use your own format just pass instead of one of the above predefined formats the size as an number-array, e.g. [595.28, 841.89] * @param orientation {string} Orientation of the new page. Possible values are "portrait" or "landscape" (or shortcuts "p" (Default), "l"). * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * * @memberOf jsPDF * @name addPage */ API.addPage = function () { _addPage.apply(this, arguments); return this; }; /** * Adds (and transfers the focus to) new page to the PDF document. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setPage * @param {number} page Switch the active page to the page number specified. * @example * doc = jsPDF() * doc.addPage() * doc.addPage() * doc.text('I am on page 3', 10, 10) * doc.setPage(1) * doc.text('I am on page 1', 10, 10) */ API.setPage = function () { _setPage.apply(this, arguments); return this; }; /** * @name insertPage * @memberOf jsPDF * * @function * @instance * @param {Object} beforePage * @returns {jsPDF} */ API.insertPage = function (beforePage) { this.addPage(); this.movePage(currentPage, beforePage); return this; }; /** * @name movePage * @memberOf jsPDF * @function * @instance * @param {Object} targetPage * @param {Object} beforePage * @returns {jsPDF} */ API.movePage = function (targetPage, beforePage) { if (targetPage > beforePage) { var tmpPages = pages[targetPage]; var tmpPagesContext = pagesContext[targetPage]; for (var i = targetPage; i > beforePage; i--) { pages[i] = pages[i - 1]; pagesContext[i] = pagesContext[i - 1]; } pages[beforePage] = tmpPages; pagesContext[beforePage] = tmpPagesContext; this.setPage(beforePage); } else if (targetPage < beforePage) { var tmpPages = pages[targetPage]; var tmpPagesContext = pagesContext[targetPage]; for (var i = targetPage; i < beforePage; i++) { pages[i] = pages[i + 1]; pagesContext[i] = pagesContext[i + 1]; } pages[beforePage] = tmpPages; pagesContext[beforePage] = tmpPagesContext; this.setPage(beforePage); } return this; }; /** * Deletes a page from the PDF. * @name deletePage * @memberOf jsPDF * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} */ API.deletePage = function () { _deletePage.apply(this, arguments); return this; }; /** * Adds text to page. Supports adding multiline text when 'text' argument is an Array of Strings. * * @function * @instance * @param {String|Array} text String or array of strings to be added to the page. Each line is shifted one line down per font, spacing settings declared before this call. * @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. * @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. * @param {Object} [options] - Collection of settings signaling how the text must be encoded. * @param {string} [options.align=left] - The alignment of the text, possible values: left, center, right, justify. * @param {string} [options.baseline=alphabetic] - Sets text baseline used when drawing the text, possible values: alphabetic, ideographic, bottom, top, middle. * @param {string} [options.angle=0] - Rotate the text counterclockwise. Expects the angle in degree. * @param {string} [options.charSpace=0] - The space between each letter. * @param {string} [options.lineHeightFactor=1.15] - The lineheight of each line. * @param {string} [options.flags] - Flags for to8bitStream. * @param {string} [options.flags.noBOM=true] - Don't add BOM to Unicode-text. * @param {string} [options.flags.autoencode=true] - Autoencode the Text. * @param {string} [options.maxWidth=0] - Split the text by given width, 0 = no split. * @param {string} [options.renderingMode=fill] - Set how the text should be rendered, possible values: fill, stroke, fillThenStroke, invisible, fillAndAddForClipping, strokeAndAddPathForClipping, fillThenStrokeAndAddToPathForClipping, addToPathForClipping. * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name text */ var text = API.__private__.text = API.text = function (text, x, y, options) { /** * Inserts something like this into PDF * BT * /F1 16 Tf % Font name + size * 16 TL % How many units down for next line in multiline text * 0 g % color * 28.35 813.54 Td % position * (line one) Tj * T* (line two) Tj * T* (line three) Tj * ET */ //backwardsCompatibility var tmp; // Pre-August-2012 the order of arguments was function(x, y, text, flags) // in effort to make all calls have similar signature like // function(data, coordinates... , miscellaneous) // this method had its args flipped. // code below allows backward compatibility with old arg order. if (typeof text === 'number' && typeof x === 'number' && (typeof y === 'string' || Array.isArray(y))) { tmp = y; y = x; x = text; text = tmp; } var flags = arguments[3]; var angle = arguments[4]; var align = arguments[5]; if (_typeof(flags) !== "object" || flags === null) { if (typeof angle === 'string') { align = angle; angle = null; } if (typeof flags === 'string') { align = flags; flags = null; } if (typeof flags === 'number') { angle = flags; flags = null; } options = { flags: flags, angle: angle, align: align }; } flags = flags || {}; flags.noBOM = flags.noBOM || true; flags.autoencode = flags.autoencode || true; if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || typeof text === "undefined" || text === null) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.text'); } if (text.length === 0) { return scope; } var xtra = ''; var isHex = false; var lineHeight = typeof options.lineHeightFactor === 'number' ? options.lineHeightFactor : lineHeightFactor; var scope = options.scope || this; function ESC(s) { s = s.split("\t").join(Array(options.TabLen || 9).join(" ")); return pdfEscape(s, flags); } function transformTextToSpecialArray(text) { //we don't want to destroy original text array, so cloning it var sa = text.concat(); var da = []; var len = sa.length; var curDa; //we do array.join('text that must not be PDFescaped") //thus, pdfEscape each component separately while (len--) { curDa = sa.shift(); if (typeof curDa === "string") { da.push(curDa); } else { if (Array.isArray(text) && curDa.length === 1) { da.push(curDa[0]); } else { da.push([curDa[0], curDa[1], curDa[2]]); } } } return da; } function processTextByFunction(text, processingFunction) { var result; if (typeof text === 'string') { result = processingFunction(text)[0]; } else if (Array.isArray(text)) { //we don't want to destroy original text array, so cloning it var sa = text.concat(); var da = []; var len = sa.length; var curDa; var tmpResult; //we do array.join('text that must not be PDFescaped") //thus, pdfEscape each component separately while (len--) { curDa = sa.shift(); if (typeof curDa === "string") { da.push(processingFunction(curDa)[0]); } else if (Array.isArray(curDa) && curDa[0] === "string") { tmpResult = processingFunction(curDa[0], curDa[1], curDa[2]); da.push([tmpResult[0], tmpResult[1], tmpResult[2]]); } } result = da; } return result; } //Check if text is of type String var textIsOfTypeString = false; var tmpTextIsOfTypeString = true; if (typeof text === 'string') { textIsOfTypeString = true; } else if (Array.isArray(text)) { //we don't want to destroy original text array, so cloning it var sa = text.concat(); var da = []; var len = sa.length; var curDa; //we do array.join('text that must not be PDFescaped") //thus, pdfEscape each component separately while (len--) { curDa = sa.shift(); if (typeof curDa !== "string" || Array.isArray(curDa) && typeof curDa[0] !== "string") { tmpTextIsOfTypeString = false; } } textIsOfTypeString = tmpTextIsOfTypeString; } if (textIsOfTypeString === false) { throw new Error('Type of text must be string or Array. "' + text + '" is not recognized.'); } //Escaping var activeFontEncoding = fonts[activeFontKey].encoding; if (activeFontEncoding === "WinAnsiEncoding" || activeFontEncoding === "StandardEncoding") { text = processTextByFunction(text, function (text, posX, posY) { return [ESC(text), posX, posY]; }); } //If there are any newlines in text, we assume //the user wanted to print multiple lines, so break the //text up into an array. If the text is already an array, //we assume the user knows what they are doing. //Convert text into an array anyway to simplify //later code. if (typeof text === 'string') { if (text.match(/[\r?\n]/)) { text = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g); } else { text = [text]; } } //baseline var height = activeFontSize / scope.internal.scaleFactor; var descent = height * (lineHeightFactor - 1); switch (options.baseline) { case 'bottom': y -= descent; break; case 'top': y += height - descent; break; case 'hanging': y += height - 2 * descent; break; case 'middle': y += height / 2 - descent; break; case 'ideographic': case 'alphabetic': default: // do nothing, everything is fine break; } //multiline var maxWidth = options.maxWidth || 0; if (maxWidth > 0) { if (typeof text === 'string') { text = scope.splitTextToSize(text, maxWidth); } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text) === '[object Array]') { text = scope.splitTextToSize(text.join(" "), maxWidth); } } //creating Payload-Object to make text byRef var payload = { text: text, x: x, y: y, options: options, mutex: { pdfEscape: pdfEscape, activeFontKey: activeFontKey, fonts: fonts, activeFontSize: activeFontSize } }; events.publish('preProcessText', payload); text = payload.text; options = payload.options; //angle var angle = options.angle; var k = scope.internal.scaleFactor; var transformationMatrix = []; if (angle) { angle *= Math.PI / 180; var c = Math.cos(angle), s = Math.sin(angle); transformationMatrix = [f2(c), f2(s), f2(s * -1), f2(c)]; } //charSpace var charSpace = options.charSpace; if (typeof charSpace !== 'undefined') { xtra += f3(charSpace * k) + " Tc\n"; } //lang var lang = options.lang; var tmpRenderingMode = -1; var parmRenderingMode = typeof options.renderingMode !== "undefined" ? options.renderingMode : options.stroke; var pageContext = scope.internal.getCurrentPageInfo().pageContext; switch (parmRenderingMode) { case 0: case false: case 'fill': tmpRenderingMode = 0; break; case 1: case true: case 'stroke': tmpRenderingMode = 1; break; case 2: case 'fillThenStroke': tmpRenderingMode = 2; break; case 3: case 'invisible': tmpRenderingMode = 3; break; case 4: case 'fillAndAddForClipping': tmpRenderingMode = 4; break; case 5: case 'strokeAndAddPathForClipping': tmpRenderingMode = 5; break; case 6: case 'fillThenStrokeAndAddToPathForClipping': tmpRenderingMode = 6; break; case 7: case 'addToPathForClipping': tmpRenderingMode = 7; break; } var usedRenderingMode = typeof pageContext.usedRenderingMode !== 'undefined' ? pageContext.usedRenderingMode : -1; //if the coder wrote it explicitly to use a specific //renderingMode, then use it if (tmpRenderingMode !== -1) { xtra += tmpRenderingMode + " Tr\n"; //otherwise check if we used the rendering Mode already //if so then set the rendering Mode... } else if (usedRenderingMode !== -1) { xtra += "0 Tr\n"; } if (tmpRenderingMode !== -1) { pageContext.usedRenderingMode = tmpRenderingMode; } //align var align = options.align || 'left'; var leading = activeFontSize * lineHeight; var pageWidth = scope.internal.pageSize.getWidth(); var k = scope.internal.scaleFactor; var activeFont = fonts[activeFontKey]; var charSpace = options.charSpace || activeCharSpace; var maxWidth = options.maxWidth || 0; var lineWidths; var flags = {}; var wordSpacingPerLine = []; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text) === '[object Array]') { var da = transformTextToSpecialArray(text); var newY; var maxLineLength; var lineWidths; if (align !== "left") { lineWidths = da.map(function (v) { return scope.getStringUnitWidth(v, { font: activeFont, charSpace: charSpace, fontSize: activeFontSize }) * activeFontSize / k; }); } var maxLineLength = Math.max.apply(Math, lineWidths); //The first line uses the "main" Td setting, //and the subsequent lines are offset by the //previous line's x coordinate. var prevWidth = 0; var delta; var newX; if (align === "right") { x -= lineWidths[0]; text = []; for (var i = 0, len = da.length; i < len; i++) { delta = maxLineLength - lineWidths[i]; if (i === 0) { newX = getHorizontalCoordinate(x); newY = getVerticalCoordinate(y); } else { newX = (prevWidth - lineWidths[i]) * k; newY = -leading; } text.push([da[i], newX, newY]); prevWidth = lineWidths[i]; } } else if (align === "center") { x -= lineWidths[0] / 2; text = []; for (var i = 0, len = da.length; i < len; i++) { delta = (maxLineLength - lineWidths[i]) / 2; if (i === 0) { newX = getHorizontalCoordinate(x); newY = getVerticalCoordinate(y); } else { newX = (prevWidth - lineWidths[i]) / 2 * k; newY = -leading; } text.push([da[i], newX, newY]); prevWidth = lineWidths[i]; } } else if (align === "left") { text = []; for (var i = 0, len = da.length; i < len; i++) { newY = i === 0 ? getVerticalCoordinate(y) : -leading; newX = i === 0 ? getHorizontalCoordinate(x) : 0; //text.push([da[i], newX, newY]); text.push(da[i]); } } else if (align === "justify") { text = []; var maxWidth = maxWidth !== 0 ? maxWidth : pageWidth; for (var i = 0, len = da.length; i < len; i++) { newY = i === 0 ? getVerticalCoordinate(y) : -leading; newX = i === 0 ? getHorizontalCoordinate(x) : 0; if (i < len - 1) { wordSpacingPerLine.push(((maxWidth - lineWidths[i]) / (da[i].split(" ").length - 1) * k).toFixed(2)); } text.push([da[i], newX, newY]); } } else { throw new Error('Unrecognized alignment option, use "left", "center", "right" or "justify".'); } } //R2L var doReversing = typeof options.R2L === "boolean" ? options.R2L : R2L; if (doReversing === true) { text = processTextByFunction(text, function (text, posX, posY) { return [text.split("").reverse().join(""), posX, posY]; }); } //creating Payload-Object to make text byRef var payload = { text: text, x: x, y: y, options: options, mutex: { pdfEscape: pdfEscape, activeFontKey: activeFontKey, fonts: fonts, activeFontSize: activeFontSize } }; events.publish('postProcessText', payload); text = payload.text; isHex = payload.mutex.isHex; var da = transformTextToSpecialArray(text); text = []; var variant = 0; var len = da.length; var posX; var posY; var content; var wordSpacing = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { wordSpacing = ''; if (!Array.isArray(da[i])) { posX = getHorizontalCoordinate(x); posY = getVerticalCoordinate(y); content = (isHex ? "<" : "(") + da[i] + (isHex ? ">" : ")"); } else { posX = parseFloat(da[i][1]); posY = parseFloat(da[i][2]); content = (isHex ? "<" : "(") + da[i][0] + (isHex ? ">" : ")"); variant = 1; } if (wordSpacingPerLine !== undefined && wordSpacingPerLine[i] !== undefined) { wordSpacing = wordSpacingPerLine[i] + " Tw\n"; } if (transformationMatrix.length !== 0 && i === 0) { text.push(wordSpacing + transformationMatrix.join(" ") + " " + posX.toFixed(2) + " " + posY.toFixed(2) + " Tm\n" + content); } else if (variant === 1 || variant === 0 && i === 0) { text.push(wordSpacing + posX.toFixed(2) + " " + posY.toFixed(2) + " Td\n" + content); } else { text.push(wordSpacing + content); } } if (variant === 0) { text = text.join(" Tj\nT* "); } else { text = text.join(" Tj\n"); } text += " Tj\n"; var result = 'BT\n/' + activeFontKey + ' ' + activeFontSize + ' Tf\n' + // font face, style, size (activeFontSize * lineHeight).toFixed(2) + ' TL\n' + // line spacing textColor + '\n'; result += xtra; result += text; result += "ET"; out(result); usedFonts[activeFontKey] = true; return scope; }; /** * Letter spacing method to print text with gaps * * @function * @instance * @param {String|Array} text String to be added to the page. * @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page * @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page * @param {number} spacing Spacing (in units declared at inception) * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name lstext * @deprecated We'll be removing this function. It doesn't take character width into account. */ var lstext = API.__private__.lstext = API.lstext = function (text, x, y, charSpace) { console.warn('jsPDF.lstext is deprecated'); return this.text(text, x, y, { charSpace: charSpace }); }; /** * * @name clip * @function * @instance * @param {string} rule * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @description All .clip() after calling drawing ops with a style argument of null. */ var clip = API.__private__.clip = API.clip = function (rule) { // Call .clip() after calling drawing ops with a style argument of null // W is the PDF clipping op if ('evenodd' === rule) { out('W*'); } else { out('W'); } // End the path object without filling or stroking it. // This operator is a path-painting no-op, used primarily for the side effect of changing the current clipping path // (see Section 4.4.3, “Clipping Path Operators”) out('n'); }; /** * This fixes the previous function clip(). Perhaps the 'stroke path' hack was due to the missing 'n' instruction? * We introduce the fixed version so as to not break API. * @param fillRule * @ignore */ var clip_fixed = API.__private__.clip_fixed = API.clip_fixed = function (rule) { console.log("clip_fixed is deprecated"); API.clip(rule); }; var isValidStyle = API.__private__.isValidStyle = function (style) { var validStyleVariants = [undefined, null, 'S', 'F', 'DF', 'FD', 'f', 'f*', 'B', 'B*']; var result = false; if (validStyleVariants.indexOf(style) !== -1) { result = true; } return result; }; var getStyle = API.__private__.getStyle = function (style) { // see path-painting operators in PDF spec var op = 'S'; // stroke if (style === 'F') { op = 'f'; // fill } else if (style === 'FD' || style === 'DF') { op = 'B'; // both } else if (style === 'f' || style === 'f*' || style === 'B' || style === 'B*') { /* Allow direct use of these PDF path-painting operators: - f fill using nonzero winding number rule - f* fill using even-odd rule - B fill then stroke with fill using non-zero winding number rule - B* fill then stroke with fill using even-odd rule */ op = style; } return op; }; /** * Draw a line on the current page. * * @name line * @function * @instance * @param {number} x1 * @param {number} y1 * @param {number} x2 * @param {number} y2 * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF */ var line = API.__private__.line = API.line = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { if (isNaN(x1) || isNaN(y1) || isNaN(x2) || isNaN(y2)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.line'); } return this.lines([[x2 - x1, y2 - y1]], x1, y1); }; /** * Adds series of curves (straight lines or cubic bezier curves) to canvas, starting at `x`, `y` coordinates. * All data points in `lines` are relative to last line origin. * `x`, `y` become x1,y1 for first line / curve in the set. * For lines you only need to specify [x2, y2] - (ending point) vector against x1, y1 starting point. * For bezier curves you need to specify [x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4] - vectors to control points 1, 2, ending point. All vectors are against the start of the curve - x1,y1. * * @example .lines([[2,2],[-2,2],[1,1,2,2,3,3],[2,1]], 212,110, [1,1], 'F', false) // line, line, bezier curve, line * @param {Array} lines Array of *vector* shifts as pairs (lines) or sextets (cubic bezier curves). * @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. * @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. * @param {number} scale (Defaults to [1.0,1.0]) x,y Scaling factor for all vectors. Elements can be any floating number Sub-one makes drawing smaller. Over-one grows the drawing. Negative flips the direction. * @param {string} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. A null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. * @param {boolean} closed If true, the path is closed with a straight line from the end of the last curve to the starting point. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name lines */ var lines = API.__private__.lines = API.lines = function (lines, x, y, scale, style, closed) { var scalex, scaley, i, l, leg, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, tmp; // Pre-August-2012 the order of arguments was function(x, y, lines, scale, style) // in effort to make all calls have similar signature like // function(content, coordinateX, coordinateY , miscellaneous) // this method had its args flipped. // code below allows backward compatibility with old arg order. if (typeof lines === 'number') { tmp = y; y = x; x = lines; lines = tmp; } scale = scale || [1, 1]; closed = closed || false; if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || !Array.isArray(lines) || !Array.isArray(scale) || !isValidStyle(style) || typeof closed !== 'boolean') { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.lines'); } // starting point out(f3(getHorizontalCoordinate(x)) + ' ' + f3(getVerticalCoordinate(y)) + ' m '); scalex = scale[0]; scaley = scale[1]; l = lines.length; //, x2, y2 // bezier only. In page default measurement "units", *after* scaling //, x3, y3 // bezier only. In page default measurement "units", *after* scaling // ending point for all, lines and bezier. . In page default measurement "units", *after* scaling x4 = x; // last / ending point = starting point for first item. y4 = y; // last / ending point = starting point for first item. for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { leg = lines[i]; if (leg.length === 2) { // simple line x4 = leg[0] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 was prior ending point y4 = leg[1] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 was prior ending point out(f3(getHorizontalCoordinate(x4)) + ' ' + f3(getVerticalCoordinate(y4)) + ' l'); } else { // bezier curve x2 = leg[0] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 is prior ending point y2 = leg[1] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 is prior ending point x3 = leg[2] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 is prior ending point y3 = leg[3] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 is prior ending point x4 = leg[4] * scalex + x4; // here last x4 was prior ending point y4 = leg[5] * scaley + y4; // here last y4 was prior ending point out(f3(getHorizontalCoordinate(x2)) + ' ' + f3(getVerticalCoordinate(y2)) + ' ' + f3(getHorizontalCoordinate(x3)) + ' ' + f3(getVerticalCoordinate(y3)) + ' ' + f3(getHorizontalCoordinate(x4)) + ' ' + f3(getVerticalCoordinate(y4)) + ' c'); } } if (closed) { out(' h'); } // stroking / filling / both the path if (style !== null) { out(getStyle(style)); } return this; }; /** * Adds a rectangle to PDF. * * @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. * @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. * @param {number} w Width (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @param {number} h Height (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @param {string} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. A null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name rect */ var rect = API.__private__.rect = API.rect = function (x, y, w, h, style) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(w) || isNaN(h) || !isValidStyle(style)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.rect'); } out([f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y)), f2(w * k), f2(-h * k), 're'].join(' ')); if (style !== null) { out(getStyle(style)); } return this; }; /** * Adds a triangle to PDF. * * @param {number} x1 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. * @param {number} y1 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. * @param {number} x2 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. * @param {number} y2 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. * @param {number} x3 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. * @param {number} y3 Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. * @param {string} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. A null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name triangle */ var triangle = API.__private__.triangle = API.triangle = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, style) { if (isNaN(x1) || isNaN(y1) || isNaN(x2) || isNaN(y2) || isNaN(x3) || isNaN(y3) || !isValidStyle(style)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.triangle'); } this.lines([[x2 - x1, y2 - y1], // vector to point 2 [x3 - x2, y3 - y2], // vector to point 3 [x1 - x3, y1 - y3] // closing vector back to point 1 ], x1, y1, // start of path [1, 1], style, true); return this; }; /** * Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to PDF. * * @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. * @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. * @param {number} w Width (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @param {number} h Height (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @param {number} rx Radius along x axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @param {number} ry Radius along y axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @param {string} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. A null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name roundedRect */ var roundedRect = API.__private__.roundedRect = API.roundedRect = function (x, y, w, h, rx, ry, style) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(w) || isNaN(h) || isNaN(rx) || isNaN(ry) || !isValidStyle(style)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.roundedRect'); } var MyArc = 4 / 3 * (Math.SQRT2 - 1); this.lines([[w - 2 * rx, 0], [rx * MyArc, 0, rx, ry - ry * MyArc, rx, ry], [0, h - 2 * ry], [0, ry * MyArc, -(rx * MyArc), ry, -rx, ry], [-w + 2 * rx, 0], [-(rx * MyArc), 0, -rx, -(ry * MyArc), -rx, -ry], [0, -h + 2 * ry], [0, -(ry * MyArc), rx * MyArc, -ry, rx, -ry]], x + rx, y, // start of path [1, 1], style); return this; }; /** * Adds an ellipse to PDF. * * @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. * @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. * @param {number} rx Radius along x axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @param {number} ry Radius along y axis (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @param {string} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. A null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name ellipse */ var ellise = API.__private__.ellipse = API.ellipse = function (x, y, rx, ry, style) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(rx) || isNaN(ry) || !isValidStyle(style)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.ellipse'); } var lx = 4 / 3 * (Math.SQRT2 - 1) * rx, ly = 4 / 3 * (Math.SQRT2 - 1) * ry; out([f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x + rx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y)), 'm', f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x + rx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y - ly)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x + lx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y - ry)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y - ry)), 'c'].join(' ')); out([f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x - lx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y - ry)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x - rx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y - ly)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x - rx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y)), 'c'].join(' ')); out([f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x - rx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y + ly)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x - lx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y + ry)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y + ry)), 'c'].join(' ')); out([f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x + lx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y + ry)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x + rx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y + ly)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x + rx)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y)), 'c'].join(' ')); if (style !== null) { out(getStyle(style)); } return this; }; /** * Adds an circle to PDF. * * @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page. * @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page. * @param {number} r Radius (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @param {string} style A string specifying the painting style or null. Valid styles include: 'S' [default] - stroke, 'F' - fill, and 'DF' (or 'FD') - fill then stroke. A null value postpones setting the style so that a shape may be composed using multiple method calls. The last drawing method call used to define the shape should not have a null style argument. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name circle */ var circle = API.__private__.circle = API.circle = function (x, y, r, style) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(r) || !isValidStyle(style)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.circle'); } return this.ellipse(x, y, r, r, style); }; /** * Sets text font face, variant for upcoming text elements. * See output of jsPDF.getFontList() for possible font names, styles. * * @param {string} fontName Font name or family. Example: "times". * @param {string} fontStyle Font style or variant. Example: "italic". * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setFont */ API.setFont = function (fontName, fontStyle) { activeFontKey = _getFont(fontName, fontStyle, { disableWarning: false }); return this; }; /** * Switches font style or variant for upcoming text elements, * while keeping the font face or family same. * See output of jsPDF.getFontList() for possible font names, styles. * * @param {string} style Font style or variant. Example: "italic". * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setFontStyle */ API.setFontStyle = API.setFontType = function (style) { activeFontKey = _getFont(undefined, style); // if font is not found, the above line blows up and we never go further return this; }; /** * Returns an object - a tree of fontName to fontStyle relationships available to * active PDF document. * * @public * @function * @instance * @returns {Object} Like {'times':['normal', 'italic', ... ], 'arial':['normal', 'bold', ... ], ... } * @memberOf jsPDF * @name getFontList */ var getFontList = API.__private__.getFontList = API.getFontList = function () { // TODO: iterate over fonts array or return copy of fontmap instead in case more are ever added. var list = {}, fontName, fontStyle, tmp; for (fontName in fontmap) { if (fontmap.hasOwnProperty(fontName)) { list[fontName] = tmp = []; for (fontStyle in fontmap[fontName]) { if (fontmap[fontName].hasOwnProperty(fontStyle)) { tmp.push(fontStyle); } } } } return list; }; /** * Add a custom font to the current instance. * * @property {string} postScriptName PDF specification full name for the font. * @property {string} id PDF-document-instance-specific label assinged to the font. * @property {string} fontStyle Style of the Font. * @property {Object} encoding Encoding_name-to-Font_metrics_object mapping. * @function * @instance * @memberOf jsPDF * @name addFont */ API.addFont = function (postScriptName, fontName, fontStyle, encoding) { encoding = encoding || 'Identity-H'; addFont.call(this, postScriptName, fontName, fontStyle, encoding); }; var lineWidth = options.lineWidth || 0.200025; // 2mm /** * Sets line width for upcoming lines. * * @param {number} width Line width (in units declared at inception of PDF document). * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setLineWidth */ var setLineWidth = API.__private__.setLineWidth = API.setLineWidth = function (width) { out((width * k).toFixed(2) + ' w'); return this; }; /** * Sets the dash pattern for upcoming lines. * * To reset the settings simply call the method without any parameters. * @param {array} dashArray The pattern of the line, expects numbers. * @param {number} dashPhase The phase at which the dash pattern starts. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setLineDash */ var setLineDash = API.__private__.setLineDash = jsPDF.API.setLineDash = function (dashArray, dashPhase) { dashArray = dashArray || []; dashPhase = dashPhase || 0; if (isNaN(dashPhase) || !Array.isArray(dashArray)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.setLineDash'); } dashArray = dashArray.map(function (x) { return (x * k).toFixed(3); }).join(' '); dashPhase = parseFloat((dashPhase * k).toFixed(3)); out('[' + dashArray + '] ' + dashPhase + ' d'); return this; }; var lineHeightFactor; var getLineHeight = API.__private__.getLineHeight = API.getLineHeight = function () { return activeFontSize * lineHeightFactor; }; var lineHeightFactor; var getLineHeight = API.__private__.getLineHeight = API.getLineHeight = function () { return activeFontSize * lineHeightFactor; }; /** * Sets the LineHeightFactor of proportion. * * @param {number} value LineHeightFactor value. Default: 1.15. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setLineHeightFactor */ var setLineHeightFactor = API.__private__.setLineHeightFactor = API.setLineHeightFactor = function (value) { value = value || 1.15; if (typeof value === "number") { lineHeightFactor = value; } return this; }; /** * Gets the LineHeightFactor, default: 1.15. * * @function * @instance * @returns {number} lineHeightFactor * @memberOf jsPDF * @name getLineHeightFactor */ var getLineHeightFactor = API.__private__.getLineHeightFactor = API.getLineHeightFactor = function () { return lineHeightFactor; }; setLineHeightFactor(options.lineHeight); var getHorizontalCoordinate = API.__private__.getHorizontalCoordinate = function (value) { return value * k; }; var getVerticalCoordinate = API.__private__.getVerticalCoordinate = function (value) { return pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightY - pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftY - value * k; }; var getHorizontalCoordinateString = API.__private__.getHorizontalCoordinateString = function (value) { return f2(value * k); }; var getVerticalCoordinateString = API.__private__.getVerticalCoordinateString = function (value) { return f2(pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightY - pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftY - value * k); }; var strokeColor = options.strokeColor || '0 G'; /** * Gets the stroke color for upcoming elements. * * @function * @instance * @returns {string} colorAsHex * @memberOf jsPDF * @name getDrawColor */ var getStrokeColor = API.__private__.getStrokeColor = API.getDrawColor = function () { return decodeColorString(strokeColor); }; /** * Sets the stroke color for upcoming elements. * * Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK * color space is implied. * * When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it * must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white) * if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black) * to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type. * The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. * * When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each * value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00 * (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or * from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated * as Number types. * The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. * * When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each * value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to * 1.00 (100% concentration) * * Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to * floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to * communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type. * * @param {Number|String} ch1 Color channel value or {string} ch1 color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF'. * @param {Number|String} ch2 Color channel value. * @param {Number|String} ch3 Color channel value. * @param {Number|String} ch4 Color channel value. * * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setDrawColor */ var setStrokeColor = API.__private__.setStrokeColor = API.setDrawColor = function (ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4) { var options = { "ch1": ch1, "ch2": ch2, "ch3": ch3, "ch4": ch4, "pdfColorType": "draw", "precision": 2 }; strokeColor = encodeColorString(options); out(strokeColor); return this; }; var fillColor = options.fillColor || '0 g'; /** * Gets the fill color for upcoming elements. * * @function * @instance * @returns {string} colorAsHex * @memberOf jsPDF * @name getFillColor */ var getFillColor = API.__private__.getFillColor = API.getFillColor = function () { return decodeColorString(fillColor); }; /** * Sets the fill color for upcoming elements. * * Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK * color space is implied. * * When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it * must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white) * if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black) * to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type. * The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. * * When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each * value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00 * (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or * from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated * as Number types. * The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. * * When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each * value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to * 1.00 (100% concentration) * * Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to * floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to * communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type. * * @param {Number|String} ch1 Color channel value or {string} ch1 color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF'. * @param {Number|String} ch2 Color channel value. * @param {Number|String} ch3 Color channel value. * @param {Number|String} ch4 Color channel value. * * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setFillColor */ var setFillColor = API.__private__.setFillColor = API.setFillColor = function (ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4) { var options = { "ch1": ch1, "ch2": ch2, "ch3": ch3, "ch4": ch4, "pdfColorType": "fill", "precision": 2 }; fillColor = encodeColorString(options); out(fillColor); return this; }; var textColor = options.textColor || '0 g'; /** * Gets the text color for upcoming elements. * * @function * @instance * @returns {string} colorAsHex * @memberOf jsPDF * @name getTextColor */ var getTextColor = API.__private__.getTextColor = API.getTextColor = function () { return decodeColorString(textColor); }; /** * Sets the text color for upcoming elements. * * Depending on the number of arguments given, Gray, RGB, or CMYK * color space is implied. * * When only ch1 is given, "Gray" color space is implied and it * must be a value in the range from 0.00 (solid black) to to 1.00 (white) * if values are communicated as String types, or in range from 0 (black) * to 255 (white) if communicated as Number type. * The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. * * When only ch1,ch2,ch3 are given, "RGB" color space is implied and each * value must be in the range from 0.00 (minimum intensity) to to 1.00 * (max intensity) if values are communicated as String types, or * from 0 (min intensity) to to 255 (max intensity) if values are communicated * as Number types. * The RGB-like 0-255 range is provided for backward compatibility. * * When ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4 are given, "CMYK" color space is implied and each * value must be a in the range from 0.00 (0% concentration) to to * 1.00 (100% concentration) * * Because JavaScript treats fixed point numbers badly (rounds to * floating point nearest to binary representation) it is highly advised to * communicate the fractional numbers as String types, not JavaScript Number type. * * @param {Number|String} ch1 Color channel value or {string} ch1 color value in hexadecimal, example: '#FFFFFF'. * @param {Number|String} ch2 Color channel value. * @param {Number|String} ch3 Color channel value. * @param {Number|String} ch4 Color channel value. * * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setTextColor */ var setTextColor = API.__private__.setTextColor = API.setTextColor = function (ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4) { var options = { "ch1": ch1, "ch2": ch2, "ch3": ch3, "ch4": ch4, "pdfColorType": "text", "precision": 3 }; textColor = encodeColorString(options); return this; }; var activeCharSpace = options.charSpace || 0; /** * Get global value of CharSpace. * * @function * @instance * @returns {number} charSpace * @memberOf jsPDF * @name getCharSpace */ var getCharSpace = API.__private__.getCharSpace = API.getCharSpace = function () { return activeCharSpace; }; /** * Set global value of CharSpace. * * @param {number} charSpace * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setCharSpace */ var setCharSpace = API.__private__.setCharSpace = API.setCharSpace = function (charSpace) { if (isNaN(charSpace)) { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.setCharSpace'); } activeCharSpace = charSpace; return this; }; var lineCapID = 0; /** * Is an Object providing a mapping from human-readable to * integer flag values designating the varieties of line cap * and join styles. * * @memberOf jsPDF * @name CapJoinStyles */ API.CapJoinStyles = { 0: 0, 'butt': 0, 'but': 0, 'miter': 0, 1: 1, 'round': 1, 'rounded': 1, 'circle': 1, 2: 2, 'projecting': 2, 'project': 2, 'square': 2, 'bevel': 2 }; /** * Sets the line cap styles. * See {jsPDF.CapJoinStyles} for variants. * * @param {String|Number} style A string or number identifying the type of line cap. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setLineCap */ var setLineCap = API.__private__.setLineCap = API.setLineCap = function (style) { var id = API.CapJoinStyles[style]; if (id === undefined) { throw new Error("Line cap style of '" + style + "' is not recognized. See or extend .CapJoinStyles property for valid styles"); } lineCapID = id; out(id + ' J'); return this; }; var lineJoinID = 0; /** * Sets the line join styles. * See {jsPDF.CapJoinStyles} for variants. * * @param {String|Number} style A string or number identifying the type of line join. * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setLineJoin */ var setLineJoin = API.__private__.setLineJoin = API.setLineJoin = function (style) { var id = API.CapJoinStyles[style]; if (id === undefined) { throw new Error("Line join style of '" + style + "' is not recognized. See or extend .CapJoinStyles property for valid styles"); } lineJoinID = id; out(id + ' j'); return this; }; var miterLimit; /** * Sets the miterLimit property, which effects the maximum miter length. * * @param {number} length The length of the miter * @function * @instance * @returns {jsPDF} * @memberOf jsPDF * @name setMiterLimit */ var setMiterLimit = API.__private__.setMiterLimit = API.setMiterLimit = function (length) { length = length || 0; if (isNaN(length)) { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.setMiterLimit'); } miterLimit = parseFloat(f2(length * k)); out(miterLimit + ' M'); return this; }; /** * Saves as PDF document. An alias of jsPDF.output('save', 'filename.pdf'). * Uses FileSaver.js-method saveAs. * * @memberOf jsPDF * @name save * @function * @instance * @param {string} filename The filename including extension. * @param {Object} options An Object with additional options, possible options: 'returnPromise'. * @returns {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance */ API.save = function (filename, options) { filename = filename || 'generated.pdf'; options = options || {}; options.returnPromise = options.returnPromise || false; if (options.returnPromise === false) { saveAs(getBlob(buildDocument()), filename); if (typeof saveAs.unload === 'function') { if (global.setTimeout) { setTimeout(saveAs.unload, 911); } } } else { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { try { var result = saveAs(getBlob(buildDocument()), filename); if (typeof saveAs.unload === 'function') { if (global.setTimeout) { setTimeout(saveAs.unload, 911); } } resolve(result); } catch (e) { reject(e.message); } }); } }; // applying plugins (more methods) ON TOP of built-in API. // this is intentional as we allow plugins to override // built-ins for (var plugin in jsPDF.API) { if (jsPDF.API.hasOwnProperty(plugin)) { if (plugin === 'events' && jsPDF.API.events.length) { (function (events, newEvents) { // jsPDF.API.events is a JS Array of Arrays // where each Array is a pair of event name, handler // Events were added by plugins to the jsPDF instantiator. // These are always added to the new instance and some ran // during instantiation. var eventname, handler_and_args, i; for (i = newEvents.length - 1; i !== -1; i--) { // subscribe takes 3 args: 'topic', function, runonce_flag // if undefined, runonce is false. // users can attach callback directly, // or they can attach an array with [callback, runonce_flag] // that's what the "apply" magic is for below. eventname = newEvents[i][0]; handler_and_args = newEvents[i][1]; events.subscribe.apply(events, [eventname].concat(typeof handler_and_args === 'function' ? [handler_and_args] : handler_and_args)); } })(events, jsPDF.API.events); } else { API[plugin] = jsPDF.API[plugin]; } } } /** * Object exposing internal API to plugins * @public * @ignore */ API.internal = { 'pdfEscape': pdfEscape, 'getStyle': getStyle, 'getFont': function getFont() { return fonts[_getFont.apply(API, arguments)]; }, 'getFontSize': getFontSize, 'getCharSpace': getCharSpace, 'getTextColor': getTextColor, 'getLineHeight': getLineHeight, 'getLineHeightFactor': getLineHeightFactor, 'write': write, 'getHorizontalCoordinate': getHorizontalCoordinate, 'getVerticalCoordinate': getVerticalCoordinate, 'getCoordinateString': getHorizontalCoordinateString, 'getVerticalCoordinateString': getVerticalCoordinateString, 'collections': {}, 'newObject': newObject, 'newAdditionalObject': newAdditionalObject, 'newObjectDeferred': newObjectDeferred, 'newObjectDeferredBegin': newObjectDeferredBegin, 'getFilters': getFilters, 'putStream': putStream, 'events': events, // ratio that you use in multiplication of a given "size" number to arrive to 'point' // units of measurement. // scaleFactor is set at initialization of the document and calculated against the stated // default measurement units for the document. // If default is "mm", k is the number that will turn number in 'mm' into 'points' number. // through multiplication. 'scaleFactor': k, 'pageSize': { getWidth: function getWidth() { return (pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightX - pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftX) / k; }, setWidth: function setWidth(value) { pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightX = value * k + pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftX; }, getHeight: function getHeight() { return (pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightY - pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftY) / k; }, setHeight: function setHeight(value) { pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightY = value * k + pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftY; } }, 'output': output, 'getNumberOfPages': getNumberOfPages, 'pages': pages, 'out': out, 'f2': f2, 'f3': f3, 'getPageInfo': getPageInfo, 'getPageInfoByObjId': getPageInfoByObjId, 'getCurrentPageInfo': getCurrentPageInfo, 'getPDFVersion': getPdfVersion, 'hasHotfix': hasHotfix //Expose the hasHotfix check so plugins can also check them. }; Object.defineProperty(API.internal.pageSize, 'width', { get: function get() { return (pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightX - pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftX) / k; }, set: function set(value) { pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightX = value * k + pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftX; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(API.internal.pageSize, 'height', { get: function get() { return (pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightY - pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftY) / k; }, set: function set(value) { pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.topRightY = value * k + pagesContext[currentPage].mediaBox.bottomLeftY; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // continuing initialization of jsPDF Document object ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add the first page automatically addFonts(standardFonts); activeFontKey = 'F1'; _addPage(format, orientation); events.publish('initialized'); return API; } /** * jsPDF.API is a STATIC property of jsPDF class. * jsPDF.API is an object you can add methods and properties to. * The methods / properties you add will show up in new jsPDF objects. * * One property is prepopulated. It is the 'events' Object. Plugin authors can add topics, * callbacks to this object. These will be reassigned to all new instances of jsPDF. * * @static * @public * @memberOf jsPDF * @name API * * @example * jsPDF.API.mymethod = function(){ * // 'this' will be ref to internal API object. see jsPDF source * // , so you can refer to built-in methods like so: * // this.line(....) * // this.text(....) * } * var pdfdoc = new jsPDF() * pdfdoc.mymethod() // <- !!!!!! */ jsPDF.API = { events: [] }; /** * The version of jsPDF. * @name version * @type {string} * @memberOf jsPDF */ jsPDF.version = '1.5.3'; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('jsPDF', function () { return jsPDF; }); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = jsPDF; module.exports.jsPDF = jsPDF; } else { global.jsPDF = jsPDF; } return jsPDF; }(typeof self !== "undefined" && self || typeof window !== "undefined" && window || typeof global !== "undefined" && global || Function('return typeof this === "object" && this.content')() || Function('return this')()); // `self` is undefined in Firefox for Android content script context // while `this` is nsIContentFrameMessageManager // with an attribute `content` that corresponds to the window /*rollup-keeper-start*/ window.tmp = jsPDF; /*rollup-keeper-end*/ /** * @license * Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Weidt, * https://github.com/BiggA94 * * Licensed under the MIT License. http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * jsPDF AcroForm Plugin * @module AcroForm */ (function (jsPDFAPI, globalObj) { var scope; var scaleFactor = 1; var pdfEscape = function pdfEscape(value) { return value.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\(/g, '\\(').replace(/\)/g, '\\)'); }; var pdfUnescape = function pdfUnescape(value) { return value.replace(/\\\\/g, '\\').replace(/\\\(/g, '(').replace(/\\\)/g, ')'); }; var f2 = function f2(number) { if (isNaN(number)) { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.f2'); } return number.toFixed(2); // Ie, %.2f }; var f5 = function f5(number) { if (isNaN(number)) { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.f2'); } return number.toFixed(5); // Ie, %.2f }; jsPDFAPI.__acroform__ = {}; var inherit = function inherit(child, parent) { child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype); child.prototype.constructor = child; }; var scale = function scale(x) { return x * scaleFactor; }; var antiScale = function antiScale(x) { return x / scaleFactor; }; var createFormXObject = function createFormXObject(formObject) { var xobj = new AcroFormXObject(); var height = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) || 0; var width = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) || 0; xobj.BBox = [0, 0, Number(f2(width)), Number(f2(height))]; return xobj; }; /** * Bit-Operations */ var setBit = jsPDFAPI.__acroform__.setBit = function (number, bitPosition) { number = number || 0; bitPosition = bitPosition || 0; if (isNaN(number) || isNaN(bitPosition)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.API.__acroform__.setBit'); } var bitMask = 1 << bitPosition; number |= bitMask; return number; }; var clearBit = jsPDFAPI.__acroform__.clearBit = function (number, bitPosition) { number = number || 0; bitPosition = bitPosition || 0; if (isNaN(number) || isNaN(bitPosition)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.API.__acroform__.clearBit'); } var bitMask = 1 << bitPosition; number &= ~bitMask; return number; }; var getBit = jsPDFAPI.__acroform__.getBit = function (number, bitPosition) { if (isNaN(number) || isNaN(bitPosition)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.API.__acroform__.getBit'); } return (number & 1 << bitPosition) === 0 ? 0 : 1; }; /* * Ff starts counting the bit position at 1 and not like javascript at 0 */ var getBitForPdf = jsPDFAPI.__acroform__.getBitForPdf = function (number, bitPosition) { if (isNaN(number) || isNaN(bitPosition)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.API.__acroform__.getBitForPdf'); } return getBit(number, bitPosition - 1); }; var setBitForPdf = jsPDFAPI.__acroform__.setBitForPdf = function (number, bitPosition) { if (isNaN(number) || isNaN(bitPosition)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.API.__acroform__.setBitForPdf'); } return setBit(number, bitPosition - 1); }; var clearBitForPdf = jsPDFAPI.__acroform__.clearBitForPdf = function (number, bitPosition, value) { if (isNaN(number) || isNaN(bitPosition)) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.API.__acroform__.clearBitForPdf'); } return clearBit(number, bitPosition - 1); }; var calculateCoordinates = jsPDFAPI.__acroform__.calculateCoordinates = function (args) { var getHorizontalCoordinate = this.internal.getHorizontalCoordinate; var getVerticalCoordinate = this.internal.getVerticalCoordinate; var x = args[0]; var y = args[1]; var w = args[2]; var h = args[3]; var coordinates = {}; coordinates.lowerLeft_X = getHorizontalCoordinate(x) || 0; coordinates.lowerLeft_Y = getVerticalCoordinate(y + h) || 0; coordinates.upperRight_X = getHorizontalCoordinate(x + w) || 0; coordinates.upperRight_Y = getVerticalCoordinate(y) || 0; return [Number(f2(coordinates.lowerLeft_X)), Number(f2(coordinates.lowerLeft_Y)), Number(f2(coordinates.upperRight_X)), Number(f2(coordinates.upperRight_Y))]; }; var calculateAppearanceStream = function calculateAppearanceStream(formObject) { if (formObject.appearanceStreamContent) { return formObject.appearanceStreamContent; } if (!formObject.V && !formObject.DV) { return; } // else calculate it var stream = []; var text = formObject.V || formObject.DV; var calcRes = calculateX(formObject, text); var fontKey = scope.internal.getFont(formObject.fontName, formObject.fontStyle).id; //PDF 32000-1:2008, page 444 stream.push('/Tx BMC'); stream.push('q'); stream.push('BT'); // Begin Text stream.push(scope.__private__.encodeColorString(formObject.color)); stream.push('/' + fontKey + ' ' + f2(calcRes.fontSize) + ' Tf'); stream.push('1 0 0 1 0 0 Tm'); // Transformation Matrix stream.push(calcRes.text); stream.push('ET'); // End Text stream.push('Q'); stream.push('EMC'); var appearanceStreamContent = new createFormXObject(formObject); appearanceStreamContent.stream = stream.join("\n"); return appearanceStreamContent; }; var calculateX = function calculateX(formObject, text) { var maxFontSize = formObject.maxFontSize || 12; var font = formObject.fontName; var returnValue = { text: "", fontSize: "" }; // Remove Brackets text = text.substr(0, 1) == '(' ? text.substr(1) : text; text = text.substr(text.length - 1) == ')' ? text.substr(0, text.length - 1) : text; // split into array of words var textSplit = text.split(' '); var color = scope.__private__.encodeColorString(formObject.color); var fontSize = maxFontSize; // The Starting fontSize (The Maximum) var lineSpacing = 2; var borderPadding = 2; var height = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) || 0; height = height < 0 ? -height : height; var width = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) || 0; width = width < 0 ? -width : width; var isSmallerThanWidth = function isSmallerThanWidth(i, lastLine, fontSize) { if (i + 1 < textSplit.length) { var tmp = lastLine + " " + textSplit[i + 1]; var TextWidth = calculateFontSpace(tmp, formObject, fontSize).width; var FieldWidth = width - 2 * borderPadding; return TextWidth <= FieldWidth; } else { return false; } }; fontSize++; FontSize: while (true) { var text = ""; fontSize--; var textHeight = calculateFontSpace("3", formObject, fontSize).height; var startY = formObject.multiline ? height - fontSize : (height - textHeight) / 2; startY += lineSpacing; var startX = -borderPadding; var lastY = startY; var firstWordInLine = 0, lastWordInLine = 0; var lastLength = 0; if (fontSize <= 0) { // In case, the Text doesn't fit at all fontSize = 12; text = "(...) Tj\n"; text += "% Width of Text: " + calculateFontSpace(text, formObject, fontSize).width + ", FieldWidth:" + width + "\n"; break; } lastLength = calculateFontSpace(textSplit[0] + " ", formObject, fontSize).width; var lastLine = ""; var lineCount = 0; Line: for (var i in textSplit) { if (textSplit.hasOwnProperty(i)) { lastLine += textSplit[i] + " "; // Remove last blank lastLine = lastLine.substr(lastLine.length - 1) == " " ? lastLine.substr(0, lastLine.length - 1) : lastLine; var key = parseInt(i); lastLength = calculateFontSpace(lastLine + " ", formObject, fontSize).width; var nextLineIsSmaller = isSmallerThanWidth(key, lastLine, fontSize); var isLastWord = i >= textSplit.length - 1; if (nextLineIsSmaller && !isLastWord) { lastLine += " "; continue; // Line } else if (!nextLineIsSmaller && !isLastWord) { if (!formObject.multiline) { continue FontSize; } else { if ((textHeight + lineSpacing) * (lineCount + 2) + lineSpacing > height) { // If the Text is higher than the // FieldObject continue FontSize; } lastWordInLine = key; // go on } } else if (isLastWord) { lastWordInLine = key; } else { if (formObject.multiline && (textHeight + lineSpacing) * (lineCount + 2) + lineSpacing > height) { // If the Text is higher than the FieldObject continue FontSize; } } var line = ''; for (var x = firstWordInLine; x <= lastWordInLine; x++) { line += textSplit[x] + ' '; } // Remove last blank line = line.substr(line.length - 1) == " " ? line.substr(0, line.length - 1) : line; // lastLength -= blankSpace.width; lastLength = calculateFontSpace(line, formObject, fontSize).width; // Calculate startX switch (formObject.textAlign) { case 'right': startX = width - lastLength - borderPadding; break; case 'center': startX = (width - lastLength) / 2; break; case 'left': default: startX = borderPadding; break; } text += f2(startX) + ' ' + f2(lastY) + ' Td\n'; text += '(' + pdfEscape(line) + ') Tj\n'; // reset X in PDF text += -f2(startX) + ' 0 Td\n'; // After a Line, adjust y position lastY = -(fontSize + lineSpacing); lastLength = 0; firstWordInLine = lastWordInLine + 1; lineCount++; lastLine = ""; continue Line; } } break; } returnValue.text = text; returnValue.fontSize = fontSize; return returnValue; }; /** * Small workaround for calculating the TextMetric approximately. * * @param text * @param fontsize * @returns {TextMetrics} (Has Height and Width) */ var calculateFontSpace = function calculateFontSpace(text, formObject, fontSize) { var font = scope.internal.getFont(formObject.fontName, formObject.fontStyle); var width = scope.getStringUnitWidth(text, { font: font, fontSize: parseFloat(fontSize), charSpace: 0 }) * parseFloat(fontSize); var height = scope.getStringUnitWidth("3", { font: font, fontSize: parseFloat(fontSize), charSpace: 0 }) * parseFloat(fontSize) * 1.5; return { height: height, width: width }; }; var acroformPluginTemplate = { fields: [], xForms: [], /** * acroFormDictionaryRoot contains information about the AcroForm * Dictionary 0: The Event-Token, the AcroFormDictionaryCallback has * 1: The Object ID of the Root */ acroFormDictionaryRoot: null, /** * After the PDF gets evaluated, the reference to the root has to be * reset, this indicates, whether the root has already been printed * out */ printedOut: false, internal: null, isInitialized: false }; var annotReferenceCallback = function annotReferenceCallback() { //set objId to undefined and force it to get a new objId on buildDocument scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot.objId = undefined; var fields = scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot.Fields; for (var i in fields) { if (fields.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var formObject = fields[i]; //set objId to undefined and force it to get a new objId on buildDocument formObject.objId = undefined; // add Annot Reference! if (formObject.hasAnnotation) { // If theres an Annotation Widget in the Form Object, put the // Reference in the /Annot array createAnnotationReference.call(scope, formObject); } } } }; var putForm = function putForm(formObject) { if (scope.internal.acroformPlugin.printedOut) { scope.internal.acroformPlugin.printedOut = false; scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot = null; } if (!scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot) { initializeAcroForm.call(scope); } scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot.Fields.push(formObject); }; /** * Create the Reference to the widgetAnnotation, so that it gets referenced * in the Annot[] int the+ (Requires the Annotation Plugin) */ var createAnnotationReference = function createAnnotationReference(object) { var options = { type: 'reference', object: object }; var findEntry = function findEntry(entry) { return entry.type === options.type && entry.object === options.object; }; if (scope.internal.getPageInfo(object.page).pageContext.annotations.find(findEntry) === undefined) { scope.internal.getPageInfo(object.page).pageContext.annotations.push(options); } }; // Callbacks var putCatalogCallback = function putCatalogCallback() { // Put reference to AcroForm to DocumentCatalog if (typeof scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot != 'undefined') { // for safety, shouldn't normally be the case scope.internal.write('/AcroForm ' + scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot.objId + ' ' + 0 + ' R'); } else { throw new Error('putCatalogCallback: Root missing.'); } }; /** * Adds /Acroform X 0 R to Document Catalog, and creates the AcroForm * Dictionary */ var AcroFormDictionaryCallback = function AcroFormDictionaryCallback() { // Remove event scope.internal.events.unsubscribe(scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot._eventID); delete scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot._eventID; scope.internal.acroformPlugin.printedOut = true; }; /** * Creates the single Fields and writes them into the Document * * If fieldArray is set, use the fields that are inside it instead of the * fields from the AcroRoot (for the FormXObjects...) */ var createFieldCallback = function createFieldCallback(fieldArray) { var standardFields = !fieldArray; if (!fieldArray) { // in case there is no fieldArray specified, we want to print out // the Fields of the AcroForm // Print out Root scope.internal.newObjectDeferredBegin(scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot.objId, true); scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot.putStream(); } var fieldArray = fieldArray || scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot.Kids; for (var i in fieldArray) { if (fieldArray.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var fieldObject = fieldArray[i]; var keyValueList = []; var oldRect = fieldObject.Rect; if (fieldObject.Rect) { fieldObject.Rect = calculateCoordinates.call(this, fieldObject.Rect); } // Start Writing the Object scope.internal.newObjectDeferredBegin(fieldObject.objId, true); fieldObject.DA = AcroFormAppearance.createDefaultAppearanceStream(fieldObject); if (_typeof(fieldObject) === "object" && typeof fieldObject.getKeyValueListForStream === "function") { keyValueList = fieldObject.getKeyValueListForStream(); } fieldObject.Rect = oldRect; if (fieldObject.hasAppearanceStream && !fieldObject.appearanceStreamContent) { // Calculate Appearance var appearance = calculateAppearanceStream.call(this, fieldObject); keyValueList.push({ key: 'AP', value: "<>" }); scope.internal.acroformPlugin.xForms.push(appearance); } // Assume AppearanceStreamContent is a Array with N,R,D (at least // one of them!) if (fieldObject.appearanceStreamContent) { var appearanceStreamString = ""; // Iterate over N,R and D for (var k in fieldObject.appearanceStreamContent) { if (fieldObject.appearanceStreamContent.hasOwnProperty(k)) { var value = fieldObject.appearanceStreamContent[k]; appearanceStreamString += "/" + k + " "; appearanceStreamString += "<<"; if (Object.keys(value).length >= 1 || Array.isArray(value)) { // appearanceStream is an Array or Object! for (var i in value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var obj = value[i]; if (typeof obj === 'function') { // if Function is referenced, call it in order // to get the FormXObject obj = obj.call(this, fieldObject); } appearanceStreamString += "/" + i + " " + obj + " "; // In case the XForm is already used, e.g. OffState // of CheckBoxes, don't add it if (!(scope.internal.acroformPlugin.xForms.indexOf(obj) >= 0)) scope.internal.acroformPlugin.xForms.push(obj); } } } else { var obj = value; if (typeof obj === 'function') { // if Function is referenced, call it in order to // get the FormXObject obj = obj.call(this, fieldObject); } appearanceStreamString += "/" + i + " " + obj; if (!(scope.internal.acroformPlugin.xForms.indexOf(obj) >= 0)) scope.internal.acroformPlugin.xForms.push(obj); } appearanceStreamString += ">>"; } } // appearance stream is a normal Object.. keyValueList.push({ key: 'AP', value: "<<\n" + appearanceStreamString + ">>" }); } scope.internal.putStream({ additionalKeyValues: keyValueList }); scope.internal.out("endobj"); } } if (standardFields) { createXFormObjectCallback.call(this, scope.internal.acroformPlugin.xForms); } }; var createXFormObjectCallback = function createXFormObjectCallback(fieldArray) { for (var i in fieldArray) { if (fieldArray.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var key = i; var fieldObject = fieldArray[i]; // Start Writing the Object scope.internal.newObjectDeferredBegin(fieldObject && fieldObject.objId, true); if (_typeof(fieldObject) === "object" && typeof fieldObject.putStream === "function") { fieldObject.putStream(); } delete fieldArray[key]; } } }; var initializeAcroForm = function initializeAcroForm() { if (this.internal !== undefined && (this.internal.acroformPlugin === undefined || this.internal.acroformPlugin.isInitialized === false)) { scope = this; AcroFormField.FieldNum = 0; this.internal.acroformPlugin = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(acroformPluginTemplate)); if (this.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot) { throw new Error("Exception while creating AcroformDictionary"); } scaleFactor = scope.internal.scaleFactor; // The Object Number of the AcroForm Dictionary scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot = new AcroFormDictionary(); // add Callback for creating the AcroForm Dictionary scope.internal.acroformPlugin.acroFormDictionaryRoot._eventID = scope.internal.events.subscribe('postPutResources', AcroFormDictionaryCallback); scope.internal.events.subscribe('buildDocument', annotReferenceCallback); // buildDocument // Register event, that is triggered when the DocumentCatalog is // written, in order to add /AcroForm scope.internal.events.subscribe('putCatalog', putCatalogCallback); // Register event, that creates all Fields scope.internal.events.subscribe('postPutPages', createFieldCallback); scope.internal.acroformPlugin.isInitialized = true; } }; //PDF 32000-1:2008, page 26, 7.3.6 var arrayToPdfArray = jsPDFAPI.__acroform__.arrayToPdfArray = function (array) { if (Array.isArray(array)) { var content = '['; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (i !== 0) { content += ' '; } switch (_typeof(array[i])) { case 'boolean': case 'number': case 'object': content += array[i].toString(); break; case 'string': if (array[i].substr(0, 1) !== '/') { content += '(' + pdfEscape(array[i].toString()) + ')'; } else { content += array[i].toString(); } break; } } content += ']'; return content; } throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.__acroform__.arrayToPdfArray'); }; function getMatches(string, regex, index) { index || (index = 1); // default to the first capturing group var matches = []; var match; while (match = regex.exec(string)) { matches.push(match[index]); } return matches; } var pdfArrayToStringArray = function pdfArrayToStringArray(array) { var result = []; if (typeof array === "string") { result = getMatches(array, /\((.*?)\)/g); } return result; }; var toPdfString = function toPdfString(string) { string = string || ""; string.toString(); string = '(' + pdfEscape(string) + ')'; return string; }; // ########################## // Classes // ########################## /** * @class AcroFormPDFObject * @classdesc A AcroFormPDFObject */ var AcroFormPDFObject = function AcroFormPDFObject() { var _objId; /** * * @name AcroFormPDFObject#objId * @type {any} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'objId', { configurable: true, get: function get() { if (!_objId) { _objId = scope.internal.newObjectDeferred(); } if (!_objId) { throw new Error("AcroFormPDFObject: Couldn't create Object ID"); } return _objId; }, set: function set(value) { _objId = value; } }); }; /** * @function AcroFormPDFObject.toString */ AcroFormPDFObject.prototype.toString = function () { return this.objId + " 0 R"; }; AcroFormPDFObject.prototype.putStream = function () { var keyValueList = this.getKeyValueListForStream(); scope.internal.putStream({ data: this.stream, additionalKeyValues: keyValueList }); scope.internal.out("endobj"); }; /** * Returns an key-value-List of all non-configurable Variables from the Object * * @name getKeyValueListForStream * @returns {string} */ AcroFormPDFObject.prototype.getKeyValueListForStream = function () { var createKeyValueListFromFieldObject = function createKeyValueListFromFieldObject(fieldObject) { var keyValueList = []; var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(fieldObject).filter(function (key) { return key != 'content' && key != 'appearanceStreamContent' && key.substring(0, 1) != "_"; }); for (var i in keys) { if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(fieldObject, keys[i]).configurable === false) { var key = keys[i]; var value = fieldObject[key]; if (value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { keyValueList.push({ key: key, value: arrayToPdfArray(value) }); } else if (value instanceof AcroFormPDFObject) { // In case it is a reference to another PDFObject, // take the reference number keyValueList.push({ key: key, value: value.objId + " 0 R" }); } else if (typeof value !== "function") { keyValueList.push({ key: key, value: value }); } } } } return keyValueList; }; return createKeyValueListFromFieldObject(this); }; var AcroFormXObject = function AcroFormXObject() { AcroFormPDFObject.call(this); Object.defineProperty(this, 'Type', { value: "/XObject", configurable: false, writeable: true }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'Subtype', { value: "/Form", configurable: false, writeable: true }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'FormType', { value: 1, configurable: false, writeable: true }); var _BBox = []; Object.defineProperty(this, 'BBox', { configurable: false, writeable: true, get: function get() { return _BBox; }, set: function set(value) { _BBox = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'Resources', { value: "2 0 R", configurable: false, writeable: true }); var _stream; Object.defineProperty(this, 'stream', { enumerable: false, configurable: true, set: function set(value) { _stream = value.trim(); }, get: function get() { if (_stream) { return _stream; } else { return null; } } }); }; inherit(AcroFormXObject, AcroFormPDFObject); var AcroFormDictionary = function AcroFormDictionary() { AcroFormPDFObject.call(this); var _Kids = []; Object.defineProperty(this, 'Kids', { enumerable: false, configurable: true, get: function get() { if (_Kids.length > 0) { return _Kids; } else { return; } } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'Fields', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _Kids; } }); // Default Appearance var _DA; Object.defineProperty(this, 'DA', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { if (!_DA) { return; } return '(' + _DA + ')'; }, set: function set(value) { _DA = value; } }); }; inherit(AcroFormDictionary, AcroFormPDFObject); /** * The Field Object contains the Variables, that every Field needs * * @class AcroFormField * @classdesc An AcroForm FieldObject */ var AcroFormField = function AcroFormField() { AcroFormPDFObject.call(this); //Annotation-Flag See Table 165 var _F = 4; Object.defineProperty(this, 'F', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _F; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { _F = value; } else { throw new Error('Invalid value "' + value + '" for attribute F supplied.'); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.2) If set, print the annotation when the page is printed. If clear, never print the annotation, regardless of wether is is displayed on the screen. * NOTE 2 This can be useful for annotations representing interactive pushbuttons, which would serve no meaningful purpose on the printed page. * * @name AcroFormField#showWhenPrinted * @default true * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'showWhenPrinted', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(_F, 3)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.F = setBitForPdf(_F, 3); } else { this.F = clearBitForPdf(_F, 3); } } }); var _Ff = 0; Object.defineProperty(this, 'Ff', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _Ff; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { _Ff = value; } else { throw new Error('Invalid value "' + value + '" for attribute Ff supplied.'); } } }); var _Rect = []; Object.defineProperty(this, 'Rect', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { if (_Rect.length === 0) { return; } return _Rect; }, set: function set(value) { if (typeof value !== "undefined") { _Rect = value; } else { _Rect = []; } } }); /** * The x-position of the field. * * @name AcroFormField#x * @default null * @type {number} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'x', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { if (!_Rect || isNaN(_Rect[0])) { return 0; } return antiScale(_Rect[0]); }, set: function set(value) { _Rect[0] = scale(value); } }); /** * The y-position of the field. * * @name AcroFormField#y * @default null * @type {number} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'y', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { if (!_Rect || isNaN(_Rect[1])) { return 0; } return antiScale(_Rect[1]); }, set: function set(value) { _Rect[1] = scale(value); } }); /** * The width of the field. * * @name AcroFormField#width * @default null * @type {number} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'width', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { if (!_Rect || isNaN(_Rect[2])) { return 0; } return antiScale(_Rect[2]); }, set: function set(value) { _Rect[2] = scale(value); } }); /** * The height of the field. * * @name AcroFormField#height * @default null * @type {number} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'height', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { if (!_Rect || isNaN(_Rect[3])) { return 0; } return antiScale(_Rect[3]); }, set: function set(value) { _Rect[3] = scale(value); } }); var _FT = ""; Object.defineProperty(this, 'FT', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _FT; }, set: function set(value) { switch (value) { case '/Btn': case '/Tx': case '/Ch': case '/Sig': _FT = value; break; default: throw new Error('Invalid value "' + value + '" for attribute FT supplied.'); } } }); var _T = null; Object.defineProperty(this, 'T', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { if (!_T || _T.length < 1) { // In case of a Child from a Radio´Group, you don't need a FieldName if (this instanceof AcroFormChildClass) { return; } _T = "FieldObject" + AcroFormField.FieldNum++; } return '(' + pdfEscape(_T) + ')'; }, set: function set(value) { _T = value.toString(); } }); /** * (Optional) The partial field name (see, “Field Names”). * * @name AcroFormField#fieldName * @default null * @type {string} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'fieldName', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _T; }, set: function set(value) { _T = value; } }); var _fontName = 'helvetica'; /** * The fontName of the font to be used. * * @name AcroFormField#fontName * @default 'helvetica' * @type {string} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'fontName', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _fontName; }, set: function set(value) { _fontName = value; } }); var _fontStyle = 'normal'; /** * The fontStyle of the font to be used. * * @name AcroFormField#fontStyle * @default 'normal' * @type {string} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'fontStyle', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _fontStyle; }, set: function set(value) { _fontStyle = value; } }); var _fontSize = 0; /** * The fontSize of the font to be used. * * @name AcroFormField#fontSize * @default 0 (for auto) * @type {number} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'fontSize', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return antiScale(_fontSize); }, set: function set(value) { _fontSize = scale(value); } }); var _maxFontSize = 50; /** * The maximum fontSize of the font to be used. * * @name AcroFormField#maxFontSize * @default 0 (for auto) * @type {number} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'maxFontSize', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return antiScale(_maxFontSize); }, set: function set(value) { _maxFontSize = scale(value); } }); var _color = 'black'; /** * The color of the text * * @name AcroFormField#color * @default 'black' * @type {string|rgba} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'color', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _color; }, set: function set(value) { _color = value; } }); var _DA = '/F1 0 Tf 0 g'; // Defines the default appearance (Needed for variable Text) Object.defineProperty(this, 'DA', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { if (!_DA || this instanceof AcroFormChildClass || this instanceof AcroFormTextField) { return; } return toPdfString(_DA); }, set: function set(value) { value = value.toString(); _DA = value; } }); var _DV = null; Object.defineProperty(this, 'DV', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { if (!_DV) { return; } if (this instanceof AcroFormButton === false) { return toPdfString(_DV); } return _DV; }, set: function set(value) { value = value.toString(); if (this instanceof AcroFormButton === false) { if (value.substr(0, 1) === '(') { _DV = pdfUnescape(value.substr(1, value.length - 2)); } else { _DV = pdfUnescape(value); } } else { _DV = value; } } }); /** * (Optional; inheritable) The default value to which the field reverts when a reset-form action is executed (see, “Reset-Form Action”). The format of this value is the same as that of value. * * @name AcroFormField#defaultValue * @default null * @type {any} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'defaultValue', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { if (this instanceof AcroFormButton === true) { return pdfUnescape(_DV.substr(1, _DV.length - 1)); } else { return _DV; } }, set: function set(value) { value = value.toString(); if (this instanceof AcroFormButton === true) { _DV = '/' + value; } else { _DV = value; } } }); var _V = null; Object.defineProperty(this, 'V', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { if (!_V) { return; } if (this instanceof AcroFormButton === false) { return toPdfString(_V); } return _V; }, set: function set(value) { value = value.toString(); if (this instanceof AcroFormButton === false) { if (value.substr(0, 1) === '(') { _V = pdfUnescape(value.substr(1, value.length - 2)); } else { _V = pdfUnescape(value); } } else { _V = value; } } }); /** * (Optional; inheritable) The field’s value, whose format varies depending on the field type. See the descriptions of individual field types for further information. * * @name AcroFormField#value * @default null * @type {any} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'value', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { if (this instanceof AcroFormButton === true) { return pdfUnescape(_V.substr(1, _V.length - 1)); } else { return _V; } }, set: function set(value) { value = value.toString(); if (this instanceof AcroFormButton === true) { _V = '/' + value; } else { _V = value; } } }); /** * Check if field has annotations * * @name AcroFormField#hasAnnotation * @readonly * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'hasAnnotation', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return this.Rect; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'Type', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { return this.hasAnnotation ? "/Annot" : null; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'Subtype', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { return this.hasAnnotation ? "/Widget" : null; } }); var _hasAppearanceStream = false; /** * true if field has an appearanceStream * * @name AcroFormField#hasAppearanceStream * @readonly * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'hasAppearanceStream', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writeable: true, get: function get() { return _hasAppearanceStream; }, set: function set(value) { value = Boolean(value); _hasAppearanceStream = value; } }); /** * The page on which the AcroFormField is placed * * @name AcroFormField#page * @type {number} */ var _page; Object.defineProperty(this, 'page', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writeable: true, get: function get() { if (!_page) { return; } return _page; }, set: function set(value) { _page = value; } }); /** * If set, the user may not change the value of the field. Any associated widget annotations will not interact with the user; that is, they will not respond to mouse clicks or change their appearance in response to mouse motions. This flag is useful for fields whose values are computed or imported from a database. * * @name AcroFormField#readOnly * @default false * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'readOnly', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 1)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 1); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 1); } } }); /** * If set, the field shall have a value at the time it is exported by a submitform action (see, “Submit-Form Action”). * * @name AcroFormField#required * @default false * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'required', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 2)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 2); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 2); } } }); /** * If set, the field shall not be exported by a submit-form action (see, “Submit-Form Action”) * * @name AcroFormField#noExport * @default false * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'noExport', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 3)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 3); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 3); } } }); var _Q = null; Object.defineProperty(this, 'Q', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { if (_Q === null) { return; } return _Q; }, set: function set(value) { if ([0, 1, 2].indexOf(value) !== -1) { _Q = value; } else { throw new Error('Invalid value "' + value + '" for attribute Q supplied.'); } } }); /** * (Optional; inheritable) A code specifying the form of quadding (justification) that shall be used in displaying the text: * 'left', 'center', 'right' * * @name AcroFormField#textAlign * @default 'left' * @type {string} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'textAlign', { get: function get() { var result = 'left'; switch (_Q) { case 0: default: result = 'left'; break; case 1: result = 'center'; break; case 2: result = 'right'; break; } return result; }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, set: function set(value) { switch (value) { case 'right': case 2: _Q = 2; break; case 'center': case 1: _Q = 1; break; case 'left': case 0: default: _Q = 0; } } }); }; inherit(AcroFormField, AcroFormPDFObject); /** * @class AcroFormChoiceField * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormChoiceField = function AcroFormChoiceField() { AcroFormField.call(this); // Field Type = Choice Field this.FT = "/Ch"; // options this.V = '()'; this.fontName = 'zapfdingbats'; // Top Index var _TI = 0; Object.defineProperty(this, 'TI', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _TI; }, set: function set(value) { _TI = value; } }); /** * (Optional) For scrollable list boxes, the top index (the index in the Opt array of the first option visible in the list). Default value: 0. * * @name AcroFormChoiceField#topIndex * @default 0 * @type {number} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'topIndex', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _TI; }, set: function set(value) { _TI = value; } }); var _Opt = []; Object.defineProperty(this, 'Opt', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { return arrayToPdfArray(_Opt); }, set: function set(value) { _Opt = pdfArrayToStringArray(value); } }); /** * @memberof AcroFormChoiceField * @name getOptions * @function * @instance * @returns {array} array of Options */ this.getOptions = function () { return _Opt; }; /** * @memberof AcroFormChoiceField * @name setOptions * @function * @instance * @param {array} value */ this.setOptions = function (value) { _Opt = value; if (this.sort) { _Opt.sort(); } }; /** * @memberof AcroFormChoiceField * @name addOption * @function * @instance * @param {string} value */ this.addOption = function (value) { value = value || ""; value = value.toString(); _Opt.push(value); if (this.sort) { _Opt.sort(); } }; /** * @memberof AcroFormChoiceField * @name removeOption * @function * @instance * @param {string} value * @param {boolean} allEntries (default: false) */ this.removeOption = function (value, allEntries) { allEntries = allEntries || false; value = value || ""; value = value.toString(); while (_Opt.indexOf(value) !== -1) { _Opt.splice(_Opt.indexOf(value), 1); if (allEntries === false) { break; } } }; /** * If set, the field is a combo box; if clear, the field is a list box. * * @name AcroFormChoiceField#combo * @default false * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'combo', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 18)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 18); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 18); } } }); /** * If set, the combo box shall include an editable text box as well as a drop-down list; if clear, it shall include only a drop-down list. This flag shall be used only if the Combo flag is set. * * @name AcroFormChoiceField#edit * @default false * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'edit', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 19)); }, set: function set(value) { //PDF 32000-1:2008, page 444 if (this.combo === true) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 19); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 19); } } } }); /** * If set, the field’s option items shall be sorted alphabetically. This flag is intended for use by writers, not by readers. Conforming readers shall display the options in the order in which they occur in the Opt array (see Table 231). * * @name AcroFormChoiceField#sort * @default false * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'sort', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 20)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 20); _Opt.sort(); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 20); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.4) If set, more than one of the field’s option items may be selected simultaneously; if clear, at most one item shall be selected * * @name AcroFormChoiceField#multiSelect * @default false * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'multiSelect', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 22)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 22); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 22); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.4) If set, text entered in the field shall not be spellchecked. This flag shall not be used unless the Combo and Edit flags are both set. * * @name AcroFormChoiceField#doNotSpellCheck * @default false * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'doNotSpellCheck', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 23)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 23); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 23); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.5) If set, the new value shall be committed as soon as a selection is made (commonly with the pointing device). In this case, supplying a value for a field involves three actions: selecting the field for fill-in, selecting a choice for the fill-in value, and leaving that field, which finalizes or “commits” the data choice and triggers any actions associated with the entry or changing of this data. If this flag is on, then processing does not wait for leaving the field action to occur, but immediately proceeds to the third step. * This option enables applications to perform an action once a selection is made, without requiring the user to exit the field. If clear, the new value is not committed until the user exits the field. * * @name AcroFormChoiceField#commitOnSelChange * @default false * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'commitOnSelChange', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 27)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 27); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 27); } } }); this.hasAppearanceStream = false; }; inherit(AcroFormChoiceField, AcroFormField); /** * @class AcroFormListBox * @extends AcroFormChoiceField * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormListBox = function AcroFormListBox() { AcroFormChoiceField.call(this); this.fontName = 'helvetica'; //PDF 32000-1:2008, page 444 this.combo = false; }; inherit(AcroFormListBox, AcroFormChoiceField); /** * @class AcroFormComboBox * @extends AcroFormListBox * @extends AcroFormChoiceField * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormComboBox = function AcroFormComboBox() { AcroFormListBox.call(this); this.combo = true; }; inherit(AcroFormComboBox, AcroFormListBox); /** * @class AcroFormEditBox * @extends AcroFormComboBox * @extends AcroFormListBox * @extends AcroFormChoiceField * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormEditBox = function AcroFormEditBox() { AcroFormComboBox.call(this); this.edit = true; }; inherit(AcroFormEditBox, AcroFormComboBox); /** * @class AcroFormButton * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormButton = function AcroFormButton() { AcroFormField.call(this); this.FT = "/Btn"; /** * (Radio buttons only) If set, exactly one radio button shall be selected at all times; selecting the currently selected button has no effect. If clear, clicking the selected button deselects it, leaving no button selected. * * @name AcroFormButton#noToggleToOff * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'noToggleToOff', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 15)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 15); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 15); } } }); /** * If set, the field is a set of radio buttons; if clear, the field is a checkbox. This flag may be set only if the Pushbutton flag is clear. * * @name AcroFormButton#radio * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'radio', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 16)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 16); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 16); } } }); /** * If set, the field is a pushbutton that does not retain a permanent value. * * @name AcroFormButton#pushButton * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'pushButton', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 17)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 17); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 17); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.5) If set, a group of radio buttons within a radio button field that use the same value for the on state will turn on and off in unison; that is if one is checked, they are all checked. If clear, the buttons are mutually exclusive (the same behavior as HTML radio buttons). * * @name AcroFormButton#radioIsUnison * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'radioIsUnison', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 26)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 26); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 26); } } }); var _MK = {}; Object.defineProperty(this, 'MK', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { if (Object.keys(_MK).length !== 0) { var result = []; result.push('<<'); var key; for (key in _MK) { result.push('/' + key + ' (' + _MK[key] + ')'); } result.push('>>'); return result.join('\n'); } return; }, set: function set(value) { if (_typeof(value) === "object") { _MK = value; } } }); /** * From the PDF reference: * (Optional, button fields only) The widget annotation's normal caption which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user. * Unlike the remaining entries listed in this Table which apply only to widget annotations associated with pushbutton fields (see Pushbuttons in, "Button Fields"), the CA entry may be used with any type of button field, including check boxes (see Check Boxes in, "Button Fields") and radio buttons (Radio Buttons in, "Button Fields"). * * - '8' = Cross, * - 'l' = Circle, * - '' = nothing * @name AcroFormButton#caption * @type {string} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'caption', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _MK.CA || ''; }, set: function set(value) { if (typeof value === "string") { _MK.CA = value; } } }); var _AS; Object.defineProperty(this, 'AS', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _AS; }, set: function set(value) { _AS = value; } }); /** * (Required if the appearance dictionary AP contains one or more subdictionaries; PDF 1.2) The annotation's appearance state, which selects the applicable appearance stream from an appearance subdictionary (see Section 12.5.5, "Appearance Streams") * * @name AcroFormButton#appearanceState * @type {any} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'appearanceState', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _AS.substr(1, _AS.length - 1); }, set: function set(value) { _AS = '/' + value; } }); }; inherit(AcroFormButton, AcroFormField); /** * @class AcroFormPushButton * @extends AcroFormButton * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormPushButton = function AcroFormPushButton() { AcroFormButton.call(this); this.pushButton = true; }; inherit(AcroFormPushButton, AcroFormButton); /** * @class AcroFormRadioButton * @extends AcroFormButton * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormRadioButton = function AcroFormRadioButton() { AcroFormButton.call(this); this.radio = true; this.pushButton = false; var _Kids = []; Object.defineProperty(this, 'Kids', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _Kids; }, set: function set(value) { if (typeof value !== "undefined") { _Kids = value; } else { _Kids = []; } } }); }; inherit(AcroFormRadioButton, AcroFormButton); /** * The Child class of a RadioButton (the radioGroup) -> The single Buttons * * @class AcroFormChildClass * @extends AcroFormField * @ignore */ var AcroFormChildClass = function AcroFormChildClass() { AcroFormField.call(this); var _parent; Object.defineProperty(this, 'Parent', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _parent; }, set: function set(value) { _parent = value; } }); var _optionName; Object.defineProperty(this, 'optionName', { enumerable: false, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _optionName; }, set: function set(value) { _optionName = value; } }); var _MK = {}; Object.defineProperty(this, 'MK', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { var result = []; result.push('<<'); var key; for (key in _MK) { result.push('/' + key + ' (' + _MK[key] + ')'); } result.push('>>'); return result.join('\n'); }, set: function set(value) { if (_typeof(value) === "object") { _MK = value; } } }); /** * From the PDF reference: * (Optional, button fields only) The widget annotation's normal caption which shall be displayed when it is not interacting with the user. * Unlike the remaining entries listed in this Table which apply only to widget annotations associated with pushbutton fields (see Pushbuttons in, "Button Fields"), the CA entry may be used with any type of button field, including check boxes (see Check Boxes in, "Button Fields") and radio buttons (Radio Buttons in, "Button Fields"). * * - '8' = Cross, * - 'l' = Circle, * - '' = nothing * @name AcroFormButton#caption * @type {string} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'caption', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _MK.CA || ''; }, set: function set(value) { if (typeof value === "string") { _MK.CA = value; } } }); var _AS; Object.defineProperty(this, 'AS', { enumerable: false, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _AS; }, set: function set(value) { _AS = value; } }); /** * (Required if the appearance dictionary AP contains one or more subdictionaries; PDF 1.2) The annotation's appearance state, which selects the applicable appearance stream from an appearance subdictionary (see Section 12.5.5, "Appearance Streams") * * @name AcroFormButton#appearanceState * @type {any} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'appearanceState', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _AS.substr(1, _AS.length - 1); }, set: function set(value) { _AS = '/' + value; } }); this.optionName = name; this.caption = 'l'; this.appearanceState = 'Off'; // todo: set AppearanceType as variable that can be set from the // outside... this._AppearanceType = AcroFormAppearance.RadioButton.Circle; // The Default appearanceType is the Circle this.appearanceStreamContent = this._AppearanceType.createAppearanceStream(name); }; inherit(AcroFormChildClass, AcroFormField); AcroFormRadioButton.prototype.setAppearance = function (appearance) { if (!('createAppearanceStream' in appearance && 'getCA' in appearance)) { throw new Error("Couldn't assign Appearance to RadioButton. Appearance was Invalid!"); return; } for (var objId in this.Kids) { if (this.Kids.hasOwnProperty(objId)) { var child = this.Kids[objId]; child.appearanceStreamContent = appearance.createAppearanceStream(child.optionName); child.caption = appearance.getCA(); } } }; AcroFormRadioButton.prototype.createOption = function (name) { var kidCount = this.Kids.length; // Create new Child for RadioGroup var child = new AcroFormChildClass(); child.Parent = this; child.optionName = name; // Add to Parent this.Kids.push(child); addField.call(this, child); return child; }; /** * @class AcroFormCheckBox * @extends AcroFormButton * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormCheckBox = function AcroFormCheckBox() { AcroFormButton.call(this); this.fontName = 'zapfdingbats'; this.caption = '3'; this.appearanceState = 'On'; this.value = "On"; this.textAlign = 'center'; this.appearanceStreamContent = AcroFormAppearance.CheckBox.createAppearanceStream(); }; inherit(AcroFormCheckBox, AcroFormButton); /** * @class AcroFormTextField * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormTextField = function AcroFormTextField() { AcroFormField.call(this); this.FT = '/Tx'; /** * If set, the field may contain multiple lines of text; if clear, the field’s text shall be restricted to a single line. * * @name AcroFormTextField#multiline * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'multiline', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 13)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 13); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 13); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.4) If set, the text entered in the field represents the pathname of a file whose contents shall be submitted as the value of the field. * * @name AcroFormTextField#fileSelect * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'fileSelect', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 21)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 21); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 21); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.4) If set, text entered in the field shall not be spell-checked. * * @name AcroFormTextField#doNotSpellCheck * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'doNotSpellCheck', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 23)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 23); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 23); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.4) If set, the field shall not scroll (horizontally for single-line fields, vertically for multiple-line fields) to accommodate more text than fits within its annotation rectangle. Once the field is full, no further text shall be accepted for interactive form filling; for noninteractive form filling, the filler should take care not to add more character than will visibly fit in the defined area. * * @name AcroFormTextField#doNotScroll * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'doNotScroll', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 24)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 24); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 24); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.5) May be set only if the MaxLen entry is present in the text field dictionary (see Table 229) and if the Multiline, Password, and FileSelect flags are clear. If set, the field shall be automatically divided into as many equally spaced positions, or combs, as the value of MaxLen, and the text is laid out into those combs. * * @name AcroFormTextField#comb * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'comb', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 25)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 25); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 25); } } }); /** * (PDF 1.5) If set, the value of this field shall be a rich text string (see, “Rich Text Strings”). If the field has a value, the RV entry of the field dictionary (Table 222) shall specify the rich text string. * * @name AcroFormTextField#richText * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'richText', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 26)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 26); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 26); } } }); var _MaxLen = null; Object.defineProperty(this, 'MaxLen', { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get: function get() { return _MaxLen; }, set: function set(value) { _MaxLen = value; } }); /** * (Optional; inheritable) The maximum length of the field’s text, in characters. * * @name AcroFormTextField#maxLength * @type {number} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'maxLength', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return _MaxLen; }, set: function set(value) { if (Number.isInteger(value)) { _MaxLen = value; } } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'hasAppearanceStream', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return this.V || this.DV; } }); }; inherit(AcroFormTextField, AcroFormField); /** * @class AcroFormPasswordField * @extends AcroFormTextField * @extends AcroFormField */ var AcroFormPasswordField = function AcroFormPasswordField() { AcroFormTextField.call(this); /** * If set, the field is intended for entering a secure password that should not be echoed visibly to the screen. Characters typed from the keyboard shall instead be echoed in some unreadable form, such as asterisks or bullet characters. * NOTE To protect password confidentiality, readers should never store the value of the text field in the PDF file if this flag is set. * * @name AcroFormTextField#password * @type {boolean} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'password', { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: function get() { return Boolean(getBitForPdf(this.Ff, 14)); }, set: function set(value) { if (Boolean(value) === true) { this.Ff = setBitForPdf(this.Ff, 14); } else { this.Ff = clearBitForPdf(this.Ff, 14); } } }); this.password = true; }; inherit(AcroFormPasswordField, AcroFormTextField); // Contains Methods for creating standard appearances var AcroFormAppearance = { CheckBox: { createAppearanceStream: function createAppearanceStream() { var appearance = { N: { On: AcroFormAppearance.CheckBox.YesNormal }, D: { On: AcroFormAppearance.CheckBox.YesPushDown, Off: AcroFormAppearance.CheckBox.OffPushDown } }; return appearance; }, /** * Returns the standard On Appearance for a CheckBox * * @returns {AcroFormXObject} */ YesPushDown: function YesPushDown(formObject) { var xobj = createFormXObject(formObject); var stream = []; var fontKey = scope.internal.getFont(formObject.fontName, formObject.fontStyle).id; var encodedColor = scope.__private__.encodeColorString(formObject.color); var calcRes = calculateX(formObject, formObject.caption); stream.push("0.749023 g"); stream.push("0 0 " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject)) + " " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject)) + " re"); stream.push("f"); stream.push("BMC"); stream.push("q"); stream.push("0 0 1 rg"); stream.push("/" + fontKey + " " + f2(calcRes.fontSize) + " Tf " + encodedColor); stream.push("BT"); stream.push(calcRes.text); stream.push("ET"); stream.push("Q"); stream.push("EMC"); xobj.stream = stream.join("\n"); return xobj; }, YesNormal: function YesNormal(formObject) { var xobj = createFormXObject(formObject); var fontKey = scope.internal.getFont(formObject.fontName, formObject.fontStyle).id; var encodedColor = scope.__private__.encodeColorString(formObject.color); var stream = []; var height = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject); var width = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject); var calcRes = calculateX(formObject, formObject.caption); stream.push("1 g"); stream.push("0 0 " + f2(width) + " " + f2(height) + " re"); stream.push("f"); stream.push("q"); stream.push("0 0 1 rg"); stream.push("0 0 " + f2(width - 1) + " " + f2(height - 1) + " re"); stream.push("W"); stream.push("n"); stream.push("0 g"); stream.push("BT"); stream.push("/" + fontKey + " " + f2(calcRes.fontSize) + " Tf " + encodedColor); stream.push(calcRes.text); stream.push("ET"); stream.push("Q"); xobj.stream = stream.join("\n"); return xobj; }, /** * Returns the standard Off Appearance for a CheckBox * * @returns {AcroFormXObject} */ OffPushDown: function OffPushDown(formObject) { var xobj = createFormXObject(formObject); var stream = []; stream.push("0.749023 g"); stream.push("0 0 " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject)) + " " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject)) + " re"); stream.push("f"); xobj.stream = stream.join("\n"); return xobj; } }, RadioButton: { Circle: { createAppearanceStream: function createAppearanceStream(name) { var appearanceStreamContent = { D: { 'Off': AcroFormAppearance.RadioButton.Circle.OffPushDown }, N: {} }; appearanceStreamContent.N[name] = AcroFormAppearance.RadioButton.Circle.YesNormal; appearanceStreamContent.D[name] = AcroFormAppearance.RadioButton.Circle.YesPushDown; return appearanceStreamContent; }, getCA: function getCA() { return 'l'; }, YesNormal: function YesNormal(formObject) { var xobj = createFormXObject(formObject); var stream = []; // Make the Radius of the Circle relative to min(height, width) of formObject var DotRadius = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) <= AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) ? AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) / 4 : AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) / 4; // The Borderpadding... DotRadius = Number((DotRadius * 0.9).toFixed(5)); var c = AcroFormAppearance.internal.Bezier_C; var DotRadiusBezier = Number((DotRadius * c).toFixed(5)); /* * The Following is a Circle created with Bezier-Curves. */ stream.push("q"); stream.push("1 0 0 1 " + f5(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) / 2) + " " + f5(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) / 2) + " cm"); stream.push(DotRadius + " 0 m"); stream.push(DotRadius + " " + DotRadiusBezier + " " + DotRadiusBezier + " " + DotRadius + " 0 " + DotRadius + " c"); stream.push("-" + DotRadiusBezier + " " + DotRadius + " -" + DotRadius + " " + DotRadiusBezier + " -" + DotRadius + " 0 c"); stream.push("-" + DotRadius + " -" + DotRadiusBezier + " -" + DotRadiusBezier + " -" + DotRadius + " 0 -" + DotRadius + " c"); stream.push(DotRadiusBezier + " -" + DotRadius + " " + DotRadius + " -" + DotRadiusBezier + " " + DotRadius + " 0 c"); stream.push("f"); stream.push("Q"); xobj.stream = stream.join("\n"); return xobj; }, YesPushDown: function YesPushDown(formObject) { var xobj = createFormXObject(formObject); var stream = []; var DotRadius = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) <= AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) ? AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) / 4 : AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) / 4; // The Borderpadding... var DotRadius = Number((DotRadius * 0.9).toFixed(5)); // Save results for later use; no need to waste // processor ticks on doing math var k = Number((DotRadius * 2).toFixed(5)); var kc = Number((k * AcroFormAppearance.internal.Bezier_C).toFixed(5)); var dc = Number((DotRadius * AcroFormAppearance.internal.Bezier_C).toFixed(5)); stream.push("0.749023 g"); stream.push("q"); stream.push("1 0 0 1 " + f5(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) / 2) + " " + f5(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) / 2) + " cm"); stream.push(k + " 0 m"); stream.push(k + " " + kc + " " + kc + " " + k + " 0 " + k + " c"); stream.push("-" + kc + " " + k + " -" + k + " " + kc + " -" + k + " 0 c"); stream.push("-" + k + " -" + kc + " -" + kc + " -" + k + " 0 -" + k + " c"); stream.push(kc + " -" + k + " " + k + " -" + kc + " " + k + " 0 c"); stream.push("f"); stream.push("Q"); stream.push("0 g"); stream.push("q"); stream.push("1 0 0 1 " + f5(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) / 2) + " " + f5(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) / 2) + " cm"); stream.push(DotRadius + " 0 m"); stream.push("" + DotRadius + " " + dc + " " + dc + " " + DotRadius + " 0 " + DotRadius + " c"); stream.push("-" + dc + " " + DotRadius + " -" + DotRadius + " " + dc + " -" + DotRadius + " 0 c"); stream.push("-" + DotRadius + " -" + dc + " -" + dc + " -" + DotRadius + " 0 -" + DotRadius + " c"); stream.push(dc + " -" + DotRadius + " " + DotRadius + " -" + dc + " " + DotRadius + " 0 c"); stream.push("f"); stream.push("Q"); xobj.stream = stream.join("\n"); return xobj; }, OffPushDown: function OffPushDown(formObject) { var xobj = createFormXObject(formObject); var stream = []; var DotRadius = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) <= AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) ? AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) / 4 : AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) / 4; // The Borderpadding... var DotRadius = Number((DotRadius * 0.9).toFixed(5)); // Save results for later use; no need to waste // processor ticks on doing math var k = Number((DotRadius * 2).toFixed(5)); var kc = Number((k * AcroFormAppearance.internal.Bezier_C).toFixed(5)); stream.push("0.749023 g"); stream.push("q"); stream.push("1 0 0 1 " + f5(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) / 2) + " " + f5(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) / 2) + " cm"); stream.push(k + " 0 m"); stream.push(k + " " + kc + " " + kc + " " + k + " 0 " + k + " c"); stream.push("-" + kc + " " + k + " -" + k + " " + kc + " -" + k + " 0 c"); stream.push("-" + k + " -" + kc + " -" + kc + " -" + k + " 0 -" + k + " c"); stream.push(kc + " -" + k + " " + k + " -" + kc + " " + k + " 0 c"); stream.push("f"); stream.push("Q"); xobj.stream = stream.join("\n"); return xobj; } }, Cross: { /** * Creates the Actual AppearanceDictionary-References * * @param {string} name * @returns {Object} * @ignore */ createAppearanceStream: function createAppearanceStream(name) { var appearanceStreamContent = { D: { 'Off': AcroFormAppearance.RadioButton.Cross.OffPushDown }, N: {} }; appearanceStreamContent.N[name] = AcroFormAppearance.RadioButton.Cross.YesNormal; appearanceStreamContent.D[name] = AcroFormAppearance.RadioButton.Cross.YesPushDown; return appearanceStreamContent; }, getCA: function getCA() { return '8'; }, YesNormal: function YesNormal(formObject) { var xobj = createFormXObject(formObject); var stream = []; var cross = AcroFormAppearance.internal.calculateCross(formObject); stream.push("q"); stream.push("1 1 " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) - 2) + " " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) - 2) + " re"); stream.push("W"); stream.push("n"); stream.push(f2(cross.x1.x) + " " + f2(cross.x1.y) + " m"); stream.push(f2(cross.x2.x) + " " + f2(cross.x2.y) + " l"); stream.push(f2(cross.x4.x) + " " + f2(cross.x4.y) + " m"); stream.push(f2(cross.x3.x) + " " + f2(cross.x3.y) + " l"); stream.push("s"); stream.push("Q"); xobj.stream = stream.join("\n"); return xobj; }, YesPushDown: function YesPushDown(formObject) { var xobj = createFormXObject(formObject); var cross = AcroFormAppearance.internal.calculateCross(formObject); var stream = []; stream.push("0.749023 g"); stream.push("0 0 " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject)) + " " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject)) + " re"); stream.push("f"); stream.push("q"); stream.push("1 1 " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject) - 2) + " " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject) - 2) + " re"); stream.push("W"); stream.push("n"); stream.push(f2(cross.x1.x) + " " + f2(cross.x1.y) + " m"); stream.push(f2(cross.x2.x) + " " + f2(cross.x2.y) + " l"); stream.push(f2(cross.x4.x) + " " + f2(cross.x4.y) + " m"); stream.push(f2(cross.x3.x) + " " + f2(cross.x3.y) + " l"); stream.push("s"); stream.push("Q"); xobj.stream = stream.join("\n"); return xobj; }, OffPushDown: function OffPushDown(formObject) { var xobj = createFormXObject(formObject); var stream = []; stream.push("0.749023 g"); stream.push("0 0 " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject)) + " " + f2(AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject)) + " re"); stream.push("f"); xobj.stream = stream.join("\n"); return xobj; } } }, /** * Returns the standard Appearance * * @returns {AcroFormXObject} */ createDefaultAppearanceStream: function createDefaultAppearanceStream(formObject) { // Set Helvetica to Standard Font (size: auto) // Color: Black var fontKey = scope.internal.getFont(formObject.fontName, formObject.fontStyle).id; var encodedColor = scope.__private__.encodeColorString(formObject.color); var fontSize = formObject.fontSize; var result = '/' + fontKey + ' ' + fontSize + ' Tf ' + encodedColor; return result; } }; AcroFormAppearance.internal = { Bezier_C: 0.551915024494, calculateCross: function calculateCross(formObject) { var width = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth(formObject); var height = AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight(formObject); var a = Math.min(width, height); var cross = { x1: { // upperLeft x: (width - a) / 2, y: (height - a) / 2 + a // height - borderPadding }, x2: { // lowerRight x: (width - a) / 2 + a, y: (height - a) / 2 // borderPadding }, x3: { // lowerLeft x: (width - a) / 2, y: (height - a) / 2 // borderPadding }, x4: { // upperRight x: (width - a) / 2 + a, y: (height - a) / 2 + a // height - borderPadding } }; return cross; } }; AcroFormAppearance.internal.getWidth = function (formObject) { var result = 0; if (_typeof(formObject) === "object") { result = scale(formObject.Rect[2]); } return result; }; AcroFormAppearance.internal.getHeight = function (formObject) { var result = 0; if (_typeof(formObject) === "object") { result = scale(formObject.Rect[3]); } return result; }; // Public: /** * Add an AcroForm-Field to the jsPDF-instance * * @name addField * @function * @instance * @param {Object} fieldObject * @returns {jsPDF} */ var addField = jsPDFAPI.addField = function (fieldObject) { initializeAcroForm.call(this); if (fieldObject instanceof AcroFormField) { putForm.call(this, fieldObject); } else { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.addField.'); } fieldObject.page = scope.internal.getCurrentPageInfo().pageNumber; return this; }; /** * @name addButton * @function * @instance * @param {AcroFormButton} options * @returns {jsPDF} * @deprecated */ var addButton = jsPDFAPI.addButton = function (button) { if (button instanceof AcroFormButton === false) { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.addButton.'); } return addField.call(this, button); }; /** * @name addTextField * @function * @instance * @param {AcroFormTextField} textField * @returns {jsPDF} * @deprecated */ var addTextField = jsPDFAPI.addTextField = function (textField) { if (textField instanceof AcroFormTextField === false) { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.addTextField.'); } return addField.call(this, textField); }; /** * @name addChoiceField * @function * @instance * @param {AcroFormChoiceField} * @returns {jsPDF} * @deprecated */ var addChoiceField = jsPDFAPI.addChoiceField = function (choiceField) { if (choiceField instanceof AcroFormChoiceField === false) { throw new Error('Invalid argument passed to jsPDF.addChoiceField.'); } return addField.call(this, choiceField); }; if (_typeof(globalObj) == "object" && typeof globalObj["ChoiceField"] === "undefined" && typeof globalObj["ListBox"] === "undefined" && typeof globalObj["ComboBox"] === "undefined" && typeof globalObj["EditBox"] === "undefined" && typeof globalObj["Button"] === "undefined" && typeof globalObj["PushButton"] === "undefined" && typeof globalObj["RadioButton"] === "undefined" && typeof globalObj["CheckBox"] === "undefined" && typeof globalObj["TextField"] === "undefined" && typeof globalObj["PasswordField"] === "undefined") { globalObj["ChoiceField"] = AcroFormChoiceField; globalObj["ListBox"] = AcroFormListBox; globalObj["ComboBox"] = AcroFormComboBox; globalObj["EditBox"] = AcroFormEditBox; globalObj["Button"] = AcroFormButton; globalObj["PushButton"] = AcroFormPushButton; globalObj["RadioButton"] = AcroFormRadioButton; globalObj["CheckBox"] = AcroFormCheckBox; globalObj["TextField"] = AcroFormTextField; globalObj["PasswordField"] = AcroFormPasswordField; // backwardsCompatibility globalObj["AcroForm"] = { Appearance: AcroFormAppearance }; } else { console.warn("AcroForm-Classes are not populated into global-namespace, because the class-Names exist already."); } jsPDFAPI.AcroFormChoiceField = AcroFormChoiceField; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormListBox = AcroFormListBox; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormComboBox = AcroFormComboBox; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormEditBox = AcroFormEditBox; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormButton = AcroFormButton; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormPushButton = AcroFormPushButton; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormRadioButton = AcroFormRadioButton; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormCheckBox = AcroFormCheckBox; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormTextField = AcroFormTextField; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormPasswordField = AcroFormPasswordField; jsPDFAPI.AcroFormAppearance = AcroFormAppearance; jsPDFAPI.AcroForm = { ChoiceField: AcroFormChoiceField, ListBox: AcroFormListBox, ComboBox: AcroFormComboBox, EditBox: AcroFormEditBox, Button: AcroFormButton, PushButton: AcroFormPushButton, RadioButton: AcroFormRadioButton, CheckBox: AcroFormCheckBox, TextField: AcroFormTextField, PasswordField: AcroFormPasswordField, Appearance: AcroFormAppearance }; })(jsPDF.API, typeof window !== "undefined" && window || typeof global !== "undefined" && global); /** @license * jsPDF addImage plugin * Copyright (c) 2012 Jason Siefken, https://github.com/siefkenj/ * 2013 Chris Dowling, https://github.com/gingerchris * 2013 Trinh Ho, https://github.com/ineedfat * 2013 Edwin Alejandro Perez, https://github.com/eaparango * 2013 Norah Smith, https://github.com/burnburnrocket * 2014 Diego Casorran, https://github.com/diegocr * 2014 James Robb, https://github.com/jamesbrobb * * */ /** * @name addImage * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { var namespace = 'addImage_'; var imageFileTypeHeaders = { PNG: [[0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47]], TIFF: [[0x4D, 0x4D, 0x00, 0x2A], //Motorola [0x49, 0x49, 0x2A, 0x00] //Intel ], JPEG: [[0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE0, undefined, undefined, 0x4A, 0x46, 0x49, 0x46, 0x00], //JFIF [0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xE1, undefined, undefined, 0x45, 0x78, 0x69, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00] //Exif ], JPEG2000: [[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x6A, 0x50, 0x20, 0x20]], GIF87a: [[0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38, 0x37, 0x61]], GIF89a: [[0x47, 0x49, 0x46, 0x38, 0x39, 0x61]], BMP: [[0x42, 0x4D], //BM - Windows 3.1x, 95, NT, ... etc. [0x42, 0x41], //BA - OS/2 struct bitmap array [0x43, 0x49], //CI - OS/2 struct color icon [0x43, 0x50], //CP - OS/2 const color pointer [0x49, 0x43], //IC - OS/2 struct icon [0x50, 0x54] //PT - OS/2 pointer ] }; /** * Recognize filetype of Image by magic-bytes * * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures * * @name getImageFileTypeByImageData * @public * @function * @param {string|arraybuffer} imageData imageData as binary String or arraybuffer * @param {string} format format of file if filetype-recognition fails, e.g. 'JPEG' * * @returns {string} filetype of Image */ var getImageFileTypeByImageData = jsPDFAPI.getImageFileTypeByImageData = function (imageData, fallbackFormat) { fallbackFormat = fallbackFormat || 'UNKNOWN'; var i; var j; var result = 'UNKNOWN'; var headerSchemata; var compareResult; var fileType; if (jsPDFAPI.isArrayBufferView(imageData)) { imageData = jsPDFAPI.arrayBufferToBinaryString(imageData); } for (fileType in imageFileTypeHeaders) { headerSchemata = imageFileTypeHeaders[fileType]; for (i = 0; i < headerSchemata.length; i += 1) { compareResult = true; for (j = 0; j < headerSchemata[i].length; j += 1) { if (headerSchemata[i][j] === undefined) { continue; } if (headerSchemata[i][j] !== imageData.charCodeAt(j)) { compareResult = false; break; } } if (compareResult === true) { result = fileType; break; } } } if (result === 'UNKNOWN' && fallbackFormat !== 'UNKNOWN') { console.warn('FileType of Image not recognized. Processing image as "' + fallbackFormat + '".'); result = fallbackFormat; } return result; }; // Image functionality ported from pdf.js var putImage = function putImage(img) { var objectNumber = this.internal.newObject(), out = this.internal.write, putStream = this.internal.putStream, getFilters = this.internal.getFilters; var filters = getFilters(); while (filters.indexOf('FlateEncode') !== -1) { filters.splice(filters.indexOf('FlateEncode'), 1); } img['n'] = objectNumber; var additionalKeyValues = []; additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'Type', value: '/XObject' }); additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'Subtype', value: '/Image' }); additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'Width', value: img['w'] }); additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'Height', value: img['h'] }); if (img['cs'] === this.color_spaces.INDEXED) { additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'ColorSpace', value: '[/Indexed /DeviceRGB ' // if an indexed png defines more than one colour with transparency, we've created a smask + (img['pal'].length / 3 - 1) + ' ' + ('smask' in img ? objectNumber + 2 : objectNumber + 1) + ' 0 R]' }); } else { additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'ColorSpace', value: '/' + img['cs'] }); if (img['cs'] === this.color_spaces.DEVICE_CMYK) { additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'Decode', value: '[1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]' }); } } additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'BitsPerComponent', value: img['bpc'] }); if ('dp' in img) { additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'DecodeParms', value: '<<' + img['dp'] + '>>' }); } if ('trns' in img && img['trns'].constructor == Array) { var trns = '', i = 0, len = img['trns'].length; for (; i < len; i++) { trns += img['trns'][i] + ' ' + img['trns'][i] + ' '; } additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'Mask', value: '[' + trns + ']' }); } if ('smask' in img) { additionalKeyValues.push({ key: 'SMask', value: objectNumber + 1 + ' 0 R' }); } var alreadyAppliedFilters = typeof img['f'] !== "undefined" ? ['/' + img['f']] : undefined; putStream({ data: img['data'], additionalKeyValues: additionalKeyValues, alreadyAppliedFilters: alreadyAppliedFilters }); out('endobj'); // Soft mask if ('smask' in img) { var dp = '/Predictor ' + img['p'] + ' /Colors 1 /BitsPerComponent ' + img['bpc'] + ' /Columns ' + img['w']; var smask = { 'w': img['w'], 'h': img['h'], 'cs': 'DeviceGray', 'bpc': img['bpc'], 'dp': dp, 'data': img['smask'] }; if ('f' in img) smask.f = img['f']; putImage.call(this, smask); } //Palette if (img['cs'] === this.color_spaces.INDEXED) { this.internal.newObject(); //out('<< /Filter / ' + img['f'] +' /Length ' + img['pal'].length + '>>'); //putStream(zlib.compress(img['pal'])); putStream({ data: this.arrayBufferToBinaryString(new Uint8Array(img['pal'])) }); out('endobj'); } }, putResourcesCallback = function putResourcesCallback() { var images = this.internal.collections[namespace + 'images']; for (var i in images) { putImage.call(this, images[i]); } }, putXObjectsDictCallback = function putXObjectsDictCallback() { var images = this.internal.collections[namespace + 'images'], out = this.internal.write, image; for (var i in images) { image = images[i]; out('/I' + image['i'], image['n'], '0', 'R'); } }, checkCompressValue = function checkCompressValue(value) { if (value && typeof value === 'string') value = value.toUpperCase(); return value in jsPDFAPI.image_compression ? value : jsPDFAPI.image_compression.NONE; }, getImages = function getImages() { var images = this.internal.collections[namespace + 'images']; //first run, so initialise stuff if (!images) { this.internal.collections[namespace + 'images'] = images = {}; this.internal.events.subscribe('putResources', putResourcesCallback); this.internal.events.subscribe('putXobjectDict', putXObjectsDictCallback); } return images; }, getImageIndex = function getImageIndex(images) { var imageIndex = 0; if (images) { // this is NOT the first time this method is ran on this instance of jsPDF object. imageIndex = Object.keys ? Object.keys(images).length : function (o) { var i = 0; for (var e in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(e)) { i++; } } return i; }(images); } return imageIndex; }, notDefined = function notDefined(value) { return typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null || value.length === 0; }, generateAliasFromImageData = function generateAliasFromImageData(imageData) { if (typeof imageData === 'string') { return jsPDFAPI.sHashCode(imageData); } if (jsPDFAPI.isArrayBufferView(imageData)) { return jsPDFAPI.sHashCode(jsPDFAPI.arrayBufferToBinaryString(imageData)); } return null; }, isImageTypeSupported = function isImageTypeSupported(type) { return typeof jsPDFAPI["process" + type.toUpperCase()] === "function"; }, isDOMElement = function isDOMElement(object) { return _typeof(object) === 'object' && object.nodeType === 1; }, createDataURIFromElement = function createDataURIFromElement(element, format) { //if element is an image which uses data url definition, just return the dataurl if (element.nodeName === 'IMG' && element.hasAttribute('src')) { var src = '' + element.getAttribute('src'); //is base64 encoded dataUrl, directly process it if (src.indexOf('data:image/') === 0) { return unescape(src); } //it is probably an url, try to load it var tmpImageData = jsPDFAPI.loadFile(src); if (tmpImageData !== undefined) { return btoa(tmpImageData); } } if (element.nodeName === 'CANVAS') { var canvas = element; return element.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0); } //absolute fallback method var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = element.clientWidth || element.width; canvas.height = element.clientHeight || element.height; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (!ctx) { throw 'addImage requires canvas to be supported by browser.'; } ctx.drawImage(element, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); return canvas.toDataURL(('' + format).toLowerCase() == 'png' ? 'image/png' : 'image/jpeg'); }, checkImagesForAlias = function checkImagesForAlias(alias, images) { var cached_info; if (images) { for (var e in images) { if (alias === images[e].alias) { cached_info = images[e]; break; } } } return cached_info; }, determineWidthAndHeight = function determineWidthAndHeight(w, h, info) { if (!w && !h) { w = -96; h = -96; } if (w < 0) { w = -1 * info['w'] * 72 / w / this.internal.scaleFactor; } if (h < 0) { h = -1 * info['h'] * 72 / h / this.internal.scaleFactor; } if (w === 0) { w = h * info['w'] / info['h']; } if (h === 0) { h = w * info['h'] / info['w']; } return [w, h]; }, writeImageToPDF = function writeImageToPDF(x, y, w, h, info, index, images, rotation) { var dims = determineWidthAndHeight.call(this, w, h, info), coord = this.internal.getCoordinateString, vcoord = this.internal.getVerticalCoordinateString; w = dims[0]; h = dims[1]; images[index] = info; if (rotation) { rotation *= Math.PI / 180; var c = Math.cos(rotation); var s = Math.sin(rotation); //like in pdf Reference do it 4 digits instead of 2 var f4 = function f4(number) { return number.toFixed(4); }; var rotationTransformationMatrix = [f4(c), f4(s), f4(s * -1), f4(c), 0, 0, 'cm']; } this.internal.write('q'); //Save graphics state if (rotation) { this.internal.write([1, '0', '0', 1, coord(x), vcoord(y + h), 'cm'].join(' ')); //Translate this.internal.write(rotationTransformationMatrix.join(' ')); //Rotate this.internal.write([coord(w), '0', '0', coord(h), '0', '0', 'cm'].join(' ')); //Scale } else { this.internal.write([coord(w), '0', '0', coord(h), coord(x), vcoord(y + h), 'cm'].join(' ')); //Translate and Scale } this.internal.write('/I' + info['i'] + ' Do'); //Paint Image this.internal.write('Q'); //Restore graphics state }; /** * COLOR SPACES */ jsPDFAPI.color_spaces = { DEVICE_RGB: 'DeviceRGB', DEVICE_GRAY: 'DeviceGray', DEVICE_CMYK: 'DeviceCMYK', CAL_GREY: 'CalGray', CAL_RGB: 'CalRGB', LAB: 'Lab', ICC_BASED: 'ICCBased', INDEXED: 'Indexed', PATTERN: 'Pattern', SEPARATION: 'Separation', DEVICE_N: 'DeviceN' }; /** * DECODE METHODS */ jsPDFAPI.decode = { DCT_DECODE: 'DCTDecode', FLATE_DECODE: 'FlateDecode', LZW_DECODE: 'LZWDecode', JPX_DECODE: 'JPXDecode', JBIG2_DECODE: 'JBIG2Decode', ASCII85_DECODE: 'ASCII85Decode', ASCII_HEX_DECODE: 'ASCIIHexDecode', RUN_LENGTH_DECODE: 'RunLengthDecode', CCITT_FAX_DECODE: 'CCITTFaxDecode' }; /** * IMAGE COMPRESSION TYPES */ jsPDFAPI.image_compression = { NONE: 'NONE', FAST: 'FAST', MEDIUM: 'MEDIUM', SLOW: 'SLOW' }; /** * @name sHashCode * @function * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ jsPDFAPI.sHashCode = function (str) { str = str || ""; var hash = 0, i, chr; if (str.length === 0) return hash; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { chr = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr; hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer } return hash; }; /** * @name isString * @function * @param {any} object * @returns {boolean} */ jsPDFAPI.isString = function (object) { return typeof object === 'string'; }; /** * Validates if given String is a valid Base64-String * * @name validateStringAsBase64 * @public * @function * @param {String} possible Base64-String * * @returns {boolean} */ jsPDFAPI.validateStringAsBase64 = function (possibleBase64String) { possibleBase64String = possibleBase64String || ''; possibleBase64String.toString().trim(); var result = true; if (possibleBase64String.length === 0) { result = false; } if (possibleBase64String.length % 4 !== 0) { result = false; } if (/^[A-Za-z0-9+\/]+$/.test(possibleBase64String.substr(0, possibleBase64String.length - 2)) === false) { result = false; } if (/^[A-Za-z0-9\/][A-Za-z0-9+\/]|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]=|==$/.test(possibleBase64String.substr(-2)) === false) { result = false; } return result; }; /** * Strips out and returns info from a valid base64 data URI * * @name extractInfoFromBase64DataURI * @function * @param {string} dataUrl a valid data URI of format 'data:[][;base64],' * @returns {Array}an Array containing the following * [0] the complete data URI * [1] * [2] format - the second part of the mime-type i.e 'png' in 'image/png' * [4] */ jsPDFAPI.extractInfoFromBase64DataURI = function (dataURI) { return /^data:([\w]+?\/([\w]+?));\S*;*base64,(.+)$/g.exec(dataURI); }; /** * Strips out and returns info from a valid base64 data URI * * @name extractImageFromDataUrl * @function * @param {string} dataUrl a valid data URI of format 'data:[][;base64],' * @returns {Array}an Array containing the following * [0] the complete data URI * [1] * [2] format - the second part of the mime-type i.e 'png' in 'image/png' * [4] */ jsPDFAPI.extractImageFromDataUrl = function (dataUrl) { dataUrl = dataUrl || ''; var dataUrlParts = dataUrl.split('base64,'); var result = null; if (dataUrlParts.length === 2) { var extractedInfo = /^data:(\w*\/\w*);*(charset=[\w=-]*)*;*$/.exec(dataUrlParts[0]); if (Array.isArray(extractedInfo)) { result = { mimeType: extractedInfo[1], charset: extractedInfo[2], data: dataUrlParts[1] }; } } return result; }; /** * Check to see if ArrayBuffer is supported * * @name supportsArrayBuffer * @function * @returns {boolean} */ jsPDFAPI.supportsArrayBuffer = function () { return typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined'; }; /** * Tests supplied object to determine if ArrayBuffer * * @name isArrayBuffer * @function * @param {Object} object an Object * * @returns {boolean} */ jsPDFAPI.isArrayBuffer = function (object) { if (!this.supportsArrayBuffer()) return false; return object instanceof ArrayBuffer; }; /** * Tests supplied object to determine if it implements the ArrayBufferView (TypedArray) interface * * @name isArrayBufferView * @function * @param {Object} object an Object * @returns {boolean} */ jsPDFAPI.isArrayBufferView = function (object) { if (!this.supportsArrayBuffer()) return false; if (typeof Uint32Array === 'undefined') return false; return object instanceof Int8Array || object instanceof Uint8Array || typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== 'undefined' && object instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || object instanceof Int16Array || object instanceof Uint16Array || object instanceof Int32Array || object instanceof Uint32Array || object instanceof Float32Array || object instanceof Float64Array; }; /** * Convert the Buffer to a Binary String * * @name binaryStringToUint8Array * @public * @function * @param {ArrayBuffer} BinaryString with ImageData * * @returns {Uint8Array} */ jsPDFAPI.binaryStringToUint8Array = function (binary_string) { /* * not sure how efficient this will be will bigger files. Is there a native method? */ var len = binary_string.length; var bytes = new Uint8Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes; }; /** * Convert the Buffer to a Binary String * * @name arrayBufferToBinaryString * @public * @function * @param {ArrayBuffer} ArrayBuffer with ImageData * * @returns {String} */ jsPDFAPI.arrayBufferToBinaryString = function (buffer) { // if (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.reduce !== 'undefined') { // return new Uint8Array(buffer).reduce(function (data, byte) { // return data.push(String.fromCharCode(byte)), data; // }, []).join(''); // } if (typeof atob === "function") { return atob(this.arrayBufferToBase64(buffer)); } }; /** * Converts an ArrayBuffer directly to base64 * * Taken from http://jsperf.com/encoding-xhr-image-data/31 * * Need to test if this is a better solution for larger files * * @name arrayBufferToBase64 * @param {arraybuffer} arrayBuffer * @public * @function * * @returns {string} */ jsPDFAPI.arrayBufferToBase64 = function (arrayBuffer) { var base64 = ''; var encodings = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; var bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); var byteLength = bytes.byteLength; var byteRemainder = byteLength % 3; var mainLength = byteLength - byteRemainder; var a, b, c, d; var chunk; // Main loop deals with bytes in chunks of 3 for (var i = 0; i < mainLength; i = i + 3) { // Combine the three bytes into a single integer chunk = bytes[i] << 16 | bytes[i + 1] << 8 | bytes[i + 2]; // Use bitmasks to extract 6-bit segments from the triplet a = (chunk & 16515072) >> 18; // 16515072 = (2^6 - 1) << 18 b = (chunk & 258048) >> 12; // 258048 = (2^6 - 1) << 12 c = (chunk & 4032) >> 6; // 4032 = (2^6 - 1) << 6 d = chunk & 63; // 63 = 2^6 - 1 // Convert the raw binary segments to the appropriate ASCII encoding base64 += encodings[a] + encodings[b] + encodings[c] + encodings[d]; } // Deal with the remaining bytes and padding if (byteRemainder == 1) { chunk = bytes[mainLength]; a = (chunk & 252) >> 2; // 252 = (2^6 - 1) << 2 // Set the 4 least significant bits to zero b = (chunk & 3) << 4; // 3 = 2^2 - 1 base64 += encodings[a] + encodings[b] + '=='; } else if (byteRemainder == 2) { chunk = bytes[mainLength] << 8 | bytes[mainLength + 1]; a = (chunk & 64512) >> 10; // 64512 = (2^6 - 1) << 10 b = (chunk & 1008) >> 4; // 1008 = (2^6 - 1) << 4 // Set the 2 least significant bits to zero c = (chunk & 15) << 2; // 15 = 2^4 - 1 base64 += encodings[a] + encodings[b] + encodings[c] + '='; } return base64; }; /** * * @name createImageInfo * @param {Object} data * @param {number} wd width * @param {number} ht height * @param {Object} cs colorSpace * @param {number} bpc bits per channel * @param {any} f * @param {number} imageIndex * @param {string} alias * @param {any} dp * @param {any} trns * @param {any} pal * @param {any} smask * @param {any} p * @public * @function * * @returns {Object} */ jsPDFAPI.createImageInfo = function (data, wd, ht, cs, bpc, f, imageIndex, alias, dp, trns, pal, smask, p) { var info = { alias: alias, w: wd, h: ht, cs: cs, bpc: bpc, i: imageIndex, data: data // n: objectNumber will be added by putImage code }; if (f) info.f = f; if (dp) info.dp = dp; if (trns) info.trns = trns; if (pal) info.pal = pal; if (smask) info.smask = smask; if (p) info.p = p; // predictor parameter for PNG compression return info; }; /** * Adds an Image to the PDF. * * @name addImage * @public * @function * @param {string/Image-Element/Canvas-Element/Uint8Array} imageData imageData as base64 encoded DataUrl or Image-HTMLElement or Canvas-HTMLElement * @param {string} format format of file if filetype-recognition fails, e.g. 'JPEG' * @param {number} x x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page * @param {number} y y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page * @param {number} width width of the image (in units declared at inception of PDF document) * @param {number} height height of the Image (in units declared at inception of PDF document) * @param {string} alias alias of the image (if used multiple times) * @param {string} compression compression of the generated JPEG, can have the values 'NONE', 'FAST', 'MEDIUM' and 'SLOW' * @param {number} rotation rotation of the image in degrees (0-359) * * @returns jsPDF */ jsPDFAPI.addImage = function (imageData, format, x, y, w, h, alias, compression, rotation) { var tmpImageData = ''; if (typeof format !== 'string') { var tmp = h; h = w; w = y; y = x; x = format; format = tmp; } if (_typeof(imageData) === 'object' && !isDOMElement(imageData) && "imageData" in imageData) { var options = imageData; imageData = options.imageData; format = options.format || format || 'UNKNOWN'; x = options.x || x || 0; y = options.y || y || 0; w = options.w || w; h = options.h || h; alias = options.alias || alias; compression = options.compression || compression; rotation = options.rotation || options.angle || rotation; } //If compression is not explicitly set, determine if we should use compression var filters = this.internal.getFilters(); if (compression === undefined && filters.indexOf('FlateEncode') !== -1) { compression = 'SLOW'; } if (typeof imageData === "string") { imageData = unescape(imageData); } if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { console.error('jsPDF.addImage: Invalid coordinates', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid coordinates passed to jsPDF.addImage'); } var images = getImages.call(this), info, dataAsBinaryString; if (!(info = checkImagesForAlias(imageData, images))) { if (isDOMElement(imageData)) imageData = createDataURIFromElement(imageData, format); if (notDefined(alias)) alias = generateAliasFromImageData(imageData); if (!(info = checkImagesForAlias(alias, images))) { if (this.isString(imageData)) { tmpImageData = this.convertStringToImageData(imageData); if (tmpImageData !== '') { imageData = tmpImageData; } else { tmpImageData = jsPDFAPI.loadFile(imageData); if (tmpImageData !== undefined) { imageData = tmpImageData; } } } format = this.getImageFileTypeByImageData(imageData, format); if (!isImageTypeSupported(format)) throw new Error('addImage does not support files of type \'' + format + '\', please ensure that a plugin for \'' + format + '\' support is added.'); /** * need to test if it's more efficient to convert all binary strings * to TypedArray - or should we just leave and process as string? */ if (this.supportsArrayBuffer()) { // no need to convert if imageData is already uint8array if (!(imageData instanceof Uint8Array)) { dataAsBinaryString = imageData; imageData = this.binaryStringToUint8Array(imageData); } } info = this['process' + format.toUpperCase()](imageData, getImageIndex(images), alias, checkCompressValue(compression), dataAsBinaryString); if (!info) { throw new Error('An unknown error occurred whilst processing the image'); } } } writeImageToPDF.call(this, x, y, w, h, info, info.i, images, rotation); return this; }; /** * @name convertStringToImageData * @function * @param {string} stringData * @returns {string} binary data */ jsPDFAPI.convertStringToImageData = function (stringData) { var base64Info; var imageData = ''; var rawData; if (this.isString(stringData)) { var base64Info = this.extractImageFromDataUrl(stringData); rawData = base64Info !== null ? base64Info.data : stringData; try { imageData = atob(rawData); } catch (e) { if (!jsPDFAPI.validateStringAsBase64(rawData)) { throw new Error('Supplied Data is not a valid base64-String jsPDF.convertStringToImageData '); } else { throw new Error('atob-Error in jsPDF.convertStringToImageData ' + e.message); } } } return imageData; }; /** * JPEG SUPPORT **/ //takes a string imgData containing the raw bytes of //a jpeg image and returns [width, height] //Algorithm from: http://www.64lines.com/jpeg-width-height var getJpegSize = function getJpegSize(imgData) { var width, height, numcomponents; // Verify we have a valid jpeg header 0xff,0xd8,0xff,0xe0,?,?,'J','F','I','F',0x00 if (getImageFileTypeByImageData(imgData) !== 'JPEG') { throw new Error('getJpegSize requires a binary string jpeg file'); } var blockLength = imgData.charCodeAt(4) * 256 + imgData.charCodeAt(5); var i = 4, len = imgData.length; while (i < len) { i += blockLength; if (imgData.charCodeAt(i) !== 0xff) { throw new Error('getJpegSize could not find the size of the image'); } if (imgData.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 0xc0 || //(SOF) Huffman - Baseline DCT imgData.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 0xc1 || //(SOF) Huffman - Extended sequential DCT imgData.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 0xc2 || // Progressive DCT (SOF2) imgData.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 0xc3 || // Spatial (sequential) lossless (SOF3) imgData.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 0xc4 || // Differential sequential DCT (SOF5) imgData.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 0xc5 || // Differential progressive DCT (SOF6) imgData.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 0xc6 || // Differential spatial (SOF7) imgData.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 0xc7) { height = imgData.charCodeAt(i + 5) * 256 + imgData.charCodeAt(i + 6); width = imgData.charCodeAt(i + 7) * 256 + imgData.charCodeAt(i + 8); numcomponents = imgData.charCodeAt(i + 9); return [width, height, numcomponents]; } else { i += 2; blockLength = imgData.charCodeAt(i) * 256 + imgData.charCodeAt(i + 1); } } }, getJpegSizeFromBytes = function getJpegSizeFromBytes(data) { var hdr = data[0] << 8 | data[1]; if (hdr !== 0xFFD8) throw new Error('Supplied data is not a JPEG'); var len = data.length, block = (data[4] << 8) + data[5], pos = 4, bytes, width, height, numcomponents; while (pos < len) { pos += block; bytes = readBytes(data, pos); block = (bytes[2] << 8) + bytes[3]; if ((bytes[1] === 0xC0 || bytes[1] === 0xC2) && bytes[0] === 0xFF && block > 7) { bytes = readBytes(data, pos + 5); width = (bytes[2] << 8) + bytes[3]; height = (bytes[0] << 8) + bytes[1]; numcomponents = bytes[4]; return { width: width, height: height, numcomponents: numcomponents }; } pos += 2; } throw new Error('getJpegSizeFromBytes could not find the size of the image'); }, readBytes = function readBytes(data, offset) { return data.subarray(offset, offset + 5); }; /** * @ignore */ jsPDFAPI.processJPEG = function (data, index, alias, compression, dataAsBinaryString, colorSpace) { var filter = this.decode.DCT_DECODE, bpc = 8, dims; if (!this.isString(data) && !this.isArrayBuffer(data) && !this.isArrayBufferView(data)) { return null; } if (this.isString(data)) { dims = getJpegSize(data); } if (this.isArrayBuffer(data)) { data = new Uint8Array(data); } if (this.isArrayBufferView(data)) { dims = getJpegSizeFromBytes(data); // if we already have a stored binary string rep use that data = dataAsBinaryString || this.arrayBufferToBinaryString(data); } if (colorSpace === undefined) { switch (dims.numcomponents) { case 1: colorSpace = this.color_spaces.DEVICE_GRAY; break; case 4: colorSpace = this.color_spaces.DEVICE_CMYK; break; default: case 3: colorSpace = this.color_spaces.DEVICE_RGB; break; } } return this.createImageInfo(data, dims.width, dims.height, colorSpace, bpc, filter, index, alias); }; /** * @ignore */ jsPDFAPI.processJPG = function () /*data, index, alias, compression, dataAsBinaryString*/ { return this.processJPEG.apply(this, arguments); }; /** * @name getImageProperties * @function * @param {Object} imageData * @returns {Object} */ jsPDFAPI.getImageProperties = function (imageData) { var info; var tmpImageData = ''; var format; if (isDOMElement(imageData)) { imageData = createDataURIFromElement(imageData); } if (this.isString(imageData)) { tmpImageData = this.convertStringToImageData(imageData); if (tmpImageData !== '') { imageData = tmpImageData; } else { tmpImageData = jsPDFAPI.loadFile(imageData); if (tmpImageData !== undefined) { imageData = tmpImageData; } } } format = this.getImageFileTypeByImageData(imageData); if (!isImageTypeSupported(format)) { throw new Error('addImage does not support files of type \'' + format + '\', please ensure that a plugin for \'' + format + '\' support is added.'); } /** * need to test if it's more efficient to convert all binary strings * to TypedArray - or should we just leave and process as string? */ if (this.supportsArrayBuffer()) { // no need to convert if imageData is already uint8array if (!(imageData instanceof Uint8Array)) { imageData = this.binaryStringToUint8Array(imageData); } } info = this['process' + format.toUpperCase()](imageData); if (!info) { throw new Error('An unknown error occurred whilst processing the image'); } return { fileType: format, width: info.w, height: info.h, colorSpace: info.cs, compressionMode: info.f, bitsPerComponent: info.bpc }; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * Copyright (c) 2014 Steven Spungin (TwelveTone LLC) steven@twelvetone.tv * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * jsPDF Annotations PlugIn * * There are many types of annotations in a PDF document. Annotations are placed * on a page at a particular location. They are not 'attached' to an object. *
      * This plugin current supports
    • Goto Page (set pageNumber and top in options) *
    • Goto Name (set name and top in options) *
    • Goto URL (set url in options) *

      * The destination magnification factor can also be specified when goto is a page number or a named destination. (see documentation below) * (set magFactor in options). XYZ is the default. *


      * Links, Text, Popup, and FreeText are supported. *


      * Options In PDF spec Not Implemented Yet *

    • link border *
    • named target *
    • page coordinates *
    • destination page scaling and layout *
    • actions other than URL and GotoPage *
    • background / hover actions *

      * @name annotations * @module */ /* Destination Magnification Factors See PDF 1.3 Page 386 for meanings and options [supported] XYZ (options; left top zoom) Fit (no options) FitH (options: top) FitV (options: left) [not supported] FitR FitB FitBH FitBV */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { jsPDF.API.events.push(['addPage', function (addPageData) { var pageInfo = this.internal.getPageInfo(addPageData.pageNumber); pageInfo.pageContext.annotations = []; }]); jsPDFAPI.events.push(['putPage', function (putPageData) { var pageInfo = this.internal.getPageInfoByObjId(putPageData.objId); var pageAnnos = putPageData.pageContext.annotations; var notEmpty = function notEmpty(obj) { if (typeof obj != 'undefined') { if (obj != '') { return true; } } }; var found = false; for (var a = 0; a < pageAnnos.length && !found; a++) { var anno = pageAnnos[a]; switch (anno.type) { case 'link': if (notEmpty(anno.options.url) || notEmpty(anno.options.pageNumber)) { found = true; break; } case 'reference': case 'text': case 'freetext': found = true; break; } } if (found == false) { return; } this.internal.write("/Annots ["); var pageHeight = this.internal.pageSize.height; var getHorizontalCoordinateString = this.internal.getCoordinateString; var getVerticalCoordinateString = this.internal.getVerticalCoordinateString; for (var a = 0; a < pageAnnos.length; a++) { var anno = pageAnnos[a]; switch (anno.type) { case 'reference': // References to Widget Annotations (for AcroForm Fields) this.internal.write(' ' + anno.object.objId + ' 0 R '); break; case 'text': // Create a an object for both the text and the popup var objText = this.internal.newAdditionalObject(); var objPopup = this.internal.newAdditionalObject(); var title = anno.title || 'Note'; var rect = "/Rect [" + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y + anno.bounds.h) + " " + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x + anno.bounds.w) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y) + "] "; line = '<>'; objText.content = line; var parent = objText.objId + ' 0 R'; var popoff = 30; var rect = "/Rect [" + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x + popoff) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y + anno.bounds.h) + " " + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x + anno.bounds.w + popoff) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y) + "] "; line = '<>'; } else if (anno.options.pageNumber) { // first page is 0 var info = this.internal.getPageInfo(anno.options.pageNumber); line = '< pageNumber or url [required] *

      If pageNumber is specified, top and zoom may also be specified

      * @name link * @function * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} w * @param {number} h * @param {Object} options */ jsPDFAPI.link = function (x, y, w, h, options) { var pageInfo = this.internal.getCurrentPageInfo(); pageInfo.pageContext.annotations.push({ x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, options: options, type: 'link' }); }; /** * Currently only supports single line text. * Returns the width of the text/link * * @name textWithLink * @function * @param {string} text * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {Object} options * @returns {number} width the width of the text/link */ jsPDFAPI.textWithLink = function (text, x, y, options) { var width = this.getTextWidth(text); var height = this.internal.getLineHeight() / this.internal.scaleFactor; this.text(text, x, y); //TODO We really need the text baseline height to do this correctly. // Or ability to draw text on top, bottom, center, or baseline. y += height * .2; this.link(x, y - height, width, height, options); return width; }; //TODO move into external library /** * @name getTextWidth * @function * @param {string} text * @returns {number} txtWidth */ jsPDFAPI.getTextWidth = function (text) { var fontSize = this.internal.getFontSize(); var txtWidth = this.getStringUnitWidth(text) * fontSize / this.internal.scaleFactor; return txtWidth; }; return this; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * Copyright (c) 2017 Aras Abbasi * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * jsPDF arabic parser PlugIn * * @name arabic * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /** * Arabic shape substitutions: char code => (isolated, final, initial, medial). * Arabic Substition A */ var arabicSubstitionA = { 0x0621: [0xFE80], // ARABIC LETTER HAMZA 0x0622: [0xFE81, 0xFE82], // ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE 0x0623: [0xFE83, 0xFE84], // ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE 0x0624: [0xFE85, 0xFE86], // ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH HAMZA ABOVE 0x0625: [0xFE87, 0xFE88], // ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW 0x0626: [0xFE89, 0xFE8A, 0xFE8B, 0xFE8C], // ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE 0x0627: [0xFE8D, 0xFE8E], // ARABIC LETTER ALEF 0x0628: [0xFE8F, 0xFE90, 0xFE91, 0xFE92], // ARABIC LETTER BEH 0x0629: [0xFE93, 0xFE94], // ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA 0x062A: [0xFE95, 0xFE96, 0xFE97, 0xFE98], // ARABIC LETTER TEH 0x062B: [0xFE99, 0xFE9A, 0xFE9B, 0xFE9C], // ARABIC LETTER THEH 0x062C: [0xFE9D, 0xFE9E, 0xFE9F, 0xFEA0], // ARABIC LETTER JEEM 0x062D: [0xFEA1, 0xFEA2, 0xFEA3, 0xFEA4], // ARABIC LETTER HAH 0x062E: [0xFEA5, 0xFEA6, 0xFEA7, 0xFEA8], // ARABIC LETTER KHAH 0x062F: [0xFEA9, 0xFEAA], // ARABIC LETTER DAL 0x0630: [0xFEAB, 0xFEAC], // ARABIC LETTER THAL 0x0631: [0xFEAD, 0xFEAE], // ARABIC LETTER REH 0x0632: [0xFEAF, 0xFEB0], // ARABIC LETTER ZAIN 0x0633: [0xFEB1, 0xFEB2, 0xFEB3, 0xFEB4], // ARABIC LETTER SEEN 0x0634: [0xFEB5, 0xFEB6, 0xFEB7, 0xFEB8], // ARABIC LETTER SHEEN 0x0635: [0xFEB9, 0xFEBA, 0xFEBB, 0xFEBC], // ARABIC LETTER SAD 0x0636: [0xFEBD, 0xFEBE, 0xFEBF, 0xFEC0], // ARABIC LETTER DAD 0x0637: [0xFEC1, 0xFEC2, 0xFEC3, 0xFEC4], // ARABIC LETTER TAH 0x0638: [0xFEC5, 0xFEC6, 0xFEC7, 0xFEC8], // ARABIC LETTER ZAH 0x0639: [0xFEC9, 0xFECA, 0xFECB, 0xFECC], // ARABIC LETTER AIN 0x063A: [0xFECD, 0xFECE, 0xFECF, 0xFED0], // ARABIC LETTER GHAIN 0x0641: [0xFED1, 0xFED2, 0xFED3, 0xFED4], // ARABIC LETTER FEH 0x0642: [0xFED5, 0xFED6, 0xFED7, 0xFED8], // ARABIC LETTER QAF 0x0643: [0xFED9, 0xFEDA, 0xFEDB, 0xFEDC], // ARABIC LETTER KAF 0x0644: [0xFEDD, 0xFEDE, 0xFEDF, 0xFEE0], // ARABIC LETTER LAM 0x0645: [0xFEE1, 0xFEE2, 0xFEE3, 0xFEE4], // ARABIC LETTER MEEM 0x0646: [0xFEE5, 0xFEE6, 0xFEE7, 0xFEE8], // ARABIC LETTER NOON 0x0647: [0xFEE9, 0xFEEA, 0xFEEB, 0xFEEC], // ARABIC LETTER HEH 0x0648: [0xFEED, 0xFEEE], // ARABIC LETTER WAW 0x0649: [0xFEEF, 0xFEF0, 64488, 64489], // ARABIC LETTER ALEF MAKSURA 0x064A: [0xFEF1, 0xFEF2, 0xFEF3, 0xFEF4], // ARABIC LETTER YEH 0x0671: [0xFB50, 0xFB51], // ARABIC LETTER ALEF WASLA 0x0677: [0xFBDD], // ARABIC LETTER U WITH HAMZA ABOVE 0x0679: [0xFB66, 0xFB67, 0xFB68, 0xFB69], // ARABIC LETTER TTEH 0x067A: [0xFB5E, 0xFB5F, 0xFB60, 0xFB61], // ARABIC LETTER TTEHEH 0x067B: [0xFB52, 0xFB53, 0xFB54, 0xFB55], // ARABIC LETTER BEEH 0x067E: [0xFB56, 0xFB57, 0xFB58, 0xFB59], // ARABIC LETTER PEH 0x067F: [0xFB62, 0xFB63, 0xFB64, 0xFB65], // ARABIC LETTER TEHEH 0x0680: [0xFB5A, 0xFB5B, 0xFB5C, 0xFB5D], // ARABIC LETTER BEHEH 0x0683: [0xFB76, 0xFB77, 0xFB78, 0xFB79], // ARABIC LETTER NYEH 0x0684: [0xFB72, 0xFB73, 0xFB74, 0xFB75], // ARABIC LETTER DYEH 0x0686: [0xFB7A, 0xFB7B, 0xFB7C, 0xFB7D], // ARABIC LETTER TCHEH 0x0687: [0xFB7E, 0xFB7F, 0xFB80, 0xFB81], // ARABIC LETTER TCHEHEH 0x0688: [0xFB88, 0xFB89], // ARABIC LETTER DDAL 0x068C: [0xFB84, 0xFB85], // ARABIC LETTER DAHAL 0x068D: [0xFB82, 0xFB83], // ARABIC LETTER DDAHAL 0x068E: [0xFB86, 0xFB87], // ARABIC LETTER DUL 0x0691: [0xFB8C, 0xFB8D], // ARABIC LETTER RREH 0x0698: [0xFB8A, 0xFB8B], // ARABIC LETTER JEH 0x06A4: [0xFB6A, 0xFB6B, 0xFB6C, 0xFB6D], // ARABIC LETTER VEH 0x06A6: [0xFB6E, 0xFB6F, 0xFB70, 0xFB71], // ARABIC LETTER PEHEH 0x06A9: [0xFB8E, 0xFB8F, 0xFB90, 0xFB91], // ARABIC LETTER KEHEH 0x06AD: [0xFBD3, 0xFBD4, 0xFBD5, 0xFBD6], // ARABIC LETTER NG 0x06AF: [0xFB92, 0xFB93, 0xFB94, 0xFB95], // ARABIC LETTER GAF 0x06B1: [0xFB9A, 0xFB9B, 0xFB9C, 0xFB9D], // ARABIC LETTER NGOEH 0x06B3: [0xFB96, 0xFB97, 0xFB98, 0xFB99], // ARABIC LETTER GUEH 0x06BA: [0xFB9E, 0xFB9F], // ARABIC LETTER NOON GHUNNA 0x06BB: [0xFBA0, 0xFBA1, 0xFBA2, 0xFBA3], // ARABIC LETTER RNOON 0x06BE: [0xFBAA, 0xFBAB, 0xFBAC, 0xFBAD], // ARABIC LETTER HEH DOACHASHMEE 0x06C0: [0xFBA4, 0xFBA5], // ARABIC LETTER HEH WITH YEH ABOVE 0x06C1: [0xFBA6, 0xFBA7, 0xFBA8, 0xFBA9], // ARABIC LETTER HEH GOAL 0x06C5: [0xFBE0, 0xFBE1], // ARABIC LETTER KIRGHIZ OE 0x06C6: [0xFBD9, 0xFBDA], // ARABIC LETTER OE 0x06C7: [0xFBD7, 0xFBD8], // ARABIC LETTER U 0x06C8: [0xFBDB, 0xFBDC], // ARABIC LETTER YU 0x06C9: [0xFBE2, 0xFBE3], // ARABIC LETTER KIRGHIZ YU 0x06CB: [0xFBDE, 0xFBDF], // ARABIC LETTER VE 0x06CC: [0xFBFC, 0xFBFD, 0xFBFE, 0xFBFF], // ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH 0x06D0: [0xFBE4, 0xFBE5, 0xFBE6, 0xFBE7], //ARABIC LETTER E 0x06D2: [0xFBAE, 0xFBAF], // ARABIC LETTER YEH BARREE 0x06D3: [0xFBB0, 0xFBB1] // ARABIC LETTER YEH BARREE WITH HAMZA ABOVE }; var ligatures = { 0xFEDF: { 0xFE82: 0xFEF5, // ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE ISOLATED FORM 0xFE84: 0xFEF7, // ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE ISOLATED FORM 0xFE88: 0xFEF9, // ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW ISOLATED FORM 0xFE8E: 0xFEFB // ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF ISOLATED FORM }, 0xFEE0: { 0xFE82: 0xFEF6, // ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE FINAL FORM 0xFE84: 0xFEF8, // ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE FINAL FORM 0xFE88: 0xFEFA, // ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW FINAL FORM 0xFE8E: 0xFEFC // ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF FINAL FORM }, 0xFE8D: { 0xFEDF: { 0xFEE0: { 0xFEEA: 0xFDF2 } } }, // ALLAH 0x0651: { 0x064C: 0xFC5E, // Shadda + Dammatan 0x064D: 0xFC5F, // Shadda + Kasratan 0x064E: 0xFC60, // Shadda + Fatha 0x064F: 0xFC61, // Shadda + Damma 0x0650: 0xFC62 // Shadda + Kasra } }; var arabic_diacritics = { 1612: 64606, // Shadda + Dammatan 1613: 64607, // Shadda + Kasratan 1614: 64608, // Shadda + Fatha 1615: 64609, // Shadda + Damma 1616: 64610 // Shadda + Kasra }; var alfletter = [1570, 1571, 1573, 1575]; var noChangeInForm = -1; var isolatedForm = 0; var finalForm = 1; var initialForm = 2; var medialForm = 3; jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__ = {}; //private var isInArabicSubstitutionA = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.isInArabicSubstitutionA = function (letter) { return typeof arabicSubstitionA[letter.charCodeAt(0)] !== "undefined"; }; var isArabicLetter = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.isArabicLetter = function (letter) { return typeof letter === "string" && /^[\u0600-\u06FF\u0750-\u077F\u08A0-\u08FF\uFB50-\uFDFF\uFE70-\uFEFF]+$/.test(letter); }; var isArabicEndLetter = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.isArabicEndLetter = function (letter) { return isArabicLetter(letter) && isInArabicSubstitutionA(letter) && arabicSubstitionA[letter.charCodeAt(0)].length <= 2; }; var isArabicAlfLetter = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.isArabicAlfLetter = function (letter) { return isArabicLetter(letter) && alfletter.indexOf(letter.charCodeAt(0)) >= 0; }; var arabicLetterHasIsolatedForm = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.arabicLetterHasIsolatedForm = function (letter) { return isArabicLetter(letter) && isInArabicSubstitutionA(letter) && arabicSubstitionA[letter.charCodeAt(0)].length >= 1; }; var arabicLetterHasFinalForm = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.arabicLetterHasFinalForm = function (letter) { return isArabicLetter(letter) && isInArabicSubstitutionA(letter) && arabicSubstitionA[letter.charCodeAt(0)].length >= 2; }; var arabicLetterHasInitialForm = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.arabicLetterHasInitialForm = function (letter) { return isArabicLetter(letter) && isInArabicSubstitutionA(letter) && arabicSubstitionA[letter.charCodeAt(0)].length >= 3; }; var arabicLetterHasMedialForm = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.arabicLetterHasMedialForm = function (letter) { return isArabicLetter(letter) && isInArabicSubstitutionA(letter) && arabicSubstitionA[letter.charCodeAt(0)].length == 4; }; var resolveLigatures = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.resolveLigatures = function (letters) { var i = 0; var tmpLigatures = ligatures; var position = isolatedForm; var result = ''; var effectedLetters = 0; for (i = 0; i < letters.length; i += 1) { if (typeof tmpLigatures[letters.charCodeAt(i)] !== "undefined") { effectedLetters++; tmpLigatures = tmpLigatures[letters.charCodeAt(i)]; if (typeof tmpLigatures === "number") { position = getCorrectForm(letters.charAt(i), letters.charAt(i - effectedLetters), letters.charAt(i + 1)); position = position !== -1 ? position : 0; result += String.fromCharCode(tmpLigatures); tmpLigatures = ligatures; effectedLetters = 0; } if (i === letters.length - 1) { tmpLigatures = ligatures; result += letters.charAt(i - (effectedLetters - 1)); i = i - (effectedLetters - 1); effectedLetters = 0; } } else { tmpLigatures = ligatures; result += letters.charAt(i - effectedLetters); i = i - effectedLetters; effectedLetters = 0; } } return result; }; var isArabicDiacritic = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.isArabicDiacritic = function (letter) { return letter !== undefined && arabic_diacritics[letter.charCodeAt(0)] !== undefined; }; var getCorrectForm = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.getCorrectForm = function (currentChar, beforeChar, nextChar) { if (!isArabicLetter(currentChar)) { return -1; } if (isInArabicSubstitutionA(currentChar) === false) { return noChangeInForm; } if (!arabicLetterHasFinalForm(currentChar) || !isArabicLetter(beforeChar) && !isArabicLetter(nextChar) || !isArabicLetter(nextChar) && isArabicEndLetter(beforeChar) || isArabicEndLetter(currentChar) && !isArabicLetter(beforeChar) || isArabicEndLetter(currentChar) && isArabicAlfLetter(beforeChar) || isArabicEndLetter(currentChar) && isArabicEndLetter(beforeChar)) { return isolatedForm; } if (arabicLetterHasMedialForm(currentChar) && isArabicLetter(beforeChar) && !isArabicEndLetter(beforeChar) && isArabicLetter(nextChar) && arabicLetterHasFinalForm(nextChar)) { return medialForm; } if (isArabicEndLetter(currentChar) || !isArabicLetter(nextChar)) { return finalForm; } return initialForm; }; /** * @name processArabic * @function * @param {string} text * @param {boolean} reverse * @returns {string} */ var processArabic = jsPDFAPI.__arabicParser__.processArabic = jsPDFAPI.processArabic = function (text) { text = text || ""; var result = ""; var i = 0; var j = 0; var position = 0; var currentLetter = ""; var prevLetter = ""; var nextLetter = ""; var words = text.split("\\s+"); var newWords = []; for (i = 0; i < words.length; i += 1) { newWords.push(''); for (j = 0; j < words[i].length; j += 1) { currentLetter = words[i][j]; prevLetter = words[i][j - 1]; nextLetter = words[i][j + 1]; if (isArabicLetter(currentLetter)) { position = getCorrectForm(currentLetter, prevLetter, nextLetter); if (position !== -1) { newWords[i] += String.fromCharCode(arabicSubstitionA[currentLetter.charCodeAt(0)][position]); } else { newWords[i] += currentLetter; } } else { newWords[i] += currentLetter; } } newWords[i] = resolveLigatures(newWords[i]); } result = newWords.join(' '); return result; }; var arabicParserFunction = function arabicParserFunction(args) { var text = args.text; var x = args.x; var y = args.y; var options = args.options || {}; var mutex = args.mutex || {}; var lang = options.lang; var tmpText = []; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text) === '[object Array]') { var i = 0; tmpText = []; for (i = 0; i < text.length; i += 1) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text[i]) === '[object Array]') { tmpText.push([processArabic(text[i][0]), text[i][1], text[i][2]]); } else { tmpText.push([processArabic(text[i])]); } } args.text = tmpText; } else { args.text = processArabic(text); } }; jsPDFAPI.events.push(['preProcessText', arabicParserFunction]); })(jsPDF.API); /** @license * jsPDF Autoprint Plugin * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * @name autoprint * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /** * Makes the PDF automatically print. This works in Chrome, Firefox, Acrobat * Reader. * * @name autoPrint * @function * @param {Object} options (optional) Set the attribute variant to 'non-conform' (default) or 'javascript' to activate different methods of automatic printing when opening in a PDF-viewer . * @returns {jsPDF} * @example * var doc = new jsPDF(); * doc.text(10, 10, 'This is a test'); * doc.autoPrint({variant: 'non-conform'}); * doc.save('autoprint.pdf'); */ jsPDFAPI.autoPrint = function (options) { var refAutoPrintTag; options = options || {}; options.variant = options.variant || 'non-conform'; switch (options.variant) { case 'javascript': //https://github.com/Rob--W/pdf.js/commit/c676ecb5a0f54677b9f3340c3ef2cf42225453bb this.addJS('print({});'); break; case 'non-conform': default: this.internal.events.subscribe('postPutResources', function () { refAutoPrintTag = this.internal.newObject(); this.internal.out("<<"); this.internal.out("/S /Named"); this.internal.out("/Type /Action"); this.internal.out("/N /Print"); this.internal.out(">>"); this.internal.out("endobj"); }); this.internal.events.subscribe("putCatalog", function () { this.internal.out("/OpenAction " + refAutoPrintTag + " 0 R"); }); break; } return this; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * Copyright (c) 2014 Steven Spungin (TwelveTone LLC) steven@twelvetone.tv * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * jsPDF Canvas PlugIn * This plugin mimics the HTML5 Canvas * * The goal is to provide a way for current canvas users to print directly to a PDF. * @name canvas * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /** * @class Canvas * @classdesc A Canvas Wrapper for jsPDF */ var Canvas = function Canvas() { var jsPdfInstance = undefined; Object.defineProperty(this, 'pdf', { get: function get() { return jsPdfInstance; }, set: function set(value) { jsPdfInstance = value; } }); var _width = 150; /** * The height property is a positive integer reflecting the height HTML attribute of the element interpreted in CSS pixels. When the attribute is not specified, or if it is set to an invalid value, like a negative, the default value of 150 is used. * This is one of the two properties, the other being width, that controls the size of the canvas. * * @name width */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'width', { get: function get() { return _width; }, set: function set(value) { if (isNaN(value) || Number.isInteger(value) === false || value < 0) { _width = 150; } else { _width = value; } if (this.getContext('2d').pageWrapXEnabled) { this.getContext('2d').pageWrapX = _width + 1; } } }); var _height = 300; /** * The width property is a positive integer reflecting the width HTML attribute of the element interpreted in CSS pixels. When the attribute is not specified, or if it is set to an invalid value, like a negative, the default value of 300 is used. * This is one of the two properties, the other being height, that controls the size of the canvas. * * @name height */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'height', { get: function get() { return _height; }, set: function set(value) { if (isNaN(value) || Number.isInteger(value) === false || value < 0) { _height = 300; } else { _height = value; } if (this.getContext('2d').pageWrapYEnabled) { this.getContext('2d').pageWrapY = _height + 1; } } }); var _childNodes = []; Object.defineProperty(this, 'childNodes', { get: function get() { return _childNodes; }, set: function set(value) { _childNodes = value; } }); var _style = {}; Object.defineProperty(this, 'style', { get: function get() { return _style; }, set: function set(value) { _style = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'parentNode', { get: function get() { return false; } }); }; /** * The getContext() method returns a drawing context on the canvas, or null if the context identifier is not supported. * * @name getContext * @function * @param {string} contextType Is a String containing the context identifier defining the drawing context associated to the canvas. Possible value is "2d", leading to the creation of a Context2D object representing a two-dimensional rendering context. * @param {object} contextAttributes */ Canvas.prototype.getContext = function (contextType, contextAttributes) { contextType = contextType || '2d'; var key; if (contextType !== '2d') { return null; } for (key in contextAttributes) { if (this.pdf.context2d.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.pdf.context2d[key] = contextAttributes[key]; } } this.pdf.context2d._canvas = this; return this.pdf.context2d; }; /** * The toDataURL() method is just a stub to throw an error if accidently called. * * @name toDataURL * @function */ Canvas.prototype.toDataURL = function () { throw new Error('toDataURL is not implemented.'); }; jsPDFAPI.events.push(['initialized', function () { this.canvas = new Canvas(); this.canvas.pdf = this; }]); return this; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2013 Youssef Beddad, youssef.beddad@gmail.com * 2013 Eduardo Menezes de Morais, eduardo.morais@usp.br * 2013 Lee Driscoll, https://github.com/lsdriscoll * 2014 Juan Pablo Gaviria, https://github.com/juanpgaviria * 2014 James Hall, james@parall.ax * 2014 Diego Casorran, https://github.com/diegocr * * * ==================================================================== */ /** * @name cell * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /*jslint browser:true */ /*global document: false, jsPDF */ var padding = 3, margin = 13, headerFunction, lastCellPos = { x: undefined, y: undefined, w: undefined, h: undefined, ln: undefined }, pages = 1, setLastCellPosition = function setLastCellPosition(x, y, w, h, ln) { lastCellPos = { 'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': w, 'h': h, 'ln': ln }; }, getLastCellPosition = function getLastCellPosition() { return lastCellPos; }, NO_MARGINS = { left: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }; /** * @name setHeaderFunction * @function * @param {function} func */ jsPDFAPI.setHeaderFunction = function (func) { headerFunction = func; }; /** * @name getTextDimensions * @function * @param {string} txt * @returns {Object} dimensions */ jsPDFAPI.getTextDimensions = function (text, options) { var fontSize = this.table_font_size || this.internal.getFontSize(); var fontStyle = this.internal.getFont().fontStyle; options = options || {}; var scaleFactor = options.scaleFactor || this.internal.scaleFactor; var width = 0; var amountOfLines = 0; var height = 0; var tempWidth = 0; if (typeof text === 'string') { width = this.getStringUnitWidth(text) * fontSize; if (width !== 0) { amountOfLines = 1; } } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text) === '[object Array]') { for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { tempWidth = this.getStringUnitWidth(text[i]) * fontSize; if (width < tempWidth) { width = tempWidth; } } if (width !== 0) { amountOfLines = text.length; } } else { throw new Error('getTextDimensions expects text-parameter to be of type String or an Array of Strings.'); } width = width / scaleFactor; height = Math.max((amountOfLines * fontSize * this.getLineHeightFactor() - fontSize * (this.getLineHeightFactor() - 1)) / scaleFactor, 0); return { w: width, h: height }; }; /** * @name cellAddPage * @function */ jsPDFAPI.cellAddPage = function () { var margins = this.margins || NO_MARGINS; this.addPage(); setLastCellPosition(margins.left, margins.top, undefined, undefined); //setLastCellPosition(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined); pages += 1; }; /** * @name cellInitialize * @function */ jsPDFAPI.cellInitialize = function () { lastCellPos = { x: undefined, y: undefined, w: undefined, h: undefined, ln: undefined }; pages = 1; }; /** * @name cell * @function * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} w * @param {number} h * @param {string} txt * @param {number} ln lineNumber * @param {string} align * @return {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance */ jsPDFAPI.cell = function (x, y, w, h, txt, ln, align) { var curCell = getLastCellPosition(); var pgAdded = false; // If this is not the first cell, we must change its position if (curCell.ln !== undefined) { if (curCell.ln === ln) { //Same line x = curCell.x + curCell.w; y = curCell.y; } else { //New line var margins = this.margins || NO_MARGINS; if (curCell.y + curCell.h + h + margin >= this.internal.pageSize.getHeight() - margins.bottom) { this.cellAddPage(); pgAdded = true; if (this.printHeaders && this.tableHeaderRow) { this.printHeaderRow(ln, true); } } //We ignore the passed y: the lines may have different heights y = getLastCellPosition().y + getLastCellPosition().h; if (pgAdded) y = margin + 10; } } if (txt[0] !== undefined) { if (this.printingHeaderRow) { this.rect(x, y, w, h, 'FD'); } else { this.rect(x, y, w, h); } if (align === 'right') { if (!(txt instanceof Array)) { txt = [txt]; } for (var i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) { var currentLine = txt[i]; var textSize = this.getStringUnitWidth(currentLine) * this.internal.getFontSize() / this.internal.scaleFactor; this.text(currentLine, x + w - textSize - padding, y + this.internal.getLineHeight() * (i + 1)); } } else { this.text(txt, x + padding, y + this.internal.getLineHeight()); } } setLastCellPosition(x, y, w, h, ln); return this; }; /** * Return the maximum value from an array * * @name arrayMax * @function * @param {Array} array * @param comparisonFn * @returns {number} */ jsPDFAPI.arrayMax = function (array, comparisonFn) { var max = array[0], i, ln, item; for (i = 0, ln = array.length; i < ln; i += 1) { item = array[i]; if (comparisonFn) { if (comparisonFn(max, item) === -1) { max = item; } } else { if (item > max) { max = item; } } } return max; }; /** * Create a table from a set of data. * @name table * @function * @param {Integer} [x] : left-position for top-left corner of table * @param {Integer} [y] top-position for top-left corner of table * @param {Object[]} [data] As array of objects containing key-value pairs corresponding to a row of data. * @param {String[]} [headers] Omit or null to auto-generate headers at a performance cost * @param {Object} [config.printHeaders] True to print column headers at the top of every page * @param {Object} [config.autoSize] True to dynamically set the column widths to match the widest cell value * @param {Object} [config.margins] margin values for left, top, bottom, and width * @param {Object} [config.fontSize] Integer fontSize to use (optional) * @returns {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance */ jsPDFAPI.table = function (x, y, data, headers, config) { if (!data) { throw 'No data for PDF table'; } var headerNames = [], headerPrompts = [], header, i, ln, cln, columnMatrix = {}, columnWidths = {}, columnData, column, columnMinWidths = [], j, tableHeaderConfigs = [], model, jln, func, //set up defaults. If a value is provided in config, defaults will be overwritten: autoSize = false, printHeaders = true, fontSize = 12, margins = NO_MARGINS; margins.width = this.internal.pageSize.getWidth(); if (config) { //override config defaults if the user has specified non-default behavior: if (config.autoSize === true) { autoSize = true; } if (config.printHeaders === false) { printHeaders = false; } if (config.fontSize) { fontSize = config.fontSize; } if (config.css && typeof config.css['font-size'] !== "undefined") { fontSize = config.css['font-size'] * 16; } if (config.margins) { margins = config.margins; } } /** * @property {Number} lnMod * Keep track of the current line number modifier used when creating cells */ this.lnMod = 0; lastCellPos = { x: undefined, y: undefined, w: undefined, h: undefined, ln: undefined }, pages = 1; this.printHeaders = printHeaders; this.margins = margins; this.setFontSize(fontSize); this.table_font_size = fontSize; // Set header values if (headers === undefined || headers === null) { // No headers defined so we derive from data headerNames = Object.keys(data[0]); } else if (headers[0] && typeof headers[0] !== 'string') { var px2pt = 0.264583 * 72 / 25.4; // Split header configs into names and prompts for (i = 0, ln = headers.length; i < ln; i += 1) { header = headers[i]; headerNames.push(header.name); headerPrompts.push(header.prompt); columnWidths[header.name] = header.width * px2pt; } } else { headerNames = headers; } if (autoSize) { // Create a matrix of columns e.g., {column_title: [row1_Record, row2_Record]} func = function func(rec) { return rec[header]; }; for (i = 0, ln = headerNames.length; i < ln; i += 1) { header = headerNames[i]; columnMatrix[header] = data.map(func); // get header width columnMinWidths.push(this.getTextDimensions(headerPrompts[i] || header, { scaleFactor: 1 }).w); column = columnMatrix[header]; // get cell widths for (j = 0, cln = column.length; j < cln; j += 1) { columnData = column[j]; columnMinWidths.push(this.getTextDimensions(columnData, { scaleFactor: 1 }).w); } // get final column width columnWidths[header] = jsPDFAPI.arrayMax(columnMinWidths); //have to reset columnMinWidths = []; } } // -- Construct the table if (printHeaders) { var lineHeight = this.calculateLineHeight(headerNames, columnWidths, headerPrompts.length ? headerPrompts : headerNames); // Construct the header row for (i = 0, ln = headerNames.length; i < ln; i += 1) { header = headerNames[i]; tableHeaderConfigs.push([x, y, columnWidths[header], lineHeight, String(headerPrompts.length ? headerPrompts[i] : header)]); } // Store the table header config this.setTableHeaderRow(tableHeaderConfigs); // Print the header for the start of the table this.printHeaderRow(1, false); } // Construct the data rows for (i = 0, ln = data.length; i < ln; i += 1) { var lineHeight; model = data[i]; lineHeight = this.calculateLineHeight(headerNames, columnWidths, model); for (j = 0, jln = headerNames.length; j < jln; j += 1) { header = headerNames[j]; this.cell(x, y, columnWidths[header], lineHeight, model[header], i + 2, header.align); } } this.lastCellPos = lastCellPos; this.table_x = x; this.table_y = y; return this; }; /** * Calculate the height for containing the highest column * * @name calculateLineHeight * @function * @param {String[]} headerNames is the header, used as keys to the data * @param {Integer[]} columnWidths is size of each column * @param {Object[]} model is the line of data we want to calculate the height of * @returns {number} lineHeight */ jsPDFAPI.calculateLineHeight = function (headerNames, columnWidths, model) { var header, lineHeight = 0; for (var j = 0; j < headerNames.length; j++) { header = headerNames[j]; model[header] = this.splitTextToSize(String(model[header]), columnWidths[header] - padding); var h = this.internal.getLineHeight() * model[header].length + padding; if (h > lineHeight) lineHeight = h; } return lineHeight; }; /** * Store the config for outputting a table header * * @name setTableHeaderRow * @function * @param {Object[]} config * An array of cell configs that would define a header row: Each config matches the config used by jsPDFAPI.cell * except the ln parameter is excluded */ jsPDFAPI.setTableHeaderRow = function (config) { this.tableHeaderRow = config; }; /** * Output the store header row * * @name printHeaderRow * @function * @param {number} lineNumber The line number to output the header at * @param {boolean} new_page */ jsPDFAPI.printHeaderRow = function (lineNumber, new_page) { if (!this.tableHeaderRow) { throw 'Property tableHeaderRow does not exist.'; } var tableHeaderCell, tmpArray, i, ln; this.printingHeaderRow = true; if (headerFunction !== undefined) { var position = headerFunction(this, pages); setLastCellPosition(position[0], position[1], position[2], position[3], -1); } this.setFontStyle('bold'); var tempHeaderConf = []; for (i = 0, ln = this.tableHeaderRow.length; i < ln; i += 1) { this.setFillColor(200, 200, 200); tableHeaderCell = this.tableHeaderRow[i]; if (new_page) { this.margins.top = margin; tableHeaderCell[1] = this.margins && this.margins.top || 0; tempHeaderConf.push(tableHeaderCell); } tmpArray = [].concat(tableHeaderCell); this.cell.apply(this, tmpArray.concat(lineNumber)); } if (tempHeaderConf.length > 0) { this.setTableHeaderRow(tempHeaderConf); } this.setFontStyle('normal'); this.printingHeaderRow = false; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * jsPDF Context2D PlugIn Copyright (c) 2014 Steven Spungin (TwelveTone LLC) steven@twelvetone.tv * * Licensed under the MIT License. http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * This plugin mimics the HTML5 CanvasRenderingContext2D. * * The goal is to provide a way for current canvas implementations to print directly to a PDF. * * @name context2d * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI, globalObj) { var ContextLayer = function ContextLayer(ctx) { ctx = ctx || {}; this.isStrokeTransparent = ctx.isStrokeTransparent || false; this.strokeOpacity = ctx.strokeOpacity || 1; this.strokeStyle = ctx.strokeStyle || '#000000'; this.fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle || '#000000'; this.isFillTransparent = ctx.isFillTransparent || false; this.fillOpacity = ctx.fillOpacity || 1; this.font = ctx.font || '10px sans-serif'; this.textBaseline = ctx.textBaseline || 'alphabetic'; this.textAlign = ctx.textAlign || 'left'; this.lineWidth = ctx.lineWidth || 1; this.lineJoin = ctx.lineJoin || 'miter'; this.lineCap = ctx.lineCap || 'butt'; this.path = ctx.path || []; this.transform = typeof ctx.transform !== 'undefined' ? ctx.transform.clone() : new Matrix(); this.globalCompositeOperation = ctx.globalCompositeOperation || 'normal'; this.globalAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha || 1.0; this.clip_path = ctx.clip_path || []; this.currentPoint = ctx.currentPoint || new Point(); this.miterLimit = ctx.miterLimit || 10.0; this.lastPoint = ctx.lastPoint || new Point(); this.ignoreClearRect = typeof ctx.ignoreClearRect === "boolean" ? ctx.ignoreClearRect : true; return this; }; //stub var f2, f3, getHorizontalCoordinateString, getVerticalCoordinateString, getHorizontalCoordinate, getVerticalCoordinate; jsPDFAPI.events.push(['initialized', function () { this.context2d = new Context2D(this); f2 = this.internal.f2; f3 = this.internal.f3; getHorizontalCoordinateString = this.internal.getCoordinateString; getVerticalCoordinateString = this.internal.getVerticalCoordinateString; getHorizontalCoordinate = this.internal.getHorizontalCoordinate; getVerticalCoordinate = this.internal.getVerticalCoordinate; }]); var Context2D = function Context2D(pdf) { Object.defineProperty(this, 'canvas', { get: function get() { return { parentNode: false, style: false }; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'pdf', { get: function get() { return pdf; } }); var _pageWrapXEnabled = false; /** * @name pageWrapXEnabled * @type {boolean} * @default false */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'pageWrapXEnabled', { get: function get() { return _pageWrapXEnabled; }, set: function set(value) { _pageWrapXEnabled = Boolean(value); } }); var _pageWrapYEnabled = false; /** * @name pageWrapYEnabled * @type {boolean} * @default true */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'pageWrapYEnabled', { get: function get() { return _pageWrapYEnabled; }, set: function set(value) { _pageWrapYEnabled = Boolean(value); } }); var _posX = 0; /** * @name posX * @type {number} * @default 0 */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'posX', { get: function get() { return _posX; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { _posX = value; } } }); var _posY = 0; /** * @name posY * @type {number} * @default 0 */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'posY', { get: function get() { return _posY; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { _posY = value; } } }); var _autoPaging = false; /** * @name autoPaging * @type {boolean} * @default true */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'autoPaging', { get: function get() { return _autoPaging; }, set: function set(value) { _autoPaging = Boolean(value); } }); var lastBreak = 0; /** * @name lastBreak * @type {number} * @default 0 */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'lastBreak', { get: function get() { return lastBreak; }, set: function set(value) { lastBreak = value; } }); var pageBreaks = []; /** * Y Position of page breaks. * @name pageBreaks * @type {number} * @default 0 */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'pageBreaks', { get: function get() { return pageBreaks; }, set: function set(value) { pageBreaks = value; } }); var _ctx = new ContextLayer(); /** * @name ctx * @type {object} * @default {} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'ctx', { get: function get() { return _ctx; }, set: function set(value) { if (value instanceof ContextLayer) { _ctx = value; } } }); /** * @name path * @type {array} * @default [] */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'path', { get: function get() { return _ctx.path; }, set: function set(value) { _ctx.path = value; } }); /** * @name ctxStack * @type {array} * @default [] */ var _ctxStack = []; Object.defineProperty(this, 'ctxStack', { get: function get() { return _ctxStack; }, set: function set(value) { _ctxStack = value; } }); /** * Sets or returns the color, gradient, or pattern used to fill the drawing * * @name fillStyle * @default #000000 * @property {(color|gradient|pattern)} value The color of the drawing. Default value is #000000
      * A gradient object (linear or radial) used to fill the drawing (not supported by context2d)
      * A pattern object to use to fill the drawing (not supported by context2d) */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'fillStyle', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.fillStyle; }, set: function set(value) { var rgba; rgba = getRGBA(value); this.ctx.fillStyle = rgba.style; this.ctx.isFillTransparent = rgba.a === 0; this.ctx.fillOpacity = rgba.a; this.pdf.setFillColor(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, { a: rgba.a }); this.pdf.setTextColor(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b, { a: rgba.a }); } }); /** * Sets or returns the color, gradient, or pattern used for strokes * * @name strokeStyle * @default #000000 * @property {color} color A CSS color value that indicates the stroke color of the drawing. Default value is #000000 (not supported by context2d) * @property {gradient} gradient A gradient object (linear or radial) used to create a gradient stroke (not supported by context2d) * @property {pattern} pattern A pattern object used to create a pattern stroke (not supported by context2d) */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'strokeStyle', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.strokeStyle; }, set: function set(value) { var rgba = getRGBA(value); this.ctx.strokeStyle = rgba.style; this.ctx.isStrokeTransparent = rgba.a === 0; this.ctx.strokeOpacity = rgba.a; if (rgba.a === 0) { this.pdf.setDrawColor(255, 255, 255); } else if (rgba.a === 1) { this.pdf.setDrawColor(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b); } else { this.pdf.setDrawColor(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b); } } }); /** * Sets or returns the style of the end caps for a line * * @name lineCap * @default butt * @property {(butt|round|square)} lineCap butt A flat edge is added to each end of the line
      * round A rounded end cap is added to each end of the line
      * square A square end cap is added to each end of the line
      */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'lineCap', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.lineCap; }, set: function set(value) { if (['butt', 'round', 'square'].indexOf(value) !== -1) { this.ctx.lineCap = value; this.pdf.setLineCap(value); } } }); /** * Sets or returns the current line width * * @name lineWidth * @default 1 * @property {number} lineWidth The current line width, in pixels */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'lineWidth', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.lineWidth; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { this.ctx.lineWidth = value; this.pdf.setLineWidth(value); } } }); /** * Sets or returns the type of corner created, when two lines meet */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'lineJoin', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.lineJoin; }, set: function set(value) { if (['bevel', 'round', 'miter'].indexOf(value) !== -1) { this.ctx.lineJoin = value; this.pdf.setLineJoin(value); } } }); /** * A number specifying the miter limit ratio in coordinate space units. Zero, negative, Infinity, and NaN values are ignored. The default value is 10.0. * * @name miterLimit * @default 10 */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'miterLimit', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.miterLimit; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { this.ctx.miterLimit = value; this.pdf.setMiterLimit(value); } } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'textBaseline', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.textBaseline; }, set: function set(value) { this.ctx.textBaseline = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'textAlign', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.textAlign; }, set: function set(value) { if (['right', 'end', 'center', 'left', 'start'].indexOf(value) !== -1) { this.ctx.textAlign = value; } } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'font', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.font; }, set: function set(value) { this.ctx.font = value; var rx, matches; //source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10136041 rx = /^\s*(?=(?:(?:[-a-z]+\s*){0,2}(italic|oblique))?)(?=(?:(?:[-a-z]+\s*){0,2}(small-caps))?)(?=(?:(?:[-a-z]+\s*){0,2}(bold(?:er)?|lighter|[1-9]00))?)(?:(?:normal|\1|\2|\3)\s*){0,3}((?:xx?-)?(?:small|large)|medium|smaller|larger|[.\d]+(?:\%|in|[cem]m|ex|p[ctx]))(?:\s*\/\s*(normal|[.\d]+(?:\%|in|[cem]m|ex|p[ctx])))?\s*([-_,\"\'\sa-z]+?)\s*$/i; matches = rx.exec(value); if (matches !== null) { var fontStyle = matches[1]; var fontVariant = matches[2]; var fontWeight = matches[3]; var fontSize = matches[4]; var fontSizeUnit = matches[5]; var fontFamily = matches[6]; } else { return; } if ('px' === fontSizeUnit) { fontSize = Math.floor(parseFloat(fontSize)); } else if ('em' === fontSizeUnit) { fontSize = Math.floor(parseFloat(fontSize) * this.pdf.getFontSize()); } else { fontSize = Math.floor(parseFloat(fontSize)); } this.pdf.setFontSize(fontSize); var style = ''; if (fontWeight === 'bold' || parseInt(fontWeight, 10) >= 700 || fontStyle === 'bold') { style = 'bold'; } if (fontStyle === 'italic') { style += 'italic'; } if (style.length === 0) { style = 'normal'; } var jsPdfFontName = ''; var parts = fontFamily.toLowerCase().replace(/"|'/g, '').split(/\s*,\s*/); var fallbackFonts = { arial: 'Helvetica', verdana: 'Helvetica', helvetica: 'Helvetica', 'sans-serif': 'Helvetica', fixed: 'Courier', monospace: 'Courier', terminal: 'Courier', courier: 'Courier', times: 'Times', cursive: 'Times', fantasy: 'Times', serif: 'Times' }; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (this.pdf.internal.getFont(parts[i], style, { noFallback: true, disableWarning: true }) !== undefined) { jsPdfFontName = parts[i]; break; } else if (style === 'bolditalic' && this.pdf.internal.getFont(parts[i], 'bold', { noFallback: true, disableWarning: true }) !== undefined) { jsPdfFontName = parts[i]; style = 'bold'; } else if (this.pdf.internal.getFont(parts[i], 'normal', { noFallback: true, disableWarning: true }) !== undefined) { jsPdfFontName = parts[i]; style = 'normal'; break; } } if (jsPdfFontName === '') { for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if (fallbackFonts[parts[i]]) { jsPdfFontName = fallbackFonts[parts[i]]; break; } } } jsPdfFontName = jsPdfFontName === '' ? 'Times' : jsPdfFontName; this.pdf.setFont(jsPdfFontName, style); } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'globalCompositeOperation', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation; }, set: function set(value) { this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = value; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'globalAlpha', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.globalAlpha; }, set: function set(value) { this.ctx.globalAlpha = value; } }); // Not HTML API Object.defineProperty(this, 'ignoreClearRect', { get: function get() { return this.ctx.ignoreClearRect; }, set: function set(value) { this.ctx.ignoreClearRect = Boolean(value); } }); }; Context2D.prototype.fill = function () { pathPreProcess.call(this, 'fill', false); }; /** * Actually draws the path you have defined * * @name stroke * @function * @description The stroke() method actually draws the path you have defined with all those moveTo() and lineTo() methods. The default color is black. */ Context2D.prototype.stroke = function () { pathPreProcess.call(this, 'stroke', false); }; /** * Begins a path, or resets the current * * @name beginPath * @function * @description The beginPath() method begins a path, or resets the current path. */ Context2D.prototype.beginPath = function () { this.path = [{ type: 'begin' }]; }; /** * Moves the path to the specified point in the canvas, without creating a line * * @name moveTo * @function * @param x {Number} The x-coordinate of where to move the path to * @param y {Number} The y-coordinate of where to move the path to */ Context2D.prototype.moveTo = function (x, y) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.moveTo: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.moveTo'); } var pt = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(x, y)); this.path.push({ type: 'mt', x: pt.x, y: pt.y }); this.ctx.lastPoint = new Point(x, y); }; /** * Creates a path from the current point back to the starting point * * @name closePath * @function * @description The closePath() method creates a path from the current point back to the starting point. */ Context2D.prototype.closePath = function () { var pathBegin = new Point(0, 0); var i = 0; for (i = this.path.length - 1; i !== -1; i--) { if (this.path[i].type === 'begin') { if (_typeof(this.path[i + 1]) === 'object' && typeof this.path[i + 1].x === 'number') { pathBegin = new Point(this.path[i + 1].x, this.path[i + 1].y); this.path.push({ type: 'lt', x: pathBegin.x, y: pathBegin.y }); break; } } } if (_typeof(this.path[i + 2]) === 'object' && typeof this.path[i + 2].x === 'number') { this.path.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.path[i + 2]))); } this.path.push({ type: 'close' }); this.ctx.lastPoint = new Point(pathBegin.x, pathBegin.y); }; /** * Adds a new point and creates a line to that point from the last specified point in the canvas * * @name lineTo * @function * @param x The x-coordinate of where to create the line to * @param y The y-coordinate of where to create the line to * @description The lineTo() method adds a new point and creates a line TO that point FROM the last specified point in the canvas (this method does not draw the line). */ Context2D.prototype.lineTo = function (x, y) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.lineTo: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.lineTo'); } var pt = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(x, y)); this.path.push({ type: 'lt', x: pt.x, y: pt.y }); this.ctx.lastPoint = new Point(pt.x, pt.y); }; /** * Clips a region of any shape and size from the original canvas * * @name clip * @function * @description The clip() method clips a region of any shape and size from the original canvas. */ Context2D.prototype.clip = function () { this.ctx.clip_path = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.path)); pathPreProcess.call(this, null, true); }; /** * Creates a cubic Bézier curve * * @name quadraticCurveTo * @function * @param cpx {Number} The x-coordinate of the Bézier control point * @param cpy {Number} The y-coordinate of the Bézier control point * @param x {Number} The x-coordinate of the ending point * @param y {Number} The y-coordinate of the ending point * @description The quadraticCurveTo() method adds a point to the current path by using the specified control points that represent a quadratic Bézier curve.

      A quadratic Bézier curve requires two points. The first point is a control point that is used in the quadratic Bézier calculation and the second point is the ending point for the curve. The starting point for the curve is the last point in the current path. If a path does not exist, use the beginPath() and moveTo() methods to define a starting point. */ Context2D.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function (cpx, cpy, x, y) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(cpx) || isNaN(cpy)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.quadraticCurveTo: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.quadraticCurveTo'); } var pt0 = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(x, y)); var pt1 = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(cpx, cpy)); this.path.push({ type: 'qct', x1: pt1.x, y1: pt1.y, x: pt0.x, y: pt0.y }); this.ctx.lastPoint = new Point(pt0.x, pt0.y); }; /** * Creates a cubic Bézier curve * * @name bezierCurveTo * @function * @param cp1x {Number} The x-coordinate of the first Bézier control point * @param cp1y {Number} The y-coordinate of the first Bézier control point * @param cp2x {Number} The x-coordinate of the second Bézier control point * @param cp2y {Number} The y-coordinate of the second Bézier control point * @param x {Number} The x-coordinate of the ending point * @param y {Number} The y-coordinate of the ending point * @description The bezierCurveTo() method adds a point to the current path by using the specified control points that represent a cubic Bézier curve.

      A cubic bezier curve requires three points. The first two points are control points that are used in the cubic Bézier calculation and the last point is the ending point for the curve. The starting point for the curve is the last point in the current path. If a path does not exist, use the beginPath() and moveTo() methods to define a starting point. */ Context2D.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function (cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(cp1x) || isNaN(cp1y) || isNaN(cp2x) || isNaN(cp2y)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.bezierCurveTo: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.bezierCurveTo'); } var pt0 = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(x, y)); var pt1 = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(cp1x, cp1y)); var pt2 = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(cp2x, cp2y)); this.path.push({ type: 'bct', x1: pt1.x, y1: pt1.y, x2: pt2.x, y2: pt2.y, x: pt0.x, y: pt0.y }); this.ctx.lastPoint = new Point(pt0.x, pt0.y); }; /** * Creates an arc/curve (used to create circles, or parts of circles) * * @name arc * @function * @param x {Number} The x-coordinate of the center of the circle * @param y {Number} The y-coordinate of the center of the circle * @param radius {Number} The radius of the circle * @param startAngle {Number} The starting angle, in radians (0 is at the 3 o'clock position of the arc's circle) * @param endAngle {Number} The ending angle, in radians * @param counterclockwise {Boolean} Optional. Specifies whether the drawing should be counterclockwise or clockwise. False is default, and indicates clockwise, while true indicates counter-clockwise. * @description The arc() method creates an arc/curve (used to create circles, or parts of circles). */ Context2D.prototype.arc = function (x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, counterclockwise) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(radius) || isNaN(startAngle) || isNaN(endAngle)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.arc: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.arc'); } counterclockwise = Boolean(counterclockwise); if (!this.ctx.transform.isIdentity) { var xpt = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(x, y)); x = xpt.x; y = xpt.y; var x_radPt = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(0, radius)); var x_radPt0 = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(0, 0)); radius = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x_radPt.x - x_radPt0.x, 2) + Math.pow(x_radPt.y - x_radPt0.y, 2)); } if (Math.abs(endAngle - startAngle) >= 2 * Math.PI) { startAngle = 0; endAngle = 2 * Math.PI; } this.path.push({ type: 'arc', x: x, y: y, radius: radius, startAngle: startAngle, endAngle: endAngle, counterclockwise: counterclockwise }); // this.ctx.lastPoint(new Point(pt.x,pt.y)); }; /** * Creates an arc/curve between two tangents * * @name arcTo * @function * @param x1 {Number} The x-coordinate of the first tangent * @param y1 {Number} The y-coordinate of the first tangent * @param x2 {Number} The x-coordinate of the second tangent * @param y2 {Number} The y-coordinate of the second tangent * @param radius The radius of the arc * @description The arcTo() method creates an arc/curve between two tangents on the canvas. */ Context2D.prototype.arcTo = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) { throw new Error('arcTo not implemented.'); }; /** * Creates a rectangle * * @name rect * @function * @param x {Number} The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param y {Number} The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param w {Number} The width of the rectangle, in pixels * @param h {Number} The height of the rectangle, in pixels * @description The rect() method creates a rectangle. */ Context2D.prototype.rect = function (x, y, w, h) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(w) || isNaN(h)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.rect: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.rect'); } this.moveTo(x, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y); this.lineTo(x, y); }; /** * Draws a "filled" rectangle * * @name fillRect * @function * @param x {Number} The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param y {Number} The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param w {Number} The width of the rectangle, in pixels * @param h {Number} The height of the rectangle, in pixels * @description The fillRect() method draws a "filled" rectangle. The default color of the fill is black. */ Context2D.prototype.fillRect = function (x, y, w, h) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(w) || isNaN(h)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.fillRect: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.fillRect'); } if (isFillTransparent.call(this)) { return; } var tmp = {}; if (this.lineCap !== 'butt') { tmp.lineCap = this.lineCap; this.lineCap = 'butt'; } if (this.lineJoin !== 'miter') { tmp.lineJoin = this.lineJoin; this.lineJoin = 'miter'; } this.beginPath(); this.rect(x, y, w, h); this.fill(); if (tmp.hasOwnProperty('lineCap')) { this.lineCap = tmp.lineCap; } if (tmp.hasOwnProperty('lineJoin')) { this.lineJoin = tmp.lineJoin; } }; /** * Draws a rectangle (no fill) * * @name strokeRect * @function * @param x {Number} The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param y {Number} The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param w {Number} The width of the rectangle, in pixels * @param h {Number} The height of the rectangle, in pixels * @description The strokeRect() method draws a rectangle (no fill). The default color of the stroke is black. */ Context2D.prototype.strokeRect = function strokeRect(x, y, w, h) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(w) || isNaN(h)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.strokeRect: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.strokeRect'); } if (isStrokeTransparent.call(this)) { return; } this.beginPath(); this.rect(x, y, w, h); this.stroke(); }; /** * Clears the specified pixels within a given rectangle * * @name clearRect * @function * @param x {Number} The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param y {Number} The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle * @param w {Number} The width of the rectangle to clear, in pixels * @param h {Number} The height of the rectangle to clear, in pixels * @description We cannot clear PDF commands that were already written to PDF, so we use white instead.
      * As a special case, read a special flag (ignoreClearRect) and do nothing if it is set. * This results in all calls to clearRect() to do nothing, and keep the canvas transparent. * This flag is stored in the save/restore context and is managed the same way as other drawing states. * */ Context2D.prototype.clearRect = function (x, y, w, h) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(w) || isNaN(h)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.clearRect: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.clearRect'); } if (this.ignoreClearRect) { return; } this.fillStyle = '#ffffff'; this.fillRect(x, y, w, h); }; /** * Saves the state of the current context * * @name save * @function */ Context2D.prototype.save = function (doStackPush) { doStackPush = typeof doStackPush === 'boolean' ? doStackPush : true; var tmpPageNumber = this.pdf.internal.getCurrentPageInfo().pageNumber; for (var i = 0; i < this.pdf.internal.getNumberOfPages(); i++) { this.pdf.setPage(i + 1); this.pdf.internal.out('q'); } this.pdf.setPage(tmpPageNumber); if (doStackPush) { this.ctx.fontSize = this.pdf.internal.getFontSize(); var ctx = new ContextLayer(this.ctx); this.ctxStack.push(this.ctx); this.ctx = ctx; } }; /** * Returns previously saved path state and attributes * * @name restore * @function */ Context2D.prototype.restore = function (doStackPop) { doStackPop = typeof doStackPop === 'boolean' ? doStackPop : true; var tmpPageNumber = this.pdf.internal.getCurrentPageInfo().pageNumber; for (var i = 0; i < this.pdf.internal.getNumberOfPages(); i++) { this.pdf.setPage(i + 1); this.pdf.internal.out('Q'); } this.pdf.setPage(tmpPageNumber); if (doStackPop && this.ctxStack.length !== 0) { this.ctx = this.ctxStack.pop(); this.fillStyle = this.ctx.fillStyle; this.strokeStyle = this.ctx.strokeStyle; this.font = this.ctx.font; this.lineCap = this.ctx.lineCap; this.lineWidth = this.ctx.lineWidth; this.lineJoin = this.ctx.lineJoin; } }; /** * @name toDataURL * @function */ Context2D.prototype.toDataURL = function () { throw new Error('toDataUrl not implemented.'); }; //helper functions /** * Get the decimal values of r, g, b and a * * @name getRGBA * @function * @private * @ignore */ var getRGBA = function getRGBA(style) { var rxRgb = /rgb\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/; var rxRgba = /rgba\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*([\d\.]+)\s*\)/; var rxTransparent = /transparent|rgba\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*0+\s*\)/; var r, g, b, a; if (style.isCanvasGradient === true) { style = style.getColor(); } if (!style) { return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, style: style }; } if (rxTransparent.test(style)) { r = 0; g = 0; b = 0; a = 0; } else { var matches = rxRgb.exec(style); if (matches !== null) { r = parseInt(matches[1]); g = parseInt(matches[2]); b = parseInt(matches[3]); a = 1; } else { matches = rxRgba.exec(style); if (matches !== null) { r = parseInt(matches[1]); g = parseInt(matches[2]); b = parseInt(matches[3]); a = parseFloat(matches[4]); } else { a = 1; if (typeof style === "string" && style.charAt(0) !== '#') { var rgbColor = new RGBColor(style); if (rgbColor.ok) { style = rgbColor.toHex(); } else { style = '#000000'; } } if (style.length === 4) { r = style.substring(1, 2); r += r; g = style.substring(2, 3); g += g; b = style.substring(3, 4); b += b; } else { r = style.substring(1, 3); g = style.substring(3, 5); b = style.substring(5, 7); } r = parseInt(r, 16); g = parseInt(g, 16); b = parseInt(b, 16); } } } return { r: r, g: g, b: b, a: a, style: style }; }; /** * @name isFillTransparent * @function * @private * @ignore * @returns {Boolean} */ var isFillTransparent = function isFillTransparent() { return this.ctx.isFillTransparent || this.globalAlpha == 0; }; /** * @name isStrokeTransparent * @function * @private * @ignore * @returns {Boolean} */ var isStrokeTransparent = function isStrokeTransparent() { return Boolean(this.ctx.isStrokeTransparent || this.globalAlpha == 0); }; /** * Draws "filled" text on the canvas * * @name fillText * @function * @param text {String} Specifies the text that will be written on the canvas * @param x {Number} The x coordinate where to start painting the text (relative to the canvas) * @param y {Number} The y coordinate where to start painting the text (relative to the canvas) * @param maxWidth {Number} Optional. The maximum allowed width of the text, in pixels * @description The fillText() method draws filled text on the canvas. The default color of the text is black. */ Context2D.prototype.fillText = function (text, x, y, maxWidth) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || typeof text !== 'string') { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.fillText: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.fillText'); } maxWidth = isNaN(maxWidth) ? undefined : maxWidth; if (isFillTransparent.call(this)) { return; } y = getBaseline.call(this, y); var degs = rad2deg(this.ctx.transform.rotation); // We only use X axis as scale hint var scale = this.ctx.transform.scaleX; putText.call(this, { text: text, x: x, y: y, scale: scale, angle: degs, align: this.textAlign, maxWidth: maxWidth }); }; /** * Draws text on the canvas (no fill) * * @name strokeText * @function * @param text {String} Specifies the text that will be written on the canvas * @param x {Number} The x coordinate where to start painting the text (relative to the canvas) * @param y {Number} The y coordinate where to start painting the text (relative to the canvas) * @param maxWidth {Number} Optional. The maximum allowed width of the text, in pixels * @description The strokeText() method draws text (with no fill) on the canvas. The default color of the text is black. */ Context2D.prototype.strokeText = function (text, x, y, maxWidth) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || typeof text !== 'string') { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.strokeText: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.strokeText'); } if (isStrokeTransparent.call(this)) { return; } maxWidth = isNaN(maxWidth) ? undefined : maxWidth; y = getBaseline.call(this, y); var degs = rad2deg(this.ctx.transform.rotation); var scale = this.ctx.transform.scaleX; putText.call(this, { text: text, x: x, y: y, scale: scale, renderingMode: 'stroke', angle: degs, align: this.textAlign, maxWidth: maxWidth }); }; /** * Returns an object that contains the width of the specified text * * @name measureText * @function * @param text {String} The text to be measured * @description The measureText() method returns an object that contains the width of the specified text, in pixels. * @returns {Number} */ Context2D.prototype.measureText = function (text) { if (typeof text !== 'string') { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.measureText: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.measureText'); } var pdf = this.pdf; var k = this.pdf.internal.scaleFactor; var fontSize = pdf.internal.getFontSize(); var txtWidth = pdf.getStringUnitWidth(text) * fontSize / pdf.internal.scaleFactor; txtWidth *= Math.round(k * 96 / 72 * 10000) / 10000; var TextMetrics = function TextMetrics(options) { options = options || {}; var _width = options.width || 0; Object.defineProperty(this, 'width', { get: function get() { return _width; } }); return this; }; return new TextMetrics({ width: txtWidth }); }; //Transformations /** * Scales the current drawing bigger or smaller * * @name scale * @function * @param scalewidth {Number} Scales the width of the current drawing (1=100%, 0.5=50%, 2=200%, etc.) * @param scaleheight {Number} Scales the height of the current drawing (1=100%, 0.5=50%, 2=200%, etc.) * @description The scale() method scales the current drawing, bigger or smaller. */ Context2D.prototype.scale = function (scalewidth, scaleheight) { if (isNaN(scalewidth) || isNaN(scaleheight)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.scale: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.scale'); } var matrix = new Matrix(scalewidth, 0.0, 0.0, scaleheight, 0.0, 0.0); this.ctx.transform = this.ctx.transform.multiply(matrix); }; /** * Rotates the current drawing * * @name rotate * @function * @param angle {Number} The rotation angle, in radians. * @description To calculate from degrees to radians: degrees*Math.PI/180.
      * Example: to rotate 5 degrees, specify the following: 5*Math.PI/180 */ Context2D.prototype.rotate = function (angle) { if (isNaN(angle)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.rotate: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.rotate'); } var matrix = new Matrix(Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle), -Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle), 0.0, 0.0); this.ctx.transform = this.ctx.transform.multiply(matrix); }; /** * Remaps the (0,0) position on the canvas * * @name translate * @function * @param x {Number} The value to add to horizontal (x) coordinates * @param y {Number} The value to add to vertical (y) coordinates * @description The translate() method remaps the (0,0) position on the canvas. */ Context2D.prototype.translate = function (x, y) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.translate: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.translate'); } var matrix = new Matrix(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, x, y); this.ctx.transform = this.ctx.transform.multiply(matrix); }; /** * Replaces the current transformation matrix for the drawing * * @name transform * @function * @param a {Number} Horizontal scaling * @param b {Number} Horizontal skewing * @param c {Number} Vertical skewing * @param d {Number} Vertical scaling * @param e {Number} Horizontal moving * @param f {Number} Vertical moving * @description Each object on the canvas has a current transformation matrix.

      The transform() method replaces the current transformation matrix. It multiplies the current transformation matrix with the matrix described by:

      a c e

      b d f

      0 0 1

      In other words, the transform() method lets you scale, rotate, move, and skew the current context. */ Context2D.prototype.transform = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b) || isNaN(c) || isNaN(d) || isNaN(e) || isNaN(f)) { console.error('jsPDF.context2d.transform: Invalid arguments', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid arguments passed to jsPDF.context2d.transform'); } var matrix = new Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f); this.ctx.transform = this.ctx.transform.multiply(matrix); }; /** * Resets the current transform to the identity matrix. Then runs transform() * * @name setTransform * @function * @param a {Number} Horizontal scaling * @param b {Number} Horizontal skewing * @param c {Number} Vertical skewing * @param d {Number} Vertical scaling * @param e {Number} Horizontal moving * @param f {Number} Vertical moving * @description Each object on the canvas has a current transformation matrix.

      The setTransform() method resets the current transform to the identity matrix, and then runs transform() with the same arguments.

      In other words, the setTransform() method lets you scale, rotate, move, and skew the current context. */ Context2D.prototype.setTransform = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { a = isNaN(a) ? 1 : a; b = isNaN(b) ? 0 : b; c = isNaN(c) ? 0 : c; d = isNaN(d) ? 1 : d; e = isNaN(e) ? 0 : e; f = isNaN(f) ? 0 : f; this.ctx.transform = new Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f); }; /** * Draws an image, canvas, or video onto the canvas * * @function * @param img {} Specifies the image, canvas, or video element to use * @param sx {Number} Optional. The x coordinate where to start clipping * @param sy {Number} Optional. The y coordinate where to start clipping * @param swidth {Number} Optional. The width of the clipped image * @param sheight {Number} Optional. The height of the clipped image * @param x {Number} The x coordinate where to place the image on the canvas * @param y {Number} The y coordinate where to place the image on the canvas * @param width {Number} Optional. The width of the image to use (stretch or reduce the image) * @param height {Number} Optional. The height of the image to use (stretch or reduce the image) */ Context2D.prototype.drawImage = function (img, sx, sy, swidth, sheight, x, y, width, height) { var imageProperties = this.pdf.getImageProperties(img); var factorX = 1; var factorY = 1; var clipFactorX = 1; var clipFactorY = 1; var scaleFactorX = 1; if (typeof swidth !== 'undefined' && typeof width !== 'undefined') { clipFactorX = width / swidth; clipFactorY = height / sheight; factorX = imageProperties.width / swidth * width / swidth; factorY = imageProperties.height / sheight * height / sheight; } //is sx and sy are set and x and y not, set x and y with values of sx and sy if (typeof x === 'undefined') { x = sx; y = sy; sx = 0; sy = 0; } if (typeof swidth !== 'undefined' && typeof width === 'undefined') { width = swidth; height = sheight; } if (typeof swidth === 'undefined' && typeof width === 'undefined') { width = imageProperties.width; height = imageProperties.height; } var decomposedTransformationMatrix = this.ctx.transform.decompose(); var angle = rad2deg(decomposedTransformationMatrix.rotate.shx); scaleFactorX = decomposedTransformationMatrix.scale.sx; scaleFactorX = decomposedTransformationMatrix.scale.sy; var matrix = new Matrix(); matrix = matrix.multiply(decomposedTransformationMatrix.translate); matrix = matrix.multiply(decomposedTransformationMatrix.skew); matrix = matrix.multiply(decomposedTransformationMatrix.scale); var mP = matrix.applyToPoint(new Point(width, height)); var xRect = matrix.applyToRectangle(new Rectangle(x - sx * clipFactorX, y - sy * clipFactorY, swidth * factorX, sheight * factorY)); var pageArray = getPagesByPath.call(this, xRect); var pages = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < pageArray.length; ii += 1) { if (pages.indexOf(pageArray[ii]) === -1) { pages.push(pageArray[ii]); } } pages.sort(); var clipPath; if (this.autoPaging) { var min = pages[0]; var max = pages[pages.length - 1]; for (var i = min; i < max + 1; i++) { this.pdf.setPage(i); if (this.ctx.clip_path.length !== 0) { var tmpPaths = this.path; clipPath = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.ctx.clip_path)); this.path = pathPositionRedo(clipPath, this.posX, -1 * this.pdf.internal.pageSize.height * (i - 1) + this.posY); drawPaths.call(this, 'fill', true); this.path = tmpPaths; } var tmpRect = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(xRect)); tmpRect = pathPositionRedo([tmpRect], this.posX, -1 * this.pdf.internal.pageSize.height * (i - 1) + this.posY)[0]; this.pdf.addImage(img, 'jpg', tmpRect.x, tmpRect.y, tmpRect.w, tmpRect.h, null, null, angle); } } else { this.pdf.addImage(img, 'jpg', xRect.x, xRect.y, xRect.w, xRect.h, null, null, angle); } }; var getPagesByPath = function getPagesByPath(path, pageWrapX, pageWrapY) { var result = []; pageWrapX = pageWrapX || this.pdf.internal.pageSize.width; pageWrapY = pageWrapY || this.pdf.internal.pageSize.height; switch (path.type) { default: case 'mt': case 'lt': result.push(Math.floor((path.y + this.posY) / pageWrapY) + 1); break; case 'arc': result.push(Math.floor((path.y + this.posY - path.radius) / pageWrapY) + 1); result.push(Math.floor((path.y + this.posY + path.radius) / pageWrapY) + 1); break; case 'qct': var rectOfQuadraticCurve = getQuadraticCurveBoundary(this.ctx.lastPoint.x, this.ctx.lastPoint.y, path.x1, path.y1, path.x, path.y); result.push(Math.floor(rectOfQuadraticCurve.y / pageWrapY) + 1); result.push(Math.floor((rectOfQuadraticCurve.y + rectOfQuadraticCurve.h) / pageWrapY) + 1); break; case 'bct': var rectOfBezierCurve = getBezierCurveBoundary(this.ctx.lastPoint.x, this.ctx.lastPoint.y, path.x1, path.y1, path.x2, path.y2, path.x, path.y); result.push(Math.floor(rectOfBezierCurve.y / pageWrapY) + 1); result.push(Math.floor((rectOfBezierCurve.y + rectOfBezierCurve.h) / pageWrapY) + 1); break; case 'rect': result.push(Math.floor((path.y + this.posY) / pageWrapY) + 1); result.push(Math.floor((path.y + path.h + this.posY) / pageWrapY) + 1); } for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i += 1) { while (this.pdf.internal.getNumberOfPages() < result[i]) { addPage.call(this); } } return result; }; var addPage = function addPage() { var fillStyle = this.fillStyle; var strokeStyle = this.strokeStyle; var font = this.font; var lineCap = this.lineCap; var lineWidth = this.lineWidth; var lineJoin = this.lineJoin; this.pdf.addPage(); this.fillStyle = fillStyle; this.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; this.font = font; this.lineCap = lineCap; this.lineWidth = lineWidth; this.lineJoin = lineJoin; }; var pathPositionRedo = function pathPositionRedo(paths, x, y) { for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { switch (paths[i].type) { case 'bct': paths[i].x2 += x; paths[i].y2 += y; case 'qct': paths[i].x1 += x; paths[i].y1 += y; case 'mt': case 'lt': case 'arc': default: paths[i].x += x; paths[i].y += y; } } return paths; }; var pathPreProcess = function pathPreProcess(rule, isClip) { var fillStyle = this.fillStyle; var strokeStyle = this.strokeStyle; var font = this.font; var lineCap = this.lineCap; var lineWidth = this.lineWidth; var lineJoin = this.lineJoin; var origPath = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.path)); var xPath = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.path)); var clipPath; var tmpPath; var pages = []; for (var i = 0; i < xPath.length; i++) { if (typeof xPath[i].x !== "undefined") { var page = getPagesByPath.call(this, xPath[i]); for (var ii = 0; ii < page.length; ii += 1) { if (pages.indexOf(page[ii]) === -1) { pages.push(page[ii]); } } } } for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { while (this.pdf.internal.getNumberOfPages() < pages[i]) { addPage.call(this); } } pages.sort(); if (this.autoPaging) { var min = pages[0]; var max = pages[pages.length - 1]; for (var i = min; i < max + 1; i++) { this.pdf.setPage(i); this.fillStyle = fillStyle; this.strokeStyle = strokeStyle; this.lineCap = lineCap; this.lineWidth = lineWidth; this.lineJoin = lineJoin; if (this.ctx.clip_path.length !== 0) { var tmpPaths = this.path; clipPath = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.ctx.clip_path)); this.path = pathPositionRedo(clipPath, this.posX, -1 * this.pdf.internal.pageSize.height * (i - 1) + this.posY); drawPaths.call(this, rule, true); this.path = tmpPaths; } tmpPath = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(origPath)); this.path = pathPositionRedo(tmpPath, this.posX, -1 * this.pdf.internal.pageSize.height * (i - 1) + this.posY); if (isClip === false || i === 0) { drawPaths.call(this, rule, isClip); } } } else { drawPaths.call(this, rule, isClip); } this.path = origPath; }; /** * Processes the paths * * @function * @param rule {String} * @param isClip {Boolean} * @private * @ignore */ var drawPaths = function drawPaths(rule, isClip) { if (rule === 'stroke' && !isClip && isStrokeTransparent.call(this)) { return; } if (rule !== 'stroke' && !isClip && isFillTransparent.call(this)) { return; } var moves = []; var alpha = this.ctx.globalAlpha; if (this.ctx.fillOpacity < 1) { alpha = this.ctx.fillOpacity; } var xPath = this.path; for (var i = 0; i < xPath.length; i++) { var pt = xPath[i]; switch (pt.type) { case 'begin': moves.push({ begin: true }); break; case 'close': moves.push({ close: true }); break; case 'mt': moves.push({ start: pt, deltas: [], abs: [] }); break; case 'lt': var iii = moves.length; if (!isNaN(xPath[i - 1].x)) { var delta = [pt.x - xPath[i - 1].x, pt.y - xPath[i - 1].y]; if (iii > 0) { for (iii; iii >= 0; iii--) { if (moves[iii - 1].close !== true && moves[iii - 1].begin !== true) { moves[iii - 1].deltas.push(delta); moves[iii - 1].abs.push(pt); break; } } } } break; case 'bct': var delta = [pt.x1 - xPath[i - 1].x, pt.y1 - xPath[i - 1].y, pt.x2 - xPath[i - 1].x, pt.y2 - xPath[i - 1].y, pt.x - xPath[i - 1].x, pt.y - xPath[i - 1].y]; moves[moves.length - 1].deltas.push(delta); break; case 'qct': var x1 = xPath[i - 1].x + 2.0 / 3.0 * (pt.x1 - xPath[i - 1].x); var y1 = xPath[i - 1].y + 2.0 / 3.0 * (pt.y1 - xPath[i - 1].y); var x2 = pt.x + 2.0 / 3.0 * (pt.x1 - pt.x); var y2 = pt.y + 2.0 / 3.0 * (pt.y1 - pt.y); var x3 = pt.x; var y3 = pt.y; var delta = [x1 - xPath[i - 1].x, y1 - xPath[i - 1].y, x2 - xPath[i - 1].x, y2 - xPath[i - 1].y, x3 - xPath[i - 1].x, y3 - xPath[i - 1].y]; moves[moves.length - 1].deltas.push(delta); break; case 'arc': moves.push({ deltas: [], abs: [], arc: true }); if (Array.isArray(moves[moves.length - 1].abs)) { moves[moves.length - 1].abs.push(pt); } break; } } var style; if (!isClip) { if (rule === 'stroke') { style = 'stroke'; } else { style = 'fill'; } } else { style = null; } for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) { if (moves[i].arc) { var arcs = moves[i].abs; for (var ii = 0; ii < arcs.length; ii++) { var arc = arcs[ii]; if (typeof arc.startAngle !== 'undefined') { var start = rad2deg(arc.startAngle); var end = rad2deg(arc.endAngle); var x = arc.x; var y = arc.y; drawArc.call(this, x, y, arc.radius, start, end, arc.counterclockwise, style, isClip); } else { drawLine.call(this, arc.x, arc.y); } } } if (!moves[i].arc) { if (moves[i].close !== true && moves[i].begin !== true) { var x = moves[i].start.x; var y = moves[i].start.y; drawLines.call(this, moves[i].deltas, x, y, null, null); } } } if (style) { putStyle.call(this, style); } if (isClip) { doClip.call(this); } }; var getBaseline = function getBaseline(y) { var height = this.pdf.internal.getFontSize() / this.pdf.internal.scaleFactor; var descent = height * (this.pdf.internal.getLineHeightFactor() - 1); switch (this.ctx.textBaseline) { case 'bottom': return y - descent; case 'top': return y + height - descent; case 'hanging': return y + height - 2 * descent; case 'middle': return y + height / 2 - descent; case 'ideographic': // TODO not implemented return y; case 'alphabetic': default: return y; } }; Context2D.prototype.createLinearGradient = function createLinearGradient() { var canvasGradient = function canvasGradient() {}; canvasGradient.colorStops = []; canvasGradient.addColorStop = function (offset, color) { this.colorStops.push([offset, color]); }; canvasGradient.getColor = function () { if (this.colorStops.length === 0) { return '#000000'; } return this.colorStops[0][1]; }; canvasGradient.isCanvasGradient = true; return canvasGradient; }; Context2D.prototype.createPattern = function createPattern() { return this.createLinearGradient(); }; Context2D.prototype.createRadialGradient = function createRadialGradient() { return this.createLinearGradient(); }; /** * * @param x Edge point X * @param y Edge point Y * @param r Radius * @param a1 start angle * @param a2 end angle * @param counterclockwise * @param style * @param isClip */ var drawArc = function drawArc(x, y, r, a1, a2, counterclockwise, style, isClip) { var k = this.pdf.internal.scaleFactor; var a1r = deg2rad(a1); var a2r = deg2rad(a2); var curves = createArc.call(this, r, a1r, a2r, counterclockwise); for (var i = 0; i < curves.length; i++) { var curve = curves[i]; if (i === 0) { doMove.call(this, curve.x1 + x, curve.y1 + y); } drawCurve.call(this, x, y, curve.x2, curve.y2, curve.x3, curve.y3, curve.x4, curve.y4); } if (!isClip) { putStyle.call(this, style); } else { doClip.call(this); } }; var putStyle = function putStyle(style) { switch (style) { case 'stroke': this.pdf.internal.out('S'); break; case 'fill': this.pdf.internal.out('f'); break; } }; var doClip = function doClip() { this.pdf.clip(); }; var doMove = function doMove(x, y) { this.pdf.internal.out(getHorizontalCoordinateString(x) + ' ' + getVerticalCoordinateString(y) + ' m'); }; var putText = function putText(options) { var textAlign; switch (options.align) { case 'right': case 'end': textAlign = 'right'; break; case 'center': textAlign = 'center'; break; case 'left': case 'start': default: textAlign = 'left'; break; } var pt = this.ctx.transform.applyToPoint(new Point(options.x, options.y)); var decomposedTransformationMatrix = this.ctx.transform.decompose(); var matrix = new Matrix(); matrix = matrix.multiply(decomposedTransformationMatrix.translate); matrix = matrix.multiply(decomposedTransformationMatrix.skew); matrix = matrix.multiply(decomposedTransformationMatrix.scale); var textDimensions = this.pdf.getTextDimensions(options.text); var textRect = this.ctx.transform.applyToRectangle(new Rectangle(options.x, options.y, textDimensions.w, textDimensions.h)); var textXRect = matrix.applyToRectangle(new Rectangle(options.x, options.y - textDimensions.h, textDimensions.w, textDimensions.h)); var pageArray = getPagesByPath.call(this, textXRect); var pages = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < pageArray.length; ii += 1) { if (pages.indexOf(pageArray[ii]) === -1) { pages.push(pageArray[ii]); } } pages.sort(); var clipPath; if (this.autoPaging === true) { var min = pages[0]; var max = pages[pages.length - 1]; for (var i = min; i < max + 1; i++) { this.pdf.setPage(i); if (this.ctx.clip_path.length !== 0) { var tmpPaths = this.path; clipPath = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.ctx.clip_path)); this.path = pathPositionRedo(clipPath, this.posX, -1 * this.pdf.internal.pageSize.height * (i - 1) + this.posY); drawPaths.call(this, 'fill', true); this.path = tmpPaths; } var tmpRect = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(textRect)); tmpRect = pathPositionRedo([tmpRect], this.posX, -1 * this.pdf.internal.pageSize.height * (i - 1) + this.posY)[0]; if (options.scale >= 0.01) { var oldSize = this.pdf.internal.getFontSize(); this.pdf.setFontSize(oldSize * options.scale); } this.pdf.text(options.text, tmpRect.x, tmpRect.y, { angle: options.angle, align: textAlign, renderingMode: options.renderingMode, maxWidth: options.maxWidth }); if (options.scale >= 0.01) { this.pdf.setFontSize(oldSize); } } } else { if (options.scale >= 0.01) { var oldSize = this.pdf.internal.getFontSize(); this.pdf.setFontSize(oldSize * options.scale); } this.pdf.text(options.text, pt.x + this.posX, pt.y + this.posY, { angle: options.angle, align: textAlign, renderingMode: options.renderingMode, maxWidth: options.maxWidth }); if (options.scale >= 0.01) { this.pdf.setFontSize(oldSize); } } }; var drawLine = function drawLine(x, y, prevX, prevY) { prevX = prevX || 0; prevY = prevY || 0; this.pdf.internal.out(getHorizontalCoordinateString(x + prevX) + ' ' + getVerticalCoordinateString(y + prevY) + ' l'); }; var drawLines = function drawLines(lines, x, y) { return this.pdf.lines(lines, x, y, null, null); }; var drawCurve = function drawCurve(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) { this.pdf.internal.out([f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x1 + x)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y1 + y)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x2 + x)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y2 + y)), f2(getHorizontalCoordinate(x3 + x)), f2(getVerticalCoordinate(y3 + y)), 'c'].join(' ')); }; /** * Return a array of objects that represent bezier curves which approximate the circular arc centered at the origin, from startAngle to endAngle (radians) with the specified radius. * * Each bezier curve is an object with four points, where x1,y1 and x4,y4 are the arc's end points and x2,y2 and x3,y3 are the cubic bezier's control points. * @function createArc */ var createArc = function createArc(radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise) { var EPSILON = 0.00001; // Roughly 1/1000th of a degree, see below // normalize startAngle, endAngle to [-2PI, 2PI] var twoPI = Math.PI * 2; var startAngleN = startAngle; if (startAngleN < twoPI || startAngleN > twoPI) { startAngleN = startAngleN % twoPI; } var endAngleN = endAngle; if (endAngleN < twoPI || endAngleN > twoPI) { endAngleN = endAngleN % twoPI; } // Compute the sequence of arc curves, up to PI/2 at a time. // Total arc angle is less than 2PI. var curves = []; var piOverTwo = Math.PI / 2.0; //var sgn = (startAngle < endAngle) ? +1 : -1; // clockwise or counterclockwise var sgn = anticlockwise ? -1 : +1; var a1 = startAngle; for (var totalAngle = Math.min(twoPI, Math.abs(endAngleN - startAngleN)); totalAngle > EPSILON;) { var a2 = a1 + sgn * Math.min(totalAngle, piOverTwo); curves.push(createSmallArc.call(this, radius, a1, a2)); totalAngle -= Math.abs(a2 - a1); a1 = a2; } return curves; }; /** * Cubic bezier approximation of a circular arc centered at the origin, from (radians) a1 to a2, where a2-a1 < pi/2. The arc's radius is r. * * Returns an object with four points, where x1,y1 and x4,y4 are the arc's end points and x2,y2 and x3,y3 are the cubic bezier's control points. * * This algorithm is based on the approach described in: A. Riškus, "Approximation of a Cubic Bezier Curve by Circular Arcs and Vice Versa," Information Technology and Control, 35(4), 2006 pp. 371-378. */ var createSmallArc = function createSmallArc(r, a1, a2) { var a = (a2 - a1) / 2.0; var x4 = r * Math.cos(a); var y4 = r * Math.sin(a); var x1 = x4; var y1 = -y4; var q1 = x1 * x1 + y1 * y1; var q2 = q1 + x1 * x4 + y1 * y4; var k2 = 4 / 3 * (Math.sqrt(2 * q1 * q2) - q2) / (x1 * y4 - y1 * x4); var x2 = x1 - k2 * y1; var y2 = y1 + k2 * x1; var x3 = x2; var y3 = -y2; var ar = a + a1; var cos_ar = Math.cos(ar); var sin_ar = Math.sin(ar); return { x1: r * Math.cos(a1), y1: r * Math.sin(a1), x2: x2 * cos_ar - y2 * sin_ar, y2: x2 * sin_ar + y2 * cos_ar, x3: x3 * cos_ar - y3 * sin_ar, y3: x3 * sin_ar + y3 * cos_ar, x4: r * Math.cos(a2), y4: r * Math.sin(a2) }; }; var rad2deg = function rad2deg(value) { return value * 180 / Math.PI; }; var deg2rad = function deg2rad(deg) { return deg * Math.PI / 180; }; var getQuadraticCurveBoundary = function getQuadraticCurveBoundary(sx, sy, cpx, cpy, ex, ey) { var midX1 = sx + (cpx - sx) * 0.50; var midY1 = sy + (cpy - sy) * 0.50; var midX2 = ex + (cpx - ex) * 0.50; var midY2 = ey + (cpy - ey) * 0.50; var resultX1 = Math.min(sx, ex, midX1, midX2); var resultX2 = Math.max(sx, ex, midX1, midX2); var resultY1 = Math.min(sy, ey, midY1, midY2); var resultY2 = Math.max(sy, ey, midY1, midY2); return new Rectangle(resultX1, resultY1, resultX2 - resultX1, resultY2 - resultY1); }; //De Casteljau algorithm var getBezierCurveBoundary = function getBezierCurveBoundary(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy) { var tobx = bx - ax; var toby = by - ay; var tocx = cx - bx; var tocy = cy - by; var todx = dx - cx; var tody = dy - cy; var precision = 40; var d, px, py, qx, qy, rx, ry, tx, ty, sx, sy, x, y, i, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, toqx, toqy, torx, tory, totx, toty; for (var i = 0; i < precision + 1; i++) { d = i / precision; px = ax + d * tobx; py = ay + d * toby; qx = bx + d * tocx; qy = by + d * tocy; rx = cx + d * todx; ry = cy + d * tody; toqx = qx - px; toqy = qy - py; torx = rx - qx; tory = ry - qy; sx = px + d * toqx; sy = py + d * toqy; tx = qx + d * torx; ty = qy + d * tory; totx = tx - sx; toty = ty - sy; x = sx + d * totx; y = sy + d * toty; if (i == 0) { minx = x; miny = y; maxx = x; maxy = y; } else { minx = Math.min(minx, x); miny = Math.min(miny, y); maxx = Math.max(maxx, x); maxy = Math.max(maxy, y); } } return new Rectangle(Math.round(minx), Math.round(miny), Math.round(maxx - minx), Math.round(maxy - miny)); }; var Point = function Point(x, y) { var _x = x || 0; Object.defineProperty(this, 'x', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _x; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { _x = parseFloat(value); } } }); var _y = y || 0; Object.defineProperty(this, 'y', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _y; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { _y = parseFloat(value); } } }); var _type = 'pt'; Object.defineProperty(this, 'type', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _type; }, set: function set(value) { _type = value.toString(); } }); return this; }; var Rectangle = function Rectangle(x, y, w, h) { Point.call(this, x, y); this.type = 'rect'; var _w = w || 0; Object.defineProperty(this, 'w', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _w; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { _w = parseFloat(value); } } }); var _h = h || 0; Object.defineProperty(this, 'h', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _h; }, set: function set(value) { if (!isNaN(value)) { _h = parseFloat(value); } } }); return this; }; var Matrix = function Matrix(sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty) { var _matrix = []; Object.defineProperty(this, 'sx', { get: function get() { return _matrix[0]; }, set: function set(value) { _matrix[0] = Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'shy', { get: function get() { return _matrix[1]; }, set: function set(value) { _matrix[1] = Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'shx', { get: function get() { return _matrix[2]; }, set: function set(value) { _matrix[2] = Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'sy', { get: function get() { return _matrix[3]; }, set: function set(value) { _matrix[3] = Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'tx', { get: function get() { return _matrix[4]; }, set: function set(value) { _matrix[4] = Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'ty', { get: function get() { return _matrix[5]; }, set: function set(value) { _matrix[5] = Math.round(value * 100000) / 100000; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'rotation', { get: function get() { return Math.atan2(this.shx, this.sx); } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'scaleX', { get: function get() { return this.decompose().scale.sx; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'scaleY', { get: function get() { return this.decompose().scale.sy; } }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'isIdentity', { get: function get() { if (this.sx !== 1) { return false; } if (this.shy !== 0) { return false; } if (this.shx !== 0) { return false; } if (this.sy !== 1) { return false; } if (this.tx !== 0) { return false; } if (this.ty !== 0) { return false; } return true; } }); this.sx = !isNaN(sx) ? sx : 1; this.shy = !isNaN(shy) ? shy : 0; this.shx = !isNaN(shx) ? shx : 0; this.sy = !isNaN(sy) ? sy : 1; this.tx = !isNaN(tx) ? tx : 0; this.ty = !isNaN(ty) ? ty : 0; return this; }; /** * Multiply the matrix with given Matrix * * @function multiply * @param matrix * @returns {Matrix} * @private * @ignore */ Matrix.prototype.multiply = function (matrix) { var sx = matrix.sx * this.sx + matrix.shy * this.shx; var shy = matrix.sx * this.shy + matrix.shy * this.sy; var shx = matrix.shx * this.sx + matrix.sy * this.shx; var sy = matrix.shx * this.shy + matrix.sy * this.sy; var tx = matrix.tx * this.sx + matrix.ty * this.shx + this.tx; var ty = matrix.tx * this.shy + matrix.ty * this.sy + this.ty; return new Matrix(sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty); }; /** * @function decompose * @private * @ignore */ Matrix.prototype.decompose = function () { var a = this.sx; var b = this.shy; var c = this.shx; var d = this.sy; var e = this.tx; var f = this.ty; var scaleX = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); a /= scaleX; b /= scaleX; var shear = a * c + b * d; c -= a * shear; d -= b * shear; var scaleY = Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d); c /= scaleY; d /= scaleY; shear /= scaleY; if (a * d < b * c) { a = -a; b = -b; shear = -shear; scaleX = -scaleX; } return { scale: new Matrix(scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, 0, 0), translate: new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, e, f), rotate: new Matrix(a, b, -b, a, 0, 0), skew: new Matrix(1, 0, shear, 1, 0, 0) }; }; /** * @function applyToPoint * @private * @ignore */ Matrix.prototype.applyToPoint = function (pt) { var x = pt.x * this.sx + pt.y * this.shx + this.tx; var y = pt.x * this.shy + pt.y * this.sy + this.ty; return new Point(x, y); }; /** * @function applyToRectangle * @private * @ignore */ Matrix.prototype.applyToRectangle = function (rect) { var pt1 = this.applyToPoint(rect); var pt2 = this.applyToPoint(new Point(rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + rect.h)); return new Rectangle(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x - pt1.x, pt2.y - pt1.y); }; /** * @function clone * @private * @ignore */ Matrix.prototype.clone = function () { var sx = this.sx; var shy = this.shy; var shx = this.shx; var sy = this.sy; var tx = this.tx; var ty = this.ty; return new Matrix(sx, shy, shx, sy, tx, ty); }; })(jsPDF.API, typeof self !== 'undefined' && self || typeof window !== 'undefined' && window || typeof global !== 'undefined' && global || Function('return typeof this === "object" && this.content')() || Function('return this')()); /** * jsPDF filters PlugIn * Copyright (c) 2014 Aras Abbasi * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { var ASCII85Encode = function ASCII85Encode(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k; for (!/[^\x00-\xFF]/.test(a), b = "\x00\x00\x00\x00".slice(a.length % 4 || 4), a += b, c = [], d = 0, e = a.length; e > d; d += 4) { f = (a.charCodeAt(d) << 24) + (a.charCodeAt(d + 1) << 16) + (a.charCodeAt(d + 2) << 8) + a.charCodeAt(d + 3), 0 !== f ? (k = f % 85, f = (f - k) / 85, j = f % 85, f = (f - j) / 85, i = f % 85, f = (f - i) / 85, h = f % 85, f = (f - h) / 85, g = f % 85, c.push(g + 33, h + 33, i + 33, j + 33, k + 33)) : c.push(122); } return function (a, b) { for (var c = b; c > 0; c--) { a.pop(); } }(c, b.length), String.fromCharCode.apply(String, c) + "~>"; }; var ASCII85Decode = function ASCII85Decode(a) { var c, d, e, f, g, h = String, l = "length", w = 255, x = "charCodeAt", y = "slice", z = "replace"; for ("~>" === a[y](-2), a = a[y](0, -2)[z](/\s/g, "")[z]("z", "!!!!!"), c = "uuuuu"[y](a[l] % 5 || 5), a += c, e = [], f = 0, g = a[l]; g > f; f += 5) { d = 52200625 * (a[x](f) - 33) + 614125 * (a[x](f + 1) - 33) + 7225 * (a[x](f + 2) - 33) + 85 * (a[x](f + 3) - 33) + (a[x](f + 4) - 33), e.push(w & d >> 24, w & d >> 16, w & d >> 8, w & d); } return function (a, b) { for (var c = b; c > 0; c--) { a.pop(); } }(e, c[l]), h.fromCharCode.apply(h, e); }; /** * TODO: Not Tested: //https://gist.github.com/revolunet/843889 // LZW-compress a string var LZWEncode = function(s, options) { options = Object.assign({ predictor: 1, colors: 1, bitsPerComponent: 8, columns: 1, earlyChange: 1 }, options); var dict = {}; var data = (s + "").split(""); var out = []; var currChar; var phrase = data[0]; var code = 256; //0xe000 for (var i=1; i 1 ? dict['_'+phrase] : phrase.charCodeAt(0)); dict['_' + phrase + currChar] = code; code++; phrase=currChar; } } out.push(phrase.length > 1 ? dict['_'+phrase] : phrase.charCodeAt(0)); for (var i=0; i") !== -1) { value = value.substr(0, value.indexOf(">")); } if (value.length % 2) { value += "0"; } if (regexCheckIfHex.test(value) === false) { return ""; } var result = ''; var i; for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i += 2) { result += String.fromCharCode("0x" + (value[i] + value[i + 1])); } return result; }; var FlateEncode = function FlateEncode(data, options) { options = Object.assign({ predictor: 1, colors: 1, bitsPerComponent: 8, columns: 1 }, options); var arr = []; var i = data.length; var adler32; var deflater; while (i--) { arr[i] = data.charCodeAt(i); } adler32 = jsPDFAPI.adler32cs.from(data); deflater = new Deflater(6); deflater.append(new Uint8Array(arr)); data = deflater.flush(); arr = new Uint8Array(data.length + 6); arr.set(new Uint8Array([120, 156])), arr.set(data, 2); arr.set(new Uint8Array([adler32 & 0xFF, adler32 >> 8 & 0xFF, adler32 >> 16 & 0xFF, adler32 >> 24 & 0xFF]), data.length + 2); data = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arr); return data; }; jsPDFAPI.processDataByFilters = function (origData, filterChain) { var i = 0; var data = origData || ''; var reverseChain = []; filterChain = filterChain || []; if (typeof filterChain === "string") { filterChain = [filterChain]; } for (i = 0; i < filterChain.length; i += 1) { switch (filterChain[i]) { case "ASCII85Decode": case "/ASCII85Decode": data = ASCII85Decode(data); reverseChain.push("/ASCII85Encode"); break; case "ASCII85Encode": case "/ASCII85Encode": data = ASCII85Encode(data); reverseChain.push("/ASCII85Decode"); break; case "ASCIIHexDecode": case "/ASCIIHexDecode": data = ASCIIHexDecode(data); reverseChain.push("/ASCIIHexEncode"); break; case "ASCIIHexEncode": case "/ASCIIHexEncode": data = ASCIIHexEncode(data); reverseChain.push("/ASCIIHexDecode"); break; case "FlateEncode": case "/FlateEncode": data = FlateEncode(data); reverseChain.push("/FlateDecode"); break; /** case "LZWDecode": case "/LZWDecode": data = LZWDecode(data); reverseChain.push("/LZWEncode"); break; case "LZWEncode": case "/LZWEncode": data = LZWEncode(data); reverseChain.push("/LZWDecode"); break; */ default: throw "The filter: \"" + filterChain[i] + "\" is not implemented"; } } return { data: data, reverseChain: reverseChain.reverse().join(" ") }; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * jsPDF fileloading PlugIn * Copyright (c) 2018 Aras Abbasi (aras.abbasi@gmail.com) * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * @name fileloading * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /** * @name loadFile * @function * @param {string} url * @param {boolean} sync * @param {function} callback * @returns {string|undefined} result */ jsPDFAPI.loadFile = function (url, sync, callback) { sync = sync || true; callback = callback || function () {}; var result; var xhr = function xhr(url, sync, callback) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); var byteArray = []; var i = 0; var sanitizeUnicode = function sanitizeUnicode(data) { var dataLength = data.length; var StringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; //Transform Unicode to ASCII for (i = 0; i < dataLength; i += 1) { byteArray.push(StringFromCharCode(data.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff)); } return byteArray.join(""); }; req.open('GET', url, !sync); // XHR binary charset opt by Marcus Granado 2006 [http://mgran.blogspot.com] req.overrideMimeType('text\/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); if (sync === false) { req.onload = function () { return sanitizeUnicode(this.responseText); }; } req.send(null); if (req.status !== 200) { console.warn('Unable to load file "' + url + '"'); return; } if (sync) { return sanitizeUnicode(req.responseText); } }; try { result = xhr(url, sync, callback); } catch (e) { result = undefined; } return result; }; /** * @name loadImageFile * @function * @param {string} path * @param {boolean} sync * @param {function} callback */ jsPDFAPI.loadImageFile = jsPDFAPI.loadFile; })(jsPDF.API); /** * Copyright (c) 2018 Erik Koopmans * Released under the MIT License. * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * jsPDF html PlugIn * * @name html * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI, global) { /** * Determine the type of a variable/object. * * @private * @ignore */ var objType = function objType(obj) { var type = _typeof(obj); if (type === 'undefined') return 'undefined';else if (type === 'string' || obj instanceof String) return 'string';else if (type === 'number' || obj instanceof Number) return 'number';else if (type === 'function' || obj instanceof Function) return 'function';else if (!!obj && obj.constructor === Array) return 'array';else if (obj && obj.nodeType === 1) return 'element';else if (type === 'object') return 'object';else return 'unknown'; }; /** * Create an HTML element with optional className, innerHTML, and style. * * @private * @ignore */ var createElement = function createElement(tagName, opt) { var el = document.createElement(tagName); if (opt.className) el.className = opt.className; if (opt.innerHTML) { el.innerHTML = opt.innerHTML; var scripts = el.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var i = scripts.length; i-- > 0; null) { scripts[i].parentNode.removeChild(scripts[i]); } } for (var key in opt.style) { el.style[key] = opt.style[key]; } return el; }; /** * Deep-clone a node and preserve contents/properties. * * @private * @ignore */ var cloneNode = function cloneNode(node, javascriptEnabled) { // Recursively clone the node. var clone = node.nodeType === 3 ? document.createTextNode(node.nodeValue) : node.cloneNode(false); for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { if (javascriptEnabled === true || child.nodeType !== 1 || child.nodeName !== 'SCRIPT') { clone.appendChild(cloneNode(child, javascriptEnabled)); } } if (node.nodeType === 1) { // Preserve contents/properties of special nodes. if (node.nodeName === 'CANVAS') { clone.width = node.width; clone.height = node.height; clone.getContext('2d').drawImage(node, 0, 0); } else if (node.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA' || node.nodeName === 'SELECT') { clone.value = node.value; } // Preserve the node's scroll position when it loads. clone.addEventListener('load', function () { clone.scrollTop = node.scrollTop; clone.scrollLeft = node.scrollLeft; }, true); } // Return the cloned node. return clone; }; /* ----- CONSTRUCTOR ----- */ var Worker = function Worker(opt) { // Create the root parent for the proto chain, and the starting Worker. var root = Object.assign(Worker.convert(Promise.resolve()), JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(Worker.template))); var self = Worker.convert(Promise.resolve(), root); // Set progress, optional settings, and return. self = self.setProgress(1, Worker, 1, [Worker]); self = self.set(opt); return self; }; // Boilerplate for subclassing Promise. Worker.prototype = Object.create(Promise.prototype); Worker.prototype.constructor = Worker; // Converts/casts promises into Workers. Worker.convert = function convert(promise, inherit) { // Uses prototypal inheritance to receive changes made to ancestors' properties. promise.__proto__ = inherit || Worker.prototype; return promise; }; Worker.template = { prop: { src: null, container: null, overlay: null, canvas: null, img: null, pdf: null, pageSize: null, callback: function callback() {} }, progress: { val: 0, state: null, n: 0, stack: [] }, opt: { filename: 'file.pdf', margin: [0, 0, 0, 0], enableLinks: true, x: 0, y: 0, html2canvas: {}, jsPDF: {} } }; /* ----- FROM / TO ----- */ Worker.prototype.from = function from(src, type) { function getType(src) { switch (objType(src)) { case 'string': return 'string'; case 'element': return src.nodeName.toLowerCase === 'canvas' ? 'canvas' : 'element'; default: return 'unknown'; } } return this.then(function from_main() { type = type || getType(src); switch (type) { case 'string': return this.set({ src: createElement('div', { innerHTML: src }) }); case 'element': return this.set({ src: src }); case 'canvas': return this.set({ canvas: src }); case 'img': return this.set({ img: src }); default: return this.error('Unknown source type.'); } }); }; Worker.prototype.to = function to(target) { // Route the 'to' request to the appropriate method. switch (target) { case 'container': return this.toContainer(); case 'canvas': return this.toCanvas(); case 'img': return this.toImg(); case 'pdf': return this.toPdf(); default: return this.error('Invalid target.'); } }; Worker.prototype.toContainer = function toContainer() { // Set up function prerequisites. var prereqs = [function checkSrc() { return this.prop.src || this.error('Cannot duplicate - no source HTML.'); }, function checkPageSize() { return this.prop.pageSize || this.setPageSize(); }]; return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function toContainer_main() { // Define the CSS styles for the container and its overlay parent. var overlayCSS = { position: 'fixed', overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 1000, left: '-100000px', right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0 }; var containerCSS = { position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block', width: Math.max(this.prop.src.clientWidth, this.prop.src.scrollWidth, this.prop.src.offsetWidth) + 'px', left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, margin: 'auto', backgroundColor: 'white' }; // Set the overlay to hidden (could be changed in the future to provide a print preview). var source = cloneNode(this.prop.src, this.opt.html2canvas.javascriptEnabled); if (source.tagName === 'BODY') { containerCSS.height = Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight) + 'px'; } this.prop.overlay = createElement('div', { className: 'html2pdf__overlay', style: overlayCSS }); this.prop.container = createElement('div', { className: 'html2pdf__container', style: containerCSS }); this.prop.container.appendChild(source); this.prop.container.firstChild.appendChild(createElement('div', { style: { clear: 'both', border: '0 none transparent', margin: 0, padding: 0, height: 0 } })); this.prop.container.style.float = 'none'; this.prop.overlay.appendChild(this.prop.container); document.body.appendChild(this.prop.overlay); this.prop.container.firstChild.style.position = 'relative'; this.prop.container.height = Math.max(this.prop.container.firstChild.clientHeight, this.prop.container.firstChild.scrollHeight, this.prop.container.firstChild.offsetHeight) + 'px'; }); }; Worker.prototype.toCanvas = function toCanvas() { // Set up function prerequisites. var prereqs = [function checkContainer() { return document.body.contains(this.prop.container) || this.toContainer(); }]; // Fulfill prereqs then create the canvas. return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function toCanvas_main() { // Handle old-fashioned 'onrendered' argument. var options = Object.assign({}, this.opt.html2canvas); delete options.onrendered; if (!this.isHtml2CanvasLoaded()) { return; } return html2canvas(this.prop.container, options); }).then(function toCanvas_post(canvas) { // Handle old-fashioned 'onrendered' argument. var onRendered = this.opt.html2canvas.onrendered || function () {}; onRendered(canvas); this.prop.canvas = canvas; document.body.removeChild(this.prop.overlay); }); }; Worker.prototype.toContext2d = function toContext2d() { // Set up function prerequisites. var prereqs = [function checkContainer() { return document.body.contains(this.prop.container) || this.toContainer(); }]; // Fulfill prereqs then create the canvas. return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function toContext2d_main() { // Handle old-fashioned 'onrendered' argument. var pdf = this.opt.jsPDF; var options = Object.assign({ async: true, allowTaint: true, backgroundColor: '#ffffff', imageTimeout: 15000, logging: true, proxy: null, removeContainer: true, foreignObjectRendering: false, useCORS: false }, this.opt.html2canvas); delete options.onrendered; pdf.context2d.autoPaging = true; pdf.context2d.posX = this.opt.x; pdf.context2d.posY = this.opt.y; options.windowHeight = options.windowHeight || 0; options.windowHeight = options.windowHeight == 0 ? Math.max(this.prop.container.clientHeight, this.prop.container.scrollHeight, this.prop.container.offsetHeight) : options.windowHeight; if (!this.isHtml2CanvasLoaded()) { return; } return html2canvas(this.prop.container, options); }).then(function toContext2d_post(canvas) { // Handle old-fashioned 'onrendered' argument. var onRendered = this.opt.html2canvas.onrendered || function () {}; onRendered(canvas); this.prop.canvas = canvas; document.body.removeChild(this.prop.overlay); }); }; Worker.prototype.toImg = function toImg() { // Set up function prerequisites. var prereqs = [function checkCanvas() { return this.prop.canvas || this.toCanvas(); }]; // Fulfill prereqs then create the image. return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function toImg_main() { var imgData = this.prop.canvas.toDataURL('image/' + this.opt.image.type, this.opt.image.quality); this.prop.img = document.createElement('img'); this.prop.img.src = imgData; }); }; Worker.prototype.toPdf = function toPdf() { // Set up function prerequisites. var prereqs = [function checkContext2d() { return this.toContext2d(); } //function checkCanvas() { return this.prop.canvas || this.toCanvas(); } ]; // Fulfill prereqs then create the image. return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function toPdf_main() { // Create local copies of frequently used properties. this.prop.pdf = this.prop.pdf || this.opt.jsPDF; }); }; /* ----- OUTPUT / SAVE ----- */ Worker.prototype.output = function output(type, options, src) { // Redirect requests to the correct function (outputPdf / outputImg). src = src || 'pdf'; if (src.toLowerCase() === 'img' || src.toLowerCase() === 'image') { return this.outputImg(type, options); } else { return this.outputPdf(type, options); } }; Worker.prototype.outputPdf = function outputPdf(type, options) { // Set up function prerequisites. var prereqs = [function checkPdf() { return this.prop.pdf || this.toPdf(); }]; // Fulfill prereqs then perform the appropriate output. return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function outputPdf_main() { /* Currently implemented output types: * https://rawgit.com/MrRio/jsPDF/master/docs/jspdf.js.html#line992 * save(options), arraybuffer, blob, bloburi/bloburl, * datauristring/dataurlstring, dataurlnewwindow, datauri/dataurl */ return this.prop.pdf.output(type, options); }); }; Worker.prototype.outputImg = function outputImg(type, options) { // Set up function prerequisites. var prereqs = [function checkImg() { return this.prop.img || this.toImg(); }]; // Fulfill prereqs then perform the appropriate output. return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function outputImg_main() { switch (type) { case undefined: case 'img': return this.prop.img; case 'datauristring': case 'dataurlstring': return this.prop.img.src; case 'datauri': case 'dataurl': return document.location.href = this.prop.img.src; default: throw 'Image output type "' + type + '" is not supported.'; } }); }; Worker.prototype.isHtml2CanvasLoaded = function () { var result = typeof global.html2canvas !== "undefined"; if (!result) { console.error("html2canvas not loaded."); } return result; }; Worker.prototype.save = function save(filename) { // Set up function prerequisites. var prereqs = [function checkPdf() { return this.prop.pdf || this.toPdf(); }]; if (!this.isHtml2CanvasLoaded()) { return; } // Fulfill prereqs, update the filename (if provided), and save the PDF. return this.thenList(prereqs).set(filename ? { filename: filename } : null).then(function save_main() { this.prop.pdf.save(this.opt.filename); }); }; Worker.prototype.doCallback = function doCallback(filename) { // Set up function prerequisites. var prereqs = [function checkPdf() { return this.prop.pdf || this.toPdf(); }]; if (!this.isHtml2CanvasLoaded()) { return; } // Fulfill prereqs, update the filename (if provided), and save the PDF. return this.thenList(prereqs).then(function doCallback_main() { this.prop.callback(this.prop.pdf); }); }; /* ----- SET / GET ----- */ Worker.prototype.set = function set(opt) { // TODO: Implement ordered pairs? // Silently ignore invalid or empty input. if (objType(opt) !== 'object') { return this; } // Build an array of setter functions to queue. var fns = Object.keys(opt || {}).map(function (key) { if (key in Worker.template.prop) { // Set pre-defined properties. return function set_prop() { this.prop[key] = opt[key]; }; } else { switch (key) { case 'margin': return this.setMargin.bind(this, opt.margin); case 'jsPDF': return function set_jsPDF() { this.opt.jsPDF = opt.jsPDF; return this.setPageSize(); }; case 'pageSize': return this.setPageSize.bind(this, opt.pageSize); default: // Set any other properties in opt. return function set_opt() { this.opt[key] = opt[key]; }; } } }, this); // Set properties within the promise chain. return this.then(function set_main() { return this.thenList(fns); }); }; Worker.prototype.get = function get(key, cbk) { return this.then(function get_main() { // Fetch the requested property, either as a predefined prop or in opt. var val = key in Worker.template.prop ? this.prop[key] : this.opt[key]; return cbk ? cbk(val) : val; }); }; Worker.prototype.setMargin = function setMargin(margin) { return this.then(function setMargin_main() { // Parse the margin property. switch (objType(margin)) { case 'number': margin = [margin, margin, margin, margin]; case 'array': if (margin.length === 2) { margin = [margin[0], margin[1], margin[0], margin[1]]; } if (margin.length === 4) { break; } default: return this.error('Invalid margin array.'); } // Set the margin property, then update pageSize. this.opt.margin = margin; }).then(this.setPageSize); }; Worker.prototype.setPageSize = function setPageSize(pageSize) { function toPx(val, k) { return Math.floor(val * k / 72 * 96); } return this.then(function setPageSize_main() { // Retrieve page-size based on jsPDF settings, if not explicitly provided. pageSize = pageSize || jsPDF.getPageSize(this.opt.jsPDF); // Add 'inner' field if not present. if (!pageSize.hasOwnProperty('inner')) { pageSize.inner = { width: pageSize.width - this.opt.margin[1] - this.opt.margin[3], height: pageSize.height - this.opt.margin[0] - this.opt.margin[2] }; pageSize.inner.px = { width: toPx(pageSize.inner.width, pageSize.k), height: toPx(pageSize.inner.height, pageSize.k) }; pageSize.inner.ratio = pageSize.inner.height / pageSize.inner.width; } // Attach pageSize to this. this.prop.pageSize = pageSize; }); }; Worker.prototype.setProgress = function setProgress(val, state, n, stack) { // Immediately update all progress values. if (val != null) this.progress.val = val; if (state != null) this.progress.state = state; if (n != null) this.progress.n = n; if (stack != null) this.progress.stack = stack; this.progress.ratio = this.progress.val / this.progress.state; // Return this for command chaining. return this; }; Worker.prototype.updateProgress = function updateProgress(val, state, n, stack) { // Immediately update all progress values, using setProgress. return this.setProgress(val ? this.progress.val + val : null, state ? state : null, n ? this.progress.n + n : null, stack ? this.progress.stack.concat(stack) : null); }; /* ----- PROMISE MAPPING ----- */ Worker.prototype.then = function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { // Wrap `this` for encapsulation. var self = this; return this.thenCore(onFulfilled, onRejected, function then_main(onFulfilled, onRejected) { // Update progress while queuing, calling, and resolving `then`. self.updateProgress(null, null, 1, [onFulfilled]); return Promise.prototype.then.call(this, function then_pre(val) { self.updateProgress(null, onFulfilled); return val; }).then(onFulfilled, onRejected).then(function then_post(val) { self.updateProgress(1); return val; }); }); }; Worker.prototype.thenCore = function thenCore(onFulfilled, onRejected, thenBase) { // Handle optional thenBase parameter. thenBase = thenBase || Promise.prototype.then; // Wrap `this` for encapsulation and bind it to the promise handlers. var self = this; if (onFulfilled) { onFulfilled = onFulfilled.bind(self); } if (onRejected) { onRejected = onRejected.bind(self); } // Cast self into a Promise to avoid polyfills recursively defining `then`. var isNative = Promise.toString().indexOf('[native code]') !== -1 && Promise.name === 'Promise'; var selfPromise = isNative ? self : Worker.convert(Object.assign({}, self), Promise.prototype); // Return the promise, after casting it into a Worker and preserving props. var returnVal = thenBase.call(selfPromise, onFulfilled, onRejected); return Worker.convert(returnVal, self.__proto__); }; Worker.prototype.thenExternal = function thenExternal(onFulfilled, onRejected) { // Call `then` and return a standard promise (exits the Worker chain). return Promise.prototype.then.call(this, onFulfilled, onRejected); }; Worker.prototype.thenList = function thenList(fns) { // Queue a series of promise 'factories' into the promise chain. var self = this; fns.forEach(function thenList_forEach(fn) { self = self.thenCore(fn); }); return self; }; Worker.prototype['catch'] = function (onRejected) { // Bind `this` to the promise handler, call `catch`, and return a Worker. if (onRejected) { onRejected = onRejected.bind(this); } var returnVal = Promise.prototype['catch'].call(this, onRejected); return Worker.convert(returnVal, this); }; Worker.prototype.catchExternal = function catchExternal(onRejected) { // Call `catch` and return a standard promise (exits the Worker chain). return Promise.prototype['catch'].call(this, onRejected); }; Worker.prototype.error = function error(msg) { // Throw the error in the Promise chain. return this.then(function error_main() { throw new Error(msg); }); }; /* ----- ALIASES ----- */ Worker.prototype.using = Worker.prototype.set; Worker.prototype.saveAs = Worker.prototype.save; Worker.prototype.export = Worker.prototype.output; Worker.prototype.run = Worker.prototype.then; // Get dimensions of a PDF page, as determined by jsPDF. jsPDF.getPageSize = function (orientation, unit, format) { // Decode options object if (_typeof(orientation) === 'object') { var options = orientation; orientation = options.orientation; unit = options.unit || unit; format = options.format || format; } // Default options unit = unit || 'mm'; format = format || 'a4'; orientation = ('' + (orientation || 'P')).toLowerCase(); var format_as_string = ('' + format).toLowerCase(); // Size in pt of various paper formats var pageFormats = { 'a0': [2383.94, 3370.39], 'a1': [1683.78, 2383.94], 'a2': [1190.55, 1683.78], 'a3': [841.89, 1190.55], 'a4': [595.28, 841.89], 'a5': [419.53, 595.28], 'a6': [297.64, 419.53], 'a7': [209.76, 297.64], 'a8': [147.40, 209.76], 'a9': [104.88, 147.40], 'a10': [73.70, 104.88], 'b0': [2834.65, 4008.19], 'b1': [2004.09, 2834.65], 'b2': [1417.32, 2004.09], 'b3': [1000.63, 1417.32], 'b4': [708.66, 1000.63], 'b5': [498.90, 708.66], 'b6': [354.33, 498.90], 'b7': [249.45, 354.33], 'b8': [175.75, 249.45], 'b9': [124.72, 175.75], 'b10': [87.87, 124.72], 'c0': [2599.37, 3676.54], 'c1': [1836.85, 2599.37], 'c2': [1298.27, 1836.85], 'c3': [918.43, 1298.27], 'c4': [649.13, 918.43], 'c5': [459.21, 649.13], 'c6': [323.15, 459.21], 'c7': [229.61, 323.15], 'c8': [161.57, 229.61], 'c9': [113.39, 161.57], 'c10': [79.37, 113.39], 'dl': [311.81, 623.62], 'letter': [612, 792], 'government-letter': [576, 756], 'legal': [612, 1008], 'junior-legal': [576, 360], 'ledger': [1224, 792], 'tabloid': [792, 1224], 'credit-card': [153, 243] }; // Unit conversion switch (unit) { case 'pt': var k = 1; break; case 'mm': var k = 72 / 25.4; break; case 'cm': var k = 72 / 2.54; break; case 'in': var k = 72; break; case 'px': var k = 72 / 96; break; case 'pc': var k = 12; break; case 'em': var k = 12; break; case 'ex': var k = 6; break; default: throw 'Invalid unit: ' + unit; } // Dimensions are stored as user units and converted to points on output if (pageFormats.hasOwnProperty(format_as_string)) { var pageHeight = pageFormats[format_as_string][1] / k; var pageWidth = pageFormats[format_as_string][0] / k; } else { try { var pageHeight = format[1]; var pageWidth = format[0]; } catch (err) { throw new Error('Invalid format: ' + format); } } // Handle page orientation if (orientation === 'p' || orientation === 'portrait') { orientation = 'p'; if (pageWidth > pageHeight) { var tmp = pageWidth; pageWidth = pageHeight; pageHeight = tmp; } } else if (orientation === 'l' || orientation === 'landscape') { orientation = 'l'; if (pageHeight > pageWidth) { var tmp = pageWidth; pageWidth = pageHeight; pageHeight = tmp; } } else { throw 'Invalid orientation: ' + orientation; } // Return information (k is the unit conversion ratio from pts) var info = { 'width': pageWidth, 'height': pageHeight, 'unit': unit, 'k': k }; return info; }; /** * Generate a PDF from an HTML element or string using. * * @name html * @function * @param {Element|string} source The source element or HTML string. * @param {Object=} options An object of optional settings. * @description The Plugin needs html2canvas from niklasvh */ jsPDFAPI.html = function (src, options) { options = options || {}; options.callback = options.callback || function () {}; options.html2canvas = options.html2canvas || {}; options.html2canvas.canvas = options.html2canvas.canvas || this.canvas; options.jsPDF = options.jsPDF || this; // Create a new worker with the given options. var pdf = options.jsPDF; var worker = new Worker(options); if (!options.worker) { // If worker is not set to true, perform the traditional 'simple' operation. return worker.from(src).doCallback(); } else { // Otherwise, return the worker for new Promise-based operation. return worker; } return this; }; })(jsPDF.API, typeof window !== "undefined" && window || typeof global !== "undefined" && global); /** * @license * ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2013 Youssef Beddad, youssef.beddad@gmail.com * * * ==================================================================== */ /*global jsPDF */ /** * jsPDF JavaScript plugin * * @name javascript * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { var jsNamesObj, jsJsObj, text; /** * @name addJS * @function * @param {string} javascript The javascript to be embedded into the PDF-file. * @returns {jsPDF} */ jsPDFAPI.addJS = function (javascript) { text = javascript; this.internal.events.subscribe('postPutResources', function (javascript) { jsNamesObj = this.internal.newObject(); this.internal.out('<<'); this.internal.out('/Names [(EmbeddedJS) ' + (jsNamesObj + 1) + ' 0 R]'); this.internal.out('>>'); this.internal.out('endobj'); jsJsObj = this.internal.newObject(); this.internal.out('<<'); this.internal.out('/S /JavaScript'); this.internal.out('/JS (' + text + ')'); this.internal.out('>>'); this.internal.out('endobj'); }); this.internal.events.subscribe('putCatalog', function () { if (jsNamesObj !== undefined && jsJsObj !== undefined) { this.internal.out('/Names <>'); } }); return this; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * Copyright (c) 2014 Steven Spungin (TwelveTone LLC) steven@twelvetone.tv * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { jsPDFAPI.events.push(['postPutResources', function () { var pdf = this; var rx = /^(\d+) 0 obj$/; // Write action goto objects for each page // this.outline.destsGoto = []; // for (var i = 0; i < totalPages; i++) { // var id = pdf.internal.newObject(); // this.outline.destsGoto.push(id); // pdf.internal.write("<> endobj"); // } // // for (var i = 0; i < dests.length; i++) { // pdf.internal.write("(page_" + (i + 1) + ")" + dests[i] + " 0 // R"); // } // if (this.outline.root.children.length > 0) { var lines = pdf.outline.render().split(/\r\n/); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var m = rx.exec(line); if (m != null) { var oid = m[1]; pdf.internal.newObjectDeferredBegin(oid, false); } pdf.internal.write(line); } } // This code will write named destination for each page reference // (page_1, etc) if (this.outline.createNamedDestinations) { var totalPages = this.internal.pages.length; // WARNING: this assumes jsPDF starts on page 3 and pageIDs // follow 5, 7, 9, etc // Write destination objects for each page var dests = []; for (var i = 0; i < totalPages; i++) { var id = pdf.internal.newObject(); dests.push(id); var info = pdf.internal.getPageInfo(i + 1); pdf.internal.write("<< /D[" + info.objId + " 0 R /XYZ null null null]>> endobj"); } // assign a name for each destination var names2Oid = pdf.internal.newObject(); pdf.internal.write('<< /Names [ '); for (var i = 0; i < dests.length; i++) { pdf.internal.write("(page_" + (i + 1) + ")" + dests[i] + " 0 R"); } pdf.internal.write(' ] >>', 'endobj'); // var kids = pdf.internal.newObject(); // pdf.internal.write('<< /Kids [ ' + names2Oid + ' 0 R'); // pdf.internal.write(' ] >>', 'endobj'); var namesOid = pdf.internal.newObject(); pdf.internal.write('<< /Dests ' + names2Oid + " 0 R"); pdf.internal.write('>>', 'endobj'); } }]); jsPDFAPI.events.push(['putCatalog', function () { var pdf = this; if (pdf.outline.root.children.length > 0) { pdf.internal.write("/Outlines", this.outline.makeRef(this.outline.root)); if (this.outline.createNamedDestinations) { pdf.internal.write("/Names " + namesOid + " 0 R"); } // Open with Bookmarks showing // pdf.internal.write("/PageMode /UseOutlines"); } }]); jsPDFAPI.events.push(['initialized', function () { var pdf = this; pdf.outline = { createNamedDestinations: false, root: { children: [] } }; /** * Options: pageNumber */ pdf.outline.add = function (parent, title, options) { var item = { title: title, options: options, children: [] }; if (parent == null) { parent = this.root; } parent.children.push(item); return item; }; pdf.outline.render = function () { this.ctx = {}; this.ctx.val = ''; this.ctx.pdf = pdf; this.genIds_r(this.root); this.renderRoot(this.root); this.renderItems(this.root); return this.ctx.val; }; pdf.outline.genIds_r = function (node) { node.id = pdf.internal.newObjectDeferred(); for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { this.genIds_r(node.children[i]); } }; pdf.outline.renderRoot = function (node) { this.objStart(node); this.line('/Type /Outlines'); if (node.children.length > 0) { this.line('/First ' + this.makeRef(node.children[0])); this.line('/Last ' + this.makeRef(node.children[node.children.length - 1])); } this.line('/Count ' + this.count_r({ count: 0 }, node)); this.objEnd(); }; pdf.outline.renderItems = function (node) { var getHorizontalCoordinateString = this.ctx.pdf.internal.getCoordinateString; var getVerticalCoordinateString = this.ctx.pdf.internal.getVerticalCoordinateString; for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { var item = node.children[i]; this.objStart(item); this.line('/Title ' + this.makeString(item.title)); this.line('/Parent ' + this.makeRef(node)); if (i > 0) { this.line('/Prev ' + this.makeRef(node.children[i - 1])); } if (i < node.children.length - 1) { this.line('/Next ' + this.makeRef(node.children[i + 1])); } if (item.children.length > 0) { this.line('/First ' + this.makeRef(item.children[0])); this.line('/Last ' + this.makeRef(item.children[item.children.length - 1])); } var count = this.count = this.count_r({ count: 0 }, item); if (count > 0) { this.line('/Count ' + count); } if (item.options) { if (item.options.pageNumber) { // Explicit Destination //WARNING this assumes page ids are 3,5,7, etc. var info = pdf.internal.getPageInfo(item.options.pageNumber); this.line('/Dest ' + '[' + info.objId + ' 0 R /XYZ 0 ' + getVerticalCoordinateString(0) + ' 0]'); // this line does not work on all clients (pageNumber instead of page ref) //this.line('/Dest ' + '[' + (item.options.pageNumber - 1) + ' /XYZ 0 ' + this.ctx.pdf.internal.pageSize.getHeight() + ' 0]'); // Named Destination // this.line('/Dest (page_' + (item.options.pageNumber) + ')'); // Action Destination // var id = pdf.internal.newObject(); // pdf.internal.write('<> endobj'); // this.line('/A ' + id + ' 0 R' ); } } this.objEnd(); } for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { var item = node.children[i]; this.renderItems(item); } }; pdf.outline.line = function (text) { this.ctx.val += text + '\r\n'; }; pdf.outline.makeRef = function (node) { return node.id + ' 0 R'; }; pdf.outline.makeString = function (val) { return '(' + pdf.internal.pdfEscape(val) + ')'; }; pdf.outline.objStart = function (node) { this.ctx.val += '\r\n' + node.id + ' 0 obj' + '\r\n<<\r\n'; }; pdf.outline.objEnd = function (node) { this.ctx.val += '>> \r\n' + 'endobj' + '\r\n'; }; pdf.outline.count_r = function (ctx, node) { for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { ctx.count++; this.count_r(ctx, node.children[i]); } return ctx.count; }; }]); return this; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * * Copyright (c) 2014 James Robb, https://github.com/jamesbrobb * * * ==================================================================== */ /** * jsPDF PNG PlugIn * @name png_support * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /* * @see http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG-Chunks.html * Color Allowed Interpretation Type Bit Depths 0 1,2,4,8,16 Each pixel is a grayscale sample. 2 8,16 Each pixel is an R,G,B triple. 3 1,2,4,8 Each pixel is a palette index; a PLTE chunk must appear. 4 8,16 Each pixel is a grayscale sample, followed by an alpha sample. 6 8,16 Each pixel is an R,G,B triple, followed by an alpha sample. */ /* * PNG filter method types * * @see http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG-Filters.html * @see http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/book/chapter09.html * * This is what the value 'Predictor' in decode params relates to * * 15 is "optimal prediction", which means the prediction algorithm can change from line to line. * In that case, you actually have to read the first byte off each line for the prediction algorthim (which should be 0-4, corresponding to PDF 10-14) and select the appropriate unprediction algorithm based on that byte. * 0 None 1 Sub 2 Up 3 Average 4 Paeth */ var doesNotHavePngJS = function doesNotHavePngJS() { return typeof PNG !== 'function' || typeof FlateStream !== 'function'; }, canCompress = function canCompress(value) { return value !== jsPDFAPI.image_compression.NONE && hasCompressionJS(); }, hasCompressionJS = function hasCompressionJS() { var inst = typeof Deflater === 'function'; if (!inst) throw new Error("requires deflate.js for compression"); return inst; }, compressBytes = function compressBytes(bytes, lineLength, colorsPerPixel, compression) { var level = 5, filter_method = filterUp; switch (compression) { case jsPDFAPI.image_compression.FAST: level = 3; filter_method = filterSub; break; case jsPDFAPI.image_compression.MEDIUM: level = 6; filter_method = filterAverage; break; case jsPDFAPI.image_compression.SLOW: level = 9; filter_method = filterPaeth; //uses to sum to choose best filter for each line break; } bytes = applyPngFilterMethod(bytes, lineLength, colorsPerPixel, filter_method); var header = new Uint8Array(createZlibHeader(level)); var checksum = adler32(bytes); var deflate = new Deflater(level); var a = deflate.append(bytes); var cBytes = deflate.flush(); var len = header.length + a.length + cBytes.length; var cmpd = new Uint8Array(len + 4); cmpd.set(header); cmpd.set(a, header.length); cmpd.set(cBytes, header.length + a.length); cmpd[len++] = checksum >>> 24 & 0xff; cmpd[len++] = checksum >>> 16 & 0xff; cmpd[len++] = checksum >>> 8 & 0xff; cmpd[len++] = checksum & 0xff; return jsPDFAPI.arrayBufferToBinaryString(cmpd); }, createZlibHeader = function createZlibHeader(bytes, level) { /* * @see http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt for zlib header */ var cm = 8; var cinfo = Math.LOG2E * Math.log(0x8000) - 8; var cmf = cinfo << 4 | cm; var hdr = cmf << 8; var flevel = Math.min(3, (level - 1 & 0xff) >> 1); hdr |= flevel << 6; hdr |= 0; //FDICT hdr += 31 - hdr % 31; return [cmf, hdr & 0xff & 0xff]; }, adler32 = function adler32(array, param) { var adler = 1; var s1 = adler & 0xffff, s2 = adler >>> 16 & 0xffff; var len = array.length; var tlen; var i = 0; while (len > 0) { tlen = len > param ? param : len; len -= tlen; do { s1 += array[i++]; s2 += s1; } while (--tlen); s1 %= 65521; s2 %= 65521; } return (s2 << 16 | s1) >>> 0; }, applyPngFilterMethod = function applyPngFilterMethod(bytes, lineLength, colorsPerPixel, filter_method) { var lines = bytes.length / lineLength, result = new Uint8Array(bytes.length + lines), filter_methods = getFilterMethods(), i = 0, line, prevLine, offset; for (; i < lines; i++) { offset = i * lineLength; line = bytes.subarray(offset, offset + lineLength); if (filter_method) { result.set(filter_method(line, colorsPerPixel, prevLine), offset + i); } else { var j = 0, len = filter_methods.length, results = []; for (; j < len; j++) { results[j] = filter_methods[j](line, colorsPerPixel, prevLine); } var ind = getIndexOfSmallestSum(results.concat()); result.set(results[ind], offset + i); } prevLine = line; } return result; }, filterNone = function filterNone(line, colorsPerPixel, prevLine) { /*var result = new Uint8Array(line.length + 1); result[0] = 0; result.set(line, 1);*/ var result = Array.apply([], line); result.unshift(0); return result; }, filterSub = function filterSub(line, colorsPerPixel, prevLine) { var result = [], i = 0, len = line.length, left; result[0] = 1; for (; i < len; i++) { left = line[i - colorsPerPixel] || 0; result[i + 1] = line[i] - left + 0x0100 & 0xff; } return result; }, filterUp = function filterUp(line, colorsPerPixel, prevLine) { var result = [], i = 0, len = line.length, up; result[0] = 2; for (; i < len; i++) { up = prevLine && prevLine[i] || 0; result[i + 1] = line[i] - up + 0x0100 & 0xff; } return result; }, filterAverage = function filterAverage(line, colorsPerPixel, prevLine) { var result = [], i = 0, len = line.length, left, up; result[0] = 3; for (; i < len; i++) { left = line[i - colorsPerPixel] || 0; up = prevLine && prevLine[i] || 0; result[i + 1] = line[i] + 0x0100 - (left + up >>> 1) & 0xff; } return result; }, filterPaeth = function filterPaeth(line, colorsPerPixel, prevLine) { var result = [], i = 0, len = line.length, left, up, upLeft, paeth; result[0] = 4; for (; i < len; i++) { left = line[i - colorsPerPixel] || 0; up = prevLine && prevLine[i] || 0; upLeft = prevLine && prevLine[i - colorsPerPixel] || 0; paeth = paethPredictor(left, up, upLeft); result[i + 1] = line[i] - paeth + 0x0100 & 0xff; } return result; }, paethPredictor = function paethPredictor(left, up, upLeft) { var p = left + up - upLeft, pLeft = Math.abs(p - left), pUp = Math.abs(p - up), pUpLeft = Math.abs(p - upLeft); return pLeft <= pUp && pLeft <= pUpLeft ? left : pUp <= pUpLeft ? up : upLeft; }, getFilterMethods = function getFilterMethods() { return [filterNone, filterSub, filterUp, filterAverage, filterPaeth]; }, getIndexOfSmallestSum = function getIndexOfSmallestSum(arrays) { var i = 0, len = arrays.length, sum, min, ind; while (i < len) { sum = absSum(arrays[i].slice(1)); if (sum < min || !min) { min = sum; ind = i; } i++; } return ind; }, absSum = function absSum(array) { var i = 0, len = array.length, sum = 0; while (i < len) { sum += Math.abs(array[i++]); } return sum; }, getPredictorFromCompression = function getPredictorFromCompression(compression) { var predictor; switch (compression) { case jsPDFAPI.image_compression.FAST: predictor = 11; break; case jsPDFAPI.image_compression.MEDIUM: predictor = 13; break; case jsPDFAPI.image_compression.SLOW: predictor = 14; break; default: predictor = 12; break; } return predictor; }; /** * * @name processPNG * @function * @ignore */ jsPDFAPI.processPNG = function (imageData, imageIndex, alias, compression, dataAsBinaryString) { var colorSpace = this.color_spaces.DEVICE_RGB, decode = this.decode.FLATE_DECODE, bpc = 8, img, dp, trns, colors, pal, smask; /* if(this.isString(imageData)) { }*/ if (this.isArrayBuffer(imageData)) imageData = new Uint8Array(imageData); if (this.isArrayBufferView(imageData)) { if (doesNotHavePngJS()) throw new Error("PNG support requires png.js and zlib.js"); img = new PNG(imageData); imageData = img.imgData; bpc = img.bits; colorSpace = img.colorSpace; colors = img.colors; //logImg(img); /* * colorType 6 - Each pixel is an R,G,B triple, followed by an alpha sample. * * colorType 4 - Each pixel is a grayscale sample, followed by an alpha sample. * * Extract alpha to create two separate images, using the alpha as a sMask */ if ([4, 6].indexOf(img.colorType) !== -1) { /* * processes 8 bit RGBA and grayscale + alpha images */ if (img.bits === 8) { var pixels = img.pixelBitlength == 32 ? new Uint32Array(img.decodePixels().buffer) : img.pixelBitlength == 16 ? new Uint16Array(img.decodePixels().buffer) : new Uint8Array(img.decodePixels().buffer), len = pixels.length, imgData = new Uint8Array(len * img.colors), alphaData = new Uint8Array(len), pDiff = img.pixelBitlength - img.bits, i = 0, n = 0, pixel, pbl; for (; i < len; i++) { pixel = pixels[i]; pbl = 0; while (pbl < pDiff) { imgData[n++] = pixel >>> pbl & 0xff; pbl = pbl + img.bits; } alphaData[i] = pixel >>> pbl & 0xff; } } /* * processes 16 bit RGBA and grayscale + alpha images */ if (img.bits === 16) { var pixels = new Uint32Array(img.decodePixels().buffer), len = pixels.length, imgData = new Uint8Array(len * (32 / img.pixelBitlength) * img.colors), alphaData = new Uint8Array(len * (32 / img.pixelBitlength)), hasColors = img.colors > 1, i = 0, n = 0, a = 0, pixel; while (i < len) { pixel = pixels[i++]; imgData[n++] = pixel >>> 0 & 0xFF; if (hasColors) { imgData[n++] = pixel >>> 16 & 0xFF; pixel = pixels[i++]; imgData[n++] = pixel >>> 0 & 0xFF; } alphaData[a++] = pixel >>> 16 & 0xFF; } bpc = 8; } if (canCompress(compression)) { imageData = compressBytes(imgData, img.width * img.colors, img.colors, compression); smask = compressBytes(alphaData, img.width, 1, compression); } else { imageData = imgData; smask = alphaData; decode = null; } } /* * Indexed png. Each pixel is a palette index. */ if (img.colorType === 3) { colorSpace = this.color_spaces.INDEXED; pal = img.palette; if (img.transparency.indexed) { var trans = img.transparency.indexed; var total = 0, i = 0, len = trans.length; for (; i < len; ++i) { total += trans[i]; } total = total / 255; /* * a single color is specified as 100% transparent (0), * so we set trns to use a /Mask with that index */ if (total === len - 1 && trans.indexOf(0) !== -1) { trns = [trans.indexOf(0)]; /* * there's more than one colour within the palette that specifies * a transparency value less than 255, so we unroll the pixels to create an image sMask */ } else if (total !== len) { var pixels = img.decodePixels(), alphaData = new Uint8Array(pixels.length), i = 0, len = pixels.length; for (; i < len; i++) { alphaData[i] = trans[pixels[i]]; } smask = compressBytes(alphaData, img.width, 1); } } } var predictor = getPredictorFromCompression(compression); if (decode === this.decode.FLATE_DECODE) dp = '/Predictor ' + predictor + ' /Colors ' + colors + ' /BitsPerComponent ' + bpc + ' /Columns ' + img.width;else //remove 'Predictor' as it applies to the type of png filter applied to its IDAT - we only apply with compression dp = '/Colors ' + colors + ' /BitsPerComponent ' + bpc + ' /Columns ' + img.width; if (this.isArrayBuffer(imageData) || this.isArrayBufferView(imageData)) imageData = this.arrayBufferToBinaryString(imageData); if (smask && this.isArrayBuffer(smask) || this.isArrayBufferView(smask)) smask = this.arrayBufferToBinaryString(smask); return this.createImageInfo(imageData, img.width, img.height, colorSpace, bpc, decode, imageIndex, alias, dp, trns, pal, smask, predictor); } throw new Error("Unsupported PNG image data, try using JPEG instead."); }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * Copyright (c) 2017 Aras Abbasi * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * jsPDF gif Support PlugIn * * @name gif_support * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { jsPDFAPI.processGIF89A = function (imageData, imageIndex, alias, compression, dataAsBinaryString) { var reader = new GifReader(imageData); var width = reader.width, height = reader.height; var qu = 100; var pixels = []; reader.decodeAndBlitFrameRGBA(0, pixels); var rawImageData = { data: pixels, width: width, height: height }; var encoder = new JPEGEncoder(qu); var data = encoder.encode(rawImageData, qu); return jsPDFAPI.processJPEG.call(this, data, imageIndex, alias, compression); }; jsPDFAPI.processGIF87A = jsPDFAPI.processGIF89A; })(jsPDF.API); /** * Copyright (c) 2018 Aras Abbasi * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * jsPDF bmp Support PlugIn * @name bmp_support * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { jsPDFAPI.processBMP = function (imageData, imageIndex, alias, compression, dataAsBinaryString) { var reader = new BmpDecoder(imageData, false); var width = reader.width, height = reader.height; var qu = 100; var pixels = reader.getData(); var rawImageData = { data: pixels, width: width, height: height }; var encoder = new JPEGEncoder(qu); var data = encoder.encode(rawImageData, qu); return jsPDFAPI.processJPEG.call(this, data, imageIndex, alias, compression); }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * jsPDF setLanguage Plugin * * @name setLanguage * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /** * Add Language Tag to the generated PDF * * @name setLanguage * @function * @param {string} langCode The Language code as ISO-639-1 (e.g. 'en') or as country language code (e.g. 'en-GB'). * @returns {jsPDF} * @example * var doc = new jsPDF() * doc.text(10, 10, 'This is a test') * doc.setLanguage("en-US") * doc.save('english.pdf') */ jsPDFAPI.setLanguage = function (langCode) { var langCodes = { "af": "Afrikaans", "sq": "Albanian", "ar": "Arabic (Standard)", "ar-DZ": "Arabic (Algeria)", "ar-BH": "Arabic (Bahrain)", "ar-EG": "Arabic (Egypt)", "ar-IQ": "Arabic (Iraq)", "ar-JO": "Arabic (Jordan)", "ar-KW": "Arabic (Kuwait)", "ar-LB": "Arabic (Lebanon)", "ar-LY": "Arabic (Libya)", "ar-MA": "Arabic (Morocco)", "ar-OM": "Arabic (Oman)", "ar-QA": "Arabic (Qatar)", "ar-SA": "Arabic (Saudi Arabia)", "ar-SY": "Arabic (Syria)", "ar-TN": "Arabic (Tunisia)", "ar-AE": "Arabic (U.A.E.)", "ar-YE": "Arabic (Yemen)", "an": "Aragonese", "hy": "Armenian", "as": "Assamese", "ast": "Asturian", "az": "Azerbaijani", "eu": "Basque", "be": "Belarusian", "bn": "Bengali", "bs": "Bosnian", "br": "Breton", "bg": "Bulgarian", "my": "Burmese", "ca": "Catalan", "ch": "Chamorro", "ce": "Chechen", "zh": "Chinese", "zh-HK": "Chinese (Hong Kong)", "zh-CN": "Chinese (PRC)", "zh-SG": "Chinese (Singapore)", "zh-TW": "Chinese (Taiwan)", "cv": "Chuvash", "co": "Corsican", "cr": "Cree", "hr": "Croatian", "cs": "Czech", "da": "Danish", "nl": "Dutch (Standard)", "nl-BE": "Dutch (Belgian)", "en": "English", "en-AU": "English (Australia)", "en-BZ": "English (Belize)", "en-CA": "English (Canada)", "en-IE": "English (Ireland)", "en-JM": "English (Jamaica)", "en-NZ": "English (New Zealand)", "en-PH": "English (Philippines)", "en-ZA": "English (South Africa)", "en-TT": "English (Trinidad & Tobago)", "en-GB": "English (United Kingdom)", "en-US": "English (United States)", "en-ZW": "English (Zimbabwe)", "eo": "Esperanto", "et": "Estonian", "fo": "Faeroese", "fj": "Fijian", "fi": "Finnish", "fr": "French (Standard)", "fr-BE": "French (Belgium)", "fr-CA": "French (Canada)", "fr-FR": "French (France)", "fr-LU": "French (Luxembourg)", "fr-MC": "French (Monaco)", "fr-CH": "French (Switzerland)", "fy": "Frisian", "fur": "Friulian", "gd": "Gaelic (Scots)", "gd-IE": "Gaelic (Irish)", "gl": "Galacian", "ka": "Georgian", "de": "German (Standard)", "de-AT": "German (Austria)", "de-DE": "German (Germany)", "de-LI": "German (Liechtenstein)", "de-LU": "German (Luxembourg)", "de-CH": "German (Switzerland)", "el": "Greek", "gu": "Gujurati", "ht": "Haitian", "he": "Hebrew", "hi": "Hindi", "hu": "Hungarian", "is": "Icelandic", "id": "Indonesian", "iu": "Inuktitut", "ga": "Irish", "it": "Italian (Standard)", "it-CH": "Italian (Switzerland)", "ja": "Japanese", "kn": "Kannada", "ks": "Kashmiri", "kk": "Kazakh", "km": "Khmer", "ky": "Kirghiz", "tlh": "Klingon", "ko": "Korean", "ko-KP": "Korean (North Korea)", "ko-KR": "Korean (South Korea)", "la": "Latin", "lv": "Latvian", "lt": "Lithuanian", "lb": "Luxembourgish", "mk": "FYRO Macedonian", "ms": "Malay", "ml": "Malayalam", "mt": "Maltese", "mi": "Maori", "mr": "Marathi", "mo": "Moldavian", "nv": "Navajo", "ng": "Ndonga", "ne": "Nepali", "no": "Norwegian", "nb": "Norwegian (Bokmal)", "nn": "Norwegian (Nynorsk)", "oc": "Occitan", "or": "Oriya", "om": "Oromo", "fa": "Persian", "fa-IR": "Persian/Iran", "pl": "Polish", "pt": "Portuguese", "pt-BR": "Portuguese (Brazil)", "pa": "Punjabi", "pa-IN": "Punjabi (India)", "pa-PK": "Punjabi (Pakistan)", "qu": "Quechua", "rm": "Rhaeto-Romanic", "ro": "Romanian", "ro-MO": "Romanian (Moldavia)", "ru": "Russian", "ru-MO": "Russian (Moldavia)", "sz": "Sami (Lappish)", "sg": "Sango", "sa": "Sanskrit", "sc": "Sardinian", "sd": "Sindhi", "si": "Singhalese", "sr": "Serbian", "sk": "Slovak", "sl": "Slovenian", "so": "Somani", "sb": "Sorbian", "es": "Spanish", "es-AR": "Spanish (Argentina)", "es-BO": "Spanish (Bolivia)", "es-CL": "Spanish (Chile)", "es-CO": "Spanish (Colombia)", "es-CR": "Spanish (Costa Rica)", "es-DO": "Spanish (Dominican Republic)", "es-EC": "Spanish (Ecuador)", "es-SV": "Spanish (El Salvador)", "es-GT": "Spanish (Guatemala)", "es-HN": "Spanish (Honduras)", "es-MX": "Spanish (Mexico)", "es-NI": "Spanish (Nicaragua)", "es-PA": "Spanish (Panama)", "es-PY": "Spanish (Paraguay)", "es-PE": "Spanish (Peru)", "es-PR": "Spanish (Puerto Rico)", "es-ES": "Spanish (Spain)", "es-UY": "Spanish (Uruguay)", "es-VE": "Spanish (Venezuela)", "sx": "Sutu", "sw": "Swahili", "sv": "Swedish", "sv-FI": "Swedish (Finland)", "sv-SV": "Swedish (Sweden)", "ta": "Tamil", "tt": "Tatar", "te": "Teluga", "th": "Thai", "tig": "Tigre", "ts": "Tsonga", "tn": "Tswana", "tr": "Turkish", "tk": "Turkmen", "uk": "Ukrainian", "hsb": "Upper Sorbian", "ur": "Urdu", "ve": "Venda", "vi": "Vietnamese", "vo": "Volapuk", "wa": "Walloon", "cy": "Welsh", "xh": "Xhosa", "ji": "Yiddish", "zu": "Zulu" }; if (this.internal.languageSettings === undefined) { this.internal.languageSettings = {}; this.internal.languageSettings.isSubscribed = false; } if (langCodes[langCode] !== undefined) { this.internal.languageSettings.languageCode = langCode; if (this.internal.languageSettings.isSubscribed === false) { this.internal.events.subscribe("putCatalog", function () { this.internal.write("/Lang (" + this.internal.languageSettings.languageCode + ")"); }); this.internal.languageSettings.isSubscribed = true; } } return this; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** @license * MIT license. * Copyright (c) 2012 Willow Systems Corporation, willow-systems.com * 2014 Diego Casorran, https://github.com/diegocr * * * ==================================================================== */ /** * jsPDF split_text_to_size plugin * * @name split_text_to_size * @module */ (function (API) { /** * Returns an array of length matching length of the 'word' string, with each * cell occupied by the width of the char in that position. * * @name getCharWidthsArray * @function * @param {string} text * @param {Object} options * @returns {Array} */ var getCharWidthsArray = API.getCharWidthsArray = function (text, options) { options = options || {}; var activeFont = options.font || this.internal.getFont(); var fontSize = options.fontSize || this.internal.getFontSize(); var charSpace = options.charSpace || this.internal.getCharSpace(); var widths = options.widths ? options.widths : activeFont.metadata.Unicode.widths; var widthsFractionOf = widths.fof ? widths.fof : 1; var kerning = options.kerning ? options.kerning : activeFont.metadata.Unicode.kerning; var kerningFractionOf = kerning.fof ? kerning.fof : 1; var i; var l; var char_code; var prior_char_code = 0; //for kerning var default_char_width = widths[0] || widthsFractionOf; var output = []; for (i = 0, l = text.length; i < l; i++) { char_code = text.charCodeAt(i); if (typeof activeFont.metadata.widthOfString === "function") { output.push((activeFont.metadata.widthOfGlyph(activeFont.metadata.characterToGlyph(char_code)) + charSpace * (1000 / fontSize) || 0) / 1000); } else { output.push((widths[char_code] || default_char_width) / widthsFractionOf + (kerning[char_code] && kerning[char_code][prior_char_code] || 0) / kerningFractionOf); } prior_char_code = char_code; } return output; }; /** * Calculate the sum of a number-array * * @name getArraySum * @public * @function * @param {Array} array Array of numbers * @returns {number} */ var getArraySum = API.getArraySum = function (array) { var i = array.length, output = 0; while (i) { i--; output += array[i]; } return output; }; /** * Returns a widths of string in a given font, if the font size is set as 1 point. * * In other words, this is "proportional" value. For 1 unit of font size, the length * of the string will be that much. * * Multiply by font size to get actual width in *points* * Then divide by 72 to get inches or divide by (72/25.6) to get 'mm' etc. * * @name getStringUnitWidth * @public * @function * @param {string} text * @param {string} options * @returns {number} result */ var getStringUnitWidth = API.getStringUnitWidth = function (text, options) { options = options || {}; var fontSize = options.fontSize || this.internal.getFontSize(); var font = options.font || this.internal.getFont(); var charSpace = options.charSpace || this.internal.getCharSpace(); var result = 0; if (typeof font.metadata.widthOfString === "function") { result = font.metadata.widthOfString(text, fontSize, charSpace) / fontSize; } else { result = getArraySum(getCharWidthsArray.apply(this, arguments)); } return result; }; /** returns array of lines */ var splitLongWord = function splitLongWord(word, widths_array, firstLineMaxLen, maxLen) { var answer = []; // 1st, chop off the piece that can fit on the hanging line. var i = 0, l = word.length, workingLen = 0; while (i !== l && workingLen + widths_array[i] < firstLineMaxLen) { workingLen += widths_array[i]; i++; } // this is first line. answer.push(word.slice(0, i)); // 2nd. Split the rest into maxLen pieces. var startOfLine = i; workingLen = 0; while (i !== l) { if (workingLen + widths_array[i] > maxLen) { answer.push(word.slice(startOfLine, i)); workingLen = 0; startOfLine = i; } workingLen += widths_array[i]; i++; } if (startOfLine !== i) { answer.push(word.slice(startOfLine, i)); } return answer; }; // Note, all sizing inputs for this function must be in "font measurement units" // By default, for PDF, it's "point". var splitParagraphIntoLines = function splitParagraphIntoLines(text, maxlen, options) { // at this time works only on Western scripts, ones with space char // separating the words. Feel free to expand. if (!options) { options = {}; } var line = [], lines = [line], line_length = options.textIndent || 0, separator_length = 0, current_word_length = 0, word, widths_array, words = text.split(' '), spaceCharWidth = getCharWidthsArray.apply(this, [' ', options])[0], i, l, tmp, lineIndent; if (options.lineIndent === -1) { lineIndent = words[0].length + 2; } else { lineIndent = options.lineIndent || 0; } if (lineIndent) { var pad = Array(lineIndent).join(" "), wrds = []; words.map(function (wrd) { wrd = wrd.split(/\s*\n/); if (wrd.length > 1) { wrds = wrds.concat(wrd.map(function (wrd, idx) { return (idx && wrd.length ? "\n" : "") + wrd; })); } else { wrds.push(wrd[0]); } }); words = wrds; lineIndent = getStringUnitWidth.apply(this, [pad, options]); } for (i = 0, l = words.length; i < l; i++) { var force = 0; word = words[i]; if (lineIndent && word[0] == "\n") { word = word.substr(1); force = 1; } widths_array = getCharWidthsArray.apply(this, [word, options]); current_word_length = getArraySum(widths_array); if (line_length + separator_length + current_word_length > maxlen || force) { if (current_word_length > maxlen) { // this happens when you have space-less long URLs for example. // we just chop these to size. We do NOT insert hiphens tmp = splitLongWord.apply(this, [word, widths_array, maxlen - (line_length + separator_length), maxlen]); // first line we add to existing line object line.push(tmp.shift()); // it's ok to have extra space indicator there // last line we make into new line object line = [tmp.pop()]; // lines in the middle we apped to lines object as whole lines while (tmp.length) { lines.push([tmp.shift()]); // single fragment occupies whole line } current_word_length = getArraySum(widths_array.slice(word.length - (line[0] ? line[0].length : 0))); } else { // just put it on a new line line = [word]; } // now we attach new line to lines lines.push(line); line_length = current_word_length + lineIndent; separator_length = spaceCharWidth; } else { line.push(word); line_length += separator_length + current_word_length; separator_length = spaceCharWidth; } } if (lineIndent) { var postProcess = function postProcess(ln, idx) { return (idx ? pad : '') + ln.join(" "); }; } else { var postProcess = function postProcess(ln) { return ln.join(" "); }; } return lines.map(postProcess); }; /** * Splits a given string into an array of strings. Uses 'size' value * (in measurement units declared as default for the jsPDF instance) * and the font's "widths" and "Kerning" tables, where available, to * determine display length of a given string for a given font. * * We use character's 100% of unit size (height) as width when Width * table or other default width is not available. * * @name splitTextToSize * @public * @function * @param {string} text Unencoded, regular JavaScript (Unicode, UTF-16 / UCS-2) string. * @param {number} size Nominal number, measured in units default to this instance of jsPDF. * @param {Object} options Optional flags needed for chopper to do the right thing. * @returns {Array} array Array with strings chopped to size. */ API.splitTextToSize = function (text, maxlen, options) { options = options || {}; var fsize = options.fontSize || this.internal.getFontSize(), newOptions = function (options) { var widths = { 0: 1 }, kerning = {}; if (!options.widths || !options.kerning) { var f = this.internal.getFont(options.fontName, options.fontStyle), encoding = 'Unicode'; // NOT UTF8, NOT UTF16BE/LE, NOT UCS2BE/LE // Actual JavaScript-native String's 16bit char codes used. // no multi-byte logic here if (f.metadata[encoding]) { return { widths: f.metadata[encoding].widths || widths, kerning: f.metadata[encoding].kerning || kerning }; } else { return { font: f.metadata, fontSize: this.internal.getFontSize(), charSpace: this.internal.getCharSpace() }; } } else { return { widths: options.widths, kerning: options.kerning }; } // then use default values return { widths: widths, kerning: kerning }; }.call(this, options); // first we split on end-of-line chars var paragraphs; if (Array.isArray(text)) { paragraphs = text; } else { paragraphs = text.split(/\r?\n/); } // now we convert size (max length of line) into "font size units" // at present time, the "font size unit" is always 'point' // 'proportional' means, "in proportion to font size" var fontUnit_maxLen = 1.0 * this.internal.scaleFactor * maxlen / fsize; // at this time, fsize is always in "points" regardless of the default measurement unit of the doc. // this may change in the future? // until then, proportional_maxlen is likely to be in 'points' // If first line is to be indented (shorter or longer) than maxLen // we indicate that by using CSS-style "text-indent" option. // here it's in font units too (which is likely 'points') // it can be negative (which makes the first line longer than maxLen) newOptions.textIndent = options.textIndent ? options.textIndent * 1.0 * this.internal.scaleFactor / fsize : 0; newOptions.lineIndent = options.lineIndent; var i, l, output = []; for (i = 0, l = paragraphs.length; i < l; i++) { output = output.concat(splitParagraphIntoLines.apply(this, [paragraphs[i], fontUnit_maxLen, newOptions])); } return output; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** @license jsPDF standard_fonts_metrics plugin * Copyright (c) 2012 Willow Systems Corporation, willow-systems.com * MIT license. * * ==================================================================== */ (function (API) { /* # reference (Python) versions of 'compress' and 'uncompress' # only 'uncompress' function is featured lower as JavaScript # if you want to unit test "roundtrip", just transcribe the reference # 'compress' function from Python into JavaScript def compress(data): keys = '0123456789abcdef' values = 'klmnopqrstuvwxyz' mapping = dict(zip(keys, values)) vals = [] for key in data.keys(): value = data[key] try: keystring = hex(key)[2:] keystring = keystring[:-1] + mapping[keystring[-1:]] except: keystring = key.join(["'","'"]) #print('Keystring is %s' % keystring) try: if value < 0: valuestring = hex(value)[3:] numberprefix = '-' else: valuestring = hex(value)[2:] numberprefix = '' valuestring = numberprefix + valuestring[:-1] + mapping[valuestring[-1:]] except: if type(value) == dict: valuestring = compress(value) else: raise Exception("Don't know what to do with value type %s" % type(value)) vals.append(keystring+valuestring) return '{' + ''.join(vals) + '}' def uncompress(data): decoded = '0123456789abcdef' encoded = 'klmnopqrstuvwxyz' mapping = dict(zip(encoded, decoded)) sign = +1 stringmode = False stringparts = [] output = {} activeobject = output parentchain = [] keyparts = '' valueparts = '' key = None ending = set(encoded) i = 1 l = len(data) - 1 # stripping starting, ending {} while i != l: # stripping {} # -, {, }, ' are special. ch = data[i] i += 1 if ch == "'": if stringmode: # end of string mode stringmode = False key = ''.join(stringparts) else: # start of string mode stringmode = True stringparts = [] elif stringmode == True: #print("Adding %s to stringpart" % ch) stringparts.append(ch) elif ch == '{': # start of object parentchain.append( [activeobject, key] ) activeobject = {} key = None #DEBUG = True elif ch == '}': # end of object parent, key = parentchain.pop() parent[key] = activeobject key = None activeobject = parent #DEBUG = False elif ch == '-': sign = -1 else: # must be number if key == None: #debug("In Key. It is '%s', ch is '%s'" % (keyparts, ch)) if ch in ending: #debug("End of key") keyparts += mapping[ch] key = int(keyparts, 16) * sign sign = +1 keyparts = '' else: keyparts += ch else: #debug("In value. It is '%s', ch is '%s'" % (valueparts, ch)) if ch in ending: #debug("End of value") valueparts += mapping[ch] activeobject[key] = int(valueparts, 16) * sign sign = +1 key = None valueparts = '' else: valueparts += ch #debug(activeobject) return output */ /** Uncompresses data compressed into custom, base16-like format. @public @function @param @returns {Type} */ var uncompress = function uncompress(data) { var decoded = '0123456789abcdef', encoded = 'klmnopqrstuvwxyz', mapping = {}; for (var i = 0; i < encoded.length; i++) { mapping[encoded[i]] = decoded[i]; } var undef, output = {}, sign = 1, stringparts // undef. will be [] in string mode , activeobject = output, parentchain = [], parent_key_pair, keyparts = '', valueparts = '', key // undef. will be Truthy when Key is resolved. , datalen = data.length - 1 // stripping ending } , ch; i = 1; // stripping starting { while (i != datalen) { // - { } ' are special. ch = data[i]; i += 1; if (ch == "'") { if (stringparts) { // end of string mode key = stringparts.join(''); stringparts = undef; } else { // start of string mode stringparts = []; } } else if (stringparts) { stringparts.push(ch); } else if (ch == '{') { // start of object parentchain.push([activeobject, key]); activeobject = {}; key = undef; } else if (ch == '}') { // end of object parent_key_pair = parentchain.pop(); parent_key_pair[0][parent_key_pair[1]] = activeobject; key = undef; activeobject = parent_key_pair[0]; } else if (ch == '-') { sign = -1; } else { // must be number if (key === undef) { if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(ch)) { keyparts += mapping[ch]; key = parseInt(keyparts, 16) * sign; sign = +1; keyparts = ''; } else { keyparts += ch; } } else { if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(ch)) { valueparts += mapping[ch]; activeobject[key] = parseInt(valueparts, 16) * sign; sign = +1; key = undef; valueparts = ''; } else { valueparts += ch; } } } } // end while return output; }; // encoding = 'Unicode' // NOT UTF8, NOT UTF16BE/LE, NOT UCS2BE/LE. NO clever BOM behavior // Actual 16bit char codes used. // no multi-byte logic here // Unicode characters to WinAnsiEncoding: // {402: 131, 8211: 150, 8212: 151, 8216: 145, 8217: 146, 8218: 130, 8220: 147, 8221: 148, 8222: 132, 8224: 134, 8225: 135, 8226: 149, 8230: 133, 8364: 128, 8240:137, 8249: 139, 8250: 155, 710: 136, 8482: 153, 338: 140, 339: 156, 732: 152, 352: 138, 353: 154, 376: 159, 381: 142, 382: 158} // as you can see, all Unicode chars are outside of 0-255 range. No char code conflicts. // this means that you can give Win cp1252 encoded strings to jsPDF for rendering directly // as well as give strings with some (supported by these fonts) Unicode characters and // these will be mapped to win cp1252 // for example, you can send char code (cp1252) 0x80 or (unicode) 0x20AC, getting "Euro" glyph displayed in both cases. var encodingBlock = { 'codePages': ['WinAnsiEncoding'], 'WinAnsiEncoding': uncompress("{19m8n201n9q201o9r201s9l201t9m201u8m201w9n201x9o201y8o202k8q202l8r202m9p202q8p20aw8k203k8t203t8v203u9v2cq8s212m9t15m8w15n9w2dw9s16k8u16l9u17s9z17x8y17y9y}") }, encodings = { 'Unicode': { 'Courier': encodingBlock, 'Courier-Bold': encodingBlock, 'Courier-BoldOblique': encodingBlock, 'Courier-Oblique': encodingBlock, 'Helvetica': encodingBlock, 'Helvetica-Bold': encodingBlock, 'Helvetica-BoldOblique': encodingBlock, 'Helvetica-Oblique': encodingBlock, 'Times-Roman': encodingBlock, 'Times-Bold': encodingBlock, 'Times-BoldItalic': encodingBlock, 'Times-Italic': encodingBlock // , 'Symbol' // , 'ZapfDingbats' } }, fontMetrics = { 'Unicode': { // all sizing numbers are n/fontMetricsFractionOf = one font size unit // this means that if fontMetricsFractionOf = 1000, and letter A's width is 476, it's // width is 476/1000 or 47.6% of its height (regardless of font size) // At this time this value applies to "widths" and "kerning" numbers. // char code 0 represents "default" (average) width - use it for chars missing in this table. // key 'fof' represents the "fontMetricsFractionOf" value 'Courier-Oblique': uncompress("{'widths'{k3w'fof'6o}'kerning'{'fof'-6o}}"), 'Times-BoldItalic': uncompress("{'widths'{k3o2q4ycx2r201n3m201o6o201s2l201t2l201u2l201w3m201x3m201y3m2k1t2l2r202m2n2n3m2o3m2p5n202q6o2r1w2s2l2t2l2u3m2v3t2w1t2x2l2y1t2z1w3k3m3l3m3m3m3n3m3o3m3p3m3q3m3r3m3s3m203t2l203u2l3v2l3w3t3x3t3y3t3z3m4k5n4l4m4m4m4n4m4o4s4p4m4q4m4r4s4s4y4t2r4u3m4v4m4w3x4x5t4y4s4z4s5k3x5l4s5m4m5n3r5o3x5p4s5q4m5r5t5s4m5t3x5u3x5v2l5w1w5x2l5y3t5z3m6k2l6l3m6m3m6n2w6o3m6p2w6q2l6r3m6s3r6t1w6u1w6v3m6w1w6x4y6y3r6z3m7k3m7l3m7m2r7n2r7o1w7p3r7q2w7r4m7s3m7t2w7u2r7v2n7w1q7x2n7y3t202l3mcl4mal2ram3man3mao3map3mar3mas2lat4uau1uav3maw3way4uaz2lbk2sbl3t'fof'6obo2lbp3tbq3mbr1tbs2lbu1ybv3mbz3mck4m202k3mcm4mcn4mco4mcp4mcq5ycr4mcs4mct4mcu4mcv4mcw2r2m3rcy2rcz2rdl4sdm4sdn4sdo4sdp4sdq4sds4sdt4sdu4sdv4sdw4sdz3mek3mel3mem3men3meo3mep3meq4ser2wes2wet2weu2wev2wew1wex1wey1wez1wfl3rfm3mfn3mfo3mfp3mfq3mfr3tfs3mft3rfu3rfv3rfw3rfz2w203k6o212m6o2dw2l2cq2l3t3m3u2l17s3x19m3m}'kerning'{cl{4qu5kt5qt5rs17ss5ts}201s{201ss}201t{cks4lscmscnscoscpscls2wu2yu201ts}201x{2wu2yu}2k{201ts}2w{4qx5kx5ou5qx5rs17su5tu}2x{17su5tu5ou}2y{4qx5kx5ou5qx5rs17ss5ts}'fof'-6ofn{17sw5tw5ou5qw5rs}7t{cksclscmscnscoscps4ls}3u{17su5tu5os5qs}3v{17su5tu5os5qs}7p{17su5tu}ck{4qu5kt5qt5rs17ss5ts}4l{4qu5kt5qt5rs17ss5ts}cm{4qu5kt5qt5rs17ss5ts}cn{4qu5kt5qt5rs17ss5ts}co{4qu5kt5qt5rs17ss5ts}cp{4qu5kt5qt5rs17ss5ts}6l{4qu5ou5qw5rt17su5tu}5q{ckuclucmucnucoucpu4lu}5r{ckuclucmucnucoucpu4lu}7q{cksclscmscnscoscps4ls}6p{4qu5ou5qw5rt17sw5tw}ek{4qu5ou5qw5rt17su5tu}el{4qu5ou5qw5rt17su5tu}em{4qu5ou5qw5rt17su5tu}en{4qu5ou5qw5rt17su5tu}eo{4qu5ou5qw5rt17su5tu}ep{4qu5ou5qw5rt17su5tu}es{17ss5ts5qs4qu}et{4qu5ou5qw5rt17sw5tw}eu{4qu5ou5qw5rt17ss5ts}ev{17ss5ts5qs4qu}6z{17sw5tw5ou5qw5rs}fm{17sw5tw5ou5qw5rs}7n{201ts}fo{17sw5tw5ou5qw5rs}fp{17sw5tw5ou5qw5rs}fq{17sw5tw5ou5qw5rs}7r{cksclscmscnscoscps4ls}fs{17sw5tw5ou5qw5rs}ft{17su5tu}fu{17su5tu}fv{17su5tu}fw{17su5tu}fz{cksclscmscnscoscps4ls}}}"), 'Helvetica-Bold': 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} }; /* This event handler is fired when a new jsPDF object is initialized This event handler appends metrics data to standard fonts within that jsPDF instance. The metrics are mapped over Unicode character codes, NOT CIDs or other codes matching the StandardEncoding table of the standard PDF fonts. Future: Also included is the encoding maping table, converting Unicode (UCS-2, UTF-16) char codes to StandardEncoding character codes. The encoding table is to be used somewhere around "pdfEscape" call. */ API.events.push(['addFont', function (data) { var font = data.font; var metrics, unicode_section, encoding = 'Unicode', encodingBlock; metrics = fontMetrics[encoding][font.postScriptName]; if (metrics) { if (font.metadata[encoding]) { unicode_section = font.metadata[encoding]; } else { unicode_section = font.metadata[encoding] = {}; } unicode_section.widths = metrics.widths; unicode_section.kerning = metrics.kerning; } encodingBlock = encodings[encoding][font.postScriptName]; if (encodingBlock) { if (font.metadata[encoding]) { unicode_section = font.metadata[encoding]; } else { unicode_section = font.metadata[encoding] = {}; } unicode_section.encoding = encodingBlock; if (encodingBlock.codePages && encodingBlock.codePages.length) { font.encoding = encodingBlock.codePages[0]; } } }]); // end of adding event handler })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * @name ttfsupport * @module */ (function (jsPDF, global) { jsPDF.API.events.push(['addFont', function (data) { var font = data.font; var instance = data.instance; if (typeof instance !== "undefined" && instance.existsFileInVFS(font.postScriptName)) { var file = instance.getFileFromVFS(font.postScriptName); if (typeof file !== "string") { throw new Error("Font is not stored as string-data in vFS, import fonts or remove declaration doc.addFont('" + font.postScriptName + "')."); } font.metadata = jsPDF.API.TTFFont.open(font.postScriptName, font.fontName, file, font.encoding); font.metadata.Unicode = font.metadata.Unicode || { encoding: {}, kerning: {}, widths: [] }; font.metadata.glyIdsUsed = [0]; } else if (font.isStandardFont === false) { throw new Error("Font does not exist in vFS, import fonts or remove declaration doc.addFont('" + font.postScriptName + "')."); } }]); // end of adding event handler })(jsPDF, typeof self !== "undefined" && self || typeof global !== "undefined" && global || typeof window !== "undefined" && window || Function("return this")()); /** @license * Copyright (c) 2012 Willow Systems Corporation, willow-systems.com * * * ==================================================================== */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /** * Parses SVG XML and converts only some of the SVG elements into * PDF elements. * * Supports: * paths * * @name addSvg * @public * @function * @param {string} SVG-Data as Text * @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page * @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page * @param {number} width of SVG (in units declared at inception of PDF document) * @param {number} height of SVG (in units declared at inception of PDF document) * @returns {Object} jsPDF-instance */ jsPDFAPI.addSvg = function (svgtext, x, y, w, h) { // 'this' is _jsPDF object returned when jsPDF is inited (new jsPDF()) var undef; if (x === undef || y === undef) { throw new Error("addSVG needs values for 'x' and 'y'"); } function InjectCSS(cssbody, document) { var styletag = document.createElement('style'); styletag.type = 'text/css'; if (styletag.styleSheet) { // ie styletag.styleSheet.cssText = cssbody; } else { // others styletag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssbody)); } document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(styletag); } function createWorkerNode(document) { var frameID = 'childframe' // Date.now().toString() + '_' + (Math.random() * 100).toString() , frame = document.createElement('iframe'); InjectCSS('.jsPDF_sillysvg_iframe {display:none;position:absolute;}', document); frame.name = frameID; frame.setAttribute("width", 0); frame.setAttribute("height", 0); frame.setAttribute("frameborder", "0"); frame.setAttribute("scrolling", "no"); frame.setAttribute("seamless", "seamless"); frame.setAttribute("class", "jsPDF_sillysvg_iframe"); document.body.appendChild(frame); return frame; } function attachSVGToWorkerNode(svgtext, frame) { var framedoc = (frame.contentWindow || frame.contentDocument).document; framedoc.write(svgtext); framedoc.close(); return framedoc.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]; } function convertPathToPDFLinesArgs(path) { // - starting coordinate pair // - array of arrays of vector shifts (2-len for line, 6 len for bezier) // - scale array [horizontal, vertical] ratios // - style (stroke, fill, both) var x = parseFloat(path[1]), y = parseFloat(path[2]), vectors = [], position = 3, len = path.length; while (position < len) { if (path[position] === 'c') { vectors.push([parseFloat(path[position + 1]), parseFloat(path[position + 2]), parseFloat(path[position + 3]), parseFloat(path[position + 4]), parseFloat(path[position + 5]), parseFloat(path[position + 6])]); position += 7; } else if (path[position] === 'l') { vectors.push([parseFloat(path[position + 1]), parseFloat(path[position + 2])]); position += 3; } else { position += 1; } } return [x, y, vectors]; } var workernode = createWorkerNode(document), svgnode = attachSVGToWorkerNode(svgtext, workernode), scale = [1, 1], svgw = parseFloat(svgnode.getAttribute('width')), svgh = parseFloat(svgnode.getAttribute('height')); if (svgw && svgh) { // setting both w and h makes image stretch to size. // this may distort the image, but fits your demanded size if (w && h) { scale = [w / svgw, h / svgh]; } // if only one is set, that value is set as max and SVG // is scaled proportionately. else if (w) { scale = [w / svgw, w / svgw]; } else if (h) { scale = [h / svgh, h / svgh]; } } var i, l, tmp, linesargs, items = svgnode.childNodes; for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { tmp = items[i]; if (tmp.tagName && tmp.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'PATH') { linesargs = convertPathToPDFLinesArgs(tmp.getAttribute("d").split(' ')); // path start x coordinate linesargs[0] = linesargs[0] * scale[0] + x; // where x is upper left X of image // path start y coordinate linesargs[1] = linesargs[1] * scale[1] + y; // where y is upper left Y of image // the rest of lines are vectors. these will adjust with scale value auto. this.lines.call(this, linesargs[2] // lines , linesargs[0] // starting x , linesargs[1] // starting y , scale); } } // clean up // workernode.parentNode.removeChild(workernode) return this; }; //fallback jsPDFAPI.addSVG = jsPDFAPI.addSvg; /** * Parses SVG XML and saves it as image into the PDF. * * Depends on canvas-element and canvg * * @name addSvgAsImage * @public * @function * @param {string} SVG-Data as Text * @param {number} x Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against left edge of the page * @param {number} y Coordinate (in units declared at inception of PDF document) against upper edge of the page * @param {number} width of SVG-Image (in units declared at inception of PDF document) * @param {number} height of SVG-Image (in units declared at inception of PDF document) * @param {string} alias of SVG-Image (if used multiple times) * @param {string} compression of the generated JPEG, can have the values 'NONE', 'FAST', 'MEDIUM' and 'SLOW' * @param {number} rotation of the image in degrees (0-359) * * @returns jsPDF jsPDF-instance */ jsPDFAPI.addSvgAsImage = function (svg, x, y, w, h, alias, compression, rotation) { if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { console.error('jsPDF.addSvgAsImage: Invalid coordinates', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid coordinates passed to jsPDF.addSvgAsImage'); } if (isNaN(w) || isNaN(h)) { console.error('jsPDF.addSvgAsImage: Invalid measurements', arguments); throw new Error('Invalid measurements (width and/or height) passed to jsPDF.addSvgAsImage'); } var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'; /// set white fill style ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //load a svg snippet in the canvas with id = 'drawingArea' canvg(canvas, svg, { ignoreMouse: true, ignoreAnimation: true, ignoreDimensions: true, ignoreClear: true }); this.addImage(canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0), x, y, w, h, compression, rotation); return this; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @license * ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2013 Eduardo Menezes de Morais, eduardo.morais@usp.br * * * ==================================================================== */ /** * jsPDF total_pages plugin * @name total_pages * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /** * @name putTotalPages * @function * @param {string} pageExpression Regular Expression * @returns {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance */ jsPDFAPI.putTotalPages = function (pageExpression) { var replaceExpression; var totalNumberOfPages = 0; if (parseInt(this.internal.getFont().id.substr(1), 10) < 15) { replaceExpression = new RegExp(pageExpression, 'g'); totalNumberOfPages = this.internal.getNumberOfPages(); } else { replaceExpression = new RegExp(this.pdfEscape16(pageExpression, this.internal.getFont()), 'g'); totalNumberOfPages = this.pdfEscape16(this.internal.getNumberOfPages() + '', this.internal.getFont()); } for (var n = 1; n <= this.internal.getNumberOfPages(); n++) { for (var i = 0; i < this.internal.pages[n].length; i++) { this.internal.pages[n][i] = this.internal.pages[n][i].replace(replaceExpression, totalNumberOfPages); } } return this; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * jsPDF viewerPreferences Plugin * @author Aras Abbasi (github.com/arasabbasi) * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * Adds the ability to set ViewerPreferences and by thus * controlling the way the document is to be presented on the * screen or in print. * @name viewerpreferences * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /** * Set the ViewerPreferences of the generated PDF * * @name viewerPreferences * @function * @public * @param {Object} options Array with the ViewerPreferences
      * Example: doc.viewerPreferences({"FitWindow":true});
      * You can set following preferences:
      * HideToolbar (boolean)
      * Default value: false
      * HideMenubar (boolean)
      * Default value: false.
      * HideWindowUI (boolean)
      * Default value: false.
      * FitWindow (boolean)
      * Default value: false.
      * CenterWindow (boolean)
      * Default value: false
      * DisplayDocTitle (boolean)
      * Default value: false.
      * NonFullScreenPageMode (string)
      * Possible values: UseNone, UseOutlines, UseThumbs, UseOC
      * Default value: UseNone
      * Direction (string)
      * Possible values: L2R, R2L
      * Default value: L2R.
      * ViewArea (string)
      * Possible values: MediaBox, CropBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, ArtBox
      * Default value: CropBox.
      * ViewClip (string)
      * Possible values: MediaBox, CropBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, ArtBox
      * Default value: CropBox
      * PrintArea (string)
      * Possible values: MediaBox, CropBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, ArtBox
      * Default value: CropBox
      * PrintClip (string)
      * Possible values: MediaBox, CropBox, TrimBox, BleedBox, ArtBox
      * Default value: CropBox.
      * PrintScaling (string)
      * Possible values: AppDefault, None
      * Default value: AppDefault.
      * Duplex (string)
      * Possible values: Simplex, DuplexFlipLongEdge, DuplexFlipShortEdge * Default value: none
      * PickTrayByPDFSize (boolean)
      * Default value: false
      * PrintPageRange (Array)
      * Example: [[1,5], [7,9]]
      * Default value: as defined by PDF viewer application
      * NumCopies (Number)
      * Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
      * Default value: 1
      * For more information see the PDF Reference, sixth edition on Page 577 * @param {boolean} doReset True to reset the settings * @function * @returns jsPDF jsPDF-instance * @example * var doc = new jsPDF() * doc.text('This is a test', 10, 10) * doc.viewerPreferences({'FitWindow': true}, true) * doc.save("viewerPreferences.pdf") * * // Example printing 10 copies, using cropbox, and hiding UI. * doc.viewerPreferences({ * 'HideWindowUI': true, * 'PrintArea': 'CropBox', * 'NumCopies': 10 * }) */ jsPDFAPI.viewerPreferences = function (options, doReset) { options = options || {}; doReset = doReset || false; var configuration; var configurationTemplate = { "HideToolbar": { defaultValue: false, value: false, type: "boolean", explicitSet: false, valueSet: [true, false], pdfVersion: 1.3 }, "HideMenubar": { defaultValue: false, value: false, type: "boolean", explicitSet: false, valueSet: [true, false], pdfVersion: 1.3 }, "HideWindowUI": { defaultValue: false, value: false, type: "boolean", explicitSet: false, valueSet: [true, false], pdfVersion: 1.3 }, "FitWindow": { defaultValue: false, value: false, type: "boolean", explicitSet: false, valueSet: [true, false], pdfVersion: 1.3 }, "CenterWindow": { defaultValue: false, value: false, type: "boolean", explicitSet: false, valueSet: [true, false], pdfVersion: 1.3 }, "DisplayDocTitle": { defaultValue: false, value: false, type: "boolean", explicitSet: false, valueSet: [true, false], pdfVersion: 1.4 }, "NonFullScreenPageMode": { defaultValue: "UseNone", value: "UseNone", type: "name", explicitSet: false, valueSet: ["UseNone", "UseOutlines", "UseThumbs", "UseOC"], pdfVersion: 1.3 }, "Direction": { defaultValue: "L2R", value: "L2R", type: "name", explicitSet: false, valueSet: ["L2R", "R2L"], pdfVersion: 1.3 }, "ViewArea": { defaultValue: "CropBox", value: "CropBox", type: "name", explicitSet: false, valueSet: ["MediaBox", "CropBox", "TrimBox", "BleedBox", "ArtBox"], pdfVersion: 1.4 }, "ViewClip": { defaultValue: "CropBox", value: "CropBox", type: "name", explicitSet: false, valueSet: ["MediaBox", "CropBox", "TrimBox", "BleedBox", "ArtBox"], pdfVersion: 1.4 }, "PrintArea": { defaultValue: "CropBox", value: "CropBox", type: "name", explicitSet: false, valueSet: ["MediaBox", "CropBox", "TrimBox", "BleedBox", "ArtBox"], pdfVersion: 1.4 }, "PrintClip": { defaultValue: "CropBox", value: "CropBox", type: "name", explicitSet: false, valueSet: ["MediaBox", "CropBox", "TrimBox", "BleedBox", "ArtBox"], pdfVersion: 1.4 }, "PrintScaling": { defaultValue: "AppDefault", value: "AppDefault", type: "name", explicitSet: false, valueSet: ["AppDefault", "None"], pdfVersion: 1.6 }, "Duplex": { defaultValue: "", value: "none", type: "name", explicitSet: false, valueSet: ["Simplex", "DuplexFlipShortEdge", "DuplexFlipLongEdge", "none"], pdfVersion: 1.7 }, "PickTrayByPDFSize": { defaultValue: false, value: false, type: "boolean", explicitSet: false, valueSet: [true, false], pdfVersion: 1.7 }, "PrintPageRange": { defaultValue: "", value: "", type: "array", explicitSet: false, valueSet: null, pdfVersion: 1.7 }, "NumCopies": { defaultValue: 1, value: 1, type: "integer", explicitSet: false, valueSet: null, pdfVersion: 1.7 } }; var configurationKeys = Object.keys(configurationTemplate); var rangeArray = []; var i = 0; var j = 0; var k = 0; var isValid = true; var method; var value; function arrayContainsElement(array, element) { var iterator; var result = false; for (iterator = 0; iterator < array.length; iterator += 1) { if (array[iterator] === element) { result = true; } } return result; } if (this.internal.viewerpreferences === undefined) { this.internal.viewerpreferences = {}; this.internal.viewerpreferences.configuration = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(configurationTemplate)); this.internal.viewerpreferences.isSubscribed = false; } configuration = this.internal.viewerpreferences.configuration; if (options === "reset" || doReset === true) { var len = configurationKeys.length; for (k = 0; k < len; k += 1) { configuration[configurationKeys[k]].value = configuration[configurationKeys[k]].defaultValue; configuration[configurationKeys[k]].explicitSet = false; } } if (_typeof(options) === "object") { for (method in options) { value = options[method]; if (arrayContainsElement(configurationKeys, method) && value !== undefined) { if (configuration[method].type === "boolean" && typeof value === "boolean") { configuration[method].value = value; } else if (configuration[method].type === "name" && arrayContainsElement(configuration[method].valueSet, value)) { configuration[method].value = value; } else if (configuration[method].type === "integer" && Number.isInteger(value)) { configuration[method].value = value; } else if (configuration[method].type === "array") { for (i = 0; i < value.length; i += 1) { isValid = true; if (value[i].length === 1 && typeof value[i][0] === "number") { rangeArray.push(String(value[i] - 1)); } else if (value[i].length > 1) { for (j = 0; j < value[i].length; j += 1) { if (typeof value[i][j] !== "number") { isValid = false; } } if (isValid === true) { rangeArray.push([value[i][0] - 1, value[i][1] - 1].join(" ")); } } } configuration[method].value = "[" + rangeArray.join(" ") + "]"; } else { configuration[method].value = configuration[method].defaultValue; } configuration[method].explicitSet = true; } } } if (this.internal.viewerpreferences.isSubscribed === false) { this.internal.events.subscribe("putCatalog", function () { var pdfDict = []; var vPref; for (vPref in configuration) { if (configuration[vPref].explicitSet === true) { if (configuration[vPref].type === "name") { pdfDict.push("/" + vPref + " /" + configuration[vPref].value); } else { pdfDict.push("/" + vPref + " " + configuration[vPref].value); } } } if (pdfDict.length !== 0) { this.internal.write("/ViewerPreferences\n<<\n" + pdfDict.join("\n") + "\n>>"); } }); this.internal.viewerpreferences.isSubscribed = true; } this.internal.viewerpreferences.configuration = configuration; return this; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** ==================================================================== * jsPDF XMP metadata plugin * Copyright (c) 2016 Jussi Utunen, u-jussi@suomi24.fi * * * ==================================================================== */ /*global jsPDF */ /** * @name xmp_metadata * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { var xmpmetadata = ""; var xmpnamespaceuri = ""; var metadata_object_number = ""; /** * Adds XMP formatted metadata to PDF * * @name addMetadata * @function * @param {String} metadata The actual metadata to be added. The metadata shall be stored as XMP simple value. Note that if the metadata string contains XML markup characters "<", ">" or "&", those characters should be written using XML entities. * @param {String} namespaceuri Sets the namespace URI for the metadata. Last character should be slash or hash. * @returns {jsPDF} jsPDF-instance */ jsPDFAPI.addMetadata = function (metadata, namespaceuri) { xmpnamespaceuri = namespaceuri || "http://jspdf.default.namespaceuri/"; //The namespace URI for an XMP name shall not be empty xmpmetadata = metadata; this.internal.events.subscribe('postPutResources', function () { if (!xmpmetadata) { metadata_object_number = ""; } else { var xmpmeta_beginning = ''; var rdf_beginning = ''; var rdf_ending = ''; var xmpmeta_ending = ''; var utf8_xmpmeta_beginning = unescape(encodeURIComponent(xmpmeta_beginning)); var utf8_rdf_beginning = unescape(encodeURIComponent(rdf_beginning)); var utf8_metadata = unescape(encodeURIComponent(xmpmetadata)); var utf8_rdf_ending = unescape(encodeURIComponent(rdf_ending)); var utf8_xmpmeta_ending = unescape(encodeURIComponent(xmpmeta_ending)); var total_len = utf8_rdf_beginning.length + utf8_metadata.length + utf8_rdf_ending.length + utf8_xmpmeta_beginning.length + utf8_xmpmeta_ending.length; metadata_object_number = this.internal.newObject(); this.internal.write('<< /Type /Metadata /Subtype /XML /Length ' + total_len + ' >>'); this.internal.write('stream'); this.internal.write(utf8_xmpmeta_beginning + utf8_rdf_beginning + utf8_metadata + utf8_rdf_ending + utf8_xmpmeta_ending); this.internal.write('endstream'); this.internal.write('endobj'); } }); this.internal.events.subscribe('putCatalog', function () { if (metadata_object_number) { this.internal.write('/Metadata ' + metadata_object_number + ' 0 R'); } }); return this; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * @name utf8 * @module */ (function (jsPDF, global) { var jsPDFAPI = jsPDF.API; /**************************************************/ /* function : toHex */ /* comment : Replace str with a hex string. */ /**************************************************/ function toHex(str) { var hex = ''; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { hex += '' + str.charCodeAt(i).toString(16); } return hex; } /***************************************************************************************************/ /* function : pdfEscape16 */ /* comment : The character id of a 2-byte string is converted to a hexadecimal number by obtaining */ /* the corresponding glyph id and width, and then adding padding to the string. */ /***************************************************************************************************/ var pdfEscape16 = jsPDFAPI.pdfEscape16 = function (text, font) { var widths = font.metadata.Unicode.widths; var padz = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000"]; var ar = [""]; for (var i = 0, l = text.length, t; i < l; ++i) { t = font.metadata.characterToGlyph(text.charCodeAt(i)); font.metadata.glyIdsUsed.push(t); font.metadata.toUnicode[t] = text.charCodeAt(i); if (widths.indexOf(t) == -1) { widths.push(t); widths.push([parseInt(font.metadata.widthOfGlyph(t), 10)]); } if (t == '0') { //Spaces are not allowed in cmap. return ar.join(""); } else { t = t.toString(16); ar.push(padz[4 - t.length], t); } } return ar.join(""); }; var toUnicodeCmap = function toUnicodeCmap(map) { var code, codes, range, unicode, unicodeMap, _i, _len; unicodeMap = '/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n12 dict begin\nbegincmap\n/CIDSystemInfo <<\n /Registry (Adobe)\n /Ordering (UCS)\n /Supplement 0\n>> def\n/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def\n/CMapType 2 def\n1 begincodespacerange\n<0000>\nendcodespacerange'; codes = Object.keys(map).sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); range = []; for (_i = 0, _len = codes.length; _i < _len; _i++) { code = codes[_i]; if (range.length >= 100) { unicodeMap += "\n" + range.length + " beginbfchar\n" + range.join('\n') + "\nendbfchar"; range = []; } unicode = ('0000' + map[code].toString(16)).slice(-4); code = ('0000' + (+code).toString(16)).slice(-4); range.push("<" + code + "><" + unicode + ">"); } if (range.length) { unicodeMap += "\n" + range.length + " beginbfchar\n" + range.join('\n') + "\nendbfchar\n"; } unicodeMap += 'endcmap\nCMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\nend\nend'; return unicodeMap; }; var identityHFunction = function identityHFunction(font, out, newObject, putStream) { if (font.metadata instanceof jsPDF.API.TTFFont && font.encoding === 'Identity-H') { //Tag with Identity-H var widths = font.metadata.Unicode.widths; var data = font.metadata.subset.encode(font.metadata.glyIdsUsed, 1); var pdfOutput = data; var pdfOutput2 = ""; for (var i = 0; i < pdfOutput.length; i++) { pdfOutput2 += String.fromCharCode(pdfOutput[i]); } var fontTable = newObject(); putStream({ data: pdfOutput2, addLength1: true }); out('endobj'); var cmap = newObject(); var cmapData = toUnicodeCmap(font.metadata.toUnicode); putStream({ data: cmapData, addLength1: true }); out('endobj'); var fontDescriptor = newObject(); out('<<'); out('/Type /FontDescriptor'); out('/FontName /' + font.fontName); out('/FontFile2 ' + fontTable + ' 0 R'); out('/FontBBox ' + jsPDF.API.PDFObject.convert(font.metadata.bbox)); out('/Flags ' + font.metadata.flags); out('/StemV ' + font.metadata.stemV); out('/ItalicAngle ' + font.metadata.italicAngle); out('/Ascent ' + font.metadata.ascender); out('/Descent ' + font.metadata.decender); out('/CapHeight ' + font.metadata.capHeight); out('>>'); out('endobj'); var DescendantFont = newObject(); out('<<'); out('/Type /Font'); out('/BaseFont /' + font.fontName); out('/FontDescriptor ' + fontDescriptor + ' 0 R'); out('/W ' + jsPDF.API.PDFObject.convert(widths)); out('/CIDToGIDMap /Identity'); out('/DW 1000'); out('/Subtype /CIDFontType2'); out('/CIDSystemInfo'); out('<<'); out('/Supplement 0'); out('/Registry (Adobe)'); out('/Ordering (' + font.encoding + ')'); out('>>'); out('>>'); out('endobj'); font.objectNumber = newObject(); out('<<'); out('/Type /Font'); out('/Subtype /Type0'); out('/ToUnicode ' + cmap + ' 0 R'); out('/BaseFont /' + font.fontName); out('/Encoding /' + font.encoding); out('/DescendantFonts [' + DescendantFont + ' 0 R]'); out('>>'); out('endobj'); font.isAlreadyPutted = true; } }; jsPDFAPI.events.push(['putFont', function (args) { identityHFunction(args.font, args.out, args.newObject, args.putStream); }]); var winAnsiEncodingFunction = function winAnsiEncodingFunction(font, out, newObject, putStream) { if (font.metadata instanceof jsPDF.API.TTFFont && font.encoding === 'WinAnsiEncoding') { //Tag with WinAnsi encoding var widths = font.metadata.Unicode.widths; var data = font.metadata.rawData; var pdfOutput = data; var pdfOutput2 = ""; for (var i = 0; i < pdfOutput.length; i++) { pdfOutput2 += String.fromCharCode(pdfOutput[i]); } var fontTable = newObject(); putStream({ data: pdfOutput2, addLength1: true }); out('endobj'); var cmap = newObject(); var cmapData = toUnicodeCmap(font.metadata.toUnicode); putStream({ data: cmapData, addLength1: true }); out('endobj'); var fontDescriptor = newObject(); out('<<'); out('/Descent ' + font.metadata.decender); out('/CapHeight ' + font.metadata.capHeight); out('/StemV ' + font.metadata.stemV); out('/Type /FontDescriptor'); out('/FontFile2 ' + fontTable + ' 0 R'); out('/Flags 96'); out('/FontBBox ' + jsPDF.API.PDFObject.convert(font.metadata.bbox)); out('/FontName /' + font.fontName); out('/ItalicAngle ' + font.metadata.italicAngle); out('/Ascent ' + font.metadata.ascender); out('>>'); out('endobj'); font.objectNumber = newObject(); for (var i = 0; i < font.metadata.hmtx.widths.length; i++) { font.metadata.hmtx.widths[i] = parseInt(font.metadata.hmtx.widths[i] * (1000 / font.metadata.head.unitsPerEm)); //Change the width of Em units to Point units. } out('<>'); out('endobj'); font.isAlreadyPutted = true; } }; jsPDFAPI.events.push(['putFont', function (args) { winAnsiEncodingFunction(args.font, args.out, args.newObject, args.putStream); }]); var utf8TextFunction = function utf8TextFunction(args) { var text = args.text || ''; var x = args.x; var y = args.y; var options = args.options || {}; var mutex = args.mutex || {}; var pdfEscape = mutex.pdfEscape; var activeFontKey = mutex.activeFontKey; var fonts = mutex.fonts; var key, fontSize = mutex.activeFontSize; var str = '', s = 0, cmapConfirm; var strText = ''; var key = activeFontKey; var encoding = fonts[key].encoding; if (fonts[key].encoding !== 'Identity-H') { return { text: text, x: x, y: y, options: options, mutex: mutex }; } strText = text; key = activeFontKey; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text) === '[object Array]') { strText = text[0]; } for (s = 0; s < strText.length; s += 1) { if (fonts[key].metadata.hasOwnProperty('cmap')) { cmapConfirm = fonts[key].metadata.cmap.unicode.codeMap[strText[s].charCodeAt(0)]; /* if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text) === '[object Array]') { var i = 0; // for (i = 0; i < text.length; i += 1) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text[s]) === '[object Array]') { cmapConfirm = fonts[key].metadata.cmap.unicode.codeMap[strText[s][0].charCodeAt(0)]; //Make sure the cmap has the corresponding glyph id } else { } //} } else { cmapConfirm = fonts[key].metadata.cmap.unicode.codeMap[strText[s].charCodeAt(0)]; //Make sure the cmap has the corresponding glyph id }*/ } if (!cmapConfirm) { if (strText[s].charCodeAt(0) < 256 && fonts[key].metadata.hasOwnProperty('Unicode')) { str += strText[s]; } else { str += ''; } } else { str += strText[s]; } } var result = ''; if (parseInt(key.slice(1)) < 14 || encoding === 'WinAnsiEncoding') { //For the default 13 font result = toHex(pdfEscape(str, key)); } else if (encoding === 'Identity-H') { result = pdfEscape16(str, fonts[key]); } mutex.isHex = true; return { text: result, x: x, y: y, options: options, mutex: mutex }; }; var utf8EscapeFunction = function utf8EscapeFunction(parms) { var text = parms.text || '', x = parms.x, y = parms.y, options = parms.options, mutex = parms.mutex; var lang = options.lang; var tmpText = []; var args = { text: text, x: x, y: y, options: options, mutex: mutex }; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text) === '[object Array]') { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < text.length; i += 1) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(text[i]) === '[object Array]') { if (text[i].length === 3) { tmpText.push([utf8TextFunction(Object.assign({}, args, { text: text[i][0] })).text, text[i][1], text[i][2]]); } else { tmpText.push(utf8TextFunction(Object.assign({}, args, { text: text[i] })).text); } } else { tmpText.push(utf8TextFunction(Object.assign({}, args, { text: text[i] })).text); } } parms.text = tmpText; } else { parms.text = utf8TextFunction(Object.assign({}, args, { text: text })).text; } }; jsPDFAPI.events.push(['postProcessText', utf8EscapeFunction]); })(jsPDF, typeof self !== "undefined" && self || typeof global !== "undefined" && global || typeof window !== "undefined" && window || Function("return this")()); /** * jsPDF virtual FileSystem functionality * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ /** * Use the vFS to handle files * * @name vFS * @module */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { var _initializeVFS = function _initializeVFS(instance) { if (typeof instance === "undefined") { return false; } if (typeof instance.vFS === "undefined") { instance.vFS = {}; } return true; }; /** * Check if the file exists in the vFS * * @name existsFileInVFS * @function * @param {string} Possible filename in the vFS. * @returns {boolean} * @example * doc.existsFileInVFS("someFile.txt"); */ jsPDFAPI.existsFileInVFS = function (filename) { if (_initializeVFS(this.internal)) { return typeof this.internal.vFS[filename] !== "undefined"; } return false; }; /** * Add a file to the vFS * * @name addFileToVFS * @function * @param {string} filename The name of the file which should be added. * @param {string} filecontent The content of the file. * @returns {jsPDF} * @example * doc.addFileToVFS("someFile.txt", "BADFACE1"); */ jsPDFAPI.addFileToVFS = function (filename, filecontent) { _initializeVFS(this.internal); this.internal.vFS[filename] = filecontent; return this; }; /** * Get the file from the vFS * * @name getFileFromVFS * @function * @param {string} The name of the file which gets requested. * @returns {string} * @example * doc.getFileFromVFS("someFile.txt"); */ jsPDFAPI.getFileFromVFS = function (filename) { _initializeVFS(this.internal); if (typeof this.internal.vFS[filename] !== "undefined") { return this.internal.vFS[filename]; } return null; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * jsPDF addHTML PlugIn * Copyright (c) 2014 Diego Casorran * * Licensed under the MIT License. * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { /** * Renders an HTML element to canvas object which added to the PDF * * This feature requires [html2canvas](https://github.com/niklasvh/html2canvas) * or [rasterizeHTML](https://github.com/cburgmer/rasterizeHTML.js) * * @returns {jsPDF} * @name addHTML * @param element {Mixed} HTML Element, or anything supported by html2canvas. * @param x {Number} starting X coordinate in jsPDF instance's declared units. * @param y {Number} starting Y coordinate in jsPDF instance's declared units. * @param options {Object} Additional options, check the code below. * @param callback {Function} to call when the rendering has finished. * NOTE: Every parameter is optional except 'element' and 'callback', in such * case the image is positioned at 0x0 covering the whole PDF document * size. Ie, to easily take screenshots of webpages saving them to PDF. * @deprecated This is being replace with a vector-supporting API. See * [this link](https://cdn.rawgit.com/MrRio/jsPDF/master/examples/html2pdf/showcase_supported_html.html) */ jsPDFAPI.addHTML = function (element, x, y, options, callback) { if (typeof html2canvas === 'undefined' && typeof rasterizeHTML === 'undefined') throw new Error('You need either ' + 'https://github.com/niklasvh/html2canvas' + ' or https://github.com/cburgmer/rasterizeHTML.js'); if (typeof x !== 'number') { options = x; callback = y; } if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = null; } if (typeof callback !== 'function') { callback = function callback() {}; } var I = this.internal, K = I.scaleFactor, W = I.pageSize.getWidth(), H = I.pageSize.getHeight(); options = options || {}; options.onrendered = function (obj) { x = parseInt(x) || 0; y = parseInt(y) || 0; var dim = options.dim || {}; var margin = Object.assign({ top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, useFor: 'content' }, options.margin); var h = dim.h || Math.min(H, obj.height / K); var w = dim.w || Math.min(W, obj.width / K) - x; var format = options.format || 'JPEG'; var imageCompression = options.imageCompression || 'SLOW'; var notFittingHeight = obj.height > H - margin.top - margin.bottom; if (notFittingHeight && options.pagesplit) { var cropArea = function cropArea(parmObj, parmX, parmY, parmWidth, parmHeight) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.height = parmHeight; canvas.width = parmWidth; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false; ctx.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false; ctx.msImageSmoothingEnabled = false; ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; ctx.fillStyle = options.backgroundColor || '#ffffff'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, parmWidth, parmHeight); ctx.drawImage(parmObj, parmX, parmY, parmWidth, parmHeight, 0, 0, parmWidth, parmHeight); return canvas; }; var crop = function () { var cy = 0; var cx = 0; var position = {}; var isOverWide = false; var width; var height; while (1) { cx = 0; position.top = cy !== 0 ? margin.top : y; position.left = cy !== 0 ? margin.left : x; isOverWide = (W - margin.left - margin.right) * K < obj.width; if (margin.useFor === "content") { if (cy === 0) { width = Math.min((W - margin.left) * K, obj.width); height = Math.min((H - margin.top) * K, obj.height - cy); } else { width = Math.min(W * K, obj.width); height = Math.min(H * K, obj.height - cy); position.top = 0; } } else { width = Math.min((W - margin.left - margin.right) * K, obj.width); height = Math.min((H - margin.bottom - margin.top) * K, obj.height - cy); } if (isOverWide) { while (1) { if (margin.useFor === "content") { if (cx === 0) { width = Math.min((W - margin.left) * K, obj.width); } else { width = Math.min(W * K, obj.width - cx); position.left = 0; } } var canvas = cropArea(obj, cx, cy, width, height); var args = [canvas, position.left, position.top, canvas.width / K, canvas.height / K, format, null, imageCompression]; this.addImage.apply(this, args); cx += width; if (cx >= obj.width) { break; } this.addPage(); } } else { var canvas = cropArea(obj, 0, cy, width, height); var args = [canvas, position.left, position.top, canvas.width / K, canvas.height / K, format, null, imageCompression]; this.addImage.apply(this, args); } cy += height; if (cy >= obj.height) { break; } this.addPage(); } callback(w, cy, null, args); }.bind(this); if (obj.nodeName === 'CANVAS') { var img = new Image(); img.onload = crop; img.src = obj.toDataURL("image/png"); obj = img; } else { crop(); } } else { var alias = Math.random().toString(35); var args = [obj, x, y, w, h, format, alias, imageCompression]; this.addImage.apply(this, args); callback(w, h, alias, args); } }.bind(this); if (typeof html2canvas !== 'undefined' && !options.rstz) { return html2canvas(element, options); } if (typeof rasterizeHTML !== 'undefined') { var meth = 'drawDocument'; if (typeof element === 'string') { meth = /^http/.test(element) ? 'drawURL' : 'drawHTML'; } options.width = options.width || W * K; return rasterizeHTML[meth](element, void 0, options).then(function (r) { options.onrendered(r.image); }, function (e) { callback(null, e); }); } return null; }; })(jsPDF.API); /** * jsPDF fromHTML plugin. BETA stage. API subject to change. Needs browser * Copyright (c) 2012 Willow Systems Corporation, willow-systems.com * 2014 Juan Pablo Gaviria, https://github.com/juanpgaviria * 2014 Diego Casorran, https://github.com/diegocr * 2014 Daniel Husar, https://github.com/danielhusar * 2014 Wolfgang Gassler, https://github.com/woolfg * 2014 Steven Spungin, https://github.com/flamenco * * @license * * ==================================================================== */ (function (jsPDFAPI) { var clone, _DrillForContent, FontNameDB, FontStyleMap, TextAlignMap, FontWeightMap, FloatMap, ClearMap, GetCSS, PurgeWhiteSpace, Renderer, ResolveFont, ResolveUnitedNumber, UnitedNumberMap, elementHandledElsewhere, images, loadImgs, checkForFooter, process, tableToJson; clone = function () { return function (obj) { Clone.prototype = obj; return new Clone(); }; function Clone() {} }(); PurgeWhiteSpace = function PurgeWhiteSpace(array) { var fragment, i, l, lTrimmed, r, rTrimmed, trailingSpace; i = 0; l = array.length; fragment = void 0; lTrimmed = false; rTrimmed = false; while (!lTrimmed && i !== l) { fragment = array[i] = array[i].trimLeft(); if (fragment) { lTrimmed = true; } i++; } i = l - 1; while (l && !rTrimmed && i !== -1) { fragment = array[i] = array[i].trimRight(); if (fragment) { rTrimmed = true; } i--; } r = /\s+$/g; trailingSpace = true; i = 0; while (i !== l) { // Leave the line breaks intact if (array[i] != "\u2028") { fragment = array[i].replace(/\s+/g, " "); if (trailingSpace) { fragment = fragment.trimLeft(); } if (fragment) { trailingSpace = r.test(fragment); } array[i] = fragment; } i++; } return array; }; Renderer = function Renderer(pdf, x, y, settings) { this.pdf = pdf; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.settings = settings; //list of functions which are called after each element-rendering process this.watchFunctions = []; this.init(); return this; }; ResolveFont = function ResolveFont(css_font_family_string) { var name, part, parts; name = void 0; parts = css_font_family_string.split(","); part = parts.shift(); while (!name && part) { name = FontNameDB[part.trim().toLowerCase()]; part = parts.shift(); } return name; }; ResolveUnitedNumber = function ResolveUnitedNumber(css_line_height_string) { //IE8 issues css_line_height_string = css_line_height_string === "auto" ? "0px" : css_line_height_string; if (css_line_height_string.indexOf("em") > -1 && !isNaN(Number(css_line_height_string.replace("em", "")))) { css_line_height_string = Number(css_line_height_string.replace("em", "")) * 18.719 + "px"; } if (css_line_height_string.indexOf("pt") > -1 && !isNaN(Number(css_line_height_string.replace("pt", "")))) { css_line_height_string = Number(css_line_height_string.replace("pt", "")) * 1.333 + "px"; } var normal, undef, value; undef = void 0; normal = 16.00; value = UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string]; if (value) { return value; } value = { "xx-small": 9, "x-small": 11, small: 13, medium: 16, large: 19, "x-large": 23, "xx-large": 28, auto: 0 }[css_line_height_string]; if (value !== undef) { return UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string] = value / normal; } if (value = parseFloat(css_line_height_string)) { return UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string] = value / normal; } value = css_line_height_string.match(/([\d\.]+)(px)/); if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 3) { return UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string] = parseFloat(value[1]) / normal; } return UnitedNumberMap[css_line_height_string] = 1; }; GetCSS = function GetCSS(element) { var css, tmp, computedCSSElement; computedCSSElement = function (el) { var compCSS; compCSS = function (el) { if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null); } else if (el.currentStyle) { return el.currentStyle; } else { return el.style; } }(el); return function (prop) { prop = prop.replace(/-\D/g, function (match) { return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); }); return compCSS[prop]; }; }(element); css = {}; tmp = void 0; css["font-family"] = ResolveFont(computedCSSElement("font-family")) || "times"; css["font-style"] = FontStyleMap[computedCSSElement("font-style")] || "normal"; css["text-align"] = TextAlignMap[computedCSSElement("text-align")] || "left"; tmp = FontWeightMap[computedCSSElement("font-weight")] || "normal"; if (tmp === "bold") { if (css["font-style"] === "normal") { css["font-style"] = tmp; } else { css["font-style"] = tmp + css["font-style"]; } } css["font-size"] = ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("font-size")) || 1; css["line-height"] = ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("line-height")) || 1; css["display"] = computedCSSElement("display") === "inline" ? "inline" : "block"; tmp = css["display"] === "block"; css["margin-top"] = tmp && ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("margin-top")) || 0; css["margin-bottom"] = tmp && ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("margin-bottom")) || 0; css["padding-top"] = tmp && ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("padding-top")) || 0; css["padding-bottom"] = tmp && ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("padding-bottom")) || 0; css["margin-left"] = tmp && ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("margin-left")) || 0; css["margin-right"] = tmp && ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("margin-right")) || 0; css["padding-left"] = tmp && ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("padding-left")) || 0; css["padding-right"] = tmp && ResolveUnitedNumber(computedCSSElement("padding-right")) || 0; css["page-break-before"] = computedCSSElement("page-break-before") || "auto"; //float and clearing of floats css["float"] = FloatMap[computedCSSElement("cssFloat")] || "none"; css["clear"] = ClearMap[computedCSSElement("clear")] || "none"; css["color"] = computedCSSElement("color"); return css; }; elementHandledElsewhere = function elementHandledElsewhere(element, renderer, elementHandlers) { var handlers, i, isHandledElsewhere, l, classNames; isHandledElsewhere = false; i = void 0; l = void 0; handlers = elementHandlers["#" + element.id]; if (handlers) { if (typeof handlers === "function") { isHandledElsewhere = handlers(element, renderer); } else { i = 0; l = handlers.length; while (!isHandledElsewhere && i !== l) { isHandledElsewhere = handlers[i](element, renderer); i++; } } } handlers = elementHandlers[element.nodeName]; if (!isHandledElsewhere && handlers) { if (typeof handlers === "function") { isHandledElsewhere = handlers(element, renderer); } else { i = 0; l = handlers.length; while (!isHandledElsewhere && i !== l) { isHandledElsewhere = handlers[i](element, renderer); i++; } } } // Try class names classNames = typeof element.className === 'string' ? element.className.split(' ') : []; for (i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { handlers = elementHandlers['.' + classNames[i]]; if (!isHandledElsewhere && handlers) { if (typeof handlers === "function") { isHandledElsewhere = handlers(element, renderer); } else { i = 0; l = handlers.length; while (!isHandledElsewhere && i !== l) { isHandledElsewhere = handlers[i](element, renderer); i++; } } } } return isHandledElsewhere; }; tableToJson = function tableToJson(table, renderer) { var data, headers, i, j, rowData, tableRow, table_obj, table_with, cell, l; data = []; headers = []; i = 0; l = table.rows[0].cells.length; table_with = table.clientWidth; while (i < l) { cell = table.rows[0].cells[i]; headers[i] = { name: cell.textContent.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ''), prompt: cell.textContent.replace(/\r?\n/g, ''), width: cell.clientWidth / table_with * renderer.pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth() }; i++; } i = 1; while (i < table.rows.length) { tableRow = table.rows[i]; rowData = {}; j = 0; while (j < tableRow.cells.length) { rowData[headers[j].name] = tableRow.cells[j].textContent.replace(/\r?\n/g, ''); j++; } data.push(rowData); i++; } return table_obj = { rows: data, headers: headers }; }; var SkipNode = { SCRIPT: 1, STYLE: 1, NOSCRIPT: 1, OBJECT: 1, EMBED: 1, SELECT: 1 }; var listCount = 1; _DrillForContent = function DrillForContent(element, renderer, elementHandlers) { var cn, cns, fragmentCSS, i, isBlock, l, table2json, cb; cns = element.childNodes; cn = void 0; fragmentCSS = GetCSS(element); isBlock = fragmentCSS.display === "block"; if (isBlock) { renderer.setBlockBoundary(); renderer.setBlockStyle(fragmentCSS); } i = 0; l = cns.length; while (i < l) { cn = cns[i]; if (_typeof(cn) === "object") { //execute all watcher functions to e.g. reset floating renderer.executeWatchFunctions(cn); /*** HEADER rendering **/ if (cn.nodeType === 1 && cn.nodeName === 'HEADER') { var header = cn; //store old top margin var oldMarginTop = renderer.pdf.margins_doc.top; //subscribe for new page event and render header first on every page renderer.pdf.internal.events.subscribe('addPage', function (pageInfo) { //set current y position to old margin renderer.y = oldMarginTop; //render all child nodes of the header element _DrillForContent(header, renderer, elementHandlers); //set margin to old margin + rendered header + 10 space to prevent overlapping //important for other plugins (e.g. table) to start rendering at correct position after header renderer.pdf.margins_doc.top = renderer.y + 10; renderer.y += 10; }, false); } if (cn.nodeType === 8 && cn.nodeName === "#comment") { if (~cn.textContent.indexOf("ADD_PAGE")) { renderer.pdf.addPage(); renderer.y = renderer.pdf.margins_doc.top; } } else if (cn.nodeType === 1 && !SkipNode[cn.nodeName]) { /*** IMAGE RENDERING ***/ var cached_image; if (cn.nodeName === "IMG") { var url = cn.getAttribute("src"); cached_image = images[renderer.pdf.sHashCode(url) || url]; } if (cached_image) { if (renderer.pdf.internal.pageSize.getHeight() - renderer.pdf.margins_doc.bottom < renderer.y + cn.height && renderer.y > renderer.pdf.margins_doc.top) { renderer.pdf.addPage(); renderer.y = renderer.pdf.margins_doc.top; //check if we have to set back some values due to e.g. header rendering for new page renderer.executeWatchFunctions(cn); } var imagesCSS = GetCSS(cn); var imageX = renderer.x; var fontToUnitRatio = 12 / renderer.pdf.internal.scaleFactor; //define additional paddings, margins which have to be taken into account for margin calculations var additionalSpaceLeft = (imagesCSS["margin-left"] + imagesCSS["padding-left"]) * fontToUnitRatio; var additionalSpaceRight = (imagesCSS["margin-right"] + imagesCSS["padding-right"]) * fontToUnitRatio; var additionalSpaceTop = (imagesCSS["margin-top"] + imagesCSS["padding-top"]) * fontToUnitRatio; var additionalSpaceBottom = (imagesCSS["margin-bottom"] + imagesCSS["padding-bottom"]) * fontToUnitRatio; //if float is set to right, move the image to the right border //add space if margin is set if (imagesCSS['float'] !== undefined && imagesCSS['float'] === 'right') { imageX += renderer.settings.width - cn.width - additionalSpaceRight; } else { imageX += additionalSpaceLeft; } renderer.pdf.addImage(cached_image, imageX, renderer.y + additionalSpaceTop, cn.width, cn.height); cached_image = undefined; //if the float prop is specified we have to float the text around the image if (imagesCSS['float'] === 'right' || imagesCSS['float'] === 'left') { //add functiont to set back coordinates after image rendering renderer.watchFunctions.push(function (diffX, thresholdY, diffWidth, el) { //undo drawing box adaptions which were set by floating if (renderer.y >= thresholdY) { renderer.x += diffX; renderer.settings.width += diffWidth; return true; } else if (el && el.nodeType === 1 && !SkipNode[el.nodeName] && renderer.x + el.width > renderer.pdf.margins_doc.left + renderer.pdf.margins_doc.width) { renderer.x += diffX; renderer.y = thresholdY; renderer.settings.width += diffWidth; return true; } else { return false; } }.bind(this, imagesCSS['float'] === 'left' ? -cn.width - additionalSpaceLeft - additionalSpaceRight : 0, renderer.y + cn.height + additionalSpaceTop + additionalSpaceBottom, cn.width)); //reset floating by clear:both divs //just set cursorY after the floating element renderer.watchFunctions.push(function (yPositionAfterFloating, pages, el) { if (renderer.y < yPositionAfterFloating && pages === renderer.pdf.internal.getNumberOfPages()) { if (el.nodeType === 1 && GetCSS(el).clear === 'both') { renderer.y = yPositionAfterFloating; return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } }.bind(this, renderer.y + cn.height, renderer.pdf.internal.getNumberOfPages())); //if floating is set we decrease the available width by the image width renderer.settings.width -= cn.width + additionalSpaceLeft + additionalSpaceRight; //if left just add the image width to the X coordinate if (imagesCSS['float'] === 'left') { renderer.x += cn.width + additionalSpaceLeft + additionalSpaceRight; } } else { //if no floating is set, move the rendering cursor after the image height renderer.y += cn.height + additionalSpaceTop + additionalSpaceBottom; } /*** TABLE RENDERING ***/ } else if (cn.nodeName === "TABLE") { table2json = tableToJson(cn, renderer); renderer.y += 10; renderer.pdf.table(renderer.x, renderer.y, table2json.rows, table2json.headers, { autoSize: false, printHeaders: elementHandlers.printHeaders, margins: renderer.pdf.margins_doc, css: GetCSS(cn) }); renderer.y = renderer.pdf.lastCellPos.y + renderer.pdf.lastCellPos.h + 20; } else if (cn.nodeName === "OL" || cn.nodeName === "UL") { listCount = 1; if (!elementHandledElsewhere(cn, renderer, elementHandlers)) { _DrillForContent(cn, renderer, elementHandlers); } renderer.y += 10; } else if (cn.nodeName === "LI") { var temp = renderer.x; renderer.x += 20 / renderer.pdf.internal.scaleFactor; renderer.y += 3; if (!elementHandledElsewhere(cn, renderer, elementHandlers)) { _DrillForContent(cn, renderer, elementHandlers); } renderer.x = temp; } else if (cn.nodeName === "BR") { renderer.y += fragmentCSS["font-size"] * renderer.pdf.internal.scaleFactor; renderer.addText("\u2028", clone(fragmentCSS)); } else { if (!elementHandledElsewhere(cn, renderer, elementHandlers)) { _DrillForContent(cn, renderer, elementHandlers); } } } else if (cn.nodeType === 3) { var value = cn.nodeValue; if (cn.nodeValue && cn.parentNode.nodeName === "LI") { if (cn.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName === "OL") { value = listCount++ + '. ' + value; } else { var fontSize = fragmentCSS["font-size"]; var offsetX = (3 - fontSize * 0.75) * renderer.pdf.internal.scaleFactor; var offsetY = fontSize * 0.75 * renderer.pdf.internal.scaleFactor; var radius = fontSize * 1.74 / renderer.pdf.internal.scaleFactor; cb = function cb(x, y) { this.pdf.circle(x + offsetX, y + offsetY, radius, 'FD'); }; } } // Only add the text if the text node is in the body element // Add compatibility with IE11 if (!!(cn.ownerDocument.body.compareDocumentPosition(cn) & 16)) { renderer.addText(value, fragmentCSS); } } else if (typeof cn === "string") { renderer.addText(cn, fragmentCSS); } } i++; } elementHandlers.outY = renderer.y; if (isBlock) { return renderer.setBlockBoundary(cb); } }; images = {}; loadImgs = function loadImgs(element, renderer, elementHandlers, cb) { var imgs = element.getElementsByTagName('img'), l = imgs.length, found_images, x = 0; function done() { renderer.pdf.internal.events.publish('imagesLoaded'); cb(found_images); } function loadImage(url, width, height) { if (!url) return; var img = new Image(); found_images = ++x; img.crossOrigin = ''; img.onerror = img.onload = function () { if (img.complete) { //to support data urls in images, set width and height //as those values are not recognized automatically if (img.src.indexOf('data:image/') === 0) { img.width = width || img.width || 0; img.height = height || img.height || 0; } //if valid image add to known images array if (img.width + img.height) { var hash = renderer.pdf.sHashCode(url) || url; images[hash] = images[hash] || img; } } if (! --x) { done(); } }; img.src = url; } while (l--) { loadImage(imgs[l].getAttribute("src"), imgs[l].width, imgs[l].height); } return x || done(); }; checkForFooter = function checkForFooter(elem, renderer, elementHandlers) { //check if we can found a